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Sept NPD


Kanbee-san said:
I personally like my GBASP equal to the GC and PS2. Xbox is somewhere behind there, since I take little interest in the console's offerings, such as Halo 2 and Fable.

I am not knocking your opinion, but you just sound like a nintendo fanboy. I cant see how playing pixelated, crippled portable games could compete with the likes of online, 3d rendered, 5.1 chanel imersive console games.

Let's see. My favorite series is Resident Evil, which is admittedly on the GameCube, but also on the PS2. My other favorite series is Pokemon, which is WELL represented on the GBA. And I'd take a Pokemon title over the online, 3d rendered, 5.1 chanel RE Outbreak any day of the week, because it's simply more fun to play.

So nice try.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
You have a dumb, unfounded opinion and absolutely no argument behind it.

Hitler had dumb, unfounded opinions and charismatic arguments behind them.

Thus, Hitler > you.
deadlifter said:
There are people that prefer the GBA over consoles. One of the most informed posters on this gaming board does, in fact. So you are wrong there. We understand you don't like the GBA, that's fucking great.

Hey.... hold on. My hate isnt just for GBA's. It stems from the lynx. And just how "informed" can someone be if they prefer GBA's over consoles ? GBA games at best dont even rival the greatness of the SNES and its games.

You have a dumb, unfounded opinion and absolutely no argument behind it.

Hitler had dumb, unfounded opinions and charismatic arguments behind them.

Thus, Hitler > you.

Unfounded ? Call it life experience. I have yet to meet a person who prefers handhelds to consoles.

I am not charismatic.

Hitler > Me ? - I am offended. Please dont compare me with hitler.


rollin' in the gutter
Kanbee-san said:
and your point ?

The point is there are many good games on GBA. Just because they aren't 3D and they don't have 5.1 digital audio, doesn't mean they aren't great games. Your argument is not a good one since you aren't giving examples on why the GBA isn't comparable to a console. The games are high quality, and that's all that matters.

Hell, i don't even play GBA nearly as much as i do consoles and i'm defending it. That is how flawed your argument is.


Kanbee-san said:
Hey.... hold on. My hate isnt just for GBA's. It stems from the lynx. And just how "informed" can someone be if they prefer GBA's over consoles ? GBA games at best dont even rival the greatness of the SNES and its games.

Because he makes smart, coherent, realistic, and well crafted posts.

His tastes don't factor into his intelligence.


Nintendo definately still has a problem, especially when you have a game like Star Ocean that sells just over the amount that Tales of Symphonia has sold since July in less than a month.

And of course I won't get into the Fable vs. Pikmin 2 numbers.

Though I guess I shouldn't be suprised anymore. 2002, when Nintendo released Mario, Star Fox, Metroid and Zelda (early 2003), it didn't spur massive GameCube sales. And I sincerely doubt that either RE4 or the new Zelda will.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Kanbee-san said:
GBA games at best dont even rival the greatness of the SNES and its games.
Legend of Stafy 1-3, Advance Wars 1-2, Wario Ware, and about two dozen other games wish to strongly disagree.


rollin' in the gutter
Hitler Stole My Potato said:
I see this has finally turned into your average GAF NPD thread - so ass fucking retarded it's giving me a headache.

Kudos on another job well done.

Did you really expect anything else? :)


Kanbee-san said:
In my opinion portable gaming is a disgrace to the word "video games". I must re-iterate, no one in their right mind would want a GBA over a console.

Sorry dude but your opinion's value went right out the window there. I'm 21, have been gaming since the 80s, have all consoles (and Xbox Live) and my SP is my favorite system. Anyone who says shit like you clearly has never played one -- of the top 5 games this gen, the SP is the most well-represented for me with Wario Ware and Mario and Luigi RPG.


Not only does the GBA library have many SNES and SNES-esque games, it also get 2 Metroid games, 3 Castlevania games, 2 Wars games, Fire Emblem, tons of RPG's like Final Fantasy and Lufia...

