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Smite |OT| Release The Quacken


That's most likely the technical reason. Once you start adding additional constraints to teammaking (ensure each of the ten players' Elo are matched, ensure both teams have a similar amount of prepartied players) matching up becomes exponentially longer (on top of the exponential hit it already takes simply by virtue of being 10-way multiplayer). This in turn causes players to queue up, get disappointed when they don't get a match within 10 minutes, then quit, exacerbating the problem. If the choice is between having a relatively unbalanced match with a 2 minute queue time, and a more balanced one with a half an hour or worse queue time, most reasonable devs will go for the former.

It's also quite possible that the matching algorithm was created when Smite's population was considerably smaller and therefore a more perfect fit was simply unfeasible with so few players. Still, if the population was so large to support a more robust matchmaking, then the less perfect version would find matches instantaneously every time, not minutes.

Source: Is a software engineer with almost twenty years under his belt and quite a few algorithms, although no matchmaking ones.
That's fair.

Hi-Rez seems to maintain that "everything is fine" because higher MMR teams that beat lower MMR teams get less added to their MMR for the win, because they beat a "weaker" team. That doesn't give me much comfort in the middle of a game where my team is feeding.

If the issue is that the population has outgrown the initial matchmaking design, or that a more robust matchmaking system would increase queue times significantly (or both), then I would want to hear that, instead of "you didn't carry hard enough".

If you what you say about the majority of console players not really understanding team comps (not doubting, just have no experience myself) then chances are most peoples elo is not in the 2000 range or above.

At this point the game struggles to place you with anyone. The best it can do is place you against grouped players. They will have high or higher elo due to the fact that you're more likely to win in a coordinated team.

If you watch Incon's stream when he plays conquest or ranked conquest he is guaranteed a ten minute queue because there are not enough players at his level queuing at any one time. Once the timer hits 10mins the game gives up trying to place you with people of your level and just puts together what it can find.

I'm not saying you're Incon's level but with the still relatively new players on console chances are that an experience Smite player (like you) would jump to the top level of the elo ladder at least until the population catches up.


I've thought about that. I think at around 1,700-1,800 ELO I was really struggling for a few days, when on Xbox I maintained 2,200-2,400 typically. I figured ELO is all over the place because it's on a new platform and is constantly getting new players, but then things evened out and I thought it was over. Apparently not.


So what else do we get for the Escape of the Underworld event? Just the skins and the loading frame? I don't like playing Hades so I'm not getting that skin and I got the Guan Yu skin but nothing else looks good. Don't care about the loading frame and don't care about the ward skin. So is there anything else coming? I thought there was a Nox and Arachne skin coming? I would probably get those but I don't see an option to get them.
Any tips for Nemesis. I see people wreck with her but I can barely make a dent in people. Never know exactly how to use the ult either.

I can't talk too much about Nem but there is a choice to make with her ult. It cuts down an enemy's health but a set percentage so is good on squishes. But keep in mind that protections reduce the amount that is taken off so the health reduction is not very good on supports/tanks once they've got a few phys protection items online.

The other part of it steals protections away. This portion does work well against high protection tanks and makes it easier to cut their health down.

Also if you find yourself in a tough spot try ulting the tank, you will gain a portion of their protections so you might be able to get away without dying.

So what else do we get for the Escape of the Underworld event? Just the skins and the loading frame? I don't like playing Hades so I'm not getting that skin and I got the Guan Yu skin but nothing else looks good. Don't care about the loading frame and don't care about the ward skin. So is there anything else coming? I thought there was a Nox and Arachne skin coming? I would probably get those but I don't see an option to get them.

You on console cause the arachne and nox skins are out now. Keep in mind that the Nox skin is a reward for geting/doing 6 of the underworld things. You can either buy 6 items to get the nox skin or mix in up to 3 of the mission things.

You can just straight up buy the arachne skin.


I've thought about that. I think at around 1,700-1,800 ELO I was really struggling for a few days, when on Xbox I maintained 2,200-2,400 typically. I figured ELO is all over the place because it's on a new platform and is constantly getting new players, but then things evened out and I thought it was over. Apparently not.

I think the elo is bs. I've gone up against too many players with way higher elo than me and they never do all that well. I usually perform the best on my team but I rarely have the highest elo. Pretty sure the elo is a bunch of nonsense. I think it basically just matches you with players that should give you a good game but that doesn't mean that they are good since they might have a bad game, you get a bad team comp, you get stuck in a 4 man premade and they decide to play hunters for fun, go up against a 5 man premade ( this happens A LOT on ps4 I've found especially in arena) who can all communicate while your solo q with a bunch of randoms who aren't using mics and only use vgs to spam laughs and taunts. I don't think elo takes any of those things into account so its kind of pointless to even think about. As long as they are 30 or close to 30 is all I ask for. Don't put me in games with a level 13 because he's playing with his friend that's 30. That's just unfair to me and the other people on the team because he's gonna get shit on. But other than that, I just kind of roll with it and don't put much stock in elo.

You on console cause the arachne and nox skins are out now. Keep in mind that the Nox skin is a reward for geting/doing 6 of the underworld things. You can either buy 6 items to get the nox skin or mix in up to 3 of the mission things.

You can just straight up buy the arachne skin.

I'm guessing that stuff will be in the next console update because none of that stuff is out on console. Guess I'll just wait and see. Thanks for the info though.
Any tips for Nemesis. I see people wreck with her but I can barely make a dent in people. Never know exactly how to use the ult either.

In terms of strengths and weaknesses Nemesis is not great early game but is good at hit and run attacks and chasing.

The idea of the ult is to use it then beat on them until they die. They will try to us all their mobility when you use it on them so it's better to use it after you see them use their leap if you want a kill. If going into a messy fight use it on a tanky target because you steal more protections.

I'd say that Nem is not so great if they have a lot of jumps and hard crowd control but is better if they have defence and burst. The problem here that gods kits are so bloated you will rarely see a team that is not really heavy on leaps and cc.


Had a great Conquest match last night where our team was getting more and more aggressive as the match went on, which probably was not for the best as we ended up loosing but it provided some great full on team fights.

Had a great moment in one of the fights where managing to get away alive (with a lot of help from the Scylla player on our team who was great) was probably even more fun than actually getting into the fight itself...


Also have to ask, what is ELO?
Also have to ask, what is ELO?

The game assigns a number to you and this number will change based on whether you win or lose the match.

Also beating people with a higher elo than you means you'll gain more elo than if you beat someone with less elo. If you lose to someone with higher elo you'll lose less elo that if you lose to someone with less elo than you.

I'm not 100% sure if it works for people on console but just in case you can go here and type your name in: http://smite.guru/

It will show you your casual elo. It's not official by any means and gives and overal elo rather than 1 for each mode (which Hi-Rez uses) but it's a decent estimate.
Just remember that it's Elo, not ELO; it's the surname of the guy that came up with the formula.

Is there any official source one can check to know exactly until what day does each event last? I need to make 100% absolutely sure that Grim Weaver Arachne will be available on PC until at least a week from now, otherwise I have to buy gems.

Edit: Nevermind, I simply bought 400 gems. I'd rather have the peace of mind, and this way I also have some spare gems if something I want goes on sale.


God these server today. Instead of working on elo, how about working on these terrible servers. I have either dropped out of every match or lag out for 2 or 3 seconds multiple times in every game I've played today. Its terrible that servers are this poor in a game that depends on them. I'd rather they fix the servers issues more than anything else.


God these server today. Instead of working on elo, how about working on these terrible servers. I have either dropped out of every match or lag out for 2 or 3 seconds multiple times in every game I've played today. Its terrible that servers are this poor in a game that depends on them. I'd rather they fix the servers issues more than anything else.
It's been bad in general, but it's been even worse since the recent patch.


Looks like they're going to make it a bit easier to gain the exclusive skins from chests in the near future: https://twitter.com/HirezChris/status/727196341076520960

Good. All the reddit threads finally got them to do something about it I see.

It's been bad in general, but it's been even worse since the recent patch.

