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Tonari no Seki-kun 18-19

Magic tricks, glasses, and moe; together at last.

Thought I'd catch the one episode I still wanted to see before I go to Tamako Love Story tomorrow.

Tamako Market 9

That was a really good episode. The way all the plot threads came together in that flashback at the end was incredibly satisfying.

Hope the movie's somewhere near this level of quality.
Congrats on finishing this nine episode series!
I don't think Woofington is refering to (his knowlege of) Kirito's desire to keep the harem, but rather the creator's (merchandiser's, production committee, whatever).

Please, my bashing is thoughtful and considered
Yeah I mean this. Any reason the creator could possibly have for Kirito being the only person who can go on these missions and he happens to always meet cute girls his age who happen to fall in love with him and no one else are bullshit excused for building a harem. And instead of making it where he's so dense he doesn't realize all these girls want him he simply has a girlfriend that is off screen that kirito-kun swears he loves very much.

Honestly I'd almost rather he cheated on her just so the show would have the balls to give him a personality besides video game badass who does it for his country.

This is of course all speculation on info I've read on the wiki and word of mouth. Well see how effect asuna has on the new season once it starts. But it wouldn't surprise me if she simply appeared on school sections or at the beginning and ending of an arc to remind us that yes she does exist and she's the shackle holding kirito back from having unlimited waifus who find his 1337 reaction time haxxxx so hot yo.


Yeah I mean this. Any reason the creator could possibly have for Kirito being the only person who can go on these missions and he happens to always meet cute girls his age who happen to fall in love with him and no one else are bullshit excused for building a harem. And instead of making it where he's so dense he doesn't realize all these girls want him he simply has a girlfriend that is off screen that kirito-kun swears he loves very much.

Honestly I'd almost rather he cheated on her just so the show would have the balls to give him a personality besides video game badass who does it for his country.

This is of course all speculation on info I've read on the wiki and word of mouth. Well see how effect asuna has on the new season once it starts. But it wouldn't surprise me if she simply appeared on school sections or at the beginning and ending of an arc to remind us that yes she does exist and she's the shackle holding kirito back from having unlimited waifus who find his 1337 reaction time haxxxx so hot yo.

Honestly, I don't think the GGO arc is going to do all that much to change your opinion, since I don't think Asuna plays much of a role in it and Kirito does spend most of his time with the new girl (though to be honest I don't recall feeling like their relationship had that much of a romantic element to it - certainly not as much as Sugu in ALO).

The later arcs such as Mother's Rosario and Alicisation (which I doubt will be covered in the upcoming series, though I guess there's a chance for the former) seem more up your street, since Asuna gets plenty to do in them and they don't really do much in the way of harem-building for Kirito. In the former, it's Asuna that the new girl builds a relationship with, and in the latter, Kirito's main new companion isn't even female!
Sword Art Online: Season 1

Still love Sword Art Online. I feel like the hate I've heard for it is just completely overblown. When I finished, I just had to put it on my favourites list on Hummingbird. I felt like it was a well thought out series, the story is interesting, the action is amazing, and the characters felt believable in how they would act in that situation. In addition, I felt like the series just lends itself amazingly well in bringing out almost every single emotion there is. Watching this, I've felt excited, happy, depressed, hyped and I even shed tears at a couple points (though that was all mostly in the first half when it was more serious). Now I have to get my friend to watch this as he was turned away from what the Internet has said about it.

I honestly can't wait for Season 2 in the summer!
Glad that you liked it I have to agree on what i bolded above , Sao is not great , but damn if the hate it get here is unneceessary for what it is.
I'm glad you liked the action because aside from 3 fights in 24 eps i really feel like the anime didn't properly adapt several good moments properly.

Swort Art Online had a ton of problems. The concept was interesting enough, had a nice art style and some solid action. But then it gets into some weird waifu shit and everything goes downhill. And even before that, it seemed like every girl in the game wanted Kirito's dick really badly, though I wasn't too bothered by it when I watched the show.

My big issue with SAO is that Alfheim and everything after should not exist. Its stupid in both concept and execution. Why on Earth should I give a fuck about Alfheim? They have this subplot about different factions and Kirito gets involved but why the fuck should I care? We barely get to see any of that world, Kirito honestly doesn't give a fuck about it and is only there to same his girlfriend, magic is lame, all of the characters from season 1 got the boot - its just awful.

At least with Aincrad, had they developed it fully and given it time, it could have been amazing. We could have spent the entire show there, and we should have. That whole Sachi nonsense could have been done over an entire season so we actually have reason to care about her. They could have built up to a proper climax rather than just throwing an ending out of the blue just to end it faster.

