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PS5 Pro Pricing Discussion Thread

Who knew the firestick with horrible performance doesn't have them shaking in their boots?
It'll be for a small percentage of people and I'm fine with that. I'm passing. It would have to have it's own exclusives for me to get it, which it won't.
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Gold Member
No official price in Sweden yet, but I'm expecting to see at a price of around 9500sek (~us$915) add to that a discdrive 1500sek (~us$145) for a total of 11000sek (~us$1060)
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No one gives a shit about inflation when most salaries haven't inflated to match, OP.

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SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
If they really wanted to price gouge you they could have gone much higher

Truth is you have no idea what this costs and the markups are probably not massive, especially compared to other products
I know a paltry 67% larger GPU doesn't cost hundreds of dollars more lmao. Sony is making bank with this.
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Reverse groomer.
Peak pc shill, seriously look in the mirror

You never cry foul at pc prices which are monstrous in comparison.
PC gamers are the biggest complainers when it comes to gpu prices

People are still salty over the 4000 series gpus being as expensive as they are

Then again you don't know shit about the PC community because you don't game there. So don't make assumptions because you end up spewing even more BS than you usually do


Lol all 3 of the pubs are resting on their laurels and putting in minimal effort.

The entire industry is fucked and confused my friends, people rose the ranks of many companies that shouldn't have and it's very clear the decisions being made by most are wrong.


The nicest person on this forum
Yes system costing $800 (US) which you have pay extra $100 for disc drive if I want to play 90% of my library and another $30 for stand…sure it’s fair…../s


For fuck sake. The console is an option for the playstation enthusiast. If you want to get into playstation they have an entry level console for you. Both consoles will play the same games. What's wrong with you people, you are not being forced to buy it

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
I just had a Thread closed.. it hosted this comparison:


Along with these questions:

Can "high end console gaming" ever be a thing?

Or should every machine within the Console realm be imperatively as affordable as possible to the masses?
Should the option of playing current generation games at 60fps with high resolution and pristine IQ, along with higher settings, remain an unattainable dream for every kind of individual willing to purchase a console, if it traslates into $699?

Apparently, the answer is no.

You're lucky, I had a thread closed and was demoted to a junior member...

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
I know a paltry 67% larger GPU doesn't cost hundreds of dollars lmao. Sony is making bank with this.

Its not just chip cost, which is likely on a smaller node and therefore pricier

But its also memory, additional SSD storage, the research cost of RT and PSSR, the software costs for patching existing games.

This is spread across a much smaller market so less economies of scale

$100 margins on a $700 product are not “mad bank” btw
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I really hope Nintendo announces the Switch 2 in the next months. I done with Playstation.

The moment I see a company trying to ripoff its most loyal consumers, it's the time to walk away.

For the better multiplats I have the Series X. I was going today to buy Space Marine 2 for the PS5, but after this presentation, not anymore...from today onwards, games like this (with better performance on xbox), I will buy them for the MS console.
Hahah, nintendo had not lowered the price of the switch in 7 years. Series x is going on sale with a 2tb drive for 599 and the ps5 normal Will not be taken of the market. What are you talking about?


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Arrogant Sony was ambitious Sony. PS3 was wildly expensive, but also loaded with future tech. Also PS first party teams brought the heat.

This isn't arrogant Sony. It's chintzy, penny-pinching Sony.


Sony wasn't arrogant when they launched the phat PS3. they were incompetent. They were overconfident in their technical prowess, but failed to achieve what they wante and costs exploded. They co-designed a completely new CPU that was supposed to become the future of computing, Cell CPU wasn't good enough to power graphics too so they were forced to add a Nvidia GPU to their design. The only way to achieve PS2 compatibility was to add the actual PS2 CPU/GPU chips to the PS3 mainboard,

And then there was their decision to make Blu-ray the dominant HD video format by way of the PS3. Blu-ray wasn't really ready for prime time, but the Blu-ray consortium had to put it out in order to combat the competing HD-DVD standard. Blu-Ray tech was so new that the PS3 was one of the first hw-devices with a Blu-Ray player and certainly the most affordable player. The Blu-Ray spec would go through multiple revisions before the specs were finalized with Blu-Ray 2.0.

All those decisions drove up the price of the PS3. Even though the PS3 was extremely expensive when it launched, it was sold below costs and generated a $3.3 billion loss for Sony. It forced Sony to release the PS3 four months late in Europe - and we got a Phat PS3 with only partial hw-compatibility instead of full. Just imagine launching a console and then releasing a substantial different version a few months later in order to cut costs.

The early PS3 was an over-engineered product that was still beta tested (Blu-Ray, UI, OS feature set) but had to pushed out the door no matter the financial costs to the company, because otherwise Sony would lose two battlegrounds: the console war with MS and the video format war with HD-DVD. That wasn't arrogant Sony, it was desperate, incompetent Sony.

