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Smite |OT| Release The Quacken

I'm trying to decide which voice packs to buy on Monday with my 400 gems. I just bought Raijin and Sol so there's 2. I'm thinking maybe Thor and Hou Yi, since I have skins for both. I was gonna buy Kukulkan's VP but then I played him and remembered how boring he is. Same with Neith.


Why are people building Ao Kuang with max attack speed? I've never played him much but you just build him like a burst mage? Am I missing something?


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
You built him AS in the past. People aren't up to date on builds. Yeah, you build Poly / Soul Reaver and just delete people off the map now.


I've now started to experiment with characters outside my comfort zone (which pretty much consists of the 3 hunters and the 1 assassin I have). Some characters I've taken to and can be useful with consistently, others are very match/team dependent and a few I simply feel uncomfortable with...

So hoping to get help from the community here and some pointers as to builds and play-styles in regards to the below characters:

Hades (Mage):

First of the two main problem children, I've played against this character and been scared of getting anywhere near him but when I play him (copying builds of people I've played against that have done well) I simply feel useless and nowhere near as durable and effective as he feels when I'm on the receiving end.

Guan Yu (Warrior):

No where near as bad as Hades, but I still feel like I have little to no range and later on in the game it really just means I'm being chewed up by the time I get close. Another issue is I'm having a hard time getting a build that makes me durable while also allowing me to do damage. Right now I either do moderate damage and die quickly or I can have good defence and be weak in terms of attacking.

Nu Wa (Mage):

She does ok as far as just sitting there and killing the enemy soldier spawns, but later in the game it just feel like most characters are happy to walk right through what I'm throwing at them in order to attack me with little to no worry about me posing a threat...

Here are my other characters (outside of my hunters/assassin) if anyone has any feedback in terms of the builds:



You built him AS in the past. People aren't up to date on builds. Yeah, you build Poly / Soul Reaver and just delete people off the map now.

That what I thought the build was. Maybe its the recommended items? Just seeing alot of as builds with him when they should just build him like a mage and just one shot people with poly/rod/ and soul reaver.
So hoping to get help from the community here and some pointers as to builds and play-styles in regards to the below characters:

A problem that you might have is rushing expensive late game items too early.

Mystical mail is not really cost effective. Rod is not really cost effective unless you already a have something like 300 power.

With a mage like nu wa you can start with your core power item. Something like bancrofts talon, book of thoth or doom orb. It doesn't matter than much but doom orb can be a bad risk. If you want to go defensive then start warlocks sash. Early it is bad but it gives you better late game.

Then get boots, then obsidian shard for pen. Both of these are cheap to get going and boost your power. If you want to go defensive or cd then build that item instead of the shard maybe then build shard after.

Then build rod for the power spike.

Final items look to expensive things like that spear or mantle. Or look for power boosts like soul reaver or polynomicon.

Guan Yu build doesn't look too bad. CD and defence are his priority items and you get to CD cap quickly with that build. Your damage should come from you staying in the fight a long time and your base stats. If anything you could get rid of the jotunns and get another cloak item.
I've now started to experiment with characters outside my comfort zone (which pretty much consists of the 3 hunters and the 1 assassin I have). Some characters I've taken to and can be useful with consistently, others are very match/team dependent and a few I simply feel uncomfortable with...

So hoping to get help from the community here and some pointers as to builds and play-styles in regards to the below characters:

First off having those power pots as starter items is not a good idea. They are very late game items, maybe never. If you want to run a power pot start than the 250g power pot and a starter item is the way to go.

Your Guan build is fine but the order is a little bit off. You want that tank early so breastplate after boots is the best way to go. Urchin's passive means you also want to get that early so that would probably be next. I'd grab jotunns next then bulwark. Titan's Bane would be your final item. You could replace jotunns with spirit robe if you want to be tankier yet keep some of the cooldown.
In terms of playstyle Guan is not like Bellona where you can be tanky and have damage as he's an older character. He's still good (especially in the current meta) but he's definitely more of a frontliner than damage dealer imo.

Your Odin build would be similar, I wouldn't bother getting transcendence on Odin though. He's kind of a one trick pony and you're better off being tanky so you can do that job well.