I literally feel like I'm two steps behind everyone today because of the constant lagging. I'm wondering if this has anything to do with 60 fps patch? I doubt it but who knows how that patch effected performance. But it wasn't this bad when you could toggle it on and off with the last patch.
Lol, first time seeing that section of Smite Guru. I'm higher ranked that I thought I'd be, but still exceedingly average. Sounds about right.
SmiteGuru says I've played for 557 hours. I'll have to check Steam when I get home from work, but I'm pretty sure Smite has now overtaken Team Fortress 2 as my most played game of all time.
886 hours here. 540 of those hours were spent playing a mage. The rest were probably idling, hah.

Then I have 10 hours on my smurf that I use when teaching friends the game.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
SmiteGuru says I've played for 557 hours. I'll have to check Steam when I get home from work, but I'm pretty sure Smite has now overtaken Team Fortress 2 as my most played game of all time.

between my main account and my 568 smurf accounts i dont want to think about it each one of those are played until level 10-15 thats gotta be a lot of mileage hours wise


smiteguru says 1193 hours (smiteguru and smite the game only track in-match time I'm pretty sure)

370h 42m (1224 matches)

Wasn't my first account, and I have many other accounts now.
Who needs Jandroid Janus when you've got this:



Jesus Christ. Allied has stage 4 cancer and its apparently spreading to his liver and pancreas. Prays are with him and I hope he can beat it but damn that is not a good diagnosis. Hearing that was really a bummer.


New God looks really strong. If I'm reading it correctly his 1 has 410 base damage with 180% scaling with a dash. 2 looks like it might be like the Herc pull and his three looks like a teleport of some sort kind of like Thor's hammer. You can use it to initiate or use it to get out. Ult seems a little boring but pretty high base damage. He also seems to have a lot of combos. His two is the only one that doesn't seem to multiple uses so he could have a very high skill cap. I guess only time will tell how strong he is. Everyone (me included) thought Skadi was just going to be ok and Jing Wei was going to be op but that turned out to be the opposite.

I also see they nerfed Kaldr. Don't really think that's going to solve the problem. Does it really matter if the wolf is hitting you for 380 instead of 400 with Skadi also attacking you and then she ults and roots you? Your probably still dead.

Really gotta figure out a way to work Bloodforge and Wind Demon into my builds now. Wind Demon could be really strong on Art and Jing Wei. Bloodforge feels like its more for assassins. You'd probably just to choose between Bloodforge and Stone Cutting Sword though. Don't think there is room for both since they are both so expensive.

Edit: Just thought of Merc with Bloodforge and Wind Demon. Good God he's going to hit so hard if he gets a crit and a kill. Same with Kali. She's already hard enough to deal with. Imagine her with any of these two items. GG


Wind Demon will be nice for Ne Zha as well.

It looks like Hi-Rez took notice of the 500 K/A thing where people were killing bots to complete the quest. Guess I have to do it legit. :(

Awful news regarding Allied. It always baffles me when someone as young as he is ends up getting such a serious form of cancer.
The one that just happened? Lucky if so, Triumph Agni is a nice skin (I actually got the VP from a free chest last year and it's great as well).

I meant the most recent one at the time of my post, the fourth one, but as of right now I've got everything from the fourth code on, on both PC and PS4, and on the missus' PC account. That reddit post has been a goddamn lifesaver. I already had that Agni skin from playing on a party with her, but she didn't. :)

Renegade Awilix!!! Very happy with that roll.

Gat dayum, that's like my #1 wanted skin right now (I've recently started playing Awilix and found her super fun, and I love how the mechanical panther in that skin actually talks with her). Congrats x100. :)

BTW, it has probably been mentioned and even if not it's quite visible in the main page, but just in case there's a mother's day sale from today until the 8th where a ton of skins are 50% off (and one, the succubus Serqet one, even 66% off). Basically all goddesses who have been mothers have all their skin prices halved (that came out wrong), which funnily and accurately enough includes Loki.
So glad the Tyr skin wasn't the last one. I can go to bed now happy that I got the best codes and a nice roll (also got 3 T2 skins, 2 of which I'll use).

With my renegade skin roll chances are the other chest codes would have been icons or wards anyway.
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