Hi there. I started playing this game with PS4 release. I'm running support, and I just wanted good advice on where to throw wards at on the Conquest map. I'm just tossing them every which way in the duo lane I'm in. If people could give me a good idea of where wards could go to be more beneficial to the team, especially the carry and jungler, it would help me be a little more logical on where I toss them.
Thanks a bunch. Really liking this game now that I'm giving Conquest a serious try.
You've got 2 entrances to the side of duo lane. Warding those entrances is a good thing early game. If you only want to ward one of them then it generally depends on how much push your lane is getting.
Are you pushing them under their tower? Ward the entrance on their end. Are you getting pushed under your tower? Ward the entrance closer to your end. This is generally based on what the lane match ups are.
Warding the gold fury is also a good idea so that you can see if the enemy is trying to sneak one past you. You won't need to put one here for the first 5 mins or so, you will have to take a look at their team comp and make a decision based on when you think they can take it.
When warding here is is best to use a sentry ward, then you can counter ward them if they also have wards there. Not only will this help to reduce their vision but will also give you 50g if you're the one who destroys the ward. Extra gold is always a good thing for a support.
Also place the ward under the gold fury's feet, that way the enemy have to pull the gold fury if they want to clear it and will take a little bit of extra poke. Not a huge thing but any way you can inconvenience them is a good thing.
The other main place to ward for support is around the entrances to mid lane. You don't have to worry about the side closer to the fire giant, that's mid and jungle's responsibility. The entrance closer to your base can help to keep your mid laner safe while the other side allows you to be a bit aggressive. Your call.
You can also ward in the enemy teams jungle, mainly on top of their red buff. If you do this before the game starts it can tell you what kind of start they are going for, possibly giving you a heads up on an invade they might be planing. It can also help you keep track of their red buff timer so you can try to steal it if you're feeling confident. This ward isn't as important as the duo lane and gf wards though.