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Roland Garros - The 2015 French Open (OT)

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Amazing performance at the end. Very happy for Serena.

I never really though that Serena had a shot at 22, but she seems intent on proving me wrong.


Cool story bro.

Yup. Whenever Serena is losing, no matter how badly, I always just assume she will go on some huge streak.

She always does.

Cool and true story "bro", her fans usually act like her anyway, so I get why you don't see it. Not accounting for whatever her opponents do. Its always about her, if she loses its because she is sick or has a life threatening injury. Just unable to accept that her opponent can play better. Always looking for excuses. Its undeniable that she is one of the greatest players of all time, but it doesn't change the fact that too often she acts like a spoiled child. It ruins her game and her achievements.
Cool and true story "bro", her fans usually act like her anyway, so I get why you don't see it. Not accounting for whatever her opponents do. Its always about her, if she loses its because she is sick or has a life threatening injury. Just unable to accept that her opponent can play better. Always looking for excuses. Its undeniable that she is one of the greatest players of all time, but it doesn't change the fact that too often she acts like a spoiled child. It ruins her game and her achievements.

Those things you bitch about are what make her win. She knows how to psych herself to victory, and does so.

I don't expect her to throw that away for some people's oversensitive feelings.

She is an open book. She shows what she is feeling, and if that insults you, then sorry I guess?
Taminea going to regret that for the rest of her life. Falling for Serena's gamesmanship and theatrics. Her only hope is to retroactively win majors like Djokovic.
Mattek/Bryan won the mixed double.

WTF moment : they didn't interview any of the girls for the final speech.
What fuckin year is it? 2015 or 1915?

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
The Serb and the Swiss lost in the semis, huh?

That's ominous.


Cool and true story "bro", her fans usually act like her anyway, so I get why you don't see it. Not accounting for whatever her opponents do. Its always about her, if she loses its because she is sick or has a life threatening injury. Just unable to accept that her opponent can play better. Always looking for excuses. Its undeniable that she is one of the greatest players of all time, but it doesn't change the fact that too often she acts like a spoiled child. It ruins her game and her achievements.

TBH if you read Peru's posts about Sharapova's losses they're not much different to what you're describing here.

About tomorrow's matches, I think I'd prefer Stanimal to beat Stronga as I'd trust him more to put up a competitive match in final. Jo-Wilfried has a history of fighting early than give up for no reason. Stan lost way more matches against Murray/Djokovic than won, but in the last 3 years in majors he either beat them or pushed the match to 5 sets on every occasion, which is pretty incredible when you think about it.


Serena is the greatest. I don't give a fuck.

3 out of the 4 boys in the boys singles semi finals are American. Maybe the new clay court training regimen at the USTA development center is starting to pay off.
So much salty comments. Still not sure she's gonna win.

Safarova has been playing better than Serena this tournament. I'm surprised Safarova hasn't dropped out of doubles yet. If I were her I would spend all my energy preparing for the singles final.

I think Serena wins it in 3 sets.


Safarova has been playing better than Serena this tournament. I'm surprised Safarova hasn't dropped out of doubles yet. If I were her I would spend all my energy preparing for the singles final.

I think Serena wins it in 3 sets.

Remind me of Bepa's, lost her single and double finals :( .

It's Safarova's 1st single GS finals, so maybe the nerves will help Serena. But it depends which Serena we'll get and if the flu gets better.
I was out today (work -_-) so I recorded the matches with Sky plus. Safarova/Ivanovic was an incredibly intense match after Ivanovic began choking at 5-3 - the level of both players raised up a bit, then dropped off a cliff in set two as both of them struggled to control their emotions. Great watch, but not great tennis. The thing about recording the matches is that you get told the number of minutes left to run on the programme when you check the time, so I accidentally realised Serena/Bacsinszky was likely a 2-set match. When I got to Bacsinszky breaking to lead 3-2 in the second, I said "either Serena wins 10 straight games or she loses - there's not enough time left in the programme for any other outcome". Lo and behold.

