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Silent Hill Downpour |OT| Rain, Rain, Go Away

I don't know if it's out in the US yet, but it was released in Europe about 2 years ago (picked up a copy of the movie on BD last year). Anyway, the movie was definitely good, like dark fantasy pulp action horror. I wasn't aware of the character prior to watching the movie, but I think I might look for a Solomon Kane collection or omnibus when I'm done reading the complere Sherlock Holmes collection.

Robert E Howard, creator of Conan - lesser known character, but honestly much more interesting. Like you said, dark fantasy pulp horror, basically.
Anything is better than Double Helix and their 'let's have Alessa and Josh go Super Saiyan at each other while Alex teams up with Heather' shit or Climax doing another Shattered Memories :p

boo. i hope Climax do get to do another Shattered Memories. there's no reason why it can't remain it's own seperate continuity.

i mean, sales mean it won't happen, but i can still hope damn you!

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Anything is better than Double Helix and their 'let's have Alessa and Josh go Super Saiyan at each other while Alex teams up with Heather' shit or Climax doing another Shattered Memories :p

I should mention now even before I knew any of this I have a burning hatred for Josh. He was really annoying in the game, always running away and whining and moaning whenever he talked. I was actually happy to find out he was dead and abort him out of the giant pregnant lady spider thing. Learning he was supposed to be a main villain in a trilogy in a Silent Hill turf war where he would ultimately go Super Saiyan just cements my hatred for him. A lot of the characters in Homecoming weren't very good, though. Luckily the opposite is true with Downpour.

Anyway, I've uploaded all of the game's music I've found on the disk so far (though there's likely more hidden away in these folders, there's a ton of things to shift through but I've come to sort of learn what all of the acronyms on this disk files stand for and how it's sort of organized, though a few songs are in places you wouldn't expect them.):


Also, and this following spoiler is a really big one and if you click it without knowing what you're doing you may very well hate yourself for it, but I want to discuss this with anyone who's completed the game. Have wanted to talk about some of the big plot twists in the game including this one.

I just want to say I did not see the plot twist with Anne coming at all. Her role for the longest time seemed like a strange mix of Cybil's and Maria's, with her being taken away to seemingly die all the time only to come back fine later. It mislead me to guess what was going on with her. Sure some of the things going on in the town didn't seem to really fit Murphy, especially in the Otherworld sections, but I didn't realize that it was because Murphy isn't the only victim of the town right now. His metallic prison Otherworld mixing with Anne's water-flooding Otherworld was a nice touch and they had some great clues around the game that I didn't understand for the longest time. Silent Hill 2 delved into this a bit (when two people are experiencing the horrors of Silent Hill and their both close together, their Otherworlds mix. This happened with Jame's decaying version of the town mixing with Angela's burning version of the town in that one famous SH2 scene.), and it was pretty cool to see such attention to detail to make sure that water started playing a role whenever Anne was about to come in the picture, and that these sections had really subtle nods to Anne. It also was interesting to see the effects of the town to someone other than yourself when witnessing them, like in Devil's Pit where the conversation with Anne gets a bit weird. It was expertly done where it seemed plausible she was talking to Murphy (even if it is is a bit weird in that context), but it made all the more sense when you realize she was seeing Murphy as someone else.


SH music is the best driving music. I don't know how many times I've taken extremely relaxing drives at night to some of the music.

Breeze in Monochrome Night is just ethereal.

Man drive to that while it's actually foggy or raining outside...*whistles*.

Btw you changed your PSN tag right? Just making sure because I think I remember getting a message about it.


so this shit is out now on the east coast. let's get wet.

Will be picking it up first thing in the morning right before I head to the gym. But then after that I work until 9pm :\, but after THAT, it's Silent Hill time, baby.

Damn it feels good to be back.

Going to bed right now while listening to the Downpour soundtrack, catch you all on the flipside, and sweet nightmares to you all.


Anyone else dig the tunes that play from the jukebox
also anyone know if there is a new game plus and what you can unlock from it.

So far about 2hrs in , its a pretty good game and way above the 4.5 ign gave it.
Some of the reviews and impressions I've read are piquing my interest a bit. I doubt I'll be picking it up at release because I've got a lot of games to work through now, but at least it's sounding better than Homecoming.

What bugs were in Silent Hill 4? How was Silent Hill 4 broken? I mean I played the game ages ago on the Ps2, but I never encountered any game breaking bugs, nor did I ever consider the game broken. You are using words that don't even apply to the game.

I can understand anyone having "issues" with escort missions, escorting Eileen wasn't something I had intentionally been looking forward to, but she never wandered, she never got stuck in geometry on the map and she was always right behind you to go through the doors/loading screens.

