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Was referring to a BD reelase, but yeah you can still get the DVD on the cheap with that great Star Wars quote front and center.

Oh of course, I didn't make myself clear. Something just came up a couple years back where people seemed concerned the license would languish since it was apparently OOP. Think at one time it was only available through Disney directly but seems to be released everywhere again.


Just assumed they'll get to the bluray eventually is all, just not immediately after it came out in Japan last year.
Was referring to a BD reelase, but yeah you can still get the DVD on the cheap with that great Star Wars quote front and center.


Hi animegaf!

Just found out Madoka was on US Netflix. About four episodes in now, enjoying the mood, loving the music.

As someone who's got very little exposure to anything but the more popular titles, keeping up with the KLK hype threads recently makes me want to dive in headfirst. Just going to work my way through the essentials for now, and whatever's easily available on netflix.

Hulu and Crunchyroll is much better for anime than Netflix. There's still a few good shows on Netflix, but it used to have more.


Black Bullet 6

Show continues to be really rather good. Tina is still amazing, though I seem to have inadvertently spoiled myself on where the show is going with her while using Wikipedia (JP) to remind myself of character names.
She seemed to be listed as Kisara's Initiator, which makes me happy since it suggests she'll be sticking around. Still, I hate it when Wikipedia manages to spoil things through the very layout of the character section >.> Character descriptions I can avoid reading, but that's just cheating!
So, upon my rewatch of Eureka Seven a few things have become clear:

- I enjoyed the show a lot more on my second viewing.

- The series actually doesn't suffer from the kind of pacing issues that I thought it did. It's actually pretty solid throughout.

- The quality of the writing in this series is considerably higher than in most original anime.

- When a show actually uses all 50 episodes of a series to develop your cast of characters you can actually see why certain titles deserve to be so long. You just can't do this kind of development in a shorter show (more on this to follow in a longer post).

I definitely agree on all of this. Eureka Seven does a much better job than most series I can think of in terms of really fleshing out its whole cast, and it definitely needed to make use of all of that time to do so. It's frustrating to see so many series which either ignore their characters or just have most of the cast standing around and just ticking off a box rather than actually doing anything with them, so Eureka Seven definitely stands above most of its peers in that department.

And I've always felt that the pacing is pretty good. It's slower at times, certainly, and I can see how some people might be put off by that, but something being slow doesn't equate to having bad pacing. And one of the things that helps is how quickly everything changes. The show never lingers in one spot for too long, and the focus of the show and the characters are always moving forward.

- Despite the large info dump I still have a ton of questions about how the world of Eureka Seven works/came to be that aren't addressed in the text. Some of them are perhaps trivial but there's also a lot of major stuff that's never really addressed or explained. I know the journey of the characters through this story wouldn't be more meaningful if my questions were answered but they still bug me.

This is probably true, but it's never really bugged me even though I've seen the show twice (although not all of the episodes a second time). I can't quite put my finger on it, but somehow I think that it just works for the series and that it wouldn't really be Eureka Seven if I completely understood things. But this is probably an unsatisfying explanation for some people, so I can get how others might be frustrated by the lack of explanations. But I just kind of took it as me being in the same boat as a lot of the characters were, and that the events which wound up transpiring and the imagery associated with them was more meaningful than any sort of explanation as to why that all happened. I think that's a type of story that's very difficult to pull off in a satisfying way, but Eureka Seven managed it for me, and I'd be worried that additional explanations might cause the magic to be lost.


There's a lot of stuff about the world and how it works that is developed visually, and quite frankly easy to miss, and there are definitely a few things that are never outright explained either, and some stuff that makes more sense when you put a few things together. Ill probably give a go at trying to answer anything you post in your follow up post.

So, Eureka Seven questions:

- So humanity left Earth thousands of years ago because of the Scrub Coral. How did they manage to travel for thousands more years and come back to Earth without knowing that it was Earth? Or did some people know and was the truth hidden from the rest, because Dewy knew.

- If everyone came from the spaceship, why did technology regress so much? Or perhaps a better question would be, why is technologo so inconsistent? We seem to have eveyrthing from 19 century technology through to crazy future weaponary.

- What's the deal with Archtypes, why are there so many of them anyway?

- What's the deal with the book that Holland and Dewy have? Does is tell them to wear makeup and dress like a Roman?

- The level of technology that's displayed in the series is all over the place, but when Dewy makes his big speech in the stadium it's broadcast on Satellite TV. However, if people can report the news via Satellite how the hell hasn't news gotten out to all the Towers all over the world that the Coralians are killing everything? Surely they'd just broadcast it on satellite, but apparently not?

- What's the deal with that William guy at the World's End? He can use magic to move the Pile Bunkers or something. I'm gonna assume trapar power?

- What IS a compac drive? People us them to interface/power stuff, but what's it made of? Who invented it? Why/How does it interact with people, and machinery, and the scub, and trapar. I know we're told about souls and bodies but as an everyday device it's just like a magic box which surely humans must have invented for some purpose. What is it?

- At the same time there were compac drives inside Sakura, which then ended up inside Norb. So they're organic?

- Also, Desperation Disease. How does that work? Why do drives cause it? Why is everyone cured at the end e.g. Anemone? Is it because of the destruction of the Central Cluster?

- How did a military killing squad become hippie surfers anyway? How does an underground counter culture sky surfing magazine created by outlaws get published and distributed anyway?

- If Eureka was atoning for the crime of killing the kids parents by becoming their mother, why did she just fuck off for a year and dump them with Axel?

- Whats with all the dancing?

Additional questions:

- Moondoggie went from simply having a pilots licence to being a super insansely competent pilot in like 2 months, wut?

- What's with type theEND? Where did it come from? Who made it? Why is it similar to the Nirvash?

- How does Dewy know that artificially creating another Eureka is the right way to go, and why does he know it? Why does red goop make you into a fake Coralian anyway?

- Scratch that, how does Dewy know so much about everything? I take it that it's from Ardocks notes?

- How does Dewy implant a compac drive in his chest anyway?

- Why does Eureka wear her collar for like, ever, and never try to remove it?

- Why does Norb entrust Hollland with the fate of the planet anyway?

- Why does Eureka getting a little bit sad lead to her trying to merge with the scub, when surely worse things have happened?

- Why do Eureka, Renton and Anemone get psychically linked in the Zone? For what purpose? Why does it last a bit, and then go away? Don't tell me it's about trapars!

- If the scub can alter the laws of physics, why do they even need to make antibody coralians to fight? Surely they could do far more haxor things. If they can't control the appearance of coralians antibodies at the attack sites, why not?

- What's with the Sage council? They appear to do nothing and then get removed.

- Apparently with the infinite power of love Nirvash can turn into a god like people of power and energy. Why?

- Why did they play football anyway?

Like I've said, the answer to these questions don't really matter at all to the overall show.


How did a military killing squad become hippie surfers anyway? How does an underground counter culture sky surfing magazine created by outlaws get published and distributed anyway?

This one is pretty much answered through the videogames that acts as a prequel. I actually wish they had just animated the story in the
videogame than what we got in AO. It fleshes out the military angle and them developing LFOs. The Gekkostate also sorta still are a spec ops team.

I even liked the characters other than Ruri and the main character who is pretty much a simp. Fucker needed a fedora. That said I did like a lot of moments in the game.


Dammit Jexhius, you're not helping with this itch I have to re-watch Eureka 7.

I'm so glad they never decided to sully the show with a sequel.
M3 04

I guess this episode was better then the last ones. Which isn't hard.
This Heito guy is pretty hilarious. He's evil and he loves it, you gotta respect that.


Date a Live II 4

Star of the episode was Kannazuki. Manning that airship like a boss. Guess it's apparent now why Kotori trusts (and puts up with him) so much.

Onto the next arc.


Hi animegaf!

Just found out Madoka was on US Netflix. About four episodes in now, enjoying the mood, loving the music.

As someone who's got very little exposure to anything but the more popular titles, keeping up with the KLK hype threads recently makes me want to dive in headfirst. Just going to work my way through the essentials for now, and whatever's easily available on netflix.
Cool! If you're looking for more recommendations, just say the word. Plenty of people around here are always willing to point you in the right direction. In the mean time, the AOTY threads are a great reference for quality titles in a given year:


Just assumed they'll get to the bluray eventually is all, just not immediately after it came out in Japan last year.
Ahh, alright. I hope this is true— few titles deserve the clarity of BD more.


Hi animegaf!

Just found out Madoka was on US Netflix. About four episodes in now, enjoying the mood, loving the music.

As someone who's got very little exposure to anything but the more popular titles, keeping up with the KLK hype threads recently makes me want to dive in headfirst. Just going to work my way through the essentials for now, and whatever's easily available on netflix.

I was going to link to some lists, but I see someone has already gotten ahead of me.


Soul Eater Not! 06

Liz and Patty, pre-Death the Kid days. Patty wasn't using her usual slightly manic, giraffe-obsessed high pitched tone - couple this with the character design, and she was almost a different person. The resolution was as low-key as everything else in this series (and that's not a bad thing, it's clearly meant to be that way), and in that regard, an enjoyable little half hour. GochiUsa is the better cafe show, but SEN is pretty decent. Good job to the translators for conveying the "delinquent speech" in a way that makes sense in English. Shame about the puns at the end. They could've found suitable bear/fish puns to work with. There's at least two that come to mind right now. A fish that seems fishy and an unbearable bear. That's what I'd do if I was writing the script.


Additional queries added. Get wrecked, writers.
On flight so can't answer anything but the football stuff is a reference to older mech shows. There was something similar in Shin Mazinger too. Apparently playing a sport was supposed to help teamwork or some other shit.