Your Ymir build, don't build stacking items that require you to attack the wave (Warlock's Sash). As the support you should be giving all last hits to your carries (I'm assuming you're not playing Ymir mid/jungle here). Breastplate of valour is a great early item then into hide of the urchin.
From there it depends if you want more phys protections or magical protections (you have to look at their team comp). Midguardian for phys, bulwark for magical. Get the one you need the most then get the other. After that finish off with spirit robe. If you're playing conquest then you probably want to start with travellers shoes and not cd boots but sell the travellers shoes when you're max build and pick up the cd boots. Other modes just get cd boots straight away. Outside of assault you don't really need salvation as your active, shell would be good if you have to be defensive or maybe blink to be aggresive. Sprint is a good pick up either way.

As More Fun to Compute mentioned you're picking up expensive items early, this is not a good idea. I also notice that although you have them listed in the core items some of you mage builds don't have boots. Always get boots, the items are designed to give you the most amount of power for the smallest amount of gold. On some mage builds it may be better to get that chronos pendant first for the cd but always get boots second in that case.
I also notice you're getting BoV on all your mages. If you're up against a fully physical team then this can be a good choice, if you're facing a mixed team it's probably better to go full dmg.

Out of curiosity what is your standard hunter/assassin build?


I've now started to experiment with characters outside my comfort zone (which pretty much consists of the 3 hunters and the 1 assassin I have). Some characters I've taken to and can be useful with consistently, others are very match/team dependent and a few I simply feel uncomfortable with...

So hoping to get help from the community here and some pointers as to builds and play-styles in regards to the below characters:

Well for Hades I build damage. That build is more tanky and built for sustain so you won't be doing any damage. I feel like Hades only excels when he's getting in people's faces and doing tons of damage. If you want to be tanky when you should just play a warrior or guardian. You might want to consider getting shell instead of metiation and sprint. I've found its helps him a lot when he ults since it mitigates 15% damage.

So for most mages I build:

Pen boots, Chronos pendent, Balon's, Obsidian shard , Rod of tahuti, soul reaver. You could switch out soul reaver for spear of desolation if you wanted but that's an item you get at the end of the game basically. Don't try and rush a rod or spear of deso early. You really won't see the effects until you have like 300 magic power and you won't get that until later on when you build your other items.

I build warriors tanky unless they are Bellona or Osiris then I build some attack speed. But for the most part you want to build them tanky. So Breastplate of Valor, Bulwark of Hope, and Hide of the Urchin is what I usually build on them along with pen boots and Jottun's wrath. You can get something like Midguardian if your up against a lot of phyicals instead of Bulwark.

I noticed your didn't build boots on some of your mages. You have to build boots, especially on mages as they usually have really low base movement speed. You also don't want to build stacking items on gods like Ymir. Just build some defense if you want to be more tanky with him. If you want to go damage Ymir, then you need to build him like a mage. Maybe you can get an ethereal staff late but if you don't build damage, its kind of wasted honestly.

You also don't want to buy the potions until late when your done with your build and you don't have anything else to buy.


Thanks a lot for the feedback More Fun To Compute & ThirtyFour & gogosox82... will definitely go back in and tinker with the suggestions. :)

First off, don't pay too much attention to how the items are placed in the different categories (Starter/Core and so on) those pots hardly ever get bought, much less at the start of a game... they are merely there for the odd matches which go on and on and I am left with lots of gold and nothing to spend it on. I normally just leave them there since I'm too lazy to mess with the menu and I like to recall/die and go back straight away. :D

Also I play with auto-buy on so what you see at the bottom is what I get in matches and then if I'm unhappy about something or see another player do well with a character I have I take a screenshot of their build at the result screen and go in and a swap and change my build order items in the main character menu between matches.

Breastplate of Valor is mainly for the cooldown and mana with physical protection being a added bonus all in one item. I play relying very much on my abilities with mages so having that 40% cooldown is great.

As for buying expensive items early on I didn't use to do that a week or so back, instead I used to get Chrono's Pendant and Breastplate of Valor from the get go in order to get 40% cooldown as early as possible. Then I ran into a few people who had Spear of Desolation and Rod of Tahuti as their first two items and got my rear handed to me by them so figured I'd try it out their way. (same goes for that Hades build, played someone who was using him and he just kept walking right up to me and doing his ultra without seemingly a care in the world (I was Nu Wa in that match I think) so basically just copied his build when gave Hades a try but as you say can't seem to do much damage.

