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Put up or shut up: Why haven't YOU enlisted?

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fugimax said:
No, actually, I don't support the war.

Further, I don't generally support the troops either. I know it's a dick thing to say...but it's pretty true. I *sympathize* for those over there who are soldiers who don't believe in the war. For those soldiers who do support it...well, I hope they are the ones who take the bullets. It sounds harsh, but it's really not...just a simple case of those willing to die for something should die over those who aren't.

WTF? I was unsure about the war in ways, but one thing I always knew is I wouldn't piss on anyone who would risk his life out there. I wouldn't want to go through war, I wouldn't wish it on anyone and I respect someone who goes through the whole ordeal.

And there's a difference between supporting troops and hoping it's those that believe in it that go through it all. Unless you mean the twisted sense of supporting troops that we have developed lately.


Small balls, big fun!
fugimax: Then you don't need to justify SHIT. Keep on keeping on.

Iceman: Stop trying to win brownie points for something you claim to have almost done. If you don't have the courage of your convictions, don't expect praise because you earned several medals in Hypothetical Dimension X.

The troops didn't know they'd be sent to fight in a miserable sandbox to disarm weapons that didn't exist. Remember, their job description is that of defending our country, not invading other ones. As a citizen, it is just plain slimey to agitate for a war of choice, then not fight it yourself.


WTF? I was unsure about the war in ways, but one thing I always knew is I wouldn't piss on anyone who would risk his life out there.
Erm. I'm not pissing on anyone. Think about it. Here, here's an example.

Two people are placed into a room. You are told one is of Religion X, the other is of Religion Y -- arch-nemesis of Religion X. You are tasked with chosing one of the people to die for a cause in line with the beliefs of Religion X and it's followers. Who do you choose?

Unless you have a sick sense of humor, you choose the person representing Religion X.

That's all I'm saying.


Small balls, big fun!
Willco: Well, maybe Guileless and Meier and Minotauro will suddenly be all "Hey, you're right! They need my help and I believe in their cause," and enlist, which means the Army wins.

Or they'll say "Yeah, it's kind of hypocritical to send someone to their death to fight for something when I won't myself," and then the antiwar movement wins.

I mean, you gotta agree with the basic premise, right?


Hollywood Square
Mandark said:
Willco: Well, maybe Guileless and Meier and Minotauro will suddenly be all "Hey, you're right! They need my help and I believe in their cause," and enlist, which means the Army wins.

Or they'll say "Yeah, it's kind of hypocritical to send someone to their death to fight for something when I won't myself," and then the antiwar movement wins.

I mean, you gotta agree with the basic premise, right?

What about apathetic, lazy assholes?


Because what the Army Recruiter told me, no, guarenteed me, and what the people at MEPS wanted me to sign up for, were not remotely the same thing.

Lying bastards.


Hollywood Square
GhaleonEB said:
...you mean most of the country?



fugimax said:
Erm. I'm not pissing on anyone. Think about it. Here, here's an example.

Two people are placed into a room. You are told one is of Religion X, the other is of Religion Y -- arch-nemesis of Religion X. You are tasked with chosing one of the people to die for a cause in line with the beliefs of Religion X and it's followers. Who do you choose?

Unless you have a sick sense of humor, you choose the person representing Religion X.

That's all I'm saying.

Yeah, I just don't equate that to not supporting troops.


Small balls, big fun!
Willco: Well, I don't think any of the lazy, apathetic assholes were really involved in the push for the war. That's pretty much by definition.

Lazy apathy > Loud, self-righteous hypocrisy.


Hollywood Square
Mandark said:
Willco: Well, I don't think any of the lazy, apathetic assholes were really involved in the push for the war. That's pretty much by definition.

Lazy apathy > Loud, self-righteous hypocrisy.

At the same rate, they're not involved in the anti-war movement, which seemed to be the only two options you proposed. While apathy is preferable to war mongering, we're beyond the point of return and apathy is just as detrimental as hypocrisy.


