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Black Bullet 06

The opening finally got some actual animation to go with it. It never felt quite dynamic enough for fripSide's music, but now it looks much, much better. Tina's idea of having fried foods with caffeine pills is an interesting quirk, and both Miori and Kisara are making the moves. With both of their scenes (and Enju returning the favor), this episode felt pretty light as well, even as it continued the Tina story. She hasn't done a whole lot yet, but she's cute, and her friendship with Rentaro is a nice to watch.


You know, I'm really glad they never tried to shit all over the memory of Eureka Seven by making a sequel. Such restraint!
You know, I'm really glad they never tried to shit all over the memory of Eureka Seven by making a sequel. Such restraint!

Lol Shutter AnimeGAF.

On an unrelated note I gotta ask.... was episode 19 of seki-kun the last one?


You know, I'm really glad they never tried to shit all over the memory of Eureka Seven by making a sequel. Such restraint!

I've always said that one of my favorite things about Bones is how they have the integrity to refrain from driving their most successful properties into the ground with unnecessary spinoffs and sequels.


So, upon my rewatch of Eureka Seven a few things have become clear:

- I enjoyed the show a lot more on my second viewing.

- The series actually doesn't suffer from the kind of pacing issues that I thought it did. It's actually pretty solid throughout.

- The quality of the writing in this series is considerably higher than in most original anime.

- When a show actually uses all 50 episodes of a series to develop your cast of characters you can actually see why certain titles deserve to be so long. You just can't do this kind of development in a shorter show (more on this to follow in a longer post).

- The series does a pretty good job at subtle world building throughout the series but then manages to still hit you around the head with an info dump.

- Despite the large info dump I still have a ton of questions about how the world of Eureka Seven works/came to be that aren't addressed in the text. Some of them are perhaps trivial but there's also a lot of major stuff that's never really addressed or explained. I know the journey of the characters through this story wouldn't be more meaningful if my questions were answered but they still bug me.


well not really...yet
So, upon my rewatch of Eureka Seven a few things have become clear:

- I enjoyed the show a lot more on my second viewing.

- The series actually doesn't suffer from the kind of pacing issues that I thought it did. It's actually pretty solid throughout.

- The quality of the writing in this series is considerably higher than in most original anime.

- When a show actually uses all 50 episodes of a series to develop your cast of characters you can actually see why certain titles deserve to be so long. You just can't do this kind of development in a shorter show (more on this to follow in a longer post).

- The series does a pretty good job at subtle world building throughout the series but then manages to still hit you around the head with an info dump.

- Despite the large info dump I still have a ton of questions about how the world of Eureka Seven works/came to be that aren't addressed in the text. Some of them are perhaps trivial but there's also a lot of major stuff that's never really addressed or explained. I know the journey of the characters through this story wouldn't be more meaningful if my questions were answered but they still bug me.
There's a lot of stuff about the world and how it works that is developed visually, and quite frankly easy to miss, and there are definitely a few things that are never outright explained either, and some stuff that makes more sense when you put a few things together. Ill probably give a go at trying to answer anything you post in your follow up post.


What's worse, Eureka Seven AO or Evangelion Rebuild?

Sire, it isn't even close. Eureka Seven AO by a country mile.

The Rebuild series of Evangelion films are their own separate universe from the original series. Moreover, they don't get really bad until the 3rd film.

Eureka Seven AO is a direct sequel to the original series which not only messes around with the characters and story of the original series but its a poorly written clusterfuck.


If the fourth movie does reveal continuity, would that change your vote?

Then I will have to see if it's worse, as a story, than Eureka Seven AO. Some how I don't think it's possible to beat Quartz and Secrets and multi verses and timetravel and whatever else was in AO.
Black Bullet 6

This show is better than it has any right to be. It's like one of the better grim dark harems. The downside is all the :cnet pandering. Rentarou continues to be a decent lead and at least they admit he's a chicken when it comes to girls instead of making him dense. We already know who's going to win so making it a harem seems pointless when he has his eyes set on a girl who clearly likes him back.

Now let's get to the cheese. The amount of tropes they're using on this plot for the "I got to get close to my enemy without knowing that's who they were" is redunk. I mean all of the scenes to show how they get close plus the phone conversation that gets cut off exactly when important information is happening is hilarious. We all know how it's gonna end too. With new girl most likely joining recurring cast and becoming loli #2 in harem.

I think my suspension of lawlsbelief was broken on the scene she cuts a fucking minigun with a katana. Apparently the multiple metal folding of ancient Japanese secret is enough to make it cut anything like butter.
Black Bullet 6

This show is better than it has any right to be. It's like one of the better grim dark harems. The downside is all the :cnet pandering. Rentarou continues to be a decent lead and at least they admit he's a chicken when it comes to girls instead of making him dense. We already know who's going to win so making it a harem seems pointless when he has his eyes set on a girl who clearly likes him back.