Its like we played entirely different games.

Not always. This was especially problematic if you gave her a weapon and there were ghosts around. I remember several times trying to run through a group of monsters to another area only to discover Eileen was still in that previous room. Thankfully, there's that candle trick which makes it unnecessary to worry about the damage she receives, but it's still annoying.
My copy shipped... Hell yeah! All this talk of the movie also got me remembering the flick and I still think it was amazing they pretty much used the music from the game. I mean what other videogame movies did that? Pretty ballsy if you ask me. I'm with you guys it had problems but damn I loved it. I'm hoping the sequel kicks ass too. Visually I'm enjoyin it from the pictures they released.
Awesome. I'm certainly not stopping him.

But it sounded like he wasn't exactly interesting in living in the Czech republic, didn't it? I also hope Gomez would work on another title, he always seemed pretty cool unlike some of the other devs who instantly went down to the troll level of most silent hill forums and that lecture he gave about horror games was really interesting.


Short bus special
I haven't seen Deathwatch, but Solomon Kane was actually pretty good.

Watch it. Seriously. I own it on DVD even. First class horror story set in the trenches of World War 1. Even then it reminded me a bit of Silent Hill, and that was way before he would become the director of the new Silent Hill movie.


Huge Silent Hill fan here,

Thank god that this game is being bombarded with negative reviews, because i have no time for it right now, so no hype,, once i'll have time i'll play it in the future,,,, Negative reviews are sometimes a good thing afterall

Edit: by bombarded i meant the IGN Review, didnt read any other one yet


Short bus special
Huge Silent Hill fan here,

Thank god that this game is being bombarded with negative reviews, because i have no time for it right now, so no hype,, once i'll have time i'll play it in the future,,,, Negative reviews are sometimes a good thing afterall

Bombarded with negative reviews? What? It's gotten 7's and 8's with only the IGN review being negative. The other ones have been strangely positive really. And in line with the scores of Silent Hill 2.
Huge Silent Hill fan here,

Thank god that this game is being bombarded with negative reviews, because i have no time for it right now, so no hype,, once i'll have time i'll play it in the future,,,, Negative reviews are sometimes a good thing afterall

Edit: by bombarded i meant the IGN Review, didnt read any other one yet

Bombarded does not mean whatever you think it means.


YEah i know, I hugely enjoyed Homecoming although it got negative reviews,,, i just love Silent Hill,, But this one is for later for sure
YEah i know, I hugely enjoyed Homecoming although it got negative reviews,,, i just love Silent Hill,, But this one is for later for sure

If you're looking for a reason to not spend money on the game, that's fine, but the game isn't being as panned as you're making it seem. 1 review does not equal an entire community upset with it. Maybe once more reviews (critics and users) come out, that may be true, but so far it's seeming to get a much better reaction than expected. I'm personally excited to try it out today.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
The game will be in my hands in 2 hours. :D


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
There are DLC weapons? Might get them on my second playthrough then. First time through it'll be Silent Hill as it was meant to be; combat on easy, riddles on normal or hard :D


There are DLC weapons?

Preorder stuffs. Nail-gun and some blunt object for preordering at GS

First time through it'll be Silent Hill as it was meant to be; combat on easy, riddles on normal or hard :D

I really wish you'd stop saying this, as not everyone thinks the same way as you. Some of us actually enjoy the scares provided by an intimidating foe you may have to flee from in order to survive.

Team Silent in particular, who designed like 13 different combat difficulties (most of them varying degrees of hard) for Silent Hill 3.


If you're looking for a reason to not spend money on the game, that's fine, but the game isn't being as panned as you're making it seem. 1 review does not equal an entire community upset with it. Maybe once more reviews (critics and users) come out, that may be true, but so far it's seeming to get a much better reaction than expected. I'm personally excited to try it out today.

The problem is that i dont have time to play it in the next 3 months,,so much work, and i am preparing for my wedding, preparing my new home, add to that i am platinuming Demons souls and playing SFxT, and FFXIII-2 and Dark souls are waiting to be played,,,, so many games so little time to play them,,,, so i am using any excuse to not purchase any new game and lower my hype level about them, thats why the IGN review was enough for me :),, Even if they are wrong, thats good for me for now


Hayeya man....

I think this is the key you seem to be looking for to end sentences:


I dunno if you're on a phone with a low res and can't tell, or your full-stop key is busted or something.
What I find funny about reviews is almost no Silent Hill game has ever been claimed to be amazing in big magazine and online publications. The very Silent Hill many judge all others on (SH2) didn't get hot scores either. It's a tough thing. The very staples of more slow paced, huge atmosphere, and clunky combat that alot of classic suvival horror games have are nowhere to be found ( and when they are, it's frowned upon). Everything is going for the combat heavy, and action packed route in the market today. So now we have a game that appears to be going back to the former style and old school fans are rejoicing and the casual today crowd is claiming shit. I don't think there will ever be a happy medium.