Not picking boots is because with some characters I feel I always have a good options of keeping enemies at a distance and as such don't really need to have a quick getaway which is why I felt getting more damage focused items instead is better.

My assassin/hunters are as below, Neith is definitely my go to, and only recently bought Cupid (have played as him twice) but already really liking him with Artemis feeling ok but less to my style compared to the other two in terms of abilities.

I understand you're reasoning for breastplate but you will sacrificing a lot of damage on mages by going with that over another item. If you feel you want the cd you can go for pythagorem's piece, it will also give you some lifesteal which will give you some sustain.

I will say again that not picking boots is a bad idea. Put the movement speed and abaility to kite your opponents to one side for a second. You get a large amount of damage for a small amount of gold via boots, they are just all round great pick ups.

Slight that I've just seens from your builds but Spear of the Magus is generally a weak pickup now. Some Gods like Kukulkan can still benefit from it but for pen on most mages you want shard or spear of desolation.

You have mostly the same builds for your three hunters which is probably the reason for feeling like Artemis is a bit lackluster. Art is a fully auto attack based god while the other two are more ability based. Transcendence is not a great pick up on Art.
General hunter build is boots, transcendence, lifesteal (asi or devos), Qins, Obow, titans bane.
Executioner is not very good this season and the power curve for crit builds is a bit uneven so most pros are avoiding that route.
However Artemis still needs crit as it ties into her passive. For her dropping the Obow and getting crit in it's place is a decent idea.
No boots on Neith, bad idea. You need movement speed to be able to land your autos on enemy hunters and to avoid their autos. Also there is the power from them that you'll need.

Your Thor build is alright. Personally I like to build most of my assassins like I build my warriors (Merc/Kali etc excluded). I'd drop heartseeker and get BoV for that max cd. More walls/hammer throw, more poke. More ults for initiation.

One quick question, what account level are you?


One quick question, what account level are you?
Just about level 23 I believe, Neith is lvl 5 everyone else lvl 2 with the exception of Hades/Agni/Cupid which I've only bought recently as they seemed to have a cheaper favor price than the other gods.
Just about level 23 I believe, Neith is lvl 5 everyone else lvl 2 with the exception of Hades/Agni/Cupid which I've only bought recently as they seemed to have a cheaper favor price than the other gods.

Keep that in mind then. The people you're going against might not have the best builds to copy as they're still learning the game like you.

That tanky Hades for example, you're better off getting ethereal and warlocks to go tanky (maybe gem but that's better for dot mages like Pos/Anubis/Zhong).


Thanks a lot for the feedback More Fun To Compute & ThirtyFour & gogosox82... will definitely go back in and tinker with the suggestions. :)

First off, don't pay too much attention to how the items are placed in the different categories (Starter/Core and so on) those pots hardly ever get bought, much less at the start of a game... they are merely there for the odd matches which go on and on and I am left with lots of gold and nothing to spend it on. I normally just leave them there since I'm too lazy to mess with the menu and I like to recall/die and go back straight away. :D

Also I play with auto-buy on so what you see at the bottom is what I get in matches and then if I'm unhappy about something or see another player do well with a character I have I take a screenshot of their build at the result screen and go in and a swap and change my build order items in the main character menu between matches.

Breastplate of Valor is mainly for the cooldown and mana with physical protection being a added bonus all in one item. I play relying very much on my abilities with mages so having that 40% cooldown is great.

As for buying expensive items early on I didn't use to do that a week or so back, instead I used to get Chrono's Pendant and Breastplate of Valor from the get go in order to get 40% cooldown as early as possible. Then I ran into a few people who had Spear of Desolation and Rod of Tahuti as their first two items and got my rear handed to me by them so figured I'd try it out their way. (same goes for that Hades build, played someone who was using him and he just kept walking right up to me and doing his ultra without seemingly a care in the world (I was Nu Wa in that match I think) so basically just copied his build when gave Hades a try but as you say can't seem to do much damage.

Not picking boots is because with some characters I feel I always have a good options of keeping enemies at a distance and as such don't really need to have a quick getaway which is why I felt getting more damage focused items instead is better.

My assassin/hunters are as below, Neith is definitely my go to, and only recently bought Cupid (have played as him twice) but already really liking him with Artemis feeling ok but less to my style compared to the other two in terms of abilities.

