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PS3 Firmware Update 3.21 of preventing piracy by removing Linux.


K' Dash said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but, isn't the DS easier to pirate? piracy is not the main problem, bad marketing and poor choices made the system what it is today.
Super easy.

$8.00 AceKard
$16.00 Micro SD card.

1 hour of downloading/putting stuff on the card and it's all done.

No flashing required or anything like that.

Though I like that it's easy so I can have all the games I've bought in one place. Never know when you're gunna want to play some Meteos :)


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Mako_Drug said:
Imagine how compromised the trophy system, which way more people care about, would be if the system got hacked.

It's already compromised, depending on the game

Yay, useless dickwaving example to remove features that were originally in the hardware to begin with, BRILLIANT!

Tain said:
lol at anybody defending this

Who don't even fucking exist yet

Man, some of PS3GAF is crazy defensive when it comes to Sony cutting features and shit and willing to take it in the ass. Hell, some of 360GAF is willing to do that as well (but when has the 360 cut features as hard and fast as the PS3 has?).


thanks for the laugh
i never quite gauged the disdain for linux coming from the final fantasy community before this thread.


y'all should be ashamed
You know, they could have just put this in a firmware with cross game chat or something which would have quelled just about everyone. But man, what are they thinking with this update? It's not like the PS3 is going to be pirated anytime soon given their progress.

Ah well.


Tain said:
Not being able to play new games just because you want to keep a feature that was supposed to always be there is pretty bullshit.

just install linux on your computer if you hold the feature that dear. Works better too, the PS3 linux is a crippled turd.
You know what. On second thought, don't really care if Linux is gone. Never used it, never will. Will it be missed? Not by me. :D Besides, I'm a trophy whore. I have to go online to sync them anyway. :lol


I guess it's worth repeating, as some people obviously didn't get the memo yet: The PS3 security hole is a problem with the hardware itself. Removing Other OS changes absolutely nothing when it comes to piracy. The only thing Sony manages to do by removing that particular feature is to screw legit customers. There's no way to spin this.


Geohot should have just kept his mouth shut until he actually did something with his haxxorz. :lol

I was hoping I would eventually be able to program some cool homebrew games for it eventually.

Oh well.


No_Style said:
Are there actually individuals who are upset over this?

About this particular thing?

Not really, no. I own a Slim and even if I did own a phat I'd never bother installing Linux on it.

But I am upset over the principal that a company can just decide to remove features that have been on a system for 3 and a half years just because they feel like it. And what's worse, there's hordes of people willing to defend it.

I mean, look at this generation. The video game industry has seemingly proven to the world that the idea of a slippery slope isn't actually a fallacy. Yet people are willing to bend over time and time again. It's ridiculous.


After the PSP fiasco, Sony has every right to keep piracy at bay by any means necessary. If this means that Kevin Butler himself has to be present when we play our PS3s, then so be it.


just install linux on your computer if you hold the feature that dear. Works better too, the PS3 linux is a crippled turd.

If I had a PS3 fat, I'd realistically just install Linux to dick around with it and maybe occasionally play ADOM.

Not that it matters at all how much I personally care about the feature.


sucks for those who actually used that feature. I never used it and honestly don't know anyone who does.

I just hate that I can't watch Giant Bomb quick looks on the browser anymore. Update the goddamn browser, Sony! :mad:


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
wsippel said:
I guess it's worth repeating, as some people obviously didn't get the memo yet: The PS3 security hole is a problem with the hardware itself. Removing Other OS changes absolutely nothing when it comes to piracy. The only thing Sony manages to do by removing that particular feature is to screw legit customers. There's no way to spin this.

Is it really a problem with the hardware itself? I haven't been following the news.

But yes, screwing costumers out of features that their hardware they paid for years ago at a bigger price than current ones is a shitty move all around. Double-so to hide it behind "hacking concerns" when there hasn't been shit done with said hack other than prove it was possible.

Fox Mulder

Tellaerin said:
Why this big outcry over losing Linux on the PS3? It's not even an option for Slim owners to begin with, and by all accounts, the PS3 isn't exactly the best Linux box in the world. So why is it that so many people are outraged? What do they feel Sony's depriving them of, exactly?

