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Gundam Build Fighters - 15



NGNL ep.6

First half was stupidly silly.

Second half was stupidly awesome.
Straight up annihilated an entire universe through geology, chemistry, and physics
. This is also potentially one of the OSTs of the season, which is why it's agonizing it's being bundled in three parts with some of the BD volumes.

Steph is still worthless and not in a funny way for me either. Sorry.


So now that I have some time and an actual computer(I'm actually rewriting a super long post that I had typed up on iPad but got deleted due to an accidental refresh), I wanted to answer some of Jexhius's questions, write up some general feelings on Eureka Seven, and also discuss The Golden Bough.

I also wanted to mention the bit about usage of episodes to flesh out the side characters, the impressive thing for me was not only the development of one romance but two. I actually thought Anemone's breakdown and following encounter with Dominic much more touching than the Eureka/Renton romance. It's a fully established romance that occurs over the course of the series and it's something that wouldn't be possible to due in even a 26 episode series. I think the gradual progression of the characters was handled for the most part masterfully in that it's gradual but definitely there. People complain about Renton being a crybaby but it's clear even before the halfway point in the series, how much he's progressed as a character. By the finale, it's striking how completely different he is compared to the start.

So, Eureka Seven questions:

So humanity left Earth thousands of years ago because of the Scrub Coral. How did they manage to travel for thousands more years and come back to Earth without knowing that it was Earth? Or did some people know and was the truth hidden from the rest, because Dewy knew.

Supposedly some people knew like the Sage Council.

- I
If everyone came from the spaceship, why did technology regress so much? Or perhaps a better question would be, why is technologo so inconsistent? We seem to have everything from 19 century technology through to crazy future weaponry.

Because the BSG effect.

What's the deal with the book that Holland and Dewy have? Does is tell them to wear makeup and dress like a Roman?

They dressed like Romans because of The Golden Bough, which discussed Greek/Roman sacrificial rituals and magic. There are a ton of elements from the book that are in the show. This is a good starter at looking at how the themes in the book show up in E7:http://holysorrows.wordpress.com/20...gh-delving-into-eureka-seven-spoiler-warning/

It's worth a quick glance if you're interested in the show.

How did a military killing squad become hippie surfers anyway? How does an underground counter culture sky surfing magazine created by outlaws get published and distributed anyway?

The show for the most part covers this and the rest is in the videogame. Holland decides to leave the SFO and hijacks the Gekko. He had already been a huge surfing geek as a kid so it really wasn't that much of a stretch for him. Surfing is a really big aspect of culture in that world due to trapar.

If Eureka was atoning for the crime of killing the kids parents by becoming their mother, why did she just fuck off for a year and dump them with Axel?

Because vacation sexy time.

Additional questions:

Moondoggie went from simply having a pilots licence to being a super insansely competent pilot in like 2 months, wut?

Moondoggie already had a ton of experience before the start of the show actually. It's expanded in the 2nd videogame essentially.

How does Dewy know that artificially creating another Eureka is the right way to go, and why does he know it? Why does red goop make you into a fake Coralian anyway?

- Scratch that, how does Dewy know so much about everything? I take it that it's from Ardocks notes?

Adroc and research I guess.

How does Dewy implant a compac drive in his chest anyway?

Yea this is a big plothole and something I'm not happy about as it's a driving force for the narrative at the end.

Why does Eureka wear her collar for like, ever, and never try to remove it?

Proto moe.


You're not missing anything. It's not even a top 3 Bones show this half year.

A real shame. I was really excited about an original mecha series by Bones. Captain Earth gave me the same feelings as Eureka Seven AO. Just lifeless and incredibly boring, despite having all the elements there to make a great show.