Just about level 23 I believe, Neith is lvl 5 everyone else lvl 2 with the exception of Hades/Agni/Cupid which I've only bought recently as they seemed to have a cheaper favor price than the other gods.

For Neith, you need boots for the power. Her abilities do a ton of damage and hydra's isn't a bad idea. I would amend this a little bit and go pen boots, trans, jotunns wrath, asi, qins, hydras. You can get crits but your one is going to do like 450 -500 damage so you really don't need it.

For Art, get crits. I go double crits. So I go ichival, pen boots, asi, qins, malice, deathbringer. Then I sell Ichival for titans bane. Some people only get deathbringer but I like the malice passive so I always get it on her along with deathbringer. This takes a lot longer so that's why Art doesn't get as much play as Neith or Chiron, or Hou Yi. They can do that pen/power build and dish out tons of damage in the mid game.

Just build Cupid like Neith you should be okay. And hit the heart bomb. Does a ton of damage and his ult is really good.

Thor's abilities are so good that I build him kind of tanky. To me, he's like a really mobile warrior which is why most people hate playing against him lol. So the build for me is pen boots, jotunn's, BoV, Bulwark/hide, Hide/Bulwark, Titans, then something situational like a frostbound hammer for slows or runic shield if they have a lot of mages. You could also get a midguardian for the slows.

To add onto what Thirtyfour said about the boots. Warrior Tabi gives 40 power for only 1550 gold. You really can't find a cheaper item that gives you that much power that early. Devo gloves do but that costs 3,000 more gold and you have to get 75 stacks. Jotunn's does but that's nearly 1,000 gold more expensive. Transcendence does but again that item is 1,200 gold more expensive than boots and you have to get 50 stacks. Nothing gives you what boots gives you for what it costs. I think you can make a non boots build world but have to buy other items just to compensate (usually a hastened fatalis and something else like heartseeker or winged blade) so your damage usually takes a hit.

Also I wouldn't pay attention to people who build expensive items early. They might have had a good early game and just said "fuck it, I gonna get a rod early" or they may just be messing around with weird item builds. That what I usually do in arena. Or they might have no idea what they are doing and just started build the expensive items because they got a few kills early. So I wouldn't pay much attention to that.


Have gone back and tinkered with the items for the gods based on the feedback, again thanks a lot for the help... :)

Thor: (added more protection in place of transcendence & hydra's lament)
Warrior Boots - Jotunn's Wrath - Breastplate of Valor - Hide of Urchin - Bulwark of Hope - Titan's Bane

Ymir: (removed stacking item and went much more defensive overall)
Shoes of Focus - Breastplate of Valor - Hide of Urchin - Bulwark of Hope - Stone of Gaia - Spirit Robe

Artemis: (replace transcendence & executioner with Qin's Sais and Titans Bane)
Warrior Boots - Asi - Deathbringer - Ichaival - Qin's Sais - Titans Bane

Cupid: (pretty much as he was for now, might change to more ability cooldown earlier as I play him more?)
Warrior Boots - Asi - Transcendence - Deathbringer - Ichaival - Jotunn's Wrath

Neith: (going to be stubborn on not having boots on Neith lol, did change up hydra's lament for titans bane)
Devourer's Gauntlet - Transcendence - Jotunn's Wrath - Deathbringer - Ichaival - Titans Bane

Agni/Hades/Nu Wa: (for now gone for a general mage damage build with the more expencive items later and swapping out som items for others which were recomended)
Shoes of the Magi - Chrono's Pendant - Pythagorem's Piece - Obsidian Shard - Rod of Tahuti - Spear of Desolation

Kukulkan: (boots added back in, mostly same as above but with gem of isolation to slow people stuck in the whirlwind)
Shoes of the Magi - Chrono's Pendant - Pythagorem's Piece - Obsidian Shard - Rod of Tahuti - Gem of Isolation

Ra:(boots added back in, mostly same as above but with rod of asclepius for better healing)
Shoes of the Magi - Chrono's Pendant - Pythagorem's Piece - Obsidian Shard - Rod of Tahuti - Rod of Asclepius

Guan Yu/Hercules/Odin: (again a general build across the board for now based on feedback, wondering if It would be better to change out titans bane for stone of gaia or not?)
Warrior Boots - Breastplate of Valor - Jotunn's Wrath - Hide of Urchin - Bulwark of Hope - Titan's Bane

For Neith, you need boots for the power. Her abilities do a ton of damage and hydra's isn't a bad idea. I would amend this a little bit and go pen boots, trans, jotunns wrath, asi, qins, hydras.
Am I missing something because I thought (shoes of the magi) are the only penetration boots available and thats not for physical damage gods?