Small balls, big fun!
No, I proposed two situations for someone "winning" this thread. This thread, which was originally, explicitly directed at people who had supported the war.

I'd rather people show some support for the antiwar movement than do nothing, but it's a personal choice of how much time to spend on public activism, and which issues you feel like focusing on. It's very different from actively creating a situation and letting other people get shot for it.
Iceman said:
I think about it once in a while. Why would I let someone who's unwilling go in my place? Well, in my position I have to think about my family. I'm going to be in a good position to actually help bail my family out of a financial predicament in a couple of years. And as a PhD candidate I'm fairly certain I wouldn't be placed anywhere near Iraq. But I'm sure if I pressed the issue...

It hangs over my head the fact that my dad was in the reserves and my uncle actually went to Vietnam, etc. I feel like a puss compared to them.. like I owe them something. But they also risked, bleed, sweat and cried to help get me in the position I'm in now. Which way to better honor their efforts? I kinda think its a toss up right now.

If the US told me to go I'd go willingly (heck, I think I'd be a damn good soldier and leader). But right now, I'm not quite ready to enlist. You can't be waffling on a decision like that.

Jonah Goldberg would be proud!


Iceman said:
If the US told me to go I'd go willingly (heck, I think I'd be a damn good soldier and leader). But right now, I'm not quite ready to enlist. You can't be waffling on a decision like that.

A maxim often attributed to great leaders is "I wouldn't ask of you anything that I'm not willing to do myself." (Pardon me if it's not exact.)

The fact that you wouldn't go unless you were forced says the complete opposite of what you claim.


Hollywood Square
One time I sat through an entire JOIN THE MARINES commercial. That's a sacrifice I was willing to make for my country.
Father_Brain said:
Jonah Goldberg would be proud!

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Those folks at NRO are FREAKS. Jonah sez he can't go because he's 35 and has two kids.

What about the people in that same position, Jonah? Idiots.


I applied for the Army when I was right out of high school, not really knowing what I was doing. I scored off the charts on most of the tests, to the point where they gave me preliminary language and military intelligence tests. I passed them. I then failed the color test (I'm red-green colorblind) and the list of positions I was eligeable for dropped from hundreds to three: Infantry, firing tank missles and some other job I don't remember.

Needless to say, I'm glad I am a financial analyst.


We're waiting for remotely controlled heavily armed robots so we can sit in the comfort of our homes and engage in a real life FPS without the side effect of dying.

I think enrollment would be up 1000% if the Armed Forces would make this possible. :lol


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>round up the homeless and the unemployed and ship them to Iraq, that should make my gas cheaper!<<<

Far better to round up the relatives of politicians who support the war effort. I also like Robin Quivers's idea of coming in the night and taking everyone with a yellow ribbon on their car. (or more likely, truck)


Rorschach said:
Yeah, we can't all sue our way to fortune.

Simply get engaged, disappear the day of the wedding, get on a pay phone a few days later accusing some "visible minority" of kidnapping your ass, somehow get away with this, then sign a movie deal!*

*Works much better if you're a white chick.

.hacked said:
round up the homeless and the unemployed and ship them to Iraq, that should make my gas cheaper!

I am sick dropping $50 to fill up each of my Cadillacs!

Yeah really, driving my SUV's is tough work these days.

Fragamemnon said:
Put up or shut up, I say. I bet you just don't want to join the Army, don't care that the troops are fighting an unjust war but you certainly "support them" in hollow words that have no credibility or resolve behind them.

A contender for quote of the week.

Willco said:
One time I sat through an entire JOIN THE MARINES commercial. That's a sacrifice I was willing to make for my country.


