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Okay who do you think is the Best Girl in all anime? And I mean a best girl who has class and excellent qualities. Let the arguments begin.

Man I've noticed that you like to ask all-encompassing questions. For me though it'd have to be Kokoro Connect girl.

You can't be over tsunderes. It's science.

I feel like this study needs to be done with anime fandom. It'd result with a lot of people going to jail once the 'anonymous' quiz ends. They should've suspected something was up when they entered the room to take the quiz and were asked to take a "seat... right over there"

Well frankly I never knew you were into chin porn, but to each their own I guess.

One year from now I'm afraid I'll have a list of porn fetishes in your eyes haha.

why the blush

I-it's not like I wanted to eat those cinnabons, b-baka!

There's a hierarchy of tsundere sub-types though.

There isn't just one archetype that defines them all.

Well now but anime seems to love the loli-looking tsundere who is also physically abusive. Which makes me realize anime hasn't escaped the physical-harm comedy that infested early humor in the West.

Queen of Tsunderes is Kurisu from Steins;Gate.

Please, Woofington. You call those chins?


In what show can I find that magnificently chiseled chin that was a gift from the gods themselves?


Nothing is worse than the dreams where you're late for school. Especially when you no longer go to school.



Queen of Tsunderes is Kurisu from Steins;Gate.

Kurisu is like a D-tier tsundere. The traits inherent to the archetype are hardly exemplified by her character, nor are they even the major character trait of hers.

Lum is much better as an originator and a tier-list "queen"; the rest are just dilutions.
Also similar to dreams where you've forgotten about an assignment that's due etc. The human brain is weird.

Actually my most recurring dreams in college of those types are the ones where it's near the end of the semester and I apparently forget I was signed in for a class the whole time and I have an F in it and it'll drop me out of my major and bla bla bla where I wake up sweating.

I have one more semester to go and I join the work force. I want to stop having these dreams but I'm sure they'll transform into 'I forgot to work on a work project that's due tomorrow' or something.

Kurisu is like a D-tier tsundere. The traits inherent to the archetype are hardly exemplified by her character, nor are they even the major character trait of hers.

Bro you wanna throw down?


Kurisu is like a D-tier tsundere. The traits inherent to the archetype are hardly exemplified by her character, nor are they even the major character trait of hers.

Lum is much better as an originator and a tier-list "queen"; the rest are just dilutions.
Lum can be abrasive but a lot of that has to do with Ataru being a lech and overall asshole as she can be really friendly with everyone. Actually, in some ways he seems to the real tsundere in that relationship, stubborn as hell about showing any affection ever, though it comes out occasionally.


Nothing is worse than the dreams where you're late for school. Especially when you no longer go to school.

Nah, it's the ones where you can't wake up, despite knowing it's a dream.

Then the toast falls out of your mouth and you run into your childhood friend.


I still dream of this class I've taken but I've had no idea I did, it's the end of semester and I'm going to fail because I didn't show up for anything or the exam. I wake up and it's horrible because I graduated almost three years ago.

Actually my most recurring dreams in college of those types are the ones where it's near the end of the semester and I apparently forget I was signed in for a class the whole time and I have an F in it and it'll drop me out of my major and bla bla bla where I wake up sweating.

this won't leave you even after graduation, it's horrible.
Actually my most recurring dreams in college of those types are the ones where it's near the end of the semester and I apparently forget I was signed in for a class the whole time and I have an F in it and it'll drop me out of my major and bla bla bla where I wake up sweating.

I have one more semester to go and I join the work force. I want to stop having these dreams but I'm sure they'll transform into 'I forgot to work on a work project that's due tomorrow' or something.


Bro you wanna throw down?
I've been out of college for like 5 years and I still sometimes get a similar dream to that, where I forgot to drop a class.


Man, wonder what the hell broke him. I do think its good to sample some of the bad to get a feel for the low points though I couldn't stomach a whole series or anything.

Possible medication issue.

Nothing is worse than the dreams where you're late for school. Especially when you no longer go to school.

What's worse is...

I still dream of this course I've taken but I've had no idea I did, it's the end of semester and I'm going to fail because I didn't show up for anything or the exam. I wake up and it's horrible because I graduated almost three years ago.


"This must have been the work of an enemy pizza!"

You've no idea!



Bro you wanna throw down?
Come at me bro.

I didn't say she was a bad waifu though, just a bad tsundere.

Lum can be abrasive but a lot of that has to do with Ataru being a lech and overall asshole as she can be really friendly with everyone. Actually, in some ways he seems to the real tsundere in that relationship, stubborn as hell about showing any affection ever, though it comes out occasionally.

Yeah, I can definitely agree with these points.