Also while going back and tinkering I re-read some of the descriptions, am I understanding correctly that the passive on Hydra only gives your first basic attack after an ability the increased damage, if so that makes it much less useful to my play style and I've changed it out now.


Hinduman was saying that against tankier targets/teams, Masamune gives you the full benefit of Trans (possibly more damage) for less money and no stacking. I think that whole tree gives movement speed too. I haven't tried it yet myself but it's an interesting idea.
Hinduman was saying that against tankier targets/teams, Masamune gives you the full benefit of Trans (possibly more damage) for less money and no stacking. I think that whole tree gives movement speed too. I haven't tried it yet myself but it's an interesting idea.

Well, except the increased mana pool, which is a huge part of why I buy it. I'm always running out of mana so I build Trans or Thoth on pretty much every god I play lol.


Have gone back and tinkered with the items for the gods based on the feedback, again thanks a lot for the help... :)

Thor: (added more protection in place of transcendence & hydra's lament)
Warrior Boots - Jotunn's Wrath - Breastplate of Valor - Hide of Urchin - Bulwark of Hope - Titan's Bane

Ymir: (removed stacking item and went much more defensive overall)
Shoes of Focus - Breastplate of Valor - Hide of Urchin - Bulwark of Hope - Stone of Gaia - Spirit Robe

Artemis: (replace transcendence & executioner with Qin's Sais and Titans Bane)
Warrior Boots - Asi - Deathbringer - Ichaival - Qin's Sais - Titans Bane

Cupid: (pretty much as he was for now, might change to more ability cooldown earlier as I play him more?)
Warrior Boots - Asi - Transcendence - Deathbringer - Ichaival - Jotunn's Wrath

Neith: (going to be stubborn on not having boots on Neith lol, did change up hydra's lament for titans bane)
Devourer's Gauntlet - Transcendence - Jotunn's Wrath - Deathbringer - Ichaival - Titans Bane

Agni/Hades/Nu Wa: (for now gone for a general mage damage build with the more expencive items later and swapping out som items for others which were recomended)
Shoes of the Magi - Chrono's Pendant - Pythagorem's Piece - Obsidian Shard - Rod of Tahuti - Spear of Desolation

Kukulkan: (boots added back in, mostly same as above but with gem of isolation to slow people stuck in the whirlwind)
Shoes of the Magi - Chrono's Pendant - Pythagorem's Piece - Obsidian Shard - Rod of Tahuti - Gem of Isolation

Ra:(boots added back in, mostly same as above but with rod of asclepius for better healing)
Shoes of the Magi - Chrono's Pendant - Pythagorem's Piece - Obsidian Shard - Rod of Tahuti - Rod of Asclepius

Guan Yu/Hercules/Odin: (again a general build across the board for now based on feedback, wondering if It would be better to change out titans bane for stone of gaia or not?)
Warrior Boots - Breastplate of Valor - Jotunn's Wrath - Hide of Urchin - Bulwark of Hope - Titan's Bane

Am I missing something because I thought (shoes of the magi) are the only penetration boots available and thats not for physical damage gods?

Also while going back and tinkering I re-read some of the descriptions, am I understanding correctly that the passive on Hydra only gives your first basic attack after an ability the increased damage, if so that makes it much less useful to my play style and I've changed it out now.

Yeah my bad. I'm talking about warrior tabi. I just mixed them up because I was talking about boots for mages that do give pen and boots for warriors/assassins/hunters that don't.

You could use gauntlet of thebes/gaia stone/mail of regrowth on Guan Yu and Herc but the one you have down is the one I usually use with them and its quite effective.

Only thing I would say is that maybe try spear of the magus instead of obsidian shard on Kuku. The way spear of the magus passive works is that you reduce the targets protections by 10 for 5 seconds and it stacks up to three times. If you drop the tornadoes on an enemy, it reapplies the passive since the tornadoes are a dot so you get a ton of penetration and damage.

