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Rumour: Marvel have struck a deal with Fox for Fantastic Four film rights

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Soory for being out of the loop but how did/does fox have rights to FF and X-men? Weren't they created by Marvel in the first place?

Marvel was going out of business in the early 90s and had to sell the film rights of their popular properties to survive.

Spider-Man went to Sony and Fantastic Four/X-Men went to Fox. All their other franchises were also sold (Hulk, Cap, Iron Man, Daredevil), but the rights reverted back to Marvel after a certain amount of time.

At this point, all the rights have reverted back besides X-Men and possibly Fantastic Four. Marvel and Sony worked out a deal to allow Spider-Man into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but Sony still technically owns the film rights to the character.
I don't care about them trying another F4 movie, I just want Marvel to have the rights back so they can use Doom, one of the best villains in the Marvel stable.


Fox doesn't get the whole box office take. They have to split it with theaters.

In addition, they likely spent another $100 million marketing it.

Very interesting. Thanks, mate. I really need to brush up on my knowledge of how the movie business really works and how movie earnings are really divided.

Nonetheless, that information only proves my point. In comparison to giving away a dead in the water film franchise like the rebooted FF, people who are hoping that Fox will be willing to give away something as profitable as the X:Men franchise are only kidding themselves. And the way I see it, that's a really good thing. In their individual stylized universes, I sort of feel it would be best to keep those two worlds separate, in-tune with their own very different sensibilities. The X:Men inhabit a very defined and definite version of the world where paranoia and mutant hatred runs rampant...where certain characters and institutions loom large. Mixing all the character's and their baggage in to the MCU wouldn't only feel kind of messy at this point, as someone pointed out earlier, it would only steal the spotlight from more deserving characters getting the spotlight like Captain Marvel and Black Panther. Plus, unlike with the FF...Fox have proven themselves with the X-Men. If they can continue making quality films as fun and as true to the source material as Days of Future Past, more power to them.


Isn't he already supposed to be playing Dormammu in Doctor Strange?

EDIT: Beaten. Multiple times. Like Ben Grimm by his older brother in the most recent FF movie.


This comment needs more love.

I'll say this though... one of the best things about Doctor Doom, if Marvel gets him and does him right, is that, because he ALWAYS wears the mask, they can cast him in movies LONG-TERM and easily replace any actor if something goes wrong or they simply get too old for the part. Unlike a Tony Stark or a Thor, Doom's "face" is the mask. That gives Marvel a ton of flexibility with how to handle him for years and years to come.
Don't get all the tarnished talk. Batman, Dare Devil, and to lesser extent X Men (3) all had bad films that left a horrible aftertaste. People have short memories, and if the film is good people will go to see it.

Hell after the prequels I had no confidence in ever seeing a good star wars movie again.


Editor in Chief at collider.com says it's not true.
In addition, Fox already had the X-Men TV rights so no trade happened or was necessary

Since when?

Gary Newman revealed that Fox is indeed interested in making the mutant comic series into a TV show, and that the network is currently in negotiations to do so. There's one major hurdle standing in Fox's way, though: While the company owns the movie rights to the franchise, Marvel still owns the rights to the characters outright, and needs to grant Fox permission to use them again for television.
"It's in negotiations," Newman told TV Insider of talks with Marvel. "We're cautiously optimistic, we had a good meeting with them. That will not be on a fast track creatively. This is just the deal, now we have to find the creative."


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
New page so I'll ask again:

Who owns the rights to The Watcher? Anyone know?
I don't think anyone outside of Fox/Marvel knows for sure, but the character is most likely on the Fox side of the contracts considering his history with the F4 and Galactus.
Editor in Chief at collider.com says it's not true.
Update: Steve here. I’ve checked with some high up sources and can report Marvel has not regained the movie rights to Fantastic Four. In addition, Fox already had the X-Men TV rights so no trade happened or was necessary.
That doesn't make any sense. We already know that Fox didn't have the rights and needed to make a deal. A Fox exec (I think?) even said so.


Hugh Jackman da gawd appearing in avengers would be a bigger deal for me than literally anybody else at this point (aside from Tobey maguire lol)

Like the regular Marvel U, there will come a time when MCU will have the Old Man Logan character as a separate figure from Wolverine.

They can cast a new actor for Wolverine and bring back Hugh Jackman as Old Man Logan. Would be pretty darn amazing, in addition to convenient.
From Den of Geek

Update: Having asked for some clarification from our source, we understand that the deal Marvel have made with Fox - which will see Fantastic Four returned to the Marvel fold in exchange for the X-Men TV rights - also includes the rights to villains Galactus and Doctor Doom, as well as the Silver Surfer.

If the deal pans out as our contact says it will, this means that two of the biggest villains in comic books will be able to appear elsewhere in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and not just in the 2020 film we've heard is already in place.

Hopefully Fox or Marvel put us out of our misery.


At the time the movie rights were sold comic book movies hadn't become apparently the only successful ways to make a film.


Ah, a he said/she said duel of the sources. Collider is usually pretty good but that their source seems to think Fox always retained the X-Men tv rights -- when we know Fox themselves said just the opposite -- makes me dubious.


Ah, a he said/she said duel of the sources. Collider is usually pretty good but that their source seems to think Fox always retained the X-Men tv rights -- when we know Fox themselves said just the opposite -- makes me dubious.

Huh, I guess Collider got their facts wrong.

Perhaps they meant that FOX regained the TV rights before any talk of Fantastic Four even entered the picture?

I mean it's not unreasonable to think these discussions were going on long before Fantastic Four bombed at the box-office. And clearly FOX has them now or co-owns them... so could just be a confusion of words.

Also, I do like the difference between this and the Inhumans thread, people were right in questioning the sourcing on that one, but people want this to be true even though I don't know of many (any?) story that was broken by Den of Geek, but I don't know them as rumor-mongering either so
I'll believe it when I see it. Not getting my hopes up lol. I will say the first thing I thought of when I saw all the X-Men/Mutant shows announced the other day is that this was happening though. The deal makes sense on both ends. Crossing my fingers that it's true.
The exciting thing here if this is true is that they'd start publishing the Fantastic Four comic again. I don't really care about anything else.
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