Here's a real head scartcher. Most anime OP's end on a single image that lingers for a couple of additional beats. This image tends to be a pretty cool image of some kind which usually looks to encapsulate the series. It's often a high quality still e.g. the end of Eureka Seven's first OP:


So why in god's name does OP3 end with this:


It's truly an abomination. It looks like some Korean :wonzo filler art, not something you'd use as a header image for your series. If it was just a temporary rush job with terrible faces, why didn't they fix it later. WTF, BONES?
So why in god's name does OP3 end with this:


It's truly an abomination. It looks like some Korean :wonzo filler art, not something you'd use as a header image for your series. If it was just a temporary rush job with terrible faces, why didn't they fix it later. WTF, BONES?

Haha. Holy crap.


Maturity, bitches.
So The Wind Rises is a rather good film I must say. Has there been another biographical animations before?


Lol, Eureka's third OP. I feel like the show's art consistency and animation noticeably plummeted around that point for a couple of episodes. I wonder what happened.
Is eureka ao really that bad? I was of thinking of watching it sometime soon.

Ao is an example of a sequel that improves upon its predecessor. Its better than Eureka Seven. The writing solves many of the mistakes that plagued Eureka Seven in the area of not having annoying characters polluting the tone of the eureka seven ao ecosystem, no occupy kids around, and much more focused fast paced story. The music is also really great with a hemenway song to open things up and an ost with some memorable musics..


Redeemed, thanks.

But thanks what makes many female anime characters adorable! Like Juvia from Fairy Tail!

I think the reason SAO gets so much hate is because it was a different, interesting premise that was doing a really good job at first. People liked the idea of a harsh survival story of kids trapped in an online MMO. The first few episodes seemed to show that (although I never watched the show in its entirety myself).

When the show hit its second half and started to become the very thing we tried to avoid watching in anime, that's where the hate started. You people felt betrayed. Deceived. And that's why you hate it so much. And I cannot blame any of you for it.

Lord knows how Madoka Magica would have went if after the twelfth episode it was revealed that
Homura had a brother and the show devoted another twelve episodes to their relationship!

It's one thing to see something that's bad from the get-go. It's another thing to see something good, possibly great, turn into absolute trash later.

Juvia is super adorable!
I agree with your assessment of SAO. the first half was bearable. not very good but I was watching it. It neglected my favorite characters terribly but I stayed with it until the part everyone knows. Very rarely has a show fucked up so badly that I drop it right in the middle when I was initially interested. This part legit disgusted me completely. Some other animes have done the same thing and I dontl ike it any more there. for SAO it was the last straw and I just dumped the show.

i play the games but i don't mind as long as i can talk about takane all day long

Me too :D
I can discuss for quite a while how cute Kate is and how much Takane looks like a grown up Kate!

Oh, is cajun admin on the tweeters?

Nope. SAO already had major pacing problems right from the getgo. That said, it didn't get out and out stupid until Alfheim.

Nopes but Admin is a hero to all! I go by my real name on twitter.


Happiness Charge Precure 15

Umm...this was really, really dumb. I was hoping her mother would wake up and just smack the shit out of them for being so stupid and reckless as to risk going into an area where their powers were severely weakened just to give her cakes for Mother's Day. Like, they aren't just risking their own lives, they're risking the whole kingdom as well as everybody in Pikarigaoka, and frankly, Earth by doing this. And Blue actually let them do it. Now I think I get how everything turned to shit under your watch, Blue.

And hopefully Queen Mirage cans these lame-ass villains for all being present and having the Precure cornered in an area where their powers were nearly useless, and still being unable to finish them off. They probably would have done it too had they actually lifted a finger themselves.

Joe Molotov

Happiness Charge Precure 15

Umm...this was really, really dumb. I was hoping her mother would wake up and just smack the shit out of them for being so stupid and reckless as to risk going into an area where their powers were severely weakened just to give her cakes for Mother's Day. Like, they aren't just risking their own lives, they're risking the whole kingdom as well as everybody in Pikarigaoka, and frankly, Earth by doing this. And Blue actually let them do it. Now I think I get how everything turned to shit under your watch, Blue.

And hopefully Queen Mirage cans these lame-ass villains for all being present and having the Precure cornered in an area where their powers were nearly useless, and still being unable to finish them off. They probably would have done it too had they actually lifted a finger themselves.

Blue, being a mother herself, let her emotions cloud her judgement.



I was going to link to some lists, but I see someone has already gotten ahead of me.
I'll assume you didn't post your great "Lesser known Anime from the 2000's" thread because photobucket made it ugly. Upgrade to plus for additional bandwidth Jex.

So The Wind Rises is a rather good film I must say. Has there been another biographical animations before?
Better not use the B-word when talking about The Wind Rises around here.

Oh, what? Too dry.
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