Other than that, those builds look fine.
Hey SmiteGAF, the missus and I just started playing this about a week ago. I haven't played any MOBAs for any measurable amount of time but Smite has clicked with me in a big way, probably because of being able to play with a gamepad / have direct control of your character. I love it so much I bought the founder's pack almost instantly (which a 15€ right now seems like a complete steal). We play together on PC and I play alone on PS4, although supposedly later on they're supposed to add the option to merge PC/PS4 accounts.

We're obviously complete noobs, but there are no downsides for either us or the clan if we join it, right? If so, could anybody invite us? We're WeltallZero and Edelcita. Thanks!
Hey SmiteGAF, the missus and I just started playing this about a week ago. I haven't played any MOBAs for any measurable amount of time but Smite has clicked with me in a big way, probably because of being able to play with a gamepad / have direct control of your character. I love it so much I bought the founder's pack almost instantly (which a 15€ right now seems like a complete steal). We play together on PC and I play alone on PS4, although supposedly later on they're supposed to add the option to merge PC/PS4 accounts.

We're obviously complete noobs, but there are no downsides for either us or the clan if we join it, right? If so, could anybody invite us? We're WeltallZero and Edelcita. Thanks!

Invites sent. Feel free to ask if you have any questions.
Still new to this game, while I've tried a lot of characters I tend to lose if I play anyone but Fenrir.

I don't feel like it's entirely my fault. I feel like my allies are often a bit crap and unless I play someone who can carry then we lose every time.

Still, I've finished games of joust with scores like 36-4 and we've STILL lost. I constantly feel like I'm putting a lot of work in and my team aren't capitalizing on the opportunities it creates.

Then when I'm not playing Fenrir, they just get picked off by the opposing players. Usually if I'm not playing Fenrir, then we don't have an assassin, and we get abused by someone like Loki, they always overextend with mages etc. and die a few times. We end up 2-3 levels behind within the first 10 minutes and it just snowballs. I really don't know what to do in that situation, regardless of the character I'm playing. I usually tell my team to rebuild and play defensive but it feels as though there's little opportunity to turn things around in joust, as you are only playing one lane (in Conquest it feels like there's more opportunity to come back as your teammates might be more successful in other lanes).

What are good allies to partner Fenrir with? We've had some success with Odin, I grab them with ult, then Odin traps them in the ring for a kill on anyone without an escape option. This is especially useful against tankier characters that don't go down easily, normally.


Fenrir is so far the only Assassin I can barely play, the others I've tried meant tons of deaths and probably some pissed off teammates...

Guess I'll stick to Hunters and Mages for now, Anubis still my fav though I liked that god with bees and honey quite a bit as well.
You want a burst damage mage with Fenrir. Ra is good with Fenrir because the grab counters biggest downside of Ra. Otherwise, someone like Poseidon would be good. The whirlpool stops them from jumping away if you drop people in it.


Joust just isn't fun, IMO. People make fun of Siege but it's a way more balanced mode. If people camp their towers (like they always fucking do in Joust) there's at least another lane to pressure. Siege also doesn't have these ridiculous swings of momentum where you have the other team pushed inside their tower for 10 minutes, keep picking them off, try to whittle the tower town slowly as the other team member spawns in like 10 seconds because you're dominating, and then one bad push gets you wiped and the other team rolls through your Tower and Phoenix while you're down. Joust is total bullshit.


Joust just isn't fun, IMO. People make fun of Siege but it's a way more balanced mode. If people camp their towers (like they always fucking do in Joust) there's at least another lane to pressure. Siege also doesn't have these ridiculous swings of momentum where you have the other team pushed inside their tower for 10 minutes, keep picking them off, try to whittle the tower town slowly as the other team member spawns in like 10 seconds because you're dominating, and then one bad push gets you wiped and the other team rolls through your Tower and Phoenix while you're down. Joust is total bullshit.
Joust is definitely a slower burn compared to the other multi lane modes, yes you can keep a team in their own tower early on and have the game swing hard on you a few levels later as the respawn counter goes up... but that's part of the fun in my opinion.

Maybe a solution would be to have a higher starting level than 3 in Joust to get things shifting into gear sooner rather than later, then again I've been on the receiving end of some savage losses straight from the get go where the enemy team is happy to walk/jump/float into our tower area and kill us from the start until the end.

