after all the bs on every vita thread this one is a oasis,dont try to be rational or argue with the "vita is doomed"brigade its pointless
UPS just came. Got my 4 Vita games, 16GB memory card, screen protector.
Did NOT get my Vita.
Really wish there was a solid RPG on the Vita at the moment.
Really wish there was a solid RPG on the Vita at the moment.
Really wish there was a solid RPG on the Vita at the moment.
Really wish there was a solid RPG on the Vita at the moment.
Wow. You have the worst luck it seems!
You can stare longingly at your stuff now though
What games did you get in the end?
I had similar with my 3DSSuch a disappointment when you realise they've shipped separate! Enjoy spending the rest of the day wondering if another carrier has it and its coming later ;p
YESIs half minute hero good on the PSP? I rather enjoyed the XBL demo.
I don't understand lumines and wish the demo had a better tutorial and more varied music. But I think I want it. Pricepoint is $20, would prefer digital, I think though... why can't SCEA take their heads out of their asses and do some sales a la SCEE?!
The XBLA version changes the different game types from the PSP game and makes them identical to the flagship game mode, Hero 30. I haven't played the XBLA version, so they might be done well, but I liked having the variety in the original game, and Half-Minute Hero really is the perfect portable game.Wasn't the XBL game a port of the PSP game, essentially?
lol I've been harping this every last few pages, SCEA Vita support basically sucks
"We can repair it for $99! Have you heard of the Vita?"
Wow, that must be annoying. God forbid they actually advertise the Vita instead. And not the typical garbage ads Sony usually does, but good ones that actually tell people what the Vita is, what it can do etc.
Sony makes great products. Sadly that's about the only thing they do right.
btw how many of you guys are using headphone amps for the Vita?
Are you? I still really want to get a headphone amp some day for my Etymotic ER4's. I think the headphone out on the Vita should be good enough to use with an amp. IIRC the Vita cradle has a good DAC and a line out.
Wasn't the XBL game a port of the PSP game, essentially?
not yet, still waiting on my V-Moda M-80s if it's necessary , yeah I just read the Vita uses Wolfson DACs
I would like to say look over at the Head-Fi forums, if you haven't been there yet, but it is a dangerous place.
btw how many of you guys are using headphone amps for the Vita?
From the Canadian deals thread, credit to Kazerei:
"PS Vita games at Future Shop - price roundup!
* = on sale this week only
Asphalt Injection
Dungeon Hunter Alliance
Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7
Little Deviants
Lumines Electronic Symphony
*MLB 12: The Show
Modnation Racers
Mortal Kombat
Rayman Origins
Reality Fighters
Resistance: Burning Skies
Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen
*Touch My Katamari
WipEout 2048
F1 2011
*Gravity Rush
*LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
*Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Michael Jackson The Experience
MMA Supremacy
Ridge Racer
*Virtua Tennis 4 World Tour Edition
*Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Unit 13"
I'm considering a good audio system for my Vita. Any suggestions ?
It's mainly for Corpse Party. The graphics is PS1 era, but the voice acting is head and shoulder above most other games these days. I am just getting to the scary parts, but put it off because I'm trying to see if I can find a reasonable and cheap sound system for Vita (for playing in bed !).
how much is your budget?
yeah the Vita speaker is pretty bad lol I'm bringing my cans everywhere with it
how much is your budget?
yeah the Vita speaker is pretty bad lol I'm bringing my cans everywhere with it
What's the ball park ? I won't spend more than US$1K but I want to know what's out there first.
It pisses me off to no end that high profile games like NBA 2k13 are coming to pretty much every console (including the PSP...) but not Vita. People won't buy the Vita because there aren't any games, and companies aren't putting out games because there's no install base. It's a crappy cycle.
I'm in the usa, can i order from
And would shipping be expensive?
woah with that budget better ask the headphone thread here in Gaf, I was perfectly happy with my Sennheiser PX100s I think I got them for less than $100
I'm in a weird spot right now. I want to buy more games for my Vita, but I kind of recognize that I don't actually need them. I'm playing the HELL out of UMvC3 and Wipeout, and neither have gotten old yet. Still, I find myself combing the Vita section at stores and eyeing up Blaz Blue, Gravity Rush, and more. What to do?
It's up to Sony to push Vita through and convince developers to make native games. If you like NBA 2k13 game, you can play it on Vita's PSP eumulator anyway.
Ha, no, I'll just end up getting it for the 360 in all likelihood, as I'm sure the PSP release will be pretty bad.
It's kinda getting old talking about playing PSP and PS1 games on Vita like they're a valid substitute for games actually made for the system. It's a nice feature, but I didn't buy a PSP or a PS1, I bought a Vita.
What's the ball park ? I won't spend more than US$1K but I want to know what's out there first.
It pisses me off to no end that high profile games like NBA 2k13 are coming to pretty much every console (including the PSP...) but not Vita. People won't buy the Vita because there aren't any games, and companies aren't putting out games because there's no install base. It's a crappy cycle.
Not exactly shocking. The PSP NBA games are probably just roster updates at this point. Take2 has released 0 Vita games, and have 0 Vita games announced.
Wouldn't Bioshock Vita count, since 2k publishes the Bioshock series? I know that's still far off and might have even been canned, but...
There's one game! O: