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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders 6

Leave it to Jotaro, who feels up a little girl just to verify her right after punching some sharks. And Zero fucks were given that day.


Dragonar Academy 06

Veronica planned all that just to get Sylvia to straighten up? Feels a bit overcomplicated. Especially since the plan involved Avdocha getting frozen as part of the plan. Even if it's freezing magic, that can't be very comfortable. Ash's new armor is a marked improvement over his old one, Jessica continues to be fangirling, and it's pretty obvious who Avdocha's sister is. There's not that many brown girls in this universe.


Tokyo Ravens 1-24

This hasn't been a bad watch even if some parts made me cringe a bit (Harutora's idiocy for example) and it had many predictable plot points. I enjoyed watching the characters do their things, some more than others (Ootomo Jin and Kon, for example) though.
I'm not really clear on what I should take from the last episode's end. It felt as inconclusive as they could get while trying to solve some parts of the story.
All in all, not a bad waste of time.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to



I'm glad they seem to have realized no one gave a shit about the bird. Good.
And here I thought it was a good time for an animation fan like hosannainexcelsis lately; you know, not only for Mushi-shi's comeback but also because of Mr. Maruyama reassuring, mere days ago, the viability of both the Pluto adaptation and (for the nth time) The Dream Machine project completion (http://www.deculture.es/2014/04/30/entrevista-masao-maruyama/).

Nice interview.
I always forget there other Spanish people here!


Well, it seems like sometimes the mention of unreleased exclusive material isn't just a half-truth or marketing fluff, as is the case for the Anne of Green Gables BD-BOX release:

ブルーレイ「赤毛のアン Blu-ray メモリアルボックス」が届いたー♪--高畑勲/宮崎駿:録画地獄:So-net blog

The Digital Gallery Disc “Memory of Anne" extra Blu-ray Disc present in the pack includes rare, never seen before layouts worked in by Mr. Miyazaki, and following the link above you can see catalina making a comparison of different previously released art-books that also featured image-boards and layout work made for the series.

I can't speak for Hosanna, but I fear his problems extend beyond anime or the community of posters who participate in this thread. I could well be wrong, but the content and tone of his posts would lead me to believe that the case.
It is a shame too, but at least I can understand it if matters are like that for him right now... otherwise I wouldn't expect such kind of personal attacks from a very good poster like he is, that's for sure... sorry, hosannainexcelsis, as I don't quite know the actual reasons behind that attitude. I just hope things improve for you, man!

Can't read the article, but if it says what you say it does then I'm filled with hope. Pluto's one of my favorite manga, and finishing Satoshi Kon's final film is something that simply must happen. I hope we see both of these within a few years.
Basically, he assures Pluto is one of those works he will eventually adapt before he dies (he already made that same statement time ago for The Dream Machine, mind you), claiming he will do it "along his close friend" Mr. Urasawa (already on-board), but perhaps the most interesting thing is that they've already set up a initial planning for the project, and they reached the conclusion that they would need a provisional budget of eight hundred million Yen (¥800,000,000), for a estimation based on about 8 hours of footage, to accomplish it.

Also /XX/ is posting again. Good times are here again.
Posting not for too long... we both should be studying! ;-)

Nice interview.
I always forget there other Spanish people here!
'Creo que para conocernos todos mejor vendría bien un nuevo hilo propio en NeoGAF (para españoles e hispanos, todos juntitos), ¡uno que no "acabe como el rosario de la aurora" que fué el HispaniGAF fundado por el bueno del usuario Goya!'
Dragonar Academy 06

Veronica planned all that just to get Sylvia to straighten up? Feels a bit overcomplicated. Especially since the plan involved Avdocha getting frozen as part of the plan. Even if it's freezing magic, that can't be very comfortable. Ash's new armor is a marked improvement over his old one, Jessica continues to be fangirling, and it's pretty obvious who Avdocha's sister is. There's not that many brown girls in this universe.
You DARE express doubts on the valkyrie plan ?
Do you want to die ?
But yeah that was one of the most forced things they could have done, except strip her down 2 episodes in a row.
Tokyo Ravens 1-24

This hasn't been a bad watch even if some parts made me cringe a bit (Harutora's idiocy for example) and it had many predictable plot points. I enjoyed watching the characters do their things, some more than others (Ootomo Jin and Kon, for example) though.
I'm not really clear on what I should take from the last episode's end. It felt as inconclusive as they could get while trying to solve some parts of the story.
All in all, not a bad waste of time.

Hotomo jin for best teacher, Kon for best familiar.


I'm glad they seem to have realized no one gave a shit about the bird. Good.

Am I the only one that liked the bird? He was literally Kayneth from Fate/Zero, but as a bird. Not just the same voice, but the same personality and everything. Just Kayneth, as a fat bird. I loved it.