I have to point out that I'm not anti-war. I'm not sure what Mandark's view is on war in general, so I won't speak for him. I believe in war when there's no other alternative, when all possible options have been exhausted. There are times when you have no choice but to fight. But that's never been the case with the situation in Iraq...it was the most pointless, blatantly forced, bullshit-driven conflict I've ever seen, and the ease with how it was sold to the majority of Americans was absolutely stunning.

Just the logistics alone should've told anyone with a clue that it made no sense...you just got done invading Afghanistan and spent a ton of money on that operation, and didn't even achieve the primary target (apprehend Osama bin Laden, dead or alive). Instead of tying up that loose end and ensuring that Afghanistan made a peaceful transition into post-Taliban life, the US decided to take momentum from their tremendous "victory" into Iraq, to defeat Saddam and his weapons-hoarding ass. You'd think the fact that virtually no one outside the UK and a couple minor countries wanted nothing to do with this conflict (when the Afghanistan conflict was widely supported) would've opened some eyes, but no.

And seeing this board turn into a fucking freak show over this thing was simply alarming. From what I recall, the vast majority of American posters were for that war, swearing up and down that the WMD's were there, despite zero evidence to support that theory. I remember the first day of that conflict, when that giant Iraq war thread was started...people cheering at the "real time footage!!" of tanks firing their cannons and motar exploding, CNN and (presumably) Fox News looking more like a fucking Tom Clancy movie then alleged news stations. Media people all friendly and cozy with the army personnal, talking only about the positives of what was going on, cheering them on. Blah. I saw the first 30 posts in that bloated thread and never touched it again.

Of course now the obvious realities have set in...the WMD threat was bullshit, a simple logic that could've been arrived at by the simply reasoning that Saddam would've probably used a little of it while his forces were getting their ass kicked (it's sickening how little that point was highlighted back then). The war still goes on, despite military expert Rudy Gulliani's claim almost two years ago. US soldiers continue to die...people that have friends, families, children, futures. All getting snuffed out on the basis of a lie. And no one knows when the situation will be stabalized, which was another obvious weakness in the Iraq invasion strategy that should've been known.

Meanwhile, where are the people who were cheering long and loud on the first day of that conflict, as if they were watching a fucking football game with their favourite team? The few that have had the nuts to show up in here are making excuses to not sign up and join the cause they felt was important and neccessary. What a fucking surprise. Yes, you've got famalies and a nice cushy job, so why should you fight for something you believed in? The 1400 soldiers that have died of course, they had none of these. Fucking incredible.

When the US is eventually hit with it's next 9/11, they'll be no tears from me...and I doubt you'll get much from anywhere else either. A far cry from four years ago when much of the world was united in grief. The single biggest tragedy about the last four years is how Bush seemingly went out of his way to piss that international goodwill down the toilet, and managed to do so in record time. And to this day I still can't figure out why.

"You're either with us, or against us."

Yeah, I'm sure you're right there in the trenches with the rest of the troops...fucking cunt.


AB 101

fugimax said:
No, actually, I don't support the war.

Further, I don't generally support the troops either. I know it's a dick thing to say...but it's pretty true. I *sympathize* for those over there who are soldiers who don't believe in the war. For those soldiers who do support it...well, I hope they are the ones who take the bullets. It sounds harsh, but it's really not...just a simple case of those willing to die for something should die over those who aren't.


Had something to say to that but did not want to get banned.


Hmm. Everyone who voted for Bush should go to war. Problem fixed, I mean y'all love him so much eh?


Let us flip it: Why haven't YOU moved out of the country yet?

How many whiny, hand-wringing threads did we endure about people who were threatening to leave the country last fall? Didn't amount to much.

You can support the war effort by paying your taxes or donating to certain charities if you are unable to volunteer for a service.



force push the doodoo rock
ToxicAdam said:
Flip it: Why haven't YOU moved out of the country yet?

How many whiny, hand-wringing threads did we endure about people who were threatening to leave the country last fall? Didn't amount to much.

Because no one in their right mind (note: right mind) would leave this country with idiots like you in control.