I couldn't give a shit about linux, never used it in my life on any platform. I'm just opposed to using forced firmware updates to strip out features that have been in a console since launch. They already took it out of the slims, and they could have let the older hardware fend for itself. From what I've read, the hackers really haven't done shit with the exploit, so it's not like this was some gaping hole for piracy to come rolling in soon.

It's a shitty move, even if only a dozen people used OtherOS.
abstract alien said:
Honest question for the people who used Linux on the ps3...

What did you do with it? How is it used?

Word processor. And hopefully soon, as a method for PLAYING MY FUCKING BLURAYS that I haven't been able to boot up FOR TWELVE FUCKING MONTHS NOW.
Hey guys. The PS3 only does everything!

PS2 games... wait.
Other OSs... wait.
Memory Card reader... wait.

P. sure it'd be a good idea to stop saying "It only does everything" when you continuously take out features and add nothing.

Yea. Well no one cares about those features so it still does everything™


wsippel said:
I guess it's worth repeating, as some people obviously didn't get the memo yet: The PS3 security hole is a problem with the hardware itself. Removing Other OS changes absolutely nothing when it comes to piracy. The only thing Sony manages to do by removing that particular feature is to screw legit customers. There's no way to spin this.

Sure there is, by removing OtherOS from fats, they don't have to spend time and money maintaining driver updates and whatnot for OtherOS support. That was the primary reason why it was removed from the Slim in the first place, to pass the savings over to the consumer. The geohotz fiasco just sped up the process for the axe to fall on OtherOS.

Personally I don't give a shit, the feature was nice to have, but I never got around to using it, sucks for those who did use it, but they still can at the cost of not being to able to play games online or later BD movie releases.

Byakuya769 said:
What the fuck Sony!?! Well whatever, I'll just be putting linux on my 360 from now on.

Sorry dude, but system update 849x (August 2009) update killed that possibility on the xbox too.

(unless you're willing to jtag + firmware downgrade your 360.)


Tellaerin said:
Some people can understand the necessity behind it. Others obviously can't. And considering how small a segment of PS3 owners seemed to have any interest in installing OtherOS, it strikes me as a little suspect how bent out of shape people are getting over this. Why this big outcry over losing Linux on the PS3? It's not even an option for Slim owners to begin with, and by all accounts, the PS3 isn't exactly the best Linux box in the world. So why is it that so many people are outraged? What do they feel Sony's depriving them of, exactly?

I consider myself pretty understanding, I consider myself a Sony fan and yet, I can see that this is a shitty move.
They aren't patching a possible exploit, they are simply yanking away something from a piece of hardware people bought that had that feature to begin with.
Does it matter that the Slim doesn't have OtherOS? My PS3 has it.
Slim has no PS2 BC support, so should Sony patch BC off of my model too?

I'm not saying Sony shouldn't work towards stopping attempts at allowing piracy on their system, but this one is, in my eyes, a shitty way to go at it that screws people that bought the system years ago out of a feature that was sold to them.

Y2Kev said:
found gomu gomu's alt
Man, that's a low blow. And to think I like you.


Segata Sanshiro said:
I repeat: if the best of the hacking community had been trying, the PS3 would have been cracked.

That's circular logic. There's several interested parties that have to gain from cracking the PS3; geohot isn't the first guy to do it, he apparently isn't even the first guy to get where he is.

Sorry, but I'm not so infatuated with Sony that I think their security is tighter than the Pentagon's.

It's an internet fantasy that 'anything can be cracked'. Or, at least, that anything can be cracked in a cost-effective fashion.


bkfount said:
It's a shitty move, even if only a dozen people used OtherOS.

No, it's really not. It's obviously in Sony's best interest to remove the feature at this point, most likely at the behest of R&D.


No, it's really not. It's obviously in Sony's best interest to remove the feature at this point, most likely at the behest of R&D.