Basically, he assures Pluto is one of those works he will adapt before he dies (he already made that same statement time ago for The Dream Machine, mind you), claiming he will do it "along his close friend" Mr. Urasawa (already on-board), but perhaps the most interesting thing is that they've already set up a initial planning for the project, and they reached the conclusion that they would need a provisional budget of eight hundred million Yen (¥800,000,000), for a estimation based on about 8 hours of footage, to accomplish it.

It's great to see that things for Pluto are at least beginning; hopefully they're able to get it funded sooner rather than later for things to really take off.


Nisekoi 18

Two episodes left, and we still have time for a beach episode and our Marika end. Anytime we get Kana Asumi-related anything it's cause for celebration. Being a beach episode, lots of eye candy going around and a rather lewd end card. I suppose the show does have to have some drama before things wrap up... in both senses of the word. This is what I was talking about with Riddle yesterday - it's always Romeo and Juliet. I don't think anybody's going to actually die in this version, but there will be misunderstandings just the same.


Neo Member
Picked up Samurai Flamenco but unfortunately I don't have the disposition of health I did as a younger
whippersnapper, so I only managed about the first 8 episodes for the night! My impressions will be full of FUN BITS (tm).

It'll probably be pretty boring and have some nonsense about childhood sentimentality. Also, random shit about Best Girls. That seems to be in vogue around here! Not that I consider that an inherently bad thing, lovelies. A lot of characters to like.

So what exactly is up with those creepy-ass motherfuckers with the dead, lifeless eyes? Because during Second Season there was that one chick (whose every word sounded like it was intricately crafted from weapons-grade bullshit)
who manipulated Nadeko into being a super kaway oogoo death god

I suppose this is already covered in the light novels?
Nisekoi 18

Two episodes left, and we still have time for a beach episode and our Marika end. Anytime we get Kana Asumi-related anything it's cause for celebration. Being a beach episode, lots of eye candy going around and a rather lewd end card. I suppose the show does have to have some drama before things wrap up... in both senses of the word. This is what I was talking about with Riddle yesterday - it's always Romeo and Juliet. I don't think anybody's going to actually die in this version, but there will be misunderstandings just the same.
Wait you expect a conclusion of nisekoi for this season ?
I wouldn't count on it.

So what exactly is up with those creepy-ass motherfuckers with the dead, lifeless eyes? Because during Second Season there was that one chick (whose every word sounded like it was intricately crafted from weapons-grade bullshit)
who manipulated Nadeko into being a super kaway oogoo death god

I suppose this is already covered in the light novels?

You've already got hints of them in the season 2, but they are enhanced and properly introduced in the next chapter ... The kanbaru part is something you should have during season 2 so don't worry if you're at loss with the characters , it's kinda on purpose.

Bakemonogatari third season is going to be a giant mess when SHAFT will adapt that, however.


Wait you expect a conclusion of nisekoi for this season .
Even if not a narrative conclusion, most anime at least try to reach some sort of emotional conclusion. For this one, it looks like it's going to zero in on Raku and Chitoge admitting that perhaps they do have feelings for each other. Via Shakespeare!
Captain earth - belly button time ! - 04 & 05

Belly button ? belly button !
So episode 4 was kinda by the book with a ensemble of clichés and some surprises . I didn't mind the belly button .. i didn't mind that the antagonist are SO CONFIDENT that they are just entering a ennemy base with little to no resistance ..and i don't mind that they feel so confident they treat humans like food.


Bonus point for the hero that manage to hold still in his beliefs untill the end. this summon pistol thing is kinda funny since he can materialise it at will ( what the point of keeping this away from him ? ) but why not.

So you thought it was a ice cream car but surprise !!
it was actually a mobile suit !
Well played well played.

Episode 5 continues the delivery on backstory for everyone , including belly button attacks ! Anyway , teppei dad is quite capable.. kudos for him i guess this anime needed a Jack bauer !

Well the girls in this show are always asking the right questions.

Rest of the episode was alright ..is it an indication that the couples are now set ? That would be great if that's the case.

After 5 eps i like captain earth. Everything still feel overly complicated but they are at least giving me infos across the episode to piece together everything ! I like that
Can't wait to see the rest , as long as creepy salty guy dies.


Well, it seems like sometimes the mention of unreleased exclusive material isn't just a half-truth or marketing fluff, as is the case for the Anne of Green Gables BD-BOX release:

ブルーレイ「赤毛のアン Blu-ray メモリアルボックス」が届いたー♪--高畑勲/宮崎駿:録画地獄:So-net blog

The Digital Gallery Disc “Memory of Anne" extra Blu-ray Disc present in the pack includes rare, never seen before layouts worked in by Mr. Miyazaki, and following the link above you can see catalina making a comparison of different previously released art-books that also featured image-boards and layout work made for the series.

