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PS Vita general discussion thread, part 4 | "Summer 2012"

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My first reaction (after reading that) was fuck yeah, Takao....but the cynic in me sees a problem:

"from" Aug 28th...not "on". I think (worry) they are just being too sneaky for their own good. Definitely going to be checking out the blog comments on the 28th lol.


Yep, I got free Uncharted that way.

My Vita arrives Monday. :)

I ordered a vita with gravity rush yesterday, no idea when it's supposed to be here, but im excited. Saw the deal and was like "i gotta get that", much better then any of the bundles being offered by SCEA, IMO.


That deal just posted was pretty good I thought.

It's going to be quite exciting few months to come as a vita owner, good timing, Vitacat.

I expect the same patsu, it's not so bad like that. Gives the games decent attention..and gives you time to free up some space on that memory card!

That deal on the £20 16GB card on shopto...got me considering picking up another 16..but at the moment that would be really frustrating right?

Would have to set up the 1)wifi 2)psnid 3)wallpaper 4)icon-order again right? If they can make it so swapping out memory cards wouldn't be so much hassle I'd be a lot more relaxed about probably not getting a reasonably priced 64gb+ card for a long time.

I saw this nice case in the Game (uk) shop which was basically a string with a case for the memory cards. Pretty convienient.
I expect them to be released in a few sizable batches.

Agree -- I've said from the announcement that people need to chill and wait for the official press release. Then we get the official release from SCE and yet we still have doubters and cynics after the official word has come through. Yes, it's worded ambiguously, but I think that's not intentional. The last thing they want to do riding on the wave of positive stuff coming out of Gamescom and into TGS is to burn that good will by pissing off all the people with sneaky wording.

I can't find a count of how many games were actually released for PSOne, but signs point to 2,000+.

By my quick count, there are 188 PSOne Classics on the PSN store in NA.
Over 50% seems like a good percentage for an initial batch.


Well, I think that is optimistic but I really hope you are right corrosive frost. We'll find out pretty soon though so at least one not so brutal wait ;)

Jet Set Radio and Retro City Rampage being the others atm..for myself.
Oh man, time to clean out my "fridge"! Was trying to platinum Ridge Racer before Tuesday, I should be able to make it!

I need them to run a sale on PSOne classics to commemorate the release of the FW. I have some games that I picked up cheap and a bunch when PS+ used to give them out, but I still am lacking FF7-9 and a couple others I'd actually care about playing again. At least I have Jet Moto and the Crash games.

Then again, this is just wishful thinking, because SCEA has their collective head up there ass.
Had I the foresight to know I'd own a Vita and EU accounts were going to get a better deal, I'd have made my EU account my main for purchasing everything.
A sale on the $9.99 PSone games would be fantastic! I honestly don't know what I want to try out first. Spyro and Crash are going to look excellent! I also want to see Wild Arms 2 and Grandia... Oh! RE2, Parasite Eve, etc.



I just realized that the screen is going to make quite a few PS1 games look very pretty. I'd love a sale to commemorate the event, even if it's just for PS+ members.
I really need to focus on just getting my first damn Vita platinum. I have 10 currently but zero from Vita games :( The sad part? I almost play exclusively on my Vita these days due to my schedule. The platinum-able games I own on Vita are:

Uncharted: GA
Gravity Rush
Army Corps of Hell
Rayman Origins
Wipeout 2048
Sound Shapes
Plants vs. Zombies

... the one I have the most % with is Plants Vs. Zombies, which is at about 62%. Gravity Rush is at about 40. I'm kind of burned out on PvS though :(

I think I need to finally suck it up and beat Uncharted, my first playthrough is crushing though (so I can knock out the other difficulty trophies). I just don't like it as much as I did the other games. All the secondary characters' personalities are so forgettable it's almost hilarious to me.

I might just switch off and play through Rayman, it's so pretty and fun and I haven't enjoyed a platformer in awhile. Once I get my first platinum on the Vita I'll be back in the groove and just start knocking out trophies again :)
Once I get my first platinum on the Vita I'll be back in the groove and just start knocking out trophies again :)

I was in the same boat as you! I had all these Vita games and no Platinums. Dynasty Warriors Next kinda discouraged me with its local MP trophies. My first Vita platinum was Sound Shapes and it helped light the fire under me to finish my other games.

Ran rp

Just realised it's PSOne firmware in a few days :) then PS+ Vita next month. Good times.

My subscription ends next month and my PS3 is dead but if the Vita content is good I might resubscribe. Part of me believes that SCEA was holding onto a bunch of good stuff until next month to get everyone who subscribed in June to resubscribe.


there's ALWAYS ONE
I was in the same boat as you! I had all these Vita games and no Platinums. Dynasty Warriors Next kinda discouraged me with its local MP trophies. My first Vita platinum was Sound Shapes and it helped light the fire under me to finish my other games.
I don't have a single platinum trophy, and I was hoping that Virtua Tennis 4 would change that, but the online multiplayer mode is impossible with my connection. I want to be cool too.