So I've been reading The Golden Bough the past week as I had some free time and it's really interesting how much stuff is in the show. It's a long ass book, and full of philosophical and historical musings so I won't cover the entire work. The first thing that shows up in the book is Diana, the Roman version of Artemis. This is a clear correlation to Diane in the show. Diana in the book is worshipped at the forest of Nemi and is represented as a tree. In some ways coral, and hence scub coral, are forests underwater. Diane
merges with the Scub Coral and so is part of the Earth
. Then there is Eureka who
directly comes from the Scub Coral
and so is an extension of Diane. I would argue that Eureka is also filling the role of Diana in the book as Diana serves as the lover of Verbius, so a sort of Holy Trinity situation. Another defining feature of Eureka is her watching after the three kids, a form of motherhood, and Diana is attached to motherhood. Verbius is Adroc:
Virbius was the young Greek hero Hippolytus, chaste and fair, who learned the art of venery from the centaur Chiron, and spent all his days in the greenwood chasing wild beasts with the virgin huntress Artemis (the Greek counterpart of Diana) for his only comrade. Proud of her divine society, he spurned the love of women, and this proved his bane. For Aphrodite, stung by his scorn, inspired his stepmother Phaedra with love of him; and when he disdained her wicked advances she falsely accused him to his father Theseus. The slander was believed, and Theseus prayed to his sire Poseidon to avenge the imagined wrong. So while Hippolytus drove in a chariot by the shore of the Saronic Gulf, the sea-god sent a fierce bull forth from the waves. The terrified horses bolted, threw Hippolytus from the chariot, and dragged him at their hoofs to death. But Diana, for the love she bore Hippolytus, persuaded the leech Aesculapius to bring her fair young hunter back to life by his simples.
The son, the 2nd Virbius, would be Renton. Adroc tried to serve as the companion to Eureka and thus caused the First Summer of Love, a failure, and so 'died' to prevent the world from ending. Adroc is the first Virbius(Hippolytus) and this is strengthened by this passage,
Hippolytus was worshipped. Within his sanctuary stood a temple with an ancient image. His service was performed by a
priest who held office for life; every year a sacrificial festival was held in his honour; and his untimely fate was yearly mourned, with weeping and doleful chants, by unwedded maids. Youths and maidens dedicated locks of their hair in his temple before marriage. His grave existed at Troezen, though the people would not show it.
This is similar to how Adroc is worshipped/idolized in Eureka Seven for saving the world, such as having a statue. Adroc also
gains a 2nd life after being 'killed' in the First Summer of Love and is now with Diana(the Scub Coral) in his 2nd life
. I should also mention that it's no surprise that Renton is associated with science, as Adroc is referred to as the Science King and Renton is his 'heir' in a way and also a mechanic, as there is a section of the book dedicated to talking about how science is progressing over religion. In fact, the author has a very negative opinion of religion and associates it with magic. Now one interpretation is that Adroc(and hence Renton) are the Sacrificial Kings as discussed in the show and book due to Adroc's title as the Science King, which I believe that to be generally correct although incomplete by not discussing Virbius.
In his character of the founder of the sacred grove and first king of Nemi, Virbius is clearly the mythical predecessor or archetype of the line of priests who served Diana under the title of Kings of the Wood, and who came, like him, one after the other, to a violent end. It is natural, therefore, to conjecture that they stood to the goddess of the grove in the same relation in which Virbius stood to her; in short, that the mortal King of the Wood had for his queen the woodland Diana herself. If the sacred tree which he guarded with his life was supposed, as seems probable, to be her special embodiment, her priest may not only have worshipped it as his goddess but embraced it as his wife.
