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Raku is to blame for it. He's so dense that he can't tell that she's super into him. That and in the last episode she
asked him to kiss her and he fell asleep
. Like seriously? This is the girl he loves and claims to love talking with her and
he fell asleep
? What a cop out.

And Onodera is goddess tier. So good she makes the others look like hot garbage.


Gurren Lagann 2

Yoko is super duper fanservicey but I cannot deny that she is awesome and is a really good character with a nice personally. I like her a lot. Ron is just creepy. Nice guy but just really creepy. This episode was mostly about Kamina which is fine because he is probably one of the strongest characters in the show so far. I am guessing Simon will grow out of this pansy stage at some point... hopefully.

Good episode.

You have no idea what you're in for. I'm envious.

Keep going.


Ping Pong 4 -6

The production issues are obvious, the panel effect is still overused and Smile & Peco are still kind of shits (but are on the "right path" so to speak). All that being said, this show is great :) Wong, Akuma and Kazama's character arcs have all been way more interesting than I expected.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Stardust Crusaders 7

Yeah this was one of the weaker episodes of the series so far and the runaway girl "fanservice" was more awkward than it needed to be :/
The orangutan (how did Dio even get an orangutan on his side?)
wasn't the most interesting adversary and "Strength" is a lame name for a Stand but the Stand itself was pretty interesting and a nice subversion of Stands we've see so far - I can tell they'll only get crazier from here. All that being said, a Stand
that anybody can see
? Why this Stand and not others? Its not like it was strictly better or super powered compared to other Stands so far. Seems hard to justify here but not elsewhere :/ I also felt the non-Jotaro members of Team Stardust were kind of holding the idiot ball this week :(

All that being said, I'm still loving this show in spite of its flaws :)

How is it possible to not like Samurai Flamenco after the 7th episode.
It makes no sense.

It has its moments but the show is stupid for stupids sake like 90% of the time. It's not hard :p
Honestly I wish owning the damn show wasn't so fucking expensive. But watching that video actually has me wanting to watch that show again. Last time I watched it was 2-3 years ago with my buddies. They all loved how full retard it turned.

We have another buddy slowly watching anime. He'll probably be the next excuse I have to watch this show with.


Nisekoi 19

Best girls going at it (Onodera and Chitoge)
That's uh
Not Chitoge

Honestly I wish owning the damn show wasn't so fucking expensive. But watching that video actually has me wanting to watch that show again. Last time I watched it was 2-3 years ago with my buddies. They all loved how full retard it turned.

We have another buddy slowly watching anime. He'll probably be the next excuse I have to watch this show with.

Honestly it's better watched for the first time solo
Honestly it's better watched for the first time solo

Oh yes agreed. The issue is that my friends don't watch anime solo. They only watch anime because I sit down to watch it with them. None of them are anime viewers/otaku, if they had to choose between watching an anime solo or playing games/surfing the web/watch western tv they'd do that instead. Not that they hate anime, it's just that usually we're on the move and have a movie to watch or a restaurant to go to.

Also I notice crunchyroll has the show. I wish you could watch it dub. The dub really grew on me since the second time I watched it like that.

Has anybody watched the movies? Are they worth watching if I just want to get the basic viewing of the plot and I've already rewatched the show multiple times?


Captain Earth Ep. 1-5

ahahahahah this is the very definition of a generic mecha anime. Everything is something I have seen many times before.
There's a reason everybody had Kamina glasses for a while. He's that awesome of a character. Probably one of the best.

Wow. That's quite the endorsement.


You have no idea what you're in for. I'm envious.

Keep going.

I will indeed continue the show.... tomorrow.

Yeah I genuinely miss the feeling of watching Gurren Lagann for the first time. I think this video (psyhco keep away from video spoilers!) summarizes my feelings for the show perfectly

Avoided. Thanks for the warning.
Yeah I enjoyed both Blast of Tempest and Psycho-Pass. Though the real reason I enjoyed Blast of Tempest, animation aside, is how mooshy the girl's feelings for what's his face are in the second half. It put a smile on my face everytime they had a scene together.


Heyo, I'm the guy that made this thread just recently. It seems that you guys are lively bunch and I hope to document and share my rediscovering of Anime with you all.
This isn't just a bunch of formalities, though. I come bearing my impressions of two of my starting animes: Attack on Titan (Subbed) and Tranzor Z (Dubbed).

Attack on Titan. Episodes 1-2: Many folks seem to dislike the series, or say it's overrated in a bunch of aspects. Honestly though, I loved what I saw so far. You see Eren as a sort of a "Hey, I'm going to take on the world and YOU CAN'T STOP ME, BITCHES" at first, even willing to just throw away his life because of the fact that a really tall Japanese businessman ate his mum. In most things that I've seen, this would be the cue for him to just rush through, saying some bad-ass lines and try to slice one of them, causing a flock of hair to be cut off. But the fact is, his whole personality got bitch-slapped by a convincing argument from his childhood friend. Judging from the credits animation as well, Mikasa seems to grow a fondness for him, after enlisting just to help him survive. I hope that any possible romance isn't forced in; The tone is super, and I don't want it to be ruined because they stop to try and force a romance during Armageddon. It seems that this trio (I've already forgotten the blond-haired kid. I hope he gets great character development too.) are going to blossom into well-developed teenagers and I can't wait to see that happen. Love the stylistic choices made as well, with subdued colors and background design. My only complaint thus far is that the Titans act threatening, but a lot of the mook ones just look like guys coming out of a bathouse. That's easily rectified, though due to the fact that the main ones (the silver sprinter and Slim Goodbody if he were a Kaiju) look awesome. I've heard there's a lot of filler coming up, though. Hopefully it's enjoyable.