You have some pretty tame dreams if that's the worst it gets.

Nah, it's just that the more banal the dream, the more real it seems.

Also similar to dreams where you've forgotten about an assignment that's due etc. The human brain is weird.

Exactly. The dream isn't real, but the stress is. Another variation is the semester is almost over and you realize you've never attended one of your classes...

I still dream of this class I've taken but I've had no idea I did, it's the end of semester and I'm going to fail because I didn't show up for anything or the exam. I wake up and it's horrible because I graduated almost three years ago.

this won't leave you even after graduation, it's horrible.

Actually my most recurring dreams in college of those types are the ones where it's near the end of the semester and I apparently forget I was signed in for a class the whole time and I have an F in it and it'll drop me out of my major and bla bla bla where I wake up sweating.

Are you me?


It's surreal after I wake up from one of those. It feels so real it's horrifying. For a moment I want to get dressed quickly and go out and to school to see wth but then the realization kicks in and I'm all woah wtf


Anyone saved the original video files for that "leaked" FSN fight?

People have bad days. It happens. I just hope things improve for him.

What he did was uncalled for, and in doing so he joined the list of self imploding drama queens. There are legit crazy people in this thread but sadly he decided to join that group.


Oh that Gochiusa poster mmm

the rest: link. Now I'm bailing out since I see this thread is crazy as ever.


I also can't help but wonder if he sort of JUST realized how questionable some anime can get with that kind of thread. That's something that's bugged me for awhile and you just have to come to terms with what you can and disregard what you can't.

Nah. It probably reflects something in his personal life.

You posted the wrong .gif


Wait, what? What happened?




Is hosannainexcelsis coming back or was that it this time? :
He's cool when he's normal.

I hope he comes back. People need to not take this stuff so seriously. Its entertainment not a profession.


Actually my most recurring dreams in college of those types are the ones where it's near the end of the semester and I apparently forget I was signed in for a class the whole time and I have an F in it and it'll drop me out of my major and bla bla bla where I wake up sweating.

I have one more semester to go and I join the work force. I want to stop having these dreams but I'm sure they'll transform into 'I forgot to work on a work project that's due tomorrow' or something.
Nah, they keep being about school and education, for some reason. It's a very common recurring dream even into adulthood.
Nah, it's the ones where you can't wake up, despite knowing it's a dream.

Then the toast falls out of your mouth and you run into your childhood friend.
That's no dream, Dresden-chan. That's never-ending but all too real living nightmare that is anime.
If a bad OP/ED ruined a decent/good show then Code Geass would be utter crap. There's better examples of shows with crappy songs, but this came to mind because why? I have Faith (Zero) that this show should still be good with the talent behind it.

edit: actually better example. HxH OP. And every ED besides ED 2 that metaaaaaaaaaaal


There's a new key visual for Aldnoah Zero, and the OP/ED were announced too. Kalafina is doing the OP, while Sawano is composing the ED as part of his new vocal unit SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]. Ughhh.... :(

Who can stop this plague upon anime music? Geneijin, please guide us.
If a bad OP/ED ruined a decent/good show then Code Geass would be utter crap. There's better examples of shows with crappy songs, but this came to mind because why? I have Faith (Zero) that this show should still be good with the talent behind it.

What are you even saying about Code Geass' OP/ED, son?


If a bad OP/ED ruined a decent/good show then Code Geass would be utter crap. There's better examples of shows with crappy songs, but this came to mind because why? I have Faith (Zero) that this show should still be good with the talent behind it.

edit: actually better example. HxH OP. And every ED besides ED 2 that metaaaaaaaaaaal



(NSFW? Don't click if you're at work or with others.)

I see tari tari. This is wrong.


Looking forward to Fate/GUNDAM, if only they could get Kajiura for the whole thing. I'm just gonna take SAO2 OST and play that when I watch it.

Curious if she's returning for Stay Night, the trailer didn't sound like hers.


Is that the same Hazaro that posting on GAF?
Btw you and your friend aren't fun woof :(
The whole internet posting their own karaoke for JIBUN WOOOOO back then.
Is that the same Hazaro that posting on GAF?
Btw you and your friend aren't fun woof :(
The whole internet posting their own karaoke for JIBUN WOOOOO back then.

We have a very particular taste for OP's. Mainly Japanese System of a Down for Death Note, or classier ones like Baccano's.

This insult will not stand. I challenge you to a duel to defend the honor of Flow and their brilliant, grounbreaking OP, Colors. Whether yours or mine, blood must be spilled on this day.

I hope you brought your Gunpla.

Gunpla? Don't make me laugh. If you want a fight we'll fight m8. We do it my way. Brooklyn style.

With Children's Card Games.
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