So in short: Alfheim is unforgivingly stupid, the fanservice was awful (Tentacle scene was shameful), waifu shit was horrible and Aincrad was rushed.
Alfheim is necessary , but you don't know about it because the concept of the book is not "people trapped in a game" but virtual online mmos , the "trapped in a game" is only the first part. This is entirely a case of misleading advertising.
As for alheim , because they didn't have enough time with the second part , they just rushed to adapt the main story and cut some details on alheim itself.. again the fault of the adaptation IMO.

Oh God so much SAO hate while I was asleep. Sort of glad I missed that. Can't even be bothered to argue with most of the mindless bashing that's been repeated a thousand times in here already, but I guess I'll respond to one post.
Feel the same, really
I wouldn't say SAO "pulls a Monogatari". Araragi is a legit pervert who has no problems with finding any excuse to flirt with and sexually harass other girls and generally revel in building a harem, even as he makes it clear that Senjougahara is the only one he actually wants to be in a relationship with.

Kirito spends a fair amount of time with other girls (generally because the plot requires him to go off on adventures in various virtual worlds where Asuna can't reasonably join him), so a harem of sorts builds up around him of its own accord, but I wouldn't say he ever shows an actual romantic or sexual interest in any of them. And when he's not off on his adventures, he spends almost all of his time with Asuna.
In both cases , the girl #1is set in stone quite clearly despite what others want to believe.
Just like there is no denying that senjogahara is #1 in Araragi mind. there is no denying that asuna is #1 in kirito eyes.

In my eyes both show aren't harem series but shows about potential waifus.
I don't think Woofington is refering to (his knowlege of) Kirito's desire to keep the harem, but rather the creator's (merchandiser's, production committee, whatever).

Please, my bashing is thoughtful and considered
Sao production comitee did some things right , but did many things wrong.
SAO is shitty shit. But some people like it. I like some shitty shit shows too.

As long as you're aware that your favorite anime is SHIT , everything is fine.
I'm really glad that freedom of taste exist.


You need to get TheBatman to post in here

He does occasionally. Hes definitely more active in K-onGaf

Glad that you liked it I have to agree on what i bolded above , Sao is not great , but damn if the hate it get here is unneceessary for what it is.
I'm glad you liked the action because aside from 3 fights in 24 eps i really feel like the anime didn't properly adapt several good moments properly.

Alfheim is necessary , but you don't know about it because the concept of the book is not "people trapped in a game" but virtual online mmos , the "trapped in a game" is only the first part. This is entirely a case of misleading advertising.
As for alheim , because they didn't have enough time with the second part , they just rushed to adapt the main story and cut some details on alheim itself.. again the fault of the adaptation IMO.

Feel the same, really

In both cases , the girl #1is set in stone quite clearly despite what others want to believe.
Just like there is no denying that senjogahara is #1 in Araragi mind. there is no denying that asuna is #1 in kirito eyes.

In my eyes both show aren't harem series but shows about potential waifus.

Sao production comitee did some things right , but did many things wrong.

As long as you're aware that your favorite anime is SHIT , everything is fine.
I'm really glad that freedom of taste exist.

Well my favorite anime is Haibane Renmei and Kinos Journey so thats not exactly true but I guess my #3 anime on down is Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit.


Maturity, bitches.
I think it is time to make an iM@S GAF to compete with K-On GAF.

Of course it'll be part of OT Community since no one plays the games.
OK there is one more CR Guest pass to claim quote to see~

Redeemed, thanks.

Clannad 9
I would hate Fuko less if she'd stop referring to herself in the third person every ten seconds. Who are you, Hodor? A Pokemon? Come on, kid.

But thanks what makes many female anime characters adorable! Like Juvia from Fairy Tail!

SAO is shitty shit. But some people like it. I like some shitty shit shows too.

I think the reason SAO gets so much hate is because it was a different, interesting premise that was doing a really good job at first. People liked the idea of a harsh survival story of kids trapped in an online MMO. The first few episodes seemed to show that (although I never watched the show in its entirety myself).

When the show hit its second half and started to become the very thing we tried to avoid watching in anime, that's where the hate started. You people felt betrayed. Deceived. And that's why you hate it so much. And I cannot blame any of you for it.

Lord knows how Madoka Magica would have went if after the twelfth episode it was revealed that
Homura had a brother and the show devoted another twelve episodes to their relationship!

It's one thing to see something that's bad from the get-go. It's another thing to see something good, possibly great, turn into absolute trash later.