Man, I love my SNES and have tons of nostolgia for it, but if it hasn't already, with the impending releases of FFI&II, Kingdom Hearts, The Minnish Cap, Kirby & the amazing Mirror it's likely to surpass it pretty soon...

not only that, you've got an entire GB/GBC color library to mess with, where awesome games like Tetris, Link's Awakening, and Pokemon Puzzle Challenge hold up well against today's games...

on top of that, IT'S PORTABLE!
Notorious said:

I don't know why people compare GBA sales with console sales. Is it some kind of Nintendroid damage control? A GBA is cheaper, of course it will sell better.

That's it. Pretty much whever the GC is doing badly, the GBA sales are brought up to damage control everything.


Notorious said:

I don't know why people compare GBA sales with console sales. Is it some kind of Nintendroid damage control? A GBA is cheaper, of course it will sell better.
uh, GCN is cheaper, of course it will sell better...

if only that were true...


Nintendo's position in the industry nowadays is just so mind-blowing.

I mean, try to remember back in the 1980s and early 1990s. Nintendo was absolutely massive and dominant. Hell, even during the Nintendo 64 years, their games were still the most popular by far even though the PlayStation outsold the Nintendo 64 by quite a bit overall. Even at the end of the Nintendo 64 era, people -- even consumers who usually don't get into videogame "politics" -- looked at the Nintendo label as a source of near-invincibility in quality.

It's mind-boggling how they let that 1990s dominance totally slip away from them and made them go into a state of irrelevancy.


I have no doubt the PS2 will outsell Xbox for the rest of the year, but I doubt there will be as big of a gap between the two as compared to a year ago.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Kanbee-san said:
In my opinion portable gaming is a disgrace to the word "video games". I must re-iterate, no one in their right mind would want a GBA over a console.
*shakes head*


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
But don't a lot of people say Nintendo is doing badly?
It goes both ways. Some people act like the GC is all that matters to Nintendo, while others act like cross-subsidizing the GC with GBA sales is somehow a positive. None of it's terribly useful.
snapty00 said:
Nintendo's position in the industry nowadays is just so mind-blowing.

I mean, try to remember back in the 1980s and early 1990s. Nintendo was absolutely massive and dominant. Hell, even during the Nintendo 64 years, their games were still the most popular by far even though the PlayStation outsold the Nintendo 64 by quite a bit overall. Even at the end of the Nintendo 64 era, people -- even consumers who usually don't get into videogame "politics" -- looked at the Nintendo label as a source of near-invincibility in quality.

It's mind-boggling how they let that 1990s dominance totally slip away from them and made them go into a state of irrelevancy.

Do you ever post on anything other than Nintendo = Doomed? It's DAMN FUCKING annoying.

I don't understand how 100,000+ HW is still considered bad? Software is another thing, but Gamecube isn't out of the race yet. It's still doing healthy numbers.

Funny how these threads bring out all the trolls and make people forget about Xbox's FATAL sales in Japan. But once the tables are turned, it's all troll, even if you're being a hypocrite.
SolidSnakex said:
That's it. Pretty much whever the GC is doing badly, the GBA sales are brought up to damage control everything.

So you won't bring up the PS2 if PSP is trailing the DS in a year or two, right?
Meier said:
Sorry dude but your opinion's value went right out the window there. I'm 21, have been gaming since the 80s, have all consoles (and Xbox Live) and my SP is my favorite system. Anyone who says shit like you clearly has never played one -- of the top 5 games this gen, the SP is the most well-represented for me with Wario Ware and Mario and Luigi RPG.

I owned a Lynx dude, i bought a gameboy, i bought a GBA SP. Thats where my opinions come from. Dont play the whole, you know nothing, you never even played it... card.

I do like a few GBA games, namely Golden Sun and Advance Wars. I just dont think the system is advanced as it should be. PSP or DS could change this.


I thought the Xbox HW numbers would be higher than that. It outpaced the PS2 by a nominal margin, which can be attributed to two factors: There is an ongoing shortage of PS2 units and the effect of saturation is finally taking hold of its monthly penetration. Star Ocean 3's numbers are the most impressive. Anyone know how Star Ocean 2 fared? Fable's posting isn't that much of a surprise. Given the dearth of quality role playing on the Xbox, it's no wonder that Fable, underwhelming as it is, pushed that many units. When word of its mediocrity spreads, though, I expect the number to taper off considerably.


