Damn girl has curves for days. Smack dat ass for me.The ps5 design is bold and pretty slick imo
Damn girl has curves for days. Smack dat ass for me.The ps5 design is bold and pretty slick imo
For those wanting pro systems so much aint the series s and x basically this? Then we going to start complaining things are held back.
That guy and his shitty Knack game is what put off Sony for life.
My favorite part from his last conference (timestamped):
I've been playing Stardew Valley on ps5 for the past month and I'm ok with it (not for lack of other games to play, I have a big backlog with some AAA games, but none of them is as fun as Stardew Valley).PS6 so that we’ll be playing PS5 games 3 years into the new gen.
In some ways - the PSVR2 ended up being the hard split of generations everyone (myself included) jokes/complains about. In other ways, it's full of games already on older headsets ported up, but at least the newer exclusives really are something else to experience assuming you are compatible with the headset. It definitely feels like I'm getting my money's worth from the PS5 compared to like playing DQ11 which I could have done my on Switch or a PS4.I would enjoy if ps5 started first.....Ps4 pro II is starting to bother
Yeah, this is the job of these teams. It's not like they take a four year vacation after the launch of the newest console.You are right at least Ybarra always said at Xbox even before the current gen would start they were getting ideas put together for the next Xbox
Those are weak specs for even a ps5 pro...not happening. We are getting a ps6 probably when 3nm becomes or lower becomes feasible allowing for a 8/10x leap its hard enough trying to justify a ps5 rightnow considering the lazy cross-gen games and middling fidelity displayed by the current crop of next gen games launching on a far superior machine(ps4 to 5). Launching a console with those specs would be a disaster and redundant.I think the ps6 is going to be similar specs to ps5 from 16gig of gddr to 20gig of gddr they will keep the same design on the ssd could be faster and around 1.5T the CPU could be around zen 3 or zen 4 around 3.8 and the GPU will be around 16/20tf running a higher frequency from 2.2 I say around 2.6 any higher would be greatful but that be pushing it and I know Xbox will go higher but I reckon Sony will create x3D cache either on the GPU or the CPU
Funny enough you aimed this at console gamer's in defence of PC gamers having the right to play anything because they own a PC.Real gamers do. If you are too concerned about great games coming to other platforms so others can enjoy them, then I believe that you don't really care about the game themselves and gaming in general. Either that, or you are simply carrying a disease known as fanboyism.
Why should not other people be able to play same games as you? They've spent whatever amount of X money to play on their gaming PC, they deserve to play it just as anyone else is.
Also, consoles are the lowest common denominator, so its important that these consoles are as powerful as possible, because it raises the bar on what a game can achieve with the technology. Developers always aim to make the games as good looking as possible and performance as good as possible. Look at TLOU 2, that game still blows everything out of the water in terms of visuals and its running on ancient hardware from 2013.
They will have an optional drive. So many will be screwed out of backwards compatibility if they do digital only.i dont think ps6 and xsx2 will have physical drive anymore , it think its safe to say that the majority prefer digital and the others will transition eventually , they will have no choice
I feel with next-gen they should take a more measured approach.Just so people know, RGT is riding his claims off the Sony/Microsoft legal documentation which states the proposed dates for their next-generation machines. Of course his sources conveniently leaked that the PS6 is being worked on by Mark Cerny, something anyone could have predicted and guessed based off of Sony's behaviour in the past.
As for proposed specifications, I think it's important for the consoles to have a generational leap in CPU and GPU capabilities, so a doubling (likely much more) in GPU performance is almost a given.
As for the "special sauce", I think here is where things get interesting, PS4 brought with it some interesting features like the impressive memory setup (high bandwidth unified RAM) and async compute. The PS5 came along with breakthrough SSD technology so what will the PS6 bring? I don't think it'll bring a massive leap in SSD streaming speeds, simply because it doesn't need to. the PS5's 5.5 GB/s speed is already beastly, the only reason they'd increase it if the RAM pool is increased to 32 GB, the latter would be super dope. We know Mark Cerny's approach to the console design is based heavily on developer feedback, and it's no secret that developers, especially visual effects and programmers are always hungry for more RAM.