Man that collection looks insane. Would buy on Blu-Ray, considering it's one of the greatest anime ever made.
I still dream of this class I've taken but I've had no idea I did, it's the end of semester and I'm going to fail because I didn't show up for anything or the exam. I wake up and it's horrible because I graduated almost three years ago.

this won't leave you even after graduation, it's horrible.

This is so common there's actually a name for it (which I can't remember). Those dreams don't stop either no matter how long it's been since graduation.
Is there a reason that they just don't just make another season of Kenichi? Was the DVD sales bad or something? They've made so many OVA's, that they may as well just make another season and be done with it.

I've only seen 1 of the OVA's, and they mostly jammed a whole 10 chapters into a 30min OVA. It was sorta sloppy, but I think they could have done better if they expanded it. I just want another season, because I like the series.


Is there a reason that they just don't just make another season of Kenichi? Was the DVD sales bad or something? They've made so many OVA's, that they may as well just make another season and be done with it.

I've only seen 1 of the OVA's, and they mostly jammed a whole 10 chapters into a 30min OVA. It was sorta sloppy, but I think they could have done better if they expanded it. I just want another season, because I like the series.

Shows only get made when someone thinks they can make some money or shift a manga or shift some merchandise. If the anime has already done that there's no need to make more.
Dragonar Academy 6
So I guess Silvia being stripped is going to be a regular thing. And I'm a little disappointed they didn't keep with Jessica not knowing who the Silver Knight thing. Would have been amusing for at least another episode


Tokyo Ravens 1-24

This hasn't been a bad watch even if some parts made me cringe a bit (Harutora's idiocy for example) and it had many predictable plot points. I enjoyed watching the characters do their things, some more than others (Ootomo Jin and Kon, for example) though.
I'm not really clear on what I should take from the last episode's end. It felt as inconclusive as they could get while trying to solve some parts of the story.
All in all, not a bad waste of time.

That's because they practically caught up with the LN.

Only 2 two good things came out of this show. Suzuka and Ohtomo motherfucking Jin, the most badass guy ever, he practically bitchslapped any opponents he fought.


Even if not a narrative conclusion, most anime at least try to reach some sort of emotional conclusion. For this one, it looks like it's going to zero in on Raku and Chitoge admitting that perhaps they do have feelings for each other. Via Shakespeare!

If manga is any indication it will have at least a hundred more seasons and by the end of the last one people will beg for ANY kind of ending, never mind their bestgirls and waifus.

Personally I'm counting on SHAFT to end it with a twist, possibly involving lesbian triangles.


That's because they practically caught up with the LN.

Only 2 two good things came out of this show. Suzuka and Ohtomo motherfucking Jin, the most badass guy ever, he practically bitchslapped any opponents he fought.

With a prosthetic leg. Badass is apt.
The first pair of post-launch characters getting added to Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax are Miyuki Shiba (with Tatsuya added as a support character) and, who a lot of you were probably waiting for, Taiga Aisaka (with Ryuuji as support). No details on their playstyles yet, but I'd think they would be fairly obvious.
Buy for Taiga? No, no, not this time.

Tomboys just don't do it for me. Not girlish enough for my tastes.
I'll pretend I never read this!
Oh that Gochiusa poster mmm

the rest: [url=https://yande.re/post?tags=date%3A2014-05-10+user%3Adrop+]link
. Now I'm bailing out since I see this thread is crazy as ever.

Fucking hell Makoto is so incredible.
Of course!
Some Bones for ducky's boner and best girl:

Good stuff.


Mekaku City Actors 05

So we have a dead girl wandering around. That's not uncommon in itself, the bigger question is why? (Though since the epilogues are read in Nakahara's voice, it probably has something to do with that.) Going by the design of the boy in the epilogue, Konoha may have something to do with her as well. I remember reading this story takes place over two days or so, which is why it's good to return Shintaro's story and start moving that forward. Mostly because where Shintaro is, Ene follows. The "cyber battle" was fun to look at, and just ridiculous enough to provide a break from the rest of the exposition that followed. Still not my favorite Saturday show (that's either Daimidaler or Kawaisou), but it's definitely unique.


I don't really have a post ready about Eureka Seven yet, and I haven't finished my re-watch so I don't imagine I'll be drafting one anytime soon. I can, briefly, summarise my opinion which is: this show is a lot better than I remember it being back in 2008. Clearly I must have had bad taste back then!

Still, while I don't have a lot to say I do think it's worth revelling in the glory that was 2005 BONES literally killing it. People probably remember the show visually in terms of the action animation (and so you should) but real credit needs to be given to the effects animators, the colouring and, surprisingly, the background artists who truly created a unique and distinct world:

Bonus GIF because why not:

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