Yeah, I can't believe how low those numbers are for Gamecube, I'm sure nintendo is not going to just stand idle on this matter.


Dan said:
It goes both ways. Some people act like the GC is all that matters to Nintendo, while others act like cross-subsidizing the GC with GBA sales is somehow a positive. None of it's terribly useful.

My thoughts exactly. But, the GC-GBA cross subsidizing is far more useful than acting like GC only matters, but none of them break any spectrums. But the people who see Nintendo as one have a far more valid arguement here.


Chi-Town said:
Here's an idea. Somebody startup a "Consoles VS Portables thread" and take the discussion there.
awww... are the PS2 and XBox afraid of a little challenge...

to quote the man himself:



Console and handhelds are two seperate markets. No one goes in comparing PS2 to GBA. Everyone knows most kids want both. It seems to me PS2 has saturated the market more than GBA has to this point. Looking at the attach ratios and overall software sales, Nintendo doing well in just the market it has a temporary monopoly in isn't good.

I mean, save Pokemon, I keep saying practically everything selling well on GBA has a console legacy. Even on PSP, you're getting the most anticipation for PSX/PS2 remakes, never mind N64 and GCN remakes everyone is drooling over.

So considering PS2 has done much better than GCN with new properties:

Animal Crossing
3d Metroid


The Getaway
Jak & Daxter
Sly Cooper
Mark of Kri
Dark Cloud
Downhill Domination

- I can't see how anyone can believe DS isn't in for a huge fight for market leadership let alone stomping PSP out to keep the monopoly.

Yeah, Nintendo's got the bigger legacy, but GT, Hot Shots, Twisted Metal, and 989 Sports aren't exactly pushovers either.

Sony will probably trip up (in multiple ways) its start up again like with PS and PS2, but we all know what happened in the end when the fight was over.

So, ok, for one month the market with recreated properties was almost bigger than the market with original properties instead of a fraction of it like normal because of a price drop and a killer app.


Suranga3 said:
Yeah, I can't believe how low those numbers are for Gamecube, I'm sure nintendo is not going to just stand idle on this matter.
What can they really do realistically, though? :\

To really make a dent in the next year, they would have had to start making changes years ago. It's just too late, so in a way, I guess Nintendo is doing the right thing by just hoping for the best on a month-by-month basis and hoping it can make a tiny profit from GameCube rather than spending anymore significant amount of money pushing it.

Still, it's pretty wild how much Nintendo's position has plummeted over the years.


unkasa said:
I thought the Xbox HW numbers would be higher than that. It outpaced the PS2 by a nominal margin, which can be attributed to two factors: There is an ongoing shortage of PS2 units and the effect of saturation is finally taking hold of its monthly penetration. Star Ocean 3's numbers are the most impressive. Anyone know how Star Ocean 2 fared? Fable's posting isn't that much of a surprise. Given the dearth of quality role playing on the Xbox, it's no wonder that Fable, underwhelming as it is, pushed that many units. When word of its mediocrity spreads, though, I expect the number to taper off considerably.
From Dec. 03 NPD.

unkasa said:
Star Ocean 3's numbers are the most impressive.

I've seen this sentiment several times in this thread and I can't really agree. This is Square Enix's flagship title for the year and had a substantial tv ad campaign. It was out for almost the entire month, a quarter of a million in sales should be expected. In fact, it pales in comparison to Fable.

Hopefully Dragon Quest can do better than this in America.
I think a lot of people argue out of ignorance against GBA. I've said it before. Nintendo portable software is some of the most compelling software around. Games like Pokémon, Astro Boy: Omega Factor, Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga, Advance Wars 1+2, Warioware and Fire Emblem can attest to this.

The fact that they are on a handheld doesn't take away the fact that they are as addictive and enthralling as their console counterparts. So, there's those who would argue they are equally or even more appealing than flashy 3D games with 5.1 surround, so what? I too find myself playing gameboy more often than my other consoles. It's called personal preference.


m0dus said:

Excuse me, sir, I'm from the NPD. The september sales are in.


Vaht de Hell? de noo En-Pee-deeh numbahs ah een. Leht's seeh.