So Virbius starts this line of 'Sacrificial Kings'. The depiction in the book of the priests though, who are also the kings, is pretty negative and fitting closer to Dewey rather than Adroc or Renton.
He was a priest and a murderer; and the man for whom he looked was sooner or later to murder him and hold the priesthood in his stead. Such was the rule of the sanctuary. A candidate for the priesthood could only succeed to office by slaying the priest, and having slain him, he retained office till he was himself slain by a stronger or a craftier.
The Novac family
follows this to a T with Dewey murdering his father
. However, due to the way that Dewey does this, causes the planet to strip the Novak family of that title and granting it to Adroc. As for Renton 'beating'/surpassing his father, I would say that would be him being a better match for Eureka than Adroc. So the Novacs took the succession literally when it could have been symbolic. So some of the aggression that Holland takes out on Renton could be interpreted not only in regards to jealousy about how Renton gets along with Eureka but also about how Renton is now carrying what could have been Holland's title (that being the King of the Woods). Dewey due to the consequence of losing his title and standing, stands opposed to Diana (and the scub coral) and this is actually represented in his character design.
Dewey's braid is a visual representation of his conflict with the Scub Coral. Hair is a very important element in E7 such as when Anemone throws away a lock of Dewey's hair is symbolic of her growing distaste with him.
the people believe that if a pregnant woman were to tie knots, or braid, or make anything fast, the child would thereby be constricted or the woman would herself be “tied up” when her time came. Nay, some of them enforce the observance of the rule on the father as well as the mother of the unborn child. Among the Sea Dyaks neither of the parents may bind up anything with a string or make anything fast during the wife’s pregnancy. In the Toumbuluh tribe of North Celebes a ceremony is performed in the fourth or fifth month of a woman’s pregnancy, and after it her husband is forbidden, among many other things, to tie any fast knots and to sit with his legs crossed over each other. In all these cases the idea seems to be that the tying of a knot would, as they say in the East Indies, “tie up” the woman, in other words, impede and perhaps prevent her delivery, or delay her convalescence after the birth.
On the principles of homoeopathic or imitative magic the physical obstacle or impediment of a knot on a cord would create a corresponding obstacle or impediment in the body of the woman.
As Diana, the goddess of birthing, is represented in Eureka 7 via the Scub Coral, Dewey's braid demonstrates his intent in opposing her. Dewey is obssesed with the title that was lost, at first to Holland and later when his family was stripped of their title. Holland gets over his jealousy while Dewey is wrapped up in meaningless things as shown when his ceremonial sword breaks.
Another big element that Eureka Seven takes from The Golden Bough is the idea of magic, mainly the two principles of The Law of Similarity and the Law of Contact.
The first of these principles, namely the Law of Similarity, the magician infers that he can produce any effect he desires merely by imitating it: from the second he infers that whatever he does to a material object will affect equally the person with whom the object was once in contact, whether it formed part of his body or not.
The Scub Coral demonstrate the Law of Similarity through
Sakuya and Eureka
in that the Scub Coral were trying to communicate with humans by replicating them. The Law of Contact makes up a big element of the finale for E7 in that anything that affects the scub coral affects
and viceversa. The pile bunkers hurting the Scub Coral is a big element of the show as well. Dewey being able to do a
dead man's trigger via a compac drive
is another example of this.

