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And then he promptly (and quite coldly) says that he's joking.

cause he's an asshole that thinks it's fun to ruin the best girl's dreams.


That would work fucking gloriously as a webm, you look at that and go like "wtf is this shit?", then you click it and the guy comes out.


The Light of El Cantare
I guess madp x Pancakes doesn't work since that's someone's username.

If I'm sticking with the Hime persona there's probably no one else more appropriate.

I thought the list consisted of yaoi pairing since it was drawn up by DTL. Actually I believe SDBurton did make a list, but it wasn't a yuri pairing but rather who is who in the Dynasty Warriors universe.

We had a yuri pairing list which, against all odds, was also made by DTL I think.

SDBurton's Dynasty Warriors list was great though. He correctly placed me as Zhuge Liang without even knowing that was my PSN avatar :lol


The Light of El Cantare
Maybe. My issue with this is that there's so many of us now, some of which are shippable with more than one person. If I did do it again I would list each person as a specific type and write a short blurb/scenario of the two. I felt that my last list would've been better if I had a smaller pool to work with, cause at the end I was just basically pairing randomly to make sure people were included.

A thought that did cross my mind was having people pm me of who they wanted to be paired with, that way I could evaluate their chemistry and decide whether that pair would work out. Though in a sense could be considered cheating and taking the fun out of the surprise element of it all. :lol

Thinking back on it now, I think I made kayos90 a two timer. XD

I shouldn't be openly interested in this idea, but I'm just that depraved.


Isn't that like the issue with everybody here. I can think of more than one prominent person who seems to get insulted each time somebody insults their favorite anime.

Eh, not particularly. They are some who will take others to task, often as a means of striking up some sort of discussion, though it's not often it becomes really mean-spirited. I think if you are able to articulate your opinion, then you're fine. It only ever really seems to become a problem when it devolves into simple shitposting and name-calling.

If the Hyouka insults really bothered me, I would have left a looooong time ago!



How did the S2 for Valverave go down in here? I've yet to watch it, and wasn't around for the talk. Worth a watch?
God damn it

Gundam Build Fighters series review

I am not good at these.

Good animation, decent characters, Pretty great soundtrack, pretty good battles. And a damn good final episode. I just wish more battles were based on tactics and strategy like that Renaldo vs Yuuki battle rather than "My mech's faster due to the power of my will!" Also gonna need more explaining on how Reiji got randomly warped to Earth. Also, RG system is so badly explained and used mostly as a way to enforce plot armor.

Best Girl:Aila
Best Guy:Nils Neilsen
Worst girl:Caroline
Worst guy:Reiji
Yes him because he's a goddamn royal crown prince but somehow he's such a cookiecutter shounen main that the fact that he's a royal does nothing to develop his character or his motivations. What is the point of making him a prince of another world then other than main villain knows him somehow.

Funny how the worst and best get paired like that.

Enjoyable enough even if you haven't watched a single Gundam Show. 7.5/10



How did the S2 for Valverave go down in here? I've yet to watch it, and wasn't around for the talk. Worth a watch?

It had some great moments I think but the ending was really weak. It seemed like they just half assed tying all the flash forward stuff together and Shoko got off way too easy for all the dumb shit she did in season 2. It's still worth watching if you enjoyed the first season though.


Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka!


Well, looks like another one likes it. Not that I'm going to hold it against you or anything.

I can understand why many people like Madoka, and in context it is a pretty good movie in terms of animation, soundtrack, and overall presentation of the story. I just hate it for the reason it exists and what it does to the franchise.

What happened in that movie did not need to happen at all. It was totally uncalled for, and it
practically throws everything we learned in the original series out the window.
And all for the purpose of creating a base for more sequels.

I loved it as a self contained storyline, but also because it presented a possibility of a different direction. whether it was made for further marketing purposes is honestly irrelevant to me since Id be very likely to purchase any further iterations anyway.

