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PSO Blue Burst Beta Client


MightyHedgehog said:
Unchecking the boxes for extended language support in the Languages tab in the Regional and Languages Options in your Control Panel and rebooting works, as well.

As for not being able to change the resolutions in the options screen at the initial splash menu, I'm not sure... Perhaps your current graphics driver is giving it problems.

>> ipconfig /flushdns

That was suggested earlier and it worked for me when trying to patch.

doing this let me download the patch:

>> ipconfig /flushdns

My driver on my 6800 are the newest ones. I hope that doing the patch will fix the resolution settings.

I also did the language thing in he control panel but I still cannot start the game in widnows mode since I cannot save because of no resolution being choosen. lol


I figured it out. TURN OFF Reforce and you will be able to change resolution settings. =]


Everything is fine now. Username fine and resolution is perfect.

Username: JesusisGod


New problem:

After everything is set up I go back out to change the window mode to full screen mode. Once I do this and go back into the game I cannot type or do anything on the keyboard regarding text. If I go back to windows mode I can type but if i go to fullscreen mode I cannot type to chat.


Shouta said:
There's a fix for the not being able to type thing on the PSO BB boards. Apparently, you need to set it so that Japanese is a possible input language and then in Windowed mode, hit alt+shift to switch to English mode.

Try that WarofGod.


AHAHAHA. I'M IN...hey wait. It knocked me back to level 5? What the fuck? Oh well, sign me up Kiryogi, I'm signing in now.


team is up...was just about to get owned by the dragon when my laptop battery died...damn.

game rules though...just like I remember it.


Man, the music just brings back such a great feeling. Playing PSO back during the DC days, such good times. This actually seems to be pretty good. It is extremely akward until you figure out which keys do what, but getting the hang of it I'm starting to think it's actually quite good. The main thing that is annoying me currently is just how you can't backspace when you're holding shift.

Anyway, what is the official GAF ship/block again?


Tethys Block 6. I'm on right now futzing around with my HUcaseal named Lenneth. I got a RAmarl named Clire as well.



I remade Banana Bot.


Got to level 3 and probably won't play again. Sure liked hearing that music again though.



Assuming that you guys stick in Tethys Block 6 you'll see me around

GAF Wakune is my mage...i'll be making a melee later...I can't stand the ranged weapon characters, though so I doubt you'll see one of 'em

I'll try to name all my characters with the "GAF [x]" Naming scheme

I'm a noob to PSO while actually ONLINE...just recently repurchased the GC version, too :b Split Screen >> Online :D
Managed to get to level 14, an dyeah, I spent way too much time playing last night. My character is Anathema, a FOmar, so say hello if you see me pop into a GAF game. :p


Ack, is anyone else still getting the 903 error when trying to connect? I want to play some more but I can't connect to the damn servers. -_-

(BTW, my User Name in the game is soul.less)


soul.less said:
Ack, is anyone else still getting the 903 error when tyring to connect? I want to play some more but I can't connect to the damn servers. -_-

(BTW, my User Name in the game is soul.less)

Yeah, me >.< Official forums say servers down.


Yeah I went looking for the forums when I noticed this. Not only are the servers down, but people on there are moaning about locked content. Apparently you can't get into Episode 2 or even hard mode on Ep 1. All that is available is normal mode on Episode 1...


Damn. 2 of my roommates are playing right next to me!

(Actually, I noticed the DNS servers, 4221 and 4222 are f'd up right now. I couldn't even access GAF.)


Koshiro said:
Yeah I went looking for the forums when I noticed this. Not only are the servers down, but people on there are moaning about locked content. Apparently you can't get into Episode 2 or even hard mode on Ep 1. All that is available is normal mode on Episode 1...

Yeah, I tried to create an Episode II game yesterday but it wouldn't allow me to... honestly now, how are we supposed to test this game for bugs when most of the content is locked? Only Sega can do something this stupid. *_*


Man, they had the game up just long enough yesterday to get us hooked. They're just teasing us. Big bullies.

Reminds me of that PA comic about Sega being abusive.


Vicious said:
Man, they had the game up just long enough yesterday to get us hooked. They're just teasing us. Big bullies.

Exactly... shit, I wanted to play the game for a few hours today but couldn't connect at all the entire day. :(
This sucks indeed, I was all ready to hop back on to try and get Mines and hopefully Ruins unlocked. Hmph. :( FFXI is down as well, but lluckily just for an update. I'm so bored.


I've heard a few folks say it's (the current downtime) due to a leveling bug, and that they'll be rolling back again. Fucking ridiculous if true.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Can't be. They shut down the DL servers, as well.

Edit: and just as I hit submit, my DL starts. :lol


Alex said:
I've heard a few folks say it's (the current downtime) due to a leveling bug, and that they'll be rolling back again. Fucking ridiculous if true.

You're exactly correct, Alex. According to PSO World, "apparently there's a glitch in the beta that is causing people to Level Down by causing them to loose their exp, so be careful and keep your eyes peeled for when the problem is done with. Apparently it has something with what team name is used, so for now if you're using a name that has no problems, please stick to that name until the problem is resolved."


Awkward, we never suffered from that problem though. I just hope there's no huge roll back to levels like yesterday. Going from 12 to 5 is not fun. I got to 19 now, so... That would really suck.

Speaking of teams, I hope the severe limit is just a beta thing. We filled up *really* fast, 10 people is just too few.
From reading the website it seems like the only way to expand team numbers is to find rare weapons and register them for points. The team master can use the points to buy expansions and other things for the team.


Alex said:
I've heard a few folks say it's (the current downtime) due to a leveling bug, and that they'll be rolling back again. Fucking ridiculous if true.

Fuck no, that better not happen. Although if it does, my addicted ass will probably still go at it again.


Ok, I just got it installed, but after giving it log in info and trying to start the game it just sits at the "matrix" screen. Does this mean the server is down?


Swordian said:
Ok, I just got it installed, but after giving it log in info and trying to start the game it just sits at the "matrix" screen. Does this mean the server is down?

More than likely, yes.


Yeah, basicly. It's a little glitchy right now in some spots.

How far did you get in the missions, Des? Me, Eugene and Tre finished the Caves. So we're at 3.1 starting in the Mines right now.

Did you try to solo that time limit mission, haha? I'll be on once the servers go up. I wanna clear the normal mode on Epi 1 to see if Epi 2 is unlocked or not yet. It's all handled so oddly.

How long is this beta susposed to last again, 'bout a month? I assume what we have now is likely all we'll get for beta. If that is the case, I want retail because I'm aching for some challenge mode.


Alex said:
How long is this beta susposed to last again, 'bout a month? I assume what we have now is likely all we'll get for beta. If that is the case, I want retail because I'm aching for some challenge mode.

It ends June 9 according to the official site.
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