Personally I miss the old school horror style. I love Dead Space. I even really enjoyed the latest RE games and this is coming from a person thats been with that series since it first started. Yet I truly love the more slower paced, not-so-in-your-face action that is hardly touched upon anymore.

Angry Fork

Things I care about:

  • Oppressive, dreadful, Lynchian atmosphere.
  • Masterful sound design that enhances the atmosphere.
  • Both oppressing and melodic music like SH2.
  • Story. It has to mean something. There has to be stakes and you have to care what's happening otherwise the immersion in the town loses it's grip and you're just running around aimlessly.
  • Freakishly weird/scary monster designs that just under your skin but also have ties to the protagonists story and have meaning.
  • Exploration. I'm a huge proponent of this and the early details about this being a large revamped town really spurred my interest.

Things I don't care about:

  • Voice Acting. Silent Hill 2/3 'bad' voice acting added to the creepiness factor for me. The normal way people said lines in such extreme situations made it all seem like a never ending nightmare of odd uneasiness.
  • Combat. I hate facing monsters. Monsters are supposed to be the worst thing you can see and run away from at all times.
  • Puzzles. I don't hate them or anything I'm just indifferent to them. I care more about immersing myself in atmosphere than figuring something out in a SH game.
  • Bosses. I actually do legitimately hate most bosses in games, especially if you have to figure out some puzzle element to them. It feels like a dreaded trial and error sequence. You get smacked around a few times and die without knowing what to do, you retry and it happens again a couple more times until you figure out what to do, then you have to form a plan to beat him etc. I hate all of that. It's real tedious. I'm an atmosphere whore I have more fun exploring a scary town than any combat/boss section. I'm the type that replays Max Payne 1/2 multiple times per year because Remedy are atmosphere gods and MP1/2 has it in spades.

Is this game for me? Is it worth 60$? Does it do justice to SH2 and 3?


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
I really wish you'd stop saying this, as not everyone thinks the same way as you. Some of us actually enjoy the scares provided by an intimidating foe you may have to flee from in order to survive.

Team Silent in particular, who designed like 13 different combat difficulties (most of them varying degrees of hard) for Silent Hill 3.

It's not so much that I don't appreciate the scare provided by an intimidating foe in SH, but that the combat is so cumbersome and clunky I find the games to be more enjoyable with as little combat as possible (I'm currently replaying SH3, and the clunky combat coupled with the awful camera makes combat nothing but an annoying chore even with combat on normal). If I have to fight some normal non-boss enemy, I prefer to just whack it around or shoot it a few times to kill it, then get on with my business.


Whoops I thought it came out already since the thread was being bumped a lot, my bad. Will read the impressions thanks.

Well it technically comes out today in the states, but no-one's been out to GS to go pick it up or had their amazon delivery fulfilled :p

Your best bet is to wait until later on today when everyone has had a chance to play it. Impressions should be rolling in here pretty soon!


Reading the Destructoid review makes me really want to play it. I know Jim Sterling lol. But what he's describing about the game is exactly what I want from a Silent Hill game. Too bad the combat is forced upon the player a bit too much, but I think by and large the game is gonna cater to my needs.


Besides minor spoilers, the Gamesradar review asserted a 14 hour play through, without even completing all of the side quests. Game's got some heft to it. Can't wait!

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
My chosen path as well. Bring on the hard puzzles! Can't wait, so sooN! HNNG!

Good luck! Mind you that you reap what you sow, and the puzzles are sure to be harder with very little guidance on hard, but there's always a clue somewhere.

Anyways, interested to hear all of your guy's impressions now that you all will be getting it!
Also going the hard puzzles way and probably easy combat. Really want to take the object highlighting off and it sounds like it might be a bitch to fight without it.
It's not so much that I don't appreciate the scare provided by an intimidating foe in SH, but that the combat is so cumbersome and clunky I find the games to be more enjoyable with as little combat as possible (I'm currently replaying SH3, and the clunky combat coupled with the awful camera makes combat nothing but an annoying chore even with combat on normal). If I have to fight some normal non-boss enemy, I prefer to just whack it around or shoot it a few times to kill it, then get on with my business.

One thing (well another thing) I hated about silent hill 2 was how many times you had to hit an enemy before they died. Most enemies can't fight back once you start hitting them, so there is no reason it should take as long to kill them as it does.

I'd forgotten this but was playing it last night.
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