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Maturity, bitches.
nah thats just Avril Lavigne



Tamako Love Story

It's pretty much what you'd expect.

The movie picks up where (I presume) the series left off. Dela and Choi are on some island in the Not-Appearing-In-This-Picture Archipelago, and Tamako and her friends are starting their final year of high school. Mochizou has been in love with Tamako for a long time, but he's running out of chances to express his feelings since he plans on moving to Tokyo for college. Will he confess? How will the mochi-mad Tamako respond? Can the baton team get their routine together in time for the Usagiyama Marching Parade?

Tamako Love Story is a bit more meditative in tone than the TV series, but only marginally. It's a very low-stress movie, and there are plenty of chances to see the show's brightly defined cast of characters exercise their moe charm points. Confused Tamako does klutzy things, Kana is hella Kana, and Midori gets to suffer in silence as her romantic feelings are marginalized into awkward pauses and closeups. The direction and backgrounds are great as expected of Kyoto Animation.

As for the romance, it spends most of its time in awkward uncertainty. That's not as bad as it sounds. The movie does a good job at representing the emotional distance between the characters. Since Mochizou doesn't bear the burden of being a primary source of comedy, his end feels a lot rawer and more emotionally real than Tamako's, even though her period of shellshock is still amusing to watch. The idea of a romance plays into both characters' fears of the upcoming changes in their lives, and I think that came across well. Kind of :firehawk, though it's not overplayed.

It's probably longer than it needed to be, and the movie can't resist contriving a dramatic last-minute chase at the end to raise the stakes, but I had a good time with it. I think episode 9 is a tighter dramatic vehicle, but this is an alright companion to it too.


It was a joke, but alright.

So almost no Dela in the movie then?

Dela gets a five-minute short film before the movie starts. Choi slaps him twice. As for the feature, he might be in it for five seconds, but I don't remember, and I don't think he has a speaking line.

Black Hat

Black Bullet 6

This gets better with every episode and thankfully the pacing has slowed down a bit.

Only going to be 13 episodes though. Needs to be 2-cour.

My personal AOTS so far.


Kino's Journey 5

Which poses us questions about work. And decision-making.

Kino's Journey is filled with these dark fables, but they also make a commentary on who she is as well. It's easy for us to look at the country with all the robots, or the old men on the railroad track, and consider their work ridiculous. But Kino also avoids their own question. Where is she going? Which is another way of saying, why is she working?

Once again, the show's use of color and perspective to build mood and establish place is excellent. I don't have much more to say about it. I'm pretty tired.

Seems like the next episode is going to be the start of a two-parter, so I'm curious how that'll be handled.


Kino's Journey 5

Which poses us questions about work. And decision-making.

Kino's Journey is filled with these dark fables, but they also make a commentary on who she is as well. It's easy for us to look at the country with all the robots, or the old men on the railroad track, and consider their work ridiculous. But Kino also avoids their own question. Where is she going? Which is another way of saying, why is she working?

Once again, the show's use of color and perspective to build mood and establish place is excellent. I don't have much more to say about it. I'm pretty tired.

Seems like the next episode is going to be the start of a two-parter, so I'm curious how that'll be handled.

Episode 6 is one of the best episodes. It has a bit of a different feel from the other ones.

yeah I pointed it out previously.


Black Bullet 6

This gets better with every episode and thankfully the pacing has slowed down a bit.

Only going to be 13 episodes though. Needs to be 2-cour.

My personal AOTS so far.

Tina is too cute
judging from the new intro she seems good now?
I always pictured KirbPine as someone who gets a girl's name tattooed on their arm but then gets it removed in place of another one after they break his heart, except in this case Precure. Poor KirbLemonade.

But they don't flow from the Y of Kirby D: (that and I didn't care too much about either of them.)

But damn, you left out Sunshine. That's a crime

Yeah, it's definitely the worst thing about the game, but I'd say the game is still worth it.

Thankfully, Diva F 2nd makes it optional! I switched to analog-stick mode as soon as I started the game and never looked back.

Which is why I'm grabbing the Vita version this time around.


Yes, that place where they're making a fan translation of the PSP game. But I don't own one anymore and as far as I know you can't use those on Vita.


In all seriousness, I only bothered watching the first season of OreImo since I heard the second was terrible. Kuroneko was pretty cute.


Subete no aware
Tamako Love Story

It's pretty much what you'd expect.