I do enjoy Joust for the different play style mentality it provides compared to the multi-lane modes.

By the way as someone new to MOBA's is there a reason they don't have multiple maps for each of the modes? I've not played the game much but the maps are definitely starting to get a bit stale now, would have been great to have 3 different single, double and triple lane maps with different themes/art and jungle monster layout.


Jesus christ the amount of people just leave matches is insane. We can nearly bet on who will leave this match. It happened on PC, Xbox and now PS4. What is it about Smite that makes people just quit? It rarely happens in Paragon, and even playing League people leaving is not really common?

But in Smite it happens nearly EVERY game. It's infuriating.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
Jesus christ the amount of people just leave matches is insane. We can nearly bet on who will leave this match. It happened on PC, Xbox and now PS4. What is it about Smite that makes people just quit? It rarely happens in Paragon, and even playing League people leaving is not really common?

But in Smite it happens nearly EVERY game. It's infuriating.

assuming your playing the low level brackets you are dealing with people who are either
1. new to mobas (i see this one a lot they will play a around go 0/15 or what ever and just leave)
2. smurfs that are losing (making a smurf rage quit is one of my joys while smurfing)
3. and people with shitty internet (pretty common to see someone with a br or russian name not even load into the game)


I didn't have has much of a problem with quitters on Xbone. I think on PS4, the game is crashing a lot for people still. I know it does for me probably about 2-3 times a week.


assuming your playing the low level brackets you are dealing with people who are either
1. new to mobas (i see this one a lot they will play a around go 0/15 or what ever and just leave)
2. smurfs that are losing (making a smurf rage quit is one of my joys while smurfing)
3. and people with shitty internet (pretty common to see someone with a br or russian name not even load into the game)

Getting through the low level bracket and dealing with this shit is going to be annoying. It ruins Conquest.
Yesterday some random disconnected on my fiance and I at the start of the match in Joust, leaving just my fiance and I to play the game.

The guy never came back, but my fiance and I actually won the match. It helped that our opponents had a pretty bad RA player, I killed him over and over until we surpassed their level.

I sent the guy that disconnected a screenshot, with the match results and the message 'thanks for all your help'. :p
I've been playing a while so I don't get matched with leavers all the time. Arena seems to be the worst for it though. Like 2 people will just straight up stop playing and sit in spawn because they want to watch a youtube video or something.


Yesterday some random disconnected on my fiance and I at the start of the match in Joust, leaving just my fiance and I to play the game.

The guy never came back, but my fiance and I actually won the match. It helped that our opponents had a pretty bad RA player, I killed him over and over until we surpassed their level.

I sent the guy that disconnected a screenshot, with the match results and the message 'thanks for all your help'. :p
Under certain circumstances it's actually really hard if someone on the other team disconnects. You get way more farm if there's only two of you, and if the other team can't capitalize, you get so far ahead that they can't touch you, so they have to try to defend until level 20/full build. If someone on their team was feeding, that's a recipe for disaster.


I think on PS4, the game is crashing a lot for people still. I know it does for me probably about 2-3 times a week.
Yep, have this happening to me as well... the game hard crashes straight back to XMB from time to time unfortunately. Thankfully it does stick you right back into the match you were in if you launch the game up and log in again.
Actually just never going to play clash again until Loki is nerfed. It's just infuriating how your team just feeds him like crazy every game and every game goes the same way.


Yeah. 7 losses yesterday. It was really brutal.

But I did get the Black Widow skin for Arachne in the free chest roll. So that made up for it.
I switched playlists and got a win then went back to Arena to get my third. I ended up getting Bastet's T1 skin.


Just got the Founder's Pack on the PS4 and received 400 gold.

Should I save up for something or spend it on that Easter chest?

Or perhaps buy some more gold for the Tournament ticket.
Anyone up for playing with my friend and I? We're both new to mobas and would really appreciate having some friends to play with. My PSN is Chronospherics, we're playing now :)
This game has so little following on PS4.

I might drop it from my rotation, just because I have no one to play with. 300 friends on my PSN and only 5 of them play Smite? What a terrible attach rate for a free to play. A decent one too!


I love how this Odin that I just played was like "This Agni keeps hitting me with 500 damage aoe bombs. Should I get some magic defense? Nah, I'll get some more damage that I don't need and keep getting blown up every time I jump in."
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