Ah, their opinion is just as valid as any other. However, I think it seems painfully obvious that the IGN reviewer isn't really someone that has an interest in the Silent Hill franchise.IGN has to be way off on this one. I know people have different opinions and all, but after seeing and hearing everything posted here, looks nothing like something that would warrant a low rating.
I imported too! My copy shipped this morning. Now to play the unbearable waiting game.
Any video reviews out yet?
That seems logical, but footage I've seen from both systems has shown more tearing on the 360 (during specific scenes). They both suffer from pretty severe tearing and slowdown at times, though, it would appear.Well, seeing as it's developed on Unreal, you can probably safely bet that the 360 will be better in the performance department.
I plan on getting it on PS3, and I'm really hoping it is more than comparable to the 360 version.
Even if that IS the case, it's still Unreal Engine 3 which has always favored 360 hardware.Didn't I hear that PS3 was the lead platform?
Didn't I hear that PS3 was the lead platform?
Dangit, Gaf. I was hoping to wait until this hits about $40, but this OT has me hyped. Also, it feels good to be supporting Silent Hill with a day 1 purchase too. The 360 version is on its way, but I think I'm going to do a Homecoming run before starting. I feel like the odd man out on it because I liked it a lot.
I'm also excited about the HD collection, despite its flaws, because I missed out on SH3 originally.
Dangit, Gaf. I was hoping to wait until this hits about $40, but this OT has me hyped. Also, it feels good to be supporting Silent Hill with a day 1 purchase too. The 360 version is on its way, but I think I'm going to do a Homecoming run before starting. I feel like the odd man out on it because I liked it a lot.
I'm also excited about the HD collection, despite its flaws, because I missed out on SH3 originally.
You're not the only one, I liked Homecoming a lot too. IMO it did some things better than 2 did (like giving us a main character I cared about, unlike James)
You're not the only one, I liked Homecoming a lot too. IMO it did some things better than 2 did (like giving us a main character I cared about, unlike James)
What annoys me in the Gamespot review, at least in the video review, is how fast it is to rip on the Korn song. The song isn't even that bad, and it doesn't interfere with the actual game itself. Reviewers can have their opinions and it's obvious that the game has some technical issues and bland combat, but complaining about a song that doesn't play during the game and smacking a 4.5 because it has some framerate problems and some other technical hiccups informs me that I'm simply not on the same page as these guys. And that's fine, people are entitled to what they think, but as it stands the complaints brought up in the reviews don't really sway me.
I think IGN was the 4.5 and Gamestop was the 7.5.
Agreed. The monster designs are not great at all.MyEpitomeCliché;35955713 said:Watched the Gamespot review. Man, the monster designs are so uninspired and droll. I'm sure they didn't show all offerings, but of the three I saw, just awful. I miss truly disturbing creatures like the Grey Children or the Slurper. Horrific abominations that you would sincerely dread having to encounter and deal with, even if it was to only run from their pursuit.
I think the reason they ripped into the Korn song was because they havent been relevant since 2003.
I didn't feel bad for James at all.
In that sense you can say Korn and Silent hill fits each other perfectly.
sorry but you were asking for it with that post.
Speaking of enemies and how they are all orignal in this one. I'm curious to the few that have been playing this. I don't want spoilers obviously but are the bosses grotesque or have any more imagitive design to them or they pretty similar in looks compared to the regular enemies?
You're not supposed to. At least not in a straightforward sense.
I know, Gamespot scored it much higher. I was just pointing out how that was kind of obnoxious to me, that one of the first points of concern was the Korn song that doesn't have any impact on the game whatsoever.
I did sort of mix my thoughts on IGN's and Gamespot's reviews together, so I'll take a hit for not organizing my thoughts better.
Jamesgot what he deserved. still really hurt the game for me to be playing as a character i couldn't emotionally connect with. just putting us through the same experience didn't make me care for that stupid asshole one bit.probably
it's weird because i'm totally okay with unlikeable protoganists in other media, and i'm totally okay with playing as a convicted criminal in Downpour on paper. there can be something redemptive about someone in Murphy's position who knows they did wrong, trying to do good... but we'll see how it pans out, and that wasn't James position at all.
i just find, generally, horror games are undermined by making me play as unlikeable fuck wits who i actually want to see dead. i didn't care about James and his dead wife. he gave me no reason to care about him. Silent Hill, Silent Hill 3, Silent Hill 4, Silent Hill 0rigins and Silent Hill Homecoming all feature main characters i like more than James.
the one i felt the most sorry for? Henry, naturally. maybe a bit of a peeping tom, but if i'd been trapped in my house for days i'd probably peep too, if only to overcome the boredom. his only mistake was moving into the wrong apartment.
I think the reason they ripped into the Korn song was because they havent been relevant since 2003.
Seriously? Henry is probably the SH protagonist I like the least of all, simply because he's so completely bland and forgettable, and the game never really even tries to make you give a shit about him. I did feel really sorry for Walter though.
Jamesgot what he deserved. still really hurt the game for me to be playing as a character i couldn't emotionally connect with. just putting us through the same experience didn't make me care for that stupid asshole one bit.probably
Nothing bland about a guy who keeps only white wine and chocolate milk in their fridge. There's a story to be told there, and I'm waiting for the SH4 prequel to get it.Seriously? Henry is probably the SH protagonist I like the least of all, simply because he's so completely bland and forgettable, and the game never really even tries to make you give a shit about him. I did feel really sorry for Walter though.
Nothing bland about a guy who keeps only white wine and chocolate milk in their fridge. There's a story to be told there, and I'm waiting for the SH4 prequel to get it.
Walter's the star of SH4, of course you feel strongly about him!
more like 1996 lol
Seriously? Henry is probably the SH protagonist I like the least of all, simply because he's so completely bland and forgettable, and the game never really even tries to make you give a shit about him. I did feel really sorry for Walter though.
sure he killed Mary, but it was about the journey and brilliant storytelling behind it all. you're not supposed to really emotionally connect with James, it was a tragedy. you're supposed to like the character because of his nuances and depth, not so much because he's a likable guy or something. I don't think a protagonist always needs to be lovable per se; he was interesting and complex IMO.
I mean I get where you're coming from, I just saw it all in a different way. James was a dirtbag-- killing Mary and then only really wanting Maria for sex, which said everything about his relationship with Mary and probably why he killed her. I found it to be an incredibly interesting story with an incredibly interesting and super-flawed protagonist.
Henry is the most innocent of all the SH protagonists. granted it's not Heather's fault that she is what she is, but she still is what she is. Henry, you can call him forgettable if you like, but he was a nice guy that rented an appartment.Seriously? Henry is probably the SH protagonist I like the least of all, simply because he's so completely bland and forgettable, and the game never really even tries to make you give a shit about him. I did feel really sorry for Walter though.
RICHARD BRAINTREE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A WORD WITH YOU.In hindsight, Walter was really the only worthwhile character in SH4. The rest were all completely forgettable :lol
MyEpitomeCliché;35955713 said:Watched the Gamespot review. Man, the monster designs are so uninspired and droll. I'm sure they didn't show all offerings, but of the three I saw, just awful. I miss truly disturbing creatures like the Grey Children or the Slurper. Horrific abominations that you would sincerely dread having to encounter and deal with, even if it was to only run from their pursuit.
So memorable I had forgotten he was even in the game.
He was kind of OK though, simply because he was such an unrelenting douchebag
The crazy guy who burned himself to death in the forest. I remember him. He wanted his chocobo milk so badly.