MC Safety

f_elz said:
Hmm. Everyone who voted for Bush should go to war. Problem fixed, I mean y'all love him so much eh?

That sort of defeats the purpose of having a trained military, but hey! whatever pushes your political agenda.


sp0rsk said:
Because no one in their right mind (note: right mind) would leave this country with idiots like you in control.

I didn't vote for Bush in 00 or 04. Your anger is misdirected. You should be angry at the Democrats for not producing a quality candidate that could beat a weak Republican.

Honestly, if I was a liberal, I would consider moving out of the country or move to NoCal or NYC. Your views and beliefs are becoming a steadfast minority. Politicians that want a chance to win, have to position themselves as far away from you as possible. Being labeled a liberal is almost a death sentence in the national scene. Year after year of election losses, coupled with the inability of your congressional leaders to stem the tide of right wing legislature should make you pretty irate and feeling hopeless. I don't see it changing for another 4-5 years either (until the next economic downturn).


Because I'm not cut out to be a solider. What's the point in going through the m3eat grinder if I'm just going to get killed? You can't mold *everyone* into a soldier and I'm tired of the culture of super-machoism surrounding military service. I'll respect the good soldiers for doing what they do, but they are a cog in the grand machine and you can't run an effective and free country on military power alone.


force push the doodoo rock
ToxicAdam said:
I didn't vote for Bush in 00 or 04. Your anger is misdirected. You should be angry at the Democrats for not producing a quality candidate that could beat a weak Republican.

Honestly, if I was a liberal, I would consider moving out of the country or move to NoCal or NYC. Your views and beliefs are becoming a steadfast minority. Politicians that want a chance to win, have to position themselves as far away from you as possible. Being labeled a liberal is almost a death sentence in the national scene. Year after year of election losses, coupled with the inability of your congressional leaders to stem the tide of right wing legislature should make you pretty irate and feeling hopeless. I don't see it changing for another 4-5 years either (until the next economic downturn).

has nothing to do with your voting record mister "i hate science"


ToxicAdam said:
I didn't vote for Bush in 00 or 04. Your anger is misdirected. You should be angry at the Democrats for not producing a quality candidate that could beat a weak Republican.

Honestly, if I was a liberal, I would consider moving out of the country or move to NoCal or NYC. Your views and beliefs are becoming a steadfast minority. Politicians that want a chance to win, have to position themselves as far away from you as possible. Being labeled a liberal is almost a death sentence in the national scene. Year after year of election losses, coupled with the inability of your congressional leaders to stem the tide of right wing legislature should make you pretty irate and feeling hopeless. I don't see it changing for another 4-5 years either (until the next economic downturn).

I'm not going to deny the democrats are having a lot of trouble. Everytime I hear some of the more prominent ones say something it pains me, because it seems like they're just digging themselves further into a hole they can't escape from.

Still, though, what's the point in moving to NY or California or something and further polarizing the country? A steadfast minority? Doubtful, the last race was still pretty close. Bush didn't win on a TOTAL upset. Kerry was pretty was pretty weak, but just because you've got a billion conservative talk radio hosts telling you something is true (democrats/liberals are evil) doesn't make it true. In fact, that seems to be a favorite tactic of the republican party lately. Say something again and again until it sinks in as truth. You know, propaganda and all. Bush said it himself. :)

I'm neither a democrat nor a republican, but social republicans frighten the hell out of me. Overzealous democrats just slightly disgust me.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
.hacked said:
The military is for people who can't afford college or can't find a real job. Sorry but it is the last alternative to being homeless.


That is an assholish comment to make.

To answer the topic question: Why haven't I enlisted? Shit I got my honorable discharge in '97. No way I'm going back. I enjoyed the time in, and if I had to go back in time to that point in my life and do it over again I would... but no re-uppin here.

AB 101

^^^ Got my honorable discharge in 1994 ^^^

Did 8 years and no regrets.

