John Wick
Really? That's your take? Not the fact that MS needs developers and first party content for gamepass?What else could they do? Sony can buy timed exclusives with no questions asked, if MS tried they get grilled.
So instead of buying timed exclusives just buy the developer, that way nobody can question you.
If Sony had invested into 1st party instead of trying to buy everything as a timed exclusive, MS might not have felt the need to go for the big guns.
Of course there's more to it than that, but let's be real, Sony got themselves into an arms race they didn't want to see.
Let's look back just a little bit to Aug 2020.....
Report: Sony Contacted All Major Third Parties for Exclusivity Deals, Offered More Money Than Microsoft
Report: Sony Contacted All Major Third Parties for Exclusivity Deals, Offered More Money Than Microsoft Kinda Funny’s Imran Khan said: There isn’t a major third party out there Sony failed to approach asking what kind of deals they could work out. Some had content, some had games, some
Sony could never hope to outbid MS on exclusivity deals.