Yeah, I'm totally losing sleep over what's in Sony's best interest.

the hell


Massa said:
Right, I just can't do the other stuff I also paid for.

The fanboy logic is incredible.

I've already seen one system I'm a fan of (the PSP) lose developer support due to piracy, and I'd rather not see it happen to the PS3. If securing the system against piracy also means a handful of people can't use their PS3's as streaming media boxes/arcade emulators/region-free Blu-Ray players/whatever else they were jonesing for, well, that's a small price to pay to keep developers on board and keep the games coming. I'm sorry I can't muster more sympathy, but where are all these awesome must-have Linux apps that people are up in arms over potentially losing?


Tain said:
Yeah, I'm totally losing sleep over what's in Sony's best interest.

the hell

So you're OK with the possible alternative? You're OK with the possibility of a security flaw that could lead to piracy on the PS3? Mkay...


wsippel said:
I guess it's worth repeating, as some people obviously didn't get the memo yet: The PS3 security hole is a problem with the hardware itself. Removing Other OS changes absolutely nothing when it comes to piracy. The only thing Sony manages to do by removing that particular feature is to screw legit customers. There's no way to spin this.

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure to use the geohot hack, you need to compile the source code and run it from linux. Then use pulse to a certain location on the motherboard.


Loser slave of the system :(
I'm sure most of the guys complaining about this won't even give a fuck remember the next time they're on their PS3s.


TheSeks said:
It's already compromised, depending on the game

Yay, useless dickwaving example to remove features that were originally in the hardware to begin with, BRILLIANT!

sooo...you don't liek trophies? :p

Irregardless of how anyone feels this is about Sony protecting its bottom line and thats it full stop the end

If you want to try and confuse logic with your irrational feelings then go ahead but that doesn't make it any more reasonable. There's a difference between defending system and defending a logical move by a company, if you want to actually debate the logic then give an argument which would demonstrate how it would be better to leave vunerabilities in the system than remove them.

I can understand bitching about no PS2 software BC in slim because it doesn't (seemingly) make logical sense not to include it (hardware bc is another issue).


Jesus. Sony continues to gut the PS3. So much for Sony praising the use of the PS3 in universities and such.

And this will just encourage the community to get Linux running on it.
soldat7 said:
So you're OK with the possible alternative? You're OK with the possibility of a security flaw that could lead to piracy on the PS3? Mkay...
well, the alternative doesn't fuck me over.

if i worked for sony or owned stock, i might care though...


lupinko said:
Sure there is, by removing OtherOS from fats, they don't have to spend time and money maintaining driver updates and whatnot for OtherOS support. That was the primary reason why it was removed from the Slim in the first place, to pass the savings over to the consumer. The geohotz fiasco just sped up the process for the axe to fall on OtherOS.
Driver maintenance? Updates? What are you talking about?

Master Z

wsippel said:
I guess it's worth repeating, as some people obviously didn't get the memo yet: The PS3 security hole is a problem with the hardware itself. Removing Other OS changes absolutely nothing when it comes to piracy. The only thing Sony manages to do by removing that particular feature is to screw legit customers. There's no way to spin this.
More info please.
While my PS3 is a slim, and I couldn't care less about Linux anyway, it's rather cheeky of Sony to release an update that does nothing but remove features.
I'd be willing to pay over a hundred quid at this point for a modchip that'd allow me to run custom firmware, because someone out there would make a region free player.


I was planning on installing Linux on my PS3 but it became one of those things I never got around to. Plus I hear GUI refreshing is bad because there's no GPU support.


Setting aside the ridiculousness of blaming the geohotz exploit for yanking OtherOS support (Somebody may have found something that could eventually lead to pirating of games on hardware that hasn't been produced for months!), the basic concept of stripping features on a whim is frustrating. Because even if you don't use this random obscure system feature, it sets a bad precedent because the next thing removed could be something you did use. And in this case it's not even a removal because something bad is happening--it's a removal because they think something bad could theoretically at some point happen as a result.

Piracy-as-excuse makes way more sense here than piracy-as-actual-reason, but in either case it's sort of distasteful and not consumer-friendly.
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