The PS3 cost a pretty penny, but it also had a rich feature set compared to its direct competitor.

- free online vs Xbox Gold subscription
- Blu-Ray vs DVD
- PS3 controller with builtin battery vs Xbox controller with separate Play & Charge kit
- builtin WiFi vs separate proprietary wifi adapter
- upgradable HD vs separate proprietary hard disk add-on
- USB support vs separate proprietary memory unit
- HDMI output vs analog video outputs

It was expensive but you got a whole lotta tech for that $600. The PS5 Pro is quite a different proposition, it's Sony trying to make a buck at the expense of its most hardcore fanbase who always want the latest and greatest.
The PS3 price was absolute insanity though. Not sure why you’d think that comparison would be in any way favorable.

The market sets the price. If this sells like crap, which it should, it’ll go down whether Sony likes it or not.

Yes, the PS3 was atrociously priced, that was the main criticism and what toppled Sony from their dominant position during the PS2 era. But the difference in power between the PS2 and PS3 was immediately apparent, and the first models were backwards compatible with both PS1 and PS2 (hardware based). It kicked off the HD era. If anything, the comparison they made would put the PS3 in a better light - there is no defending the PS5 Pro.


if i knew anything about that stuff i wouldnt have needed to ask now would I :). I dont even know what your point is yet. But Again...comparing a computer to a console. Someday you guys will learn the difference, but i wont be the one to teach you because i dont have the patience for this

So you were using partspicker but "didn't know about that stuff" as in the price? I very much doubt that but whatever. I'm just more interested in knowing how supporting nvidia's greed with a near $2000 high end GPU is very different to supporting a $700 high end console and how the latter "dooms gaming" whereas your 3080 and 'cancelled' 4090 purchase doesn't.
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Gold Member
Judging by the current state of GAF, we need to get the negativity out of our system for the next week or so and then maybe we can have a rational discussion with good points. Until then don't even bother.
Its also likely why Sony did things this way, get that out there and let that sticker shock subside then lets talk new games in a week or two

Lets see DS2 at TGS


Parody of actual AJUMP23
That Yen conversion (119,980) works out to $850. You may be better off just shipping from the US or Europe than buying in Japan.
Someone who truly felt they were getting value for their money wouldn't need to create a thread to justify it.

The fact that the OP needed to use an inflation calculator to convince himself tells you everything


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Gaming is very affordable entertainment in comparison to everything else and still amazing value for your money. In some ways it’s even more affordable.
Don’t blame gaming/hardware companies, blame your politicians.

I'm going to have to disagree with this. I can think of a lot more forms of entertainment that are cheaper than gaming.


Plus my two points:

1) Sony can subsidi a new gen console (like PS5) to grow an install base as quickly as possible, but it's not necessary for a Pro console. So the Pro console sells for a fair price.
2) Once again. The Pro console is not a mandatory update. It's a premium device for enthusiasts.


Reverse groomer.
Lol all 3 of the pubs are resting on their laurels and putting in minimal effort.
Microsoft: publishing mid, killing studios, being tonedeaf

Sony: canceling Concord after 2 weeks. Releases Astrobot to critical acclaim.

Nintendo. Making a console, releasing good games. Selling like crazy

But sure they are all slacking and nobody here is good. Has anyone ever talked about how much or a sheer fuckin downer you can be sometimes?


699 is not unreasonable for the hardware.

What's unreasonable:
- psn price jacked up from 60/yr to 80/yr
- controller costs jacked up from 60 on PS4 to 75 now
- releasing new hardware when you never fulfilled the promise of the current hardware
- locking users into your proprietary digital store with digital-only
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Gold Member
Maybe it is, maybe it isn't; I dunno. What I do know is that it has day 1 microtransactions to get the full game console.


PS3 released in 2006 for a price of $599 USD. In today’s dollars that comes out to $936. That’s not even the “true” inflation. Home prices have gone up exponentially, whereas wages haven’t kept up the same way.
BUT INFLATION should be banned as an argument, it’s disingenuous.


Gold Member
Priced high enough that 90% of Console Gamers immediately don't give a crap about it? Definitely.
Thought this was a pretty interesting point to discuss.

Is there place for a 10% of Console Gamers willing to spend $700, and more?

Today, logic is out of the window. Don't try to rational with trolls.

All points you raised are very valid
Unfortunately true.

Immediately had PC gamers Senua Senua rodrigolfp rodrigolfp coming to tell me to "Keep trying to justify that price to yourself brother lol", also as if I need to justify prices after having just spent 26,000€ for this:

Animated GIF

Along with questioning Cerny words when he said PS5 Pro is almost twice as powerful as a PS5..

You're lucky, I had a thread closed and was demoted to a junior member...
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