With this ps1 stuff they are going to let us use our already purchased ps1 games...right? I mean they did on PSP so I can only assume they'll still work.
If you want platinums, Rayman Origins is an easy one :p

Yeah, it's an easier one, but it's not *that* easy -- I'm sure a lot of people will get pissed off at the speed/timing levels for the teeth and the hidden level. Some of the speed runs can be aggravating too. But yeah, it's not terrible and the game is fun regardless.

Uncharted's is very easy, if you're willing to grind the stupid black market bounty stuff.

With this ps1 stuff they are going to let us use our already purchased ps1 games...right? I mean they did on PSP so I can only assume they'll still work.

We're going to have to buy updated copies for sure! The Vita is doomed! :lol


Anyone want to recommend Touch my Katamari (even with it's lack of platinum trophy) for $16?
Should I pull the trigger?


I've been buying Vita games one at a time, at a fairly consistent pace, and then selling them when I'm done. Having only one or two games in my possession really helps me focus on beating as much of it as I feel like. My trophy track record is fairly good I think. Got 100% in the games I really enjoyed.

Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (100%, plat) - I love Disgaea so much. 80 hours of grinding? No problem!

Gravity Rush (88%) - Didn't beat the third rare nevi, didn't get gold in all challenges. Meh.

Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational (37%) - I love this game but I suck at it so much. It's fun to play once in awhile, but I'll never get half those crowns.

Lumines Electronic Symphony (100%) - There's two challenging trophies, the rest come fairly naturally. Fun times.

Metal Gear Solid 2 (71%) - I enjoyed this game but there's so much to do. Just didn't get around to doing all of it.

Metal Gear Solid 3 (100%, plat) - My favorite MGS. Played it through three times, even though I got plat after the first playthrough.

Motorstorm RC (10%) - Meh.

Rayman Origins (100%, plat) - This game is really amazing. The secrets and challenges are nicely crafted. Had lots of fun getting 100%.

Uncharted: Golden Abyss (84%) - Didn't play crushing, didn't get all the bounties. Meh.

Unit 13 (100%, plat) - This game was so addictive to me. I didn't really need to, but I was driven to get 5 stars in all missions.

Welcome Park (100%) - LOL. The sliding block puzzle was annoying. Got lucky I guess, and used the rainbow edges to my advantage.


And that's why it'll happen... this isn't EA. It's Sony.



Most reports of people in here who played the demo said the gameplay was fine, it was the cutscenes that were choppy and such?

he knows that..he's just tro...well either he knows that or he hasn't played the demo.

besides, I figure for the most part, most skip cutscenes anyway.


That would be the biggest dick move ever. Not even EA would be able to top such fuckery.

And yet Nintendo is guilty of this, I love my 3DS to bits but having to buy 2 copies of Punch-Out!! is not cool.

I've got a list of games I'm going to get (if they come out) with the firmware (I'm so excited)
Resident Evil 2 and 3
Metal Gear Solid
Legend of Dragoon (This is my girlfriend's favourite game so I'm kind of obliged to try it)
Rayman 1 and 2
The Final Fantasy one which has FF6 on it
Also if we get any Megamans I'll take them all

Any other suggestions? (Though I may have enough to play from this list I'm always open to looking up some more) I never had a PS1, so I'm psyched for this.


I don't have a single platinum trophy, and I was hoping that Virtua Tennis 4 would change that, but the online multiplayer mode is impossible with my connection. I want to be cool too.

Heh heh, I don't have a platinum trophy too; probably never will. 8^/
And yet Nintendo is guilty of this, I love my 3DS to bits but having to buy 2 copies of Punch-Out!! is not cool.

I've got a list of games I'm going to get (if they come out) with the firmware (I'm so excited)
Resident Evil 2 and 3
Metal Gear Solid
Legend of Dragoon (This is my girlfriend's favourite game so I'm kind of obliged to try it)
Rayman 1 and 2
The Final Fantasy one which has FF6 on it
Also if we get any Megamans I'll take them all

Any other suggestions? (Though I may have enough to play from this list I'm always open to looking up some more) I never had a PS1, so I'm psyched for this.

I think I'd rather have an elephant stomp on my nuts rather than play that ever again.

Personally, as I said before, looking forward to the Crash Bandicoot games, Jet Moto, Silent Hill, RE, RE2, RE3, Castlevania Chronicles, Castlevania:SotN, R-Types, and R-Type Delta. Maybe I'll even try Dino Crisis.
I think they also gave PS+ the Spyro games and the Syphon Filter games.
Once there's a sale, I'll pick up FF7-9 and MGS.
Not sure other than that... maybe Tomba?

Heh heh, I don't have a platinum trophy too; probably never will. 8^/

Yeah, I thought that when they first started... then I played Infamous; first platinum trophy there and now I'm at 50+ and no signs of stopping.
Looking forward to the usual PSX stuff, but I really hope they don't ignore unlisted games and Japanese Imports. The Mega Man games, Hamster shmups, and Magical Drop games had better be playable. X(


All this talk I platinum trophies is giving me the itch again. But I stopped playing on vita for a couple I days because everything felt like a drag. Have to clean up trophies for GravRush's challenges, Sound Shapes' DM and Lego Harry 100%.


Everyone should get Alundra if it's one of the working PS1 Classics. One of the best PS1 games and a better Zelda than most Zelda games (imho, only ALTTP, MM and maybe LA are on par or only a little better).
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