I think the reason SAO gets so much hate is because it was a different, interesting premise that was doing a really good job at first. People liked the idea of a harsh survival story of kids trapped in an online MMO. The first few episodes seemed to show that (although I never watched the show in its entirety myself).

.Hack did it first and did it better.

Oh god wtf am I doing? I swore to myself I wouldn't get involved with this shit again.


Oh, is cajun admin on the tweeters?

was doing a really good job at first

Nope. SAO already had major pacing problems right from the getgo. That said, it didn't get out and out stupid until Alfheim.


Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket 2

Man, elementary school kids in war anime just suck.

I don't think that Al is portrayed that poorly or unrealistically. He's clearly preoccupied with his schoolkid problems, and he's kind of fascinated by the spectacle of war, as many kids are. Trying to play out those normal problems in parallel with the escalating violence of war coming at home is a natural source of conflict, and it could be really interesting. Their hearts are in the right place.


The sequence where Al gets on the truck is played in a really cartoony way, which feels weird given what the audience knows about what's to come.

I still find it odd, though, how much the kids seem totally unaffected by the attack that just happened. Even though the war between Federation and Zeon is something they're keenly aware of, and they can't be that removed from understanding the consequences, the kids seem to act like they don't know that wars are dangerous and claim lives, even when the injured and dying are right in front of them. That level of naivete is hard to tolerate, and I don't think it was necessary to hit their ultimate point.

It's not a perfect parallel, but I was in seventh grade in New York City when the World Trade Center was hit, and even though it was miles away from my school, it was impossible not to feel the emotional impact of it. Even when classes were canceled for the day, everything was very surreal and subdued. I can't imagine any class of kids reacting like in the image below given the attack they just experienced. They're not so young that they can't process the consequences of what it means.


Class is canceled? This is the best day ever!

Putting that aside, I like the new character they introduced, the Zeon soldier Bernard Wiseman. He's the stereotypical fresh-faced young recruit, and even though he's not a complete rookie, you can see that there's a lot he doesn't really know about war. It seems like he's going to undergo his own kind of maturation over the course of the series.


Was this a common thing in Japanese homes at some point? I've never seen anything like it, but it would kind of fit in a society where people used to sleep on futons laid out every night and put away every morning.

There have been a lot of convenient coincidences so far to keep Al involved in the story, but I'm hoping the payoff is worth it.


Happiness Charge PreCure 15

Good episode. Dammit Kirby.
Kinda weird though how explicit it is in its 'you get seen it's done' and then how the episode continues and they even become cures that Blue explicitly said not to do.

Yeah, that confused me. He clearly told them DON'T transform, or that they can't, because the entire kingdom is their territory, so Cures are weakened there, yet they do it anyway.
Monogatari series question.

I want to get into this series soon, had a quick question. I see some people just saying to watch them in the order that aired. So is it best to watch it in this order?

Bakemono - Nisemono - Nekomono

Where does Monogatari Series: Second Season fall? Found it on my animelist, seems like the most recent airing of the series.


Monogatari Series: Second Season is the most recent one, watch it last, The rest of that order is good.


Majin Bone Episode 7:

This series still remains better then it has any right to be, I just really wish they could step it up in the action department and then it could hit true transcendence. Anyway, the plot seems to be finally kicking in as we get a vast change in scenery and a few truthbombs dropped but nothing that could not be figured out already. Anyway, the next plan of the enemy seems a bit flawed
as sending two goons against the Bone Research Facility is kind of lacking in the numbers game.
Also, calling it now Saho is probably going to be the eventual sixth ranger, at least that is the hope from this corner.


Well finished Arakawa Under the Bridge.

Funny show with so much stuff left unanswered. How much of the manga did the show cover? I googled the manga and read a random late chapter and it was the twins fighting about their muscles and stuff which was in the anime.

Need a new SHAFT! I'm gonna guess everybody is going to say Hidamari Sketch? The BD for season one is 41 at amazon. Good price?
Who the hell uses that shitty site though.

I did, when there was a bunch of Madoka Rebellion discussion going on when the movie just came out in Japan, and my mind was still a broken, shambled mess of what I saw of the spoilers that I just had to join in.

I only posted like, twice in that forum though, so I don't really care about this.
[Eureka Seven] 30 - 50



I should probably pick this show back up.

[B]Gundam Build Fighters - 5[/B]


Hahahahaha. It's like those imagination fights Gohan and Krillin did in DBZ.

Hey look! A Gundam Reference I actually get! Mao wearing Garrod's outfit, lol.
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