There's also a bunch of minor elements such as the Vodarac, mainly the Miyoto sect. This is more of a larger element of the book, mainly how religion is misguided, and so the depiction of the Miyoto sect is portrayed in a negative light due to their obsession with another saint coming to Sakuya. At the time I felt it was commentary on extremists in Islam, and I still do due to the timing of the show, but I also think it's a larger criticism of religion as a whole as well. There's Anemone and her eating, which is done in a showy fashion, which could be linked to certain religious concepts such as:
IN THE OPINION of savages the acts of eating and drinking are attended with special danger; for at these times the soul may escape from the mouth, or be extracted by the magic arts of an enemy present. Among the Ewe-speaking peoples of the Slave Coast “the common belief seems to be that the indwelling spirit leaves the body and returns to it through the mouth; hence, should it have gone out, it behoves a man to be
careful about opening his mouth, lest a homeless spirit should take advantage of the opportunity and enter his body. This, it appears, is considered most likely to take place while the man is eating.”
So you could take that as Anemone rejecting that stuff through her elaborate licking of jam. A lot of elements in regards to the religious components of the show are right out of The Golden Bough.


Poet Centuriate
Attack on Titan (dub) 1

Okay I can see how this may have hooked people. Grimdark, cool action, interesting setting. The characters that have set up as the main cast are pretty damn cookiecutter and if what I've heard from AnimeGAF comes to pass about his show...well, I guess we'll see.

Also, most of the dub cast is okay, but all the 'young' VAs so far are a joke.
Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou 07


I see the appeal~

Well looks like we're branching out of the apartments and will watch our protag deal with more crazy people but this time looking sharp.

Ginga e Kickoff!! 19-20

And suddenly flashback and character intros for new characters. If I wasn't already spoiled by the opening I would say they are going to join the team, somehow


So I've been reading The Golden Bough the past week as I had some free time and it's really interesting how much stuff is in the show. It's a long ass book, and full of philosophical and historical musings so I won't cover the entire work.

Wordy, but interesting. It's definitely been mentioned several times that The Golden Bough does heavily factor into the show, yet few people seem to actually try and make the connections. Knowing that it's a long book full of such musings is surely one big reason why it's not been fully explored. Nice to see you've made the attempt.

That's why, even if my memories of the series lack sufficient details to confirm or deny many of the comparisons and parallels, I'll save this for my next Eureka 7 rewatch.

So guys I've watched 10 episodes of Code Geass and stopped and then started resuming it again. But I've been wondering at what point does it get wackier like some people suggest.

S2. You can get the most out of it if you're chill enough to enjoy both the wackiness itself and realize that a few parts do make sense within the crazy Geass universe after all.

A real shame. I was really excited about an original mecha series by Bones. Captain Earth gave me the same feelings as Eureka Seven AO. Just lifeless and incredibly boring, despite having all the elements there to make a great show.

If nothing else, history has shown that Enokido can be all over the place as a writer, so who knows...he might just wait to shake things up later on.
This is where we stand after six episodes. SIX EPISODES.

(shamelessly stolen from /a/)

i'm actually happy that there is things to tell and events left for us to see..
As long as they have a clear goal on where they want to go , i'm all for it ...

Just make the creepy salty dog guy disapear and this show is almost awesome.
Gurren Lagann 1
Gainax made this but it's clear the team that would later form Trigger did this show. It's weird to say it has heavy KLK vibes when it should be the other way around but seeing as I saw KLK first you guys will just have to roll with it. Of course Yoko is cool but her get up and even personality is fanservicey as all hell. Naturally for the precursor for KLK, this show tries really hard to be cool and unintentionally (or maybe not?) just makes it funny cause it always seems they are trying too hard to be "cool".

It was enjoyable enough for a first episode. Will have to see more to determine how it pans out and what I feel about the story and characters. As it stands the first episode is "meh". I have seen rougher starts.

Also the way they use the camera in a lot of the shots reminded me of KLK. The pull back shot, "plot" shots, etc.


A real shame. I was really excited about an original mecha series by Bones. Captain Earth gave me the same feelings as Eureka Seven AO. Just lifeless and incredibly boring, despite having all the elements there to make a great show.

Shit, I had far more fun with AO than Captain Earth.
TTGL is pretty good, but compared to KLK it looks really good.

Lol. I'll take your word for it. I wasn't a big KLK fan. It was a fun time waster I guess.

And the initial impressions are really the only worry spots I have with the show. It's super stylized which is pretty rad. Animation is top notch (as expected from a Gainax production) and the characters have some good personalities that seem to blend well. Also compared to KLK it seems like they actually thought of a decent plot.


Naturally for the precursor for KLK, this show tries really hard to be cool and unintentionally (or maybe not?) just makes it funny cause it always seems they are trying too hard to be "cool".

It was enjoyable enough for a first episode. Will have to see more to determine how it pans out and what I feel about the story and characters. As it stands the first episode is "meh". I have seen rougher starts.

Also the way they use the camera in a lot of the shots reminded me of KLK. The pull back shot, "plot" shots, etc.

I would say those guys know exactly how dumb they're being, but push it to a level other shows just don't, making it cool again.

I thought KLK's first episode was way more entertaining than TTGL's.

Gurren Lagann's definitely the better show in my eyes. While I like KLK's character and world design better, TTGL's story gets way more done in 20-something episodes, while being more interesting to boot.


That looks disgusting. Sunrise, why?

they have been given a right of reprieve for making Gundam Build Fighters. I wont doubt them!

Well I went through all the Cinderella Girls and came up with an initial list.


I just had to include that Miyako face. It just cracks me up for some reason.

Short haired brunettes I see. Not bad choices.


Oh you!

Dead Leaves
Well this is a thing. A very insane movie. Definitely seeing some similar things with FLCL. The whole baby growing up thing so fast was insane

Oh yes this movie is legit insane. Like FLCL but somehow even more surreal and nonstop.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
HeartCatch Precure 18

Oh man this episode was wonderful.
All the manga stuff, the jokes about Ban being scary, the Desertrian using Kumojacky as a brush, all of it
. One of my favorite episodes yet.


The Idolmaster 25

And so it ends.

Well... The series was certainly much more emotional than I had expected. Not as funny as Love Live S1, the only other idol show I've seen. No creepy 3D dancing here, so that's a plus though. As a series I like this more than Love Live, but I like one or two of the characters in Love Live more than the ones in The Idolmaster.

Since I don't just rank based on the characters, I give this a higher score than I gave Love Live, so 9/12 idols:

Yeah, there's actually 13, but I'm in a hurry and this was the only thing I had time to find.

The image above also doubles as my ranking list :p

Takane good but...man. that ranking needs work!

Makoto and Iori so low? We can't be nakama anymore, Mike-san.

makoto should either be ranked #1 or #1. Anything less is very wrong.

Terrible ranking indeed. At least Takane is high.

Sharp noses died with the 90s after all. If it came out today it would be more like ESCAFL-ON!

Praise be to Takane!


It really is just Star Driver robbed of the camp, which was its one big redeeming quality.

This is where we stand after six episodes. SIX EPISODES.

(shamelessly stolen from /a/)
Wow, more over complicated but ultimately pointless stories from BONES? Who'd have thunk it.


So now that I have some time and an actual computer(I'm actually rewriting a super long post that I had typed up on iPad but got deleted due to an accidental refresh), I wanted to answer some of Jexhius's questions, write up some general feelings on Eureka Seven, and also discuss The Golden Bough.
So I've been reading The Golden Bough the past week as I had some free time and it's really interesting how much stuff is in the show
Neat, thanks. That certainly shines a useful light of many elements of the series.


Holy fuck, Sailor Moon blurays.

Between this, Bebop, and CCS this year I am fucking elated.

Like god damn, this shit is amazing. Keep it coming because I will just keep buying all of it!

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
HeartCatch Precure 19

Cobraja = Definitely too fabulous for this shit

Thinking of just powering through a few more eps until I get to
's introduction.


There's no point in watching the show anymore...

The end spoiler isn't the point of the show at least ;)

KLK knows better than to (GL End of Series spoilers)
Kill off the main love intrest purely on the basis of "Fuck you, We're Gainax"

They killed off Senketsu who died for being a life-fiber, just as Simon's GF did for being a anti-spiral creation.


Setec Astronomer
If it were just about the destination then Wikipedia would offer the same experience!

They killed off Senketsu who died for being a life-fiber, just as Simon's GF did for being a anti-spiral creation.
Except one was well established from the start while the other was an asspull.



Things are apparently about to get crazy, since Chirico and his merry band have now got two armies breathing down their necks. Of course, Chirico facing odds that were any lower would probably feel disappointed. Time to blow up some stuff!
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