Cannot believe the back to back forehands misses Bacsinszky threw in during the second game of the third set. Will take a while to get over that.

Serena is seriously going to win a slam while suffering from the flu. Wow.


I wanted to expand on why I despise Serena as a person but I didn't know how to put it into words. Then I saw this post on TF and its exactly how I feel, so I felt like sharing since we were discussing it earlier:

I agree with you that a lot of Serena's "struggles" on court are manufactured, almost as a way for her to garner more sympathy and admiration for her as the flawed champion who knows how to persevere in the tough moments. Speaking for the U.S., there's always been a collective yawn from the sports media and public when Serena wins another slam and finishes the year again at number one. Even with the history she keeps making, she's seldom page one news in sports headlines or sports talk shows. It's always about football, basketball, baseball, hockey and even golf. Even men's tennis gets talked about a lot more. But women's tennis does not register and it's a combination of lack of interest and people being bored by one-sided domination.

I think she's viewed as a tennis beast who has no competition or rivals and there's just nothing to draw people in. So Serena, being the drama queen she is, wants to make things interesting to garner attention. Play up illnesses or leg and shoulder injuries, play her "nothing to lose" cards, talk up the other players as so talented and rife with future number ones and super stars. Just do everything she can to play down her overwhelming advantage and appear as a vulnerable player who's equal to everyone else. Then when she wins again, it's because she arose from the brink of death, against all odds, facing a field of heavyweight tennis pros, and still found a way to win as an old crippled lady of 33. A narrative of the inspiring underdog instead of the merciless, bludgeoning bully who outmuscles all into oblivion.

For all of her talents, Serena is exceptionally sensitive and needy. I think she is hurt by the public and press not universally fawning over her and putting her up there with the Michael Jordans, Peles, and Muhammad Alis of sports lore. So she has to do what she can to win us over. Today's overblown melodrama being just the latest chapter. "Love me! Worship me! Appreciate me!" That's what it's all about.

She can't accept that she's just not a very likable or charasmatic person. She's always come off as insincere and phony in interviews and that can't be helped. She should just let her tennis do the talking and spare us the on court acting and the fake off court interview persona.

This is SO on point.
If your entire worldview about a person is that you think (with little or no evidence) that they fake every cough or chill they have on court, I don't think any amount of reality will make a difference to your opinion.

You decided that you didn't like someone. Then went searching for some evidence to rationalize it.
It's only on point if you have extremely selective memory.


That won't change anyone's mind though. They resent that she is open and shows her emotion as a woman in a sport where composure and "class" is somehow more important than game-play.

Even her worst outbursts are incredibly minor compared to daily outbursts by athletes in other sports.


If your entire worldview about a person is that you think (with little or no evidence) that they fake every cough or chill they have on court, I don't think any amount of reality will make a difference to your opinion.

You decided that you didn't like someone. Then went searching for some evidence to rationalize it.

This is SO on point.


If your entire worldview about a person is that you think (with little or no evidence) that they fake every cough or chill they have on court, I don't think any amount of reality will make a difference to your opinion.

You decided that you didn't like someone. Then went searching for some evidence to rationalize it.

First off I didn't ~decide~ that I don't like her like its some sort of sudden decision of mine. I follow tennis for a freaking long time, and I am allowed to form my opinion, so take your condescending attitude somewhere else.

Second, if what I posted is so wrong why don't you explain then? Because saying that I simply posted this because I don't like her is too easy, just like saying that you think I am wrong because you are a fan.

Everything in there is true. The one-sided domination on the WTA, even if not her fault, does cause a huge lack of interest, and she just doesn't get the spotlight for that, especially in her country. Also if you follow her matches you know how often she throws her tantrums on court even in winning position. Her interviews are incredibly uncomfortable because she seems forced to be there, like she is some sort of superior being not worth of being interviewed.
First off I didn't ~decide~ that I don't like her like its some sort of sudden decision of mine. I follow tennis for a freaking long time, and I am allowed to form my opinion, so take your condescending attitude somewhere else.