Another area where they could bring the "special sauce" is ray-tracing, although interestingly enough almost none of the developers asked for RT features in the PS5 console development. There's only so much you can do with RT and most games lighting setups closely match RT, especially in things like global illumination and ambient occlusion. However Cerny seem's to be a massive believer in RT, based off of his comments on RT being the "third phase of graphics" or something, so I think it's not crazy to speculate that the PS6 will have more dedicated and specialised hardware for ray-tracing, and more importantly making it more easy to implement and run games.
what did he lied about?Quite the bold strategy to post what's arguably the better aged video in gaming history as proof of Cerny being a liar.
Isn't that basically Cyberpunk?Let's be realistic PS4 was never pushed to the extent PS3 was. Just imagine a game that targeted 720p 30 fps with drops on the PS4.
The chase never does end
Keep giving me stronger machines every 4-5 years, don't make me keep the same machine for 8+ years
Maybe start releasing PS5 only games first before developing, or even talking about a PS6.
This generation of PS5 and XSX has been a major disappointment.
Well, data management is now nailed and unrestricted (they can basically move any amount of usable data on the fly), so we can espect advancements towards a more complete usage of Ray tracing (which will gradually subsitute any prebacked lighting until all lighting will be dynamic and physically correct), stacked RAM tech, and maybe dedicated AI processors, a thing that would finally open the possibility to have proper neural grids AIs on large amounts of NPCs (Sophy on GT7 is one, but it's limited to four drivers due to the heavy burden on CPU).
Agree with this for the most part.Folks be pipe dreaming. The days of low hanging fruit and massive spec jumps are over. This generation had the smallest jump in specs ever on GPU (7/8 times) and memory (2 times) and if you were a pro console owner it's even worse.
Consoles only improved their obvious weak spots like CPU and storage speed. Modern consoles are very balanced, except the series S.
The real bottleneck is on DEVELOPERS and BUDGET. Of all the games released on last gen consoles, how many truly had to push the machine to it's limits? We will still be getting indie platformers and first person hide and seek horror games. This will be even worse on this gen. Folks think that indie devs will be all of a sudden developing Metros and Cyberpunks just because they have better specs available...
The way I see it, The Switch proved that folks just want good games and specs don't matter as much.
Folks be pipe dreaming. The days of low hanging fruit and massive spec jumps are over. This generation had the smallest jump in specs ever on GPU (7/8 times) and memory (2 times) and if you were a pro console owner it's even worse.
Consoles only improved their obvious weak spots like CPU and storage speed. Modern consoles are very balanced, except the series S.
The real bottleneck is on DEVELOPERS and BUDGET. Of all the games released on last gen consoles, how many truly had to push the machine to it's limits? We will still be getting indie platformers and first person hide and seek horror games. This will be even worse on this gen. Folks think that indie devs will be all of a sudden developing Metros and Cyberpunks just because they have better specs available...
The way I see it, The Switch proved that folks just want good games and specs don't matter as much.
We don't even know if he is ideas guy.Mark Cerny has probably ran out of ideas...
Another area where they could bring the "special sauce"
Improve the battery life would be a good start. Everything else I think is fine.We don't even know if he is ideas guy.
But I don't see how they can 1up dualsense.
I agree. I was in a rush when I typed that post so I didn't get to complete it. I was intending to add AI upscaling as well.I'd place a large bet on the unique hardware that defines next gen being dedicated AI based upscaling - pushing beyond whatever version of DLSS is even able to do when the consoles release.
By going all in on that, the consoles immediately get so much more headroom. They'll take less power to run current PS5 games at an even higher output resolution.
A good ai reconstruction these days (outside of games, a non real time model) can take 720p up to a crisp 4k.
Bump up the CPU, memory and GPU alongside that and you've got a huge leap over the current gen. The SSD doesn't need to be faster, that will sustain a few gens - the tools to even make full use of it are still in development.
what a great non answer.Nothing.
We don't even know if he is ideas guy.
But I don't see how they can 1up dualsense.
But didn't the same sort of thing happen last Gen?When i bought(and overpayed) PS5 on release i never expected that we would still have crossgen AAA games in 2023..
I think we're already seeing hardware limitations on this generation, even running games built for the previous generation and not being able to absolutely brute force them.