The movie picks up where (I presume) the series left off. Dela and Choi are on some island in the Not-Appearing-In-This-Picture Archipelago, and Tamako and her friends are starting their final year of high school. Mochizou has been in love with Tamako for a long time, but he's running out of chances to express his feelings since he plans on moving to Tokyo for college. Will he confess? How will the mochi-mad Tamako respond? Can the baton team get their routine together in time for the Usagiyama Marching Parade?

Tamako Love Story is a bit more meditative in tone than the TV series, but only marginally. It's a very low-stress movie, and there are plenty of chances to see the show's brightly defined cast of characters exercise their moe charm points. Confused Tamako does klutzy things, Kana is hella Kana, and Midori gets to suffer in silence as her romantic feelings are marginalized into awkward pauses and closeups. The direction and backgrounds are great as expected of Kyoto Animation.

As for the romance, it spends most of its time in awkward uncertainty. That's not as bad as it sounds. The movie does a good job at representing the emotional distance between the characters. Since Mochizou doesn't bear the burden of being a primary source of comedy, his end feels a lot rawer and more emotionally real than Tamako's, even though her period of shellshock is still amusing to watch. The idea of a romance plays into both characters' fears of the upcoming changes in their lives, and I think that came across well. Kind of :firehawk, though it's not overplayed.

It's probably longer than it needed to be, and the movie can't resist contriving a dramatic last-minute chase at the end to raise the stakes, but I had a good time with it. I think episode 9 is a tighter dramatic vehicle, but this is an alright companion to it too.

So dude, spoilers please!


I'm slightly more excited for Wixoss's back half, but Chaika is good too.

I'm kind of surprised at how much I'm enjoying Wixoss. I picked it up on a whim, but the last few episodes have been pretty exciting.

I might pick up Chaika at some point, a lot of people I know are watching it.


I'm slightly more excited for Wixoss's back half, but Chaika is good too.

Hell yeah. WIXOSS has been surprisingly engrossing so far.
Some shows I'm enjoying this season:

Chaika is entertaining enough for me to keep up with but for its meandering style, none of the subplots or side stories have been very interesting so far. Humor alone is pretty much keeping it afloat for me.

Black Bullet needs 2 cours, 13 episodes is way too short. The first arc was getting really sloppy at the end, but it has strongly established characters and it's a solid action series.

Nanana is one of the prettiest shows this season, with really great animation to boot. The story and character motivations are really confusing and convoluted now though, and I don't know who is doing what for which reason. Kind of a problem. But these problems are mostly negated by Tensai.

No Game No Life somehow gets better with each episode. Was going to drop it with episode 3 but I'm kinda glad I didn't. There's some really great humor there and doesn't rely on fanservice, unlike other ecchi shows.

Isshukan Friends/One Week Friends had a premise that was destined to be repetitive and emotionally manipulative, but it turned into one of the most diverse and interesting collection of episodes this season.

Mushishi season 2 is amazing as expected, I like that I can still wholeheartedly recommend this to people who haven't seen S1. Some of the best storytelling out there.

Ping Pong the Animation has really strong visual style and sensibilities, reminds me of Studio 4 C's work. Strong storytelling and characters, great execution.

M3 The Dark Metal/Kuroki Hagane has either been dropped or ignored by most people this season, and I can see why. It's slow paced, has unlikable characters (at first), and arguably one of the ugliest shows this season. But there's something about it that continues to pique my interest, and the atmosphere is great.

Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu Ka/Is the Order a Rabbit is da GOAT.

How is Captain Earth? I watched up to episode 4 or so and while the mech creation sequence and animation is great, I was constantly bored by the way the show actually presented everything. It's like it has all the elements for an entertaining show, but I was rarely entertained. As a big Bones fan, and loving the hell out of Space Dandy and Noragami last season, their current offerings seem lackluster.
Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu Ka is da GOAT.
You have impeccable taste.
How is Captain Earth? I watched up to episode 4 or so and while the mech creation sequence and animation is great, I was constantly bored by the way the show actually presented everything. It's like it has all the elements for an entertaining show, but I was rarely entertained. As a big Bones fan, and loving the hell out of Space Dandy and Noragami last season, their current offerings seem lackluster.
I dropped it after episode 5 with similar feelings. The writing is a mess, and when I have to scrub through half the scenes in a given episode to keep my sanity, that's usually a sign that I need to drop a show.


Hell yeah. WIXOSS has been surprisingly engrossing so far.
Some shows I'm enjoying this season:


There is a disturbing lack of Isshuukan Friends and Jojo in this list. The former especially, since your assessment of GochiUsa would seem to indicate that you have a strong appreciation for adorable things.
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