Second, if what I posted is so wrong why don't you explain then? Because saying that I simply posted this because I don't like her is too easy, just like saying that you think I am wrong because you are a fan.

You want me to prove a negative that she isn't faking illness? lol.

It is pretty easy to make claims when you have 0 evidence, and it is completely impossible to disprove.


You want me to prove a negative that she isn't faking illness? lol.

It is pretty easy to make claims when you have 0 evidence, and it is completely impossible to disprove.

Not sure if there is a point in continuing this if you are not even trying to read.

I quoted the entirety of the post, but I am not only discussing her illness, but rather her constant dramas and attitude on court and the effect of her on-court achievements on the off-court/media and how that affects her as person. Its pretty obvious I am not asking you to prove that she is sick.


First off I didn't ~decide~ that I don't like her like its some sort of sudden decision of mine. I follow tennis for a freaking long time, and I am allowed to form my opinion, so take your condescending attitude somewhere else.

Second, if what I posted is so wrong why don't you explain then? Because saying that I simply posted this because I don't like her is too easy, just like saying that you think I am wrong because you are a fan.

Because you don't like her, and arguing till bleeding to prove that it was wrong won't change anything?

Rather than arguing, maybe you should watch her documentary and see another perspectives. But if you already think it's fake too then don't watch it.
Not sure if there is a point in continuing this if you are not even trying to read.

I quoted the entirety of the post, but I am not only discussing her illness, but rather her constant dramas and attitude on court and the effect of her on-court achievements on the off-court. Its pretty obvious I am not asking you to prove that she is sick.

She is a dramatic person. They happen.

She always has been, and probably always will be.

I am not seeing how this rises to the level of a need to "despise" a person.


Because you don't like her, and arguing till bleeding to prove that it was wrong won't change anything?

Rather than arguing, maybe you should watch her documentary and see another perspectives. But if you already think it's fake too then don't watch it.

Didn't know that to form a opinion on her I needed to watch her documentary. Whats next? read her Patrick Moratoglou's joint piece on how to make comebacks in tennis? lol


Didn't know that to form a opinion on her I needed to watch her documentary. Whats next? read her Patrick Moratoglou's joint piece on how to make comebacks in tennis? lol

LOL oh my.

I said, to open new perspective.

And you're proving my point that arguing with you is pointless.
LOL oh my.

I said, to open new perspective.

And proving my point arguing is pointless.

Yup. How can you argue a point when one side's opinion is based on absolutely nothing?

The idea that Serena's drama is some sort of vast conspiracy to gain more attention for herself is laughable. I mean come on, Serena isn't NEARLY subtle enough to pull that off.

She is just in your face. When she is sick, she shows that she is sick, as opposed to other players which might internalize it.
I wanted to expand on why I despise Serena as a person but I didn't know how to put it into words. Then I saw this post on TF and its exactly how I feel, so I felt like sharing since we were discussing it earlier:

This is SO on point.

That is nonsense.

Feigning drama to make things more interesting?
How about she had the flu, it was obvious to anyone watching.
She's always been a fiery, emotional, hyper competitive player who hates to lose more than she likes winning, that's why I like her.

She had a pulmonary embolism in 2011 and was out a long time.
She's 33 years old.
Why would she fake/feign injuries/health?
Think about how ridiculous that assertion is.
Hey, I'm playing world class tennis at the highest level but you know what?
This shit is so boring........that's I'm just going to act out all of these fake injuries/scenarios to make things more dramatic.

Serena's had a string of routine victories in her career, tons of matches w/o any perceived 'drama.'

The uncomfortable truth is that Serena's accomplishments or supposed dislike by some folks comes down to the fact that she's a very successful, black female athlete.
She doesn't shy away from who she is.
Came from Compton, didn't come up the traditional way in the tennis world and there are those in the tennis world that have held that against her from the beginning.