The problem with DLSS is that you need good amount of dedicated silicon for that. That's OK when you sell from $500 to $1000 GPUs, but that's clearly not possible on cheap consoles APUs. Besides Sony developers (notably Insomniac and Guerrilla) have their own reconstruction solutions that work pretty well for them and are already superior to FSR 2 in my book. They just need to improve them.I agree. I was in a rush when I typed that post so I didn't get to complete it. I was intending to add AI upscaling as well.
It would a huge game changer for Sony, by the time we get the PS6 we'll have the technology of 3rd or 4th generation upscaling techniques (FSR 3/4 and DLSS 3/4). Sony have always been obsessed with efficiency in the system and APU design, PS4 Pro was a good example with checkerboard rendering over native 4K resolution.
The upscaling will also work really well with ray-tracing.
We will have something better, Bloodborne Remake as a launch Game, same as Demon's Souls for PS5, a faithful remake, mark my words.Can’t wait for The Last of Us to be remade for PS6.
The funniest thing I generally hear are people who have this idea that the hardware is creating the frame.Imagine the ps6 with 3dvcache on the cpu. Mmmm… no excuse for minimum 60fps next gen.
At some point, the industry needs to move forward.
30fps looks like shit and imo it's frankly ridiculous that we still haven't moved on from it.
Frame rates aren't like resolution or other graphical features where there's this constant need for improvement. If we just take the hit on fidelity for ONE generation and have the new standard being 60, then all subsequent leaps can be based on fidelity. I'd agree if there was then a push for 120fps - that seems like a complete luxury to me. But 30 vs 60 is a huge difference.
lol yes, it happens every gen. 2-2.5 years is the cross-gen period but people seem to forget that and always pretend that it never happened previously. 2015 is when we started getting good next-gen only titles at the time like Wticher 3 and Bloodborne.But didn't the same sort of thing happen last Gen?
Well that's just your opinion... That's probably why we haven't moved on from it because the thing you're saying is a subjective idea as in an opinion...
Just because you're talking about finite hardware doesn't actually mean the statement you're making is going to be perceived as some factual thing based on what we're talking about in context. An artist uses this hardware to create just like a photographer would use a camera but you have photographers that still use older cameras because they like the look or feel that they get from it you could spend all fucking day bothering them on how powerful some new camera is and telling them for fact that it's "better" they're going to tell you they like their old Polaroid 680. You're gonna keep fucking crying on how the industry didn't move on from this or that, The artist chooses how they apply the hardware. What you personally believe is better or worse has no relevance
I think it's funny in this day and age some of you still haven't figured this out. It's why you have movie directors that still use 25 or 30 frames because that's dependent on what's happening in any particular scene and of course they might use 60 frames to show speed or to exaggerate something that does not fucking mean they just always want to use the latest and greatest regardless of circumstance completely disregarding artistic direction.
So I have no problem with 60 frames in multiplayer games that does not mean I want everyone of my cinematic games looking like fucking soap operas... What you might perceive as more fluid because you personally like it other people might find it less cinematic and it might take away from that experience but ironically that's exactly why filmmakers literally go with multiple frame variations. I played The Last Of Us remaster at 60 fps for about 40 min or so before I just put it back to 30 fps. I don't care for that frame rate on games like that, that doesn't mean I want to play Battlefield at 30 fps...
So I'm not making an argument for the industry to move on from 60FPS and make it exclusively 30 I'm arguing that this entire choice is not up to you or me and it's up to the developer and the industry should continue to be free to have that option based on the contexts of what they're creating. So 60 or 120 is NEVER going to be fucking "standard" anymore then 8K DSLRs or the highest end film camera is not the "standard" in film or photography, all that is artist dependent.
Also hall effect sticks would be a good move.Improve the battery life would be a good start. Everything else I think is fine.
What's a hall effect?Also hall effect sticks would be a good move.
What's a hall effect?
1. Games and films are different media. What's acceptable in one isn't necessarily acceptable in the other.
The 24fps standard in cinema isn't really any kind of artistic choice. It's just a hangover from the original technology.
I see...so basically you want them to get a permanent fix on the whole drifting stick thing. I never had that issue with the DualSense personally. I did though with the Dualshock 4.![]()
Hall Effect Joysticks - What Is It And Why Does It Matter
Since the components in a Hall Effect joystick never physically touch, the sensors do not wear out like they do on analog joysticks. This means that in theory, Hall Effect joysticks never develop drift in their lifetime. In other words, magnets, how do they work.thegamingsetup.com