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What's Dark Souls 1? Fate Zero?

(confusing for newbies, expects you to keep up with it, surprisingly complex, lots of details, everything connects)

I actually like Fate/Zero. It explains it's concepts well and actually takes advantage of the concepts introduced early on. May watch another episode before I go to sleep.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
-Relationships are done stupidly in this show
They were done as I expected they would be considering what I knew about the society up to that point.
-Fantastic concepts that really go nowhere
They went where they needed to do what they wanted to, that is, tell the story of a post-post-post-apocalyptic society of espers.
-Anti-climatic ending
Not sure why you would think this, unless you expected the overturning of their centuries-old society. Would you say 1984 had an anticlimatic ending? The indestructible status quo is, itself, more realistic and believable than any sort of revolution.
Just wait for the PC version, i'm sure it will fix everything!
It fixed nothing :(
You're the most irreverent dog i know
I prefer the term "euphoric".
B-but Fate Zero had like very minimal to no fan service.
That's not the point. It's Fat/Ero because Fat/Ero sounds funny.
I prefer the term "euphoric".

That's not the point. It's Fat/Ero because Fat/Ero sounds funny.

You've turned my sweet Fate/Zero into this guy!
You bastard!*

*great show though

Also you now need a fedora and a neckbeard. Euphoric to the max.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Dogs don't have beards, you silly.

You can't even get being a dog right.
They were done as I expected they would be considering what I knew about the society up to that point.

They went where they needed to do what they wanted to, that is, tell the story of a post-post-post-apocalyptic society of espers.

Not sure why you would think this, unless you expected the overturning of their centuries-old society. Would you say 1984 had an anticlimatic ending? The dominance of the status quo is, itself, a more realistic ending than any sort of revolution.

It's like people wanted me to absolutely love it only to find that I was indifferent to it and that pissed some off.

Listen the science for the all love society was shotty anyways. The viewer was just thrown in and was just supposed to expect and accept that at an early age children are in same sex relationships because society reasons. I am sure the novel gets more into it but the show sure doesn't till much later.

The "they told the story that needed to be told instead of the story that they were setting up for" is a lame excuse. They could've done things (pacing, storytelling) much better had the writer knew where he was going with these concepts.

The anti-climatic ending was the fact that they spend about two episodes running/fighting
Maria's kid
and questioning how they are going to get out of it only for it to end in the first 3 minutes of the last episode where it
kills one of the monster rats and then dies from the "death of shame"
or whatever it's called. It was anti-climatic, rushed and a let down. For all the build up to that moment they did it in the most uninteresting way they could've possibly thought of.
Cajun has no respect for his fellow man and typed bounces and squees like 20 times. Alcohol poisoning ftw. And yeah I didn't realize that this power of making a drinking game out of the obvious would get out of hand. Whenever I do feel like being an alcoholic I'll keep it with social settings. Then it's socially acceptable.
Cajun has no respect for his fellow man and typed bounces and squees like 20 times. Alcohol poisoning ftw. And yeah I didn't realize that this power of making a drinking game out of the obvious would get out of hand. Whenever I do feel like being an alcoholic I'll keep it with social settings. Then it's socially acceptable.

You know a drinking game that's easier on the liver would be to take a shot every time I mentioned a Key anime. You might of actually had a chance then. :p


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Listen the science for the all love society was shotty anyways after I actually did some research on what bonobos actually do in conflict resolution situations. The viewer was just thrown in and was just supposed to expect and accept that at an early age children are in same sex relationships because society reasons. I am sure the novel gets more into it but the show sure doesn't till much later.
You're not actually saying anything here. I don't know how to respond because I don't know what your complaint is.
The "they told the story that needed to be told instead of the story that they were setting up for" is a lame excuse. They could've done things (pacing, storytelling) much better had the writer knew where he was going with these concepts.
No. See, the problem here is that you were expecting a different story because you're conditioned by the medium to expect those kinds of stories and when a show overturns your expectations, you find fault with the show rather than recognizing that it was doing something different and judging it based on what they were trying to do.

The anti-climatic ending was the fact that they spend about two episodes running/fighting
Maria's kid
and questioning how they are going to get out of it only for it to end in the first 3 minutes of the last episode where it
kills one of the monster rats and then dies from the "death of shame"
or whatever it's called. It was anti-climatic, rushed and a let down. For all the build up to that moment they did it in the most uninteresting way they could've possibly thought of.
More projecting your expectations onto the show. Death feedback was clearly foreshadowed from very early on in the series and it shouldn't be a surprise that's how they would resolve it. The alternative is a super powered esper showdown DBZ style with people charging they psychic powers and launching fireballs at each other. Or some other hairbrained tweest/scheme to circumvent the rules established in the story.

Shin Sekai Yori is not that kind of show. What little POWER LEVELS action scenes we got were concessions to the visual nature of anime, and how viewers expect and demand some action in their shows. It was never the focus.


Heyo, I'm the guy that made this thread just recently. It seems that you guys are lively bunch and I hope to document and share my rediscovering of Anime with you all.
This isn't just a bunch of formalities, though. I come bearing my impressions of two of my starting animes: Attack on Titan (Subbed) and Tranzor Z (Dubbed).

Attack on Titan. Episodes 1-2: Many folks seem to dislike the series, or say it's overrated in a bunch of aspects. Honestly though, I loved what I saw so far. You see Eren as a sort of a