Ooh noh. De Siduvashun ees degenerading fahst . . .



pointless, yes.

edit: found an even better quote ^-^

Catchpenny said:
So you won't bring up the PS2 if PSP is trailing the DS in a year or two, right?

No, they aren't in the same market. If the PSP does bad it does bad. Comparing the PS2 to the DS or GBA won't make the PSP's sales look any better.


God, this thread stinks now.

Anyway: I am wondering if Nintendo views their console hardware as expendible.

on a related note: I am willing to bet that most people DO buy GBAs as toys for their kids. Look at the games that sell. Very low games sales on GBA, but in titles selling 100K-80K per se you get a LOT of titles. A lot of the higher selling titles also seem to be licenses directed towards kids (except Nintendo's "open to all age groups" games).

Heck, my mom buys my little brother GBA games whenever she goes to wal-mart or Target or wherever else in exchange for another toy or candy.


Sometimes I wonder if it hurts Nintendo that the 'nintendo generation' is currently in their college years. Which means broke ass. Plus less free time. Which is maybe why their portables do great since they are normally cheaper and can be on the go and played in short intervals.

I know the "mature" market is what is constantly being talked about and advertised to, but everyone I know spent more time playing videogames during their teenage years than they do in their 20s and such. I don't think Nintendo is getting today's Teenager, let alone the older trend hoppers. The trend hoppers will dissapear soon, but the teenagers hang on.


Suranga3 said:
Drop the price to $75 US.
Who would care, though?

The price is already $50 or more cheaper than the competition, and people still aren't buying it.

Honestly, if the GameCube dropped to $20, would it really make a massive spike long-term? I really don't think it would. For about three months, I think you'd see a pretty big spike, but after about a year, I think we'd be right back where we are now.


Catchpenny said:
I've seen this sentiment several times in this thread and I can't really agree. This is Square Enix's flagship title for the year and had a substantial tv ad campaign. It was out for almost the entire month, a quarter of a million in sales should be expected. In fact, it pales in comparison to Fable.

Hopefully Dragon Quest can do better than this in America.
Last gen, any RPG without the words "Final" and "Fantasy" in them had trouble getting over 300k. Square isn't the brand Final Fantasy is yet. EA is the only publishing brand that seems to sell games on it's own at this point. And even then, it doesn't do it very well.
snapty00 said:
Who would care, though?

The price is already $50 or more cheaper than the competition, and people still aren't buying it.

Honestly, if the GameCube dropped to $20, would it really make a massive spike long-term? I really don't think it would. For about three months, I think you'd see a pretty big spike, but after about a year, I think we'd be right back where we are now.
I would probably buy a Gamecube Nintendo if it dropped to $20/€20. And if they throw in a free game and memory card, I would buy it for sure.


Unconfirmed Member
etiolate said:
Sometimes I wonder if it hurts Nintendo that the 'nintendo generation' is currently in their college years. Which means broke ass. Plus less free time. Which is maybe why their portables do great since they are normally cheaper and can be on the go and played in short intervals.

I know the "mature" market is what is constantly being talked about and advertised to, but everyone I know spent more time playing videogames during their teenage years than they do in their 20s and such. I don't think Nintendo is getting today's Teenager, let alone the older trend hoppers. The trend hoppers will dissapear soon, but the teenagers hang on.
I somewhat agree. though I played more video games in college than I did ever. But you are spot on about broke ass college kids. I played more games... a owend a lot less.

we just played the same shit over and over.

edit: shit I replied to something from like three pages ago this thread is FAST :lol
SolidSnakex said:
No, they aren't in the same market. If the PSP does bad it does bad. Comparing the PS2 to the DS or GBA won't make the PSP's sales look any better.

So if PSP were doing poorly and people started going about with "SONY IS DOOMED" posts, there wouldn't be a temptation to remind them of how much ass Sony is kicking in the console market?

I agree that consoles and portables aren't really in the same market and shouldn't be treated that way. However, when talking about the fortunes of a company that is in both markets, you can't just focus on one. That goes for the people who want to spin the GBA's success as Nintendo dominance just as much as it goes for people citing GCN's troubles as the death knell for Nintendo.
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