Could she be more charitable sometimes after losses? Sure, I'll give you that.
But so could Fed and countless other elite greats who let's face it have big egos.

Let's not diminish what she's already done, there's a reason she's in the GOAT discussion with Graf and Navratilova.
Graf was my favorite women's player growing up but Serena is better imo.
I can't get over that pre-stabbing, Seles got the better of Graf more often than not in Graf's prime.
That's on Graf's ledger.

Serena won 4 slams in a row at the zenith of women's tennis, beating a peak Venus in 4 straight finals in 2002 - 2003. She also won Wimbledon in 2003.
Could have won 6 in a row if not for Henin's "gamesmanship"/flat out hand fuckery in the French Open semi in 03.
And she did it with prime Davenport, prime Capriati, emerging prime Henin and Clijsters, Mauresmo and Dementieva were coming on, Seles and Hingis were past their primes but still formidable players. That era was loaded.
And Serena won 5 out of 6 slams.

I personally don't think Serena gets enough credit. Rant over.
That is nonsense.

Feigning drama to make things more interesting?
How about she had the flu, it was obvious to anyone watching.
She's always been a fiery, emotional, hyper competitive player who hates to lose more than she likes winning, that's why I like her.

She had a pulmonary embolism in 2011 and was out a long time.
She's 33 years old.
Why would she fake/feign injuries/health?
Think about how ridiculous that assertion is.
Hey, I'm playing world class tennis at the highest level but you know what?
This shit is so boring........that's I'm just going to act out all of these fake injuries/scenarios to make things more dramatic.

Serena's had a string of routine victories in her career, tons of matches w/o any perceived 'drama.'

The uncomfortable truth is that Serena's accomplishments or supposed dislike by some folks comes down to the fact that she's a very successful, black female athlete.
She doesn't shy away from who she is.
Came from Compton, didn't come up the traditional way in the tennis world and there are those in the tennis world that have held that against her from the beginning.

Could she be more charitable sometimes after losses? Sure, I'll give you that.
But so could Fed and countless other elite greats who let's face it have big egos.

Let's not diminish what she's already done, there's a reason she's in the GOAT discussion with Graf and Navratilova.
Graf was my favorite women's player growing up but Serena is better imo.
I can't get over that pre-stabbing, Seles got the better of Graf more often than not in Graf's prime.
That's on Graf's ledger.

Serena won 4 slams in a row at the zenith of women's tennis, beating a peak Venus in 4 straight finals in 2002 - 2003. She also won Wimbledon in 2003.
Could have won 6 in a row if not for Henin's "gamesmanship"/flat out hand fuckery in the French Open semi in 03.
And she did it with prime Davenport, prime Capriati, emerging prime Henin and Clijsters, Mauresmo and Dementieva were coming on, Seles and Hingis were past their primes but still formidable players. That era was loaded.
And Serena won 5 out of 6 slams.

I personally don't think Serena gets enough credit. Rant over.

Yup. You take Serena's behavior, and project it onto a white man, and no one would bat an eye.

But when *gasp* a woman, who is *gasp* black, suddenly it is worth hating them over.
Yup. You take Serena's behavior, and project it onto a white man, and no one would bat an eye.

But when *gasp* a woman, who is *gasp* black, suddenly it is worth hating them over.
I'm batting an eye, I've brought the same criticisms against Rafa. Like acting like his knees have been machetes then hopping around like bunny at Wimbledon. His gamesmanship, his hustle, his muscle.
I'm batting an eye, I've brought the same criticisms against Rafa. Like acting like his knees have been machetes then hopping around like bunny at Wimbledon. His gamesmanship, his hustle, his muscle.

Criticizing is not what I am talking about. Criticize away. Serena has had plenty of moments of questionable conduct (as many athletes do).

Hating/despising someone over it is another thing. Especially when we have no way of knowing how they actually felt.
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