Rorschach said:
Yeah, we can't all sue our way to fortune.
Simply get engaged, disappear the day of the wedding, get on a pay phone a few days later accusing some "visible minority" of kidnapping your ass, somehow get away with this, then sign a movie deal!*
*Works much better if you're a white chick.
.hacked said:
round up the homeless and the unemployed and ship them to Iraq, that should make my gas cheaper!
I am sick dropping $50 to fill up each of my Cadillacs!
Yeah really, driving my SUV's is tough work these days.
Fragamemnon said:
Put up or shut up, I say. I bet you just don't want to join the Army, don't care that the troops are fighting an unjust war but you certainly "support them" in hollow words that have no credibility or resolve behind them.
A contender for quote of the week.
Willco said:
One time I sat through an entire JOIN THE MARINES commercial. That's a sacrifice I was willing to make for my country.
I have to point out that I'm not anti-war. I'm not sure what Mandark's view is on war in general, so I won't speak for him. I believe in war when there's no other alternative, when all possible options have been exhausted. There are times when you have no choice but to fight. But that's never been the case with the situation in was the most pointless, blatantly forced, bullshit-driven conflict I've ever seen, and the ease with how it was sold to the majority of Americans was absolutely stunning.
Just the logistics alone should've told anyone with a clue that it made no just got done invading Afghanistan and spent a ton of money on that operation, and didn't even achieve the primary target (apprehend Osama bin Laden, dead or alive). Instead of tying up that loose end and ensuring that Afghanistan made a peaceful transition into post-Taliban life, the US decided to take momentum from their tremendous "victory" into Iraq, to defeat Saddam and his weapons-hoarding ass. You'd think the fact that virtually no one outside the UK and a couple minor countries wanted nothing to do with this conflict (when the Afghanistan conflict was widely supported) would've opened some eyes, but no.
And seeing this board turn into a fucking freak show over this thing was simply alarming. From what I recall, the vast majority of American posters were for that war, swearing up and down that the WMD's were there, despite zero evidence to support that theory. I remember the first day of that conflict, when that giant Iraq war thread was started...people cheering at the "real time footage!!" of tanks firing their cannons and motar exploding, CNN and (presumably) Fox News looking more like a fucking Tom Clancy movie then alleged news stations. Media people all friendly and cozy with the army personnal, talking only about the positives of what was going on, cheering them on. Blah. I saw the first 30 posts in that bloated thread and never touched it again.
Of course now the obvious realities have set in...the WMD threat was bullshit, a simple logic that could've been arrived at by the simply reasoning that Saddam would've probably used a little of it while his forces were getting their ass kicked (it's sickening how little that point was highlighted back then). The war still goes on, despite military expert Rudy Gulliani's claim almost two years ago. US soldiers continue to die...people that have friends, families, children, futures. All getting snuffed out on the basis of a lie. And no one knows when the situation will be stabalized, which was another obvious weakness in the Iraq invasion strategy that should've been known.
Meanwhile, where are the people who were cheering long and loud on the first day of that conflict, as if they were watching a fucking football game with their favourite team? The few that have had the nuts to show up in here are making excuses to not sign up and join the cause they felt was important and neccessary. What a fucking surprise. Yes, you've got famalies and a nice cushy job, so why should you fight for something you believed in? The 1400 soldiers that have died of course, they had none of these. Fucking incredible.
When the US is eventually hit with it's next 9/11, they'll be no tears from me...and I doubt you'll get much from anywhere else either. A far cry from four years ago when much of the world was united in grief. The single biggest tragedy about the last four years is how Bush seemingly went out of his way to piss that international goodwill down the toilet, and managed to do so in record time. And to this day I still can't figure out why.
"You're either with us, or against us."
Yeah, I'm sure you're right there in the trenches with the rest of the troops...fucking cunt.