It may not be for everyone but people should not bag on it or bag on someone for wanting to join.

I am praying for a draft. It will then take alot of the rif raf out of the US and into Canada. ;)


Shinobi--Your post was completely on point. Ironically, all the ra ra bullshit from that time pushed me away from another forum. I'm still utterly shocked that anyone believed that Iraq was a good idea. Then again, I shouldn't be. There's a reason why our Corporation for Public Broadcasting is under fire, and it has little to do with money or bias. The media at large didn't question the reasons for going in and what our exit strategy should be. I think I'm angrier with our pussy media than I am at this thuggish administration.

As for the main point of this thread, I'm not even sure if the question is even relevent. Even if we got the troops on the ground and all the equipment they need, what are the criteria for determining thnat the mission has been accomplished? And can we every meet those goals when the insurgency is feeding off of our interference in the region? I might be only on this on this board, but we need to get out a soon as possible.

The real question for the bozos that were so gung ho about this disaster is if they are willing to admit that we have made an unbelievable financial and moral mistake.
Mandark said:
So you supported the war in Iraq when it was declared, and you still say it's a good idea. The most important thing is that we don't pull out.

The Army is missing its recruiting goals. Soldiers are being maimed and killed.

Why aren't you over there? You know who you are.

Well I don't support the war personally but, I have not problem profiting off of another's mistake. As for me I don't enlist because you can make 10 times as much as the average solider in the private sector with less risk. Thanks Mr. Bush!


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Mandark said:
Willco: Well, maybe Guileless and Meier and Minotauro will suddenly be all "Hey, you're right! They need my help and I believe in their cause," and enlist, which means the Army wins

Uhm, how exactly did I get included with those two? I certainly don't agree with "Operation Iraqi Freedom" or any of the other major policies of the Bush administration. Just the other day, I asked how people who believe in karma rationalize Dick Cheney. I may've made some offhand comment about liking Bush due to the possibility of him actually pushing us to the apocalypse. I'm not sure how you confused this with me agreeing with this war or any of the multitude of reasons used by this administration to sell it.


sp0rsk said:
has nothing to do with your voting record mister "i hate science"

I favor fetal tissue research and other "partisan football" science topics. So, you are wrong again. My only problem is with enviromental science and the people that treat every report like it's the truth. So, if you are looking to label me ... there ya go.

In fact, that seems to be a favorite tactic of the republican party lately. Say something again and again until it sinks in as truth. You know, propaganda and all. Bush said it himself.

There is no doubt there is a certain amount of "drum beating" with the current regime and thier congressional flunkies. It's dangerous, because at some point if you maintain this sort of stance, the average American doesn't believe a word you say. The polls are slowly starting to reflect this. It's dangerous, because it can pull the whole party down for years to come.
While I do respect folks who are willing to risk their lives to defend the US, its impossible to deny the fact that the military actively pursues those who have few choices when it comes to education and career-wise, so that stereotype does exist for a semi-valid reason.

My dad was in the Army, so I'm a military brat. One of the first things my dad taught me? Don't join the army no matter what.
I would be in the army, but there's a little set back...I'm blind in my right eye. Therefore, I can't be in the army, the marines, the navy, anything like that. I wish I could, but I can't.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
FortNinety said:
While I do respect folks who are willing to risk their lives to defend the US, its impossible to deny the fact that the military actively pursues those who have few choices when it comes to education and career-wise, so that stereotype does exist for a semi-valid reason.

Actively HAS pursued those with few choices... the increased usage of technology in the military has made their demands change so that for many of the MOS just getting the kid in off the street isn't looked up too favorably anymore.


I work with a vietnam vetran and from what he has seen is that there is no disicpline in the military anymore. That's why I wouldn't join.

Another more legitimate reason is follows:

I am underweight and have 75% hearing loss in one of my ears. I can't discern where sounds are coming from (especially in open areas)
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