I think you would enjoy One Week Friends. I actually watched the first episode of that and forgot to post my impressions here.

Let me just quickly fix that right now.

One Week Friends - 1


This is on my list!

GochiUsa is indeed the season's pure :cajun show, but Isshuukan Friends is adorable too and happens to be the best show of the season. Therefore my vote goes to the latter.

The beauty is that I have time for both and a lot more!

Your favorite anime is shit and my favorite anime is shit, what do you know we both have different opinions. Talking aside you may think Mahouka's bad, but for me I think it's good, I guess your taste is slightly different from mine. Yours truly "Anime's Shit".

Dont take things too personally. My favorite anime is pretty widely acclaimed but I dont expect everyone to like it. Is what it is.

No, there was a yaoi pairing list and a yuri pairing list.

Yeah Im on both. SDBurton even paired me with you lol.

And a yaoi fanfic.. And a yuri version of said fanfic.

Just do pairs. Then you can make up drama with the rest! Or have jealous classmates etc. Osanajimi etc.

Holy shit I dont remember this. But I like it.
Majin Bone 2

I thought this was supposed to be based upon a trading card game? Where are the trading cards? All this has been so far is anime Super Sentai, which is fine but I thought this was supposed to be a card game tie in?


. Also, RG system is so badly explained and used mostly as a way to enforce plot armor.

Yes him because he's a goddamn royal crown prince but somehow he's such a cookiecutter shounen main that the fact that he's a royal does nothing to develop his character or his motivations. What is the point of making him a prince of another world then other than main villain knows him somehow.
S2 ofc


The Light of El Cantare
Majin Bone 2

I thought this was supposed to be based upon a trading card game? Where are the trading cards? All this has been so far is anime Super Sentai, which is fine but I thought this was supposed to be a card game tie in?

Look at the henshin sequence. They punch through a card for every piece of armor they equip. It's a way more subtle method to market the TCG than having actual in-show card-based combat, but they're banking on the audience thinking the powersuits themselves are cool enough to buy a game based around them.
Look at the henshin sequence. They punch through a card for every piece of armor they equip. It's a way more subtle method to market the TCG than having actual in-show card-based combat, but they're banking on the audience thinking the powersuits themselves are cool enough to buy a game based around them.

So then how DOES the card game work then? Do you use cards to power up a fighter and try to beat your opponents fighter in a card senshi battle type thing? How will I know if I want to play the card game from watching a Senshi type show?


Well... to get back to animation for a moment... ANN recently interview BahiJD and Thomas Romain recently. Both are worth checking out, especially Bahi who talks about working at Bones amongst other things.

You're so mature

I'm sorry, thanks for the links, will definitely check it out.

Fake Edit: Bahi just got a new fan (one he always had but never knew his name) TT_TT


Love Live! S2 2

Training camp already?! Well, we get to see Nico and Maki "bonding" by a campfire, so I'm not complaining. Oh, and Honoka napping was super cute/hawt, even more so when Kotori and Hanayo joined her <3

Anyway, with this episode watched, I'm finally up to date for the first time on all my shows for this season! Woooooo! ...Just in time for seven-episode Thursday to ensure that I get behind again, but eh, what can you do. For now, I think I'll use this opportunity to watch a couple small OVAs and stuff I've been hoping to get around to.
I would have guessed because there is fuck all to watch as far as worthwhile anime goes.

I already know you dislike Baby Steps and One Week Friends, which are two of my favorite (baby steps at least manga-wise since it admittedly starts out slow compared to how good it gets). Did you watch the second episode of Chaika?Aside from the Gothic loli designed by Tim Burton who apparently never learned how to structure words together, the new episode was great action-wise. And the protag is fairly refreshing as an action lead since it's not a warrior class but a thief/rogue/assassin. Also part of the reason why, dare I say it, I liked Fate Zero. Assassin lead who can hold his own in a fight.
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