Now let's get to the cheese. The amount of tropes they're using on this plot for the "I got to get close to my enemy without knowing that's who they were" is redunk. I mean all of the scenes to show how they get close plus the phone conversation that gets cut off exactly when important information is happening is hilarious. We all know how it's gonna end too. With new girl most likely joining recurring cast and becoming loli #2 in harem.

I think my suspension of lawlsbelief was broken on the scene she cuts a fucking minigun with a katana. Apparently the multiple metal folding of ancient Japanese secret is enough to make it cut anything like butter.

I have a feeling Tina's gonna get killed off. I mean look
what happened to the other Loli, she didn't join the harem.


So uh, has Funi said when this year they're going to be releasing the Cowboy Bebop blu rays in the US? All i can find is the announcement from last summer.

Joe Molotov

So is Happiness Charge Precure the best Precure ever? It's gotta be close. (Full Disclosure: I haven't watched any of the ones before Fresh yet). I can't wait to find out how Mirage earned her teardrop tattoo.


Enjoy Tales from Earthsea.
Ahhh, I laughed.

You know, I'm really glad they never tried to shit all over the memory of Eureka Seven by making a sequel. Such restraint!
Darker than Black, Eureka Seven— they generally like to keep their golden stuff standalone and untainted.

So uh, has Funi said when this year they're going to be releasing the Cowboy Bebop blu rays in the US? All i can find is the announcement from last summer.
If there's no news by July, they'll probably announce the date at Anime-Expo.


What's Eureka Seven AO?
Is it some kind of sequel?

It's a sequel you don't need to watch since the original Eureka 7 has a rather conclusive ending that didn't need to be retroactively opened up. They certainly could have come up with a continuation by introducing new conflicts and new characters, which is what they did, but the final state of the story didn't ask for it. Beyond taking this risk and some of the ugly retcons resulting from it, what I dislike the most about AO isn't the fact that things get messy or that there are some crazy events involved.

For me, I think the biggest weakness about AO are the characters. I can easily forgive small or large formal flaws in the plot if I think the most important characters and their related themes are spot on underneath. That's one of the reasons why I think something like Code Geass works, even if some folks may disagree. Either way, I didn't care for anyone in AO that wasn't just a carryover from E7, and even then...the less said the better.
So is Happiness Charge Precure the best Precure ever? It's gotta be close. (Full Disclosure: I haven't watched any of the ones before Fresh yet). I can't wait to find out how Mirage earned her teardrop tattoo.
It's had the best start of any Precure since Heartcatch (AFAIK) and has all the potential to be super great. No tomboys though so it can't ever be Heartcatch good.


Yep, that and Princess Mononoke for me.
I'm not exactly sure how Ghibli, Disney, and Western releases all work out, but my understanding is that since Disney can't hit their golden demographic with Princess Mononoke there's less of a chance to see it over here. Hopefully that doesn't mean someone else can't pick it up or something.


I'm not exactly sure how Ghibli, Disney, and Western releases all work out, but my understanding is that since Disney can't hit their golden demographic with Princess Mononoke there's less of a chance to see it over here. Hopefully that doesn't mean someone else can't pick it up or something.

I've seen the Hong Kong version on Yes Asia for like $40 i think (it's out of stock right now though), and that's region 1 or A with English subtitles i believe. So at least with that stuff, you can import if you really want it.


I'm not exactly sure how Ghibli, Disney, and Western releases all work out, but my understanding is that since Disney can't hit their golden demographic with Princess Mononoke there's less of a chance to see it over here. Hopefully that doesn't mean someone else can't pick it up or something.

They're still reprinting the DVDs I think, figured there was just a so many year delay between jp release and na due to price disparity.


Huge Nickleback Fan
It's a sequel you don't need to watch since the original Eureka 7 has a rather conclusive ending that didn't need to be retroactively opened up. They certainly could have come up with a continuation by introducing new conflicts and new characters, which is what they did, but the final state of the story didn't ask for it. Beyond taking this risk and some of the ugly retcons resulting from it, what I dislike the most about AO isn't the fact that things get messy or that there are some crazy events involved.

For me, I think the biggest weakness about AO are the characters. I can easily forgive small or large formal flaws in the plot if I think the most important characters and their related themes are spot on underneath. That's one of the reasons why I think something like Code Geass works, even if some folks may disagree. Either way, I didn't care for anyone in AO that wasn't just a carryover from E7, and even then...the less said the better.

Yeah, i agree, man, the sequel doesn't add up to anything. It just felt bland, and boring...


Hi animegaf!

Just found out Madoka was on US Netflix. About four episodes in now, enjoying the mood, loving the music.

As someone who's got very little exposure to anything but the more popular titles, keeping up with the KLK hype threads recently makes me want to dive in headfirst. Just going to work my way through the essentials for now, and whatever's easily available on netflix.
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