Tranzor Z Episode 1? (My copy is a compilation video, so i don't know what is what.): The brainchild of one of the geniuses of Mecha anime has a mediocre dub (Commonplace for when it was made, the 80's.) I found this shit at a Liquidation World years ago, and decided to put it on for the lulz. Devline (This character could not fly today. A blandly evil hermaphrodite/Transvestite may be one thing, but when you have each half of the face be a different gender? That's just begging for twitter campaigns.) and the generically evil Dr. Demon decide to try take over the world NARF using advance looking robots. While this is happening, another Dr discovers a new element, then retires to create the title character, made up of said element. Robot shenanigans occur as Tommy pilots the mech after misplaced footage from a earlier incarnation of the series (Nonono, don't show us over the course of the series how badass the robot is, just shove it in our faces all at once.) is shown. The villains lose, and the VHS skips to a later episode in the series. (which I'll get to eventually) This pilot episode seems good for 70's era anime, but the lackluster voice actors, the jumpy footage and the general Americanization (I read that Dr.Demon is supposed to be Dr.Satan or some such. Plus, you have a character that's named Toad. Yes, I'm serious.) just damper it down. Best to find the uncut version which I think has been released already.)
Favourite cheesy dub line: "TRANZOOOOOORRRRRR ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" from the opening theme.
Yeah I enjoyed both Blast of Tempest and Psycho-Pass. Though the real reason I enjoyed Blast of Tempest, animation aside, is how mooshy the girl's feelings for what's his face are in the second half. It put a smile on my face everytime they had a scene together.

I enjoyed that too.

And honestly the twist towards the end of the series about
who the Mage of Exodus was
threw me for a loop. I actually never saw it coming. First time in a long time I was blindsided by an anime twist.

Glad to see you're getting back into anime. If I had known you made that thread I would have recommended some shows, this is where a lot of the regulars in AnimeGAF hang.

Either ways as to your 'starting' anime you chose a perfect one with Attack on Titan. It's a debated show within the anime community because while anime veterans don't tend to like it because the pacing turns to shit (where you currently are it won't be an issue for a few more episodes), it is almost unanimously agreed that it is one of the perfect gateway anime shows for people to get back into the medium.

Personally? I loved the show. I've watched it so many times with so many different people. The blu-ray is dropping like June 2 I believe for only like 30 bucks for the first half and you can bet your ass I'm buying it. I've introduced so many friends and cousins into anime with this show and exactly 100% of them have wanted recommendations after finishing the series.
What was missing?

The rituals and why they were connected in any way to their "psychic" powers.

A later episode where a
blue female spirit left the body of a powerful dead mage
. Yet this type of thing doesn't happen with anyone else.

The pacing with the explanations about Karmic demons. Should've done it the episode before
Shun's death
or the episode after. Not 5 episodes later. And just general pacing problems.

The anti-climatic ending. Etc, etc.

The only redeeming factor of the show was the sense of dread and uneasy atmosphere of the show. Of course this is just my opinion and I have found it mostly unpopular here. My long review was especially frowned upon by fans of the show. I didn't absolutely hate it but I found it aggressively mediocre.


Wolf Children

I can't even make words happen right now. I even teared up, too.

Just beautiful. Stunningly gorgeous in every single way.
never read detailed hype impressions, only extract the 'should i watch it' from them and make your decision!

Well that's the truth yes. Unfortunately AnimeGAF doesn't have a RottenTomatoes-sensei where I can just see if most people give it a pass or a fail. Honestly this system works better for me than review scores in general as a 70 for one person is easily a 90 for another.


I thought it was a great movie. But the hype animeGAF gave it simply made it where it couldn't live up to it.

I watched it without reading anything anyone in here had to say about it, and went in unbiased. Saw it on sale and went for it.

Even if it's who I would guess to be the usual suspects that loved it, I am more than sure that they're 100% right.

Edit: and well since I see you mention Rotten Tomatoes... it's a 93% there, too. (no consensus yet)

Edit edit: Meh.
Talking about from the new world made me go back and read my review. I was actually not that harsh on the show.

And then I read all the reactions and comments. Duckroll telling me that I was basically dumb for not liking the show. Reading these comments have made me sad all over again. :(


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Your complaints about From the New World are like that Gamespot guy's complaints about Dark Souls 2.

Everything you dislike about it is why it's so highly thought of here.

It is the Dark Souls 2 of modern anime.
Your complaints about From the New World are like that Gamespot guy's complaints about Dark Souls 2.

Everything you dislike about it is why it's so highly thought of here.

It is the Dark Souls 2 of modern anime.

What's Dark Souls 1? Fate Zero?

(confusing for newbies, expects you to keep up with it, surprisingly complex, lots of details, everything connects)


Your complaints about From the New World are like that Gamespot guy's complaints about Dark Souls 2.

Everything you dislike about it is why it's so highly thought of here.

It is the Dark Souls 2 of modern anime.

So is the lighting not what was promised and the overall narrative more obscure and less compelling than we hoped?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
So is the lighting not what was promised and the overall narrative more obscure and less compelling than we hoped?


Complete with a somewhat disappointed denouement and shoddy worldbuilding.
What's Dark Souls 1? Fate Zero?

(confusing for newbies, expects you to keep up with it, surprisingly complex, lots of details, everything connects)

I don't know, I didn't actually follow Fat/Ero as it aired.
Your complaints about From the New World are like that Gamespot guy's complaints about Dark Souls 2.

Everything you dislike about it is why it's so highly thought of here.

It is the Dark Souls 2 of modern anime.

My basic points were:

-Relationships are done stupidly in this show
-Fantastic concepts that really go nowhere
-A strong second half that is much better then the first half
-Great atmosphere
-Great sense of dread
-Episodes 17-21 are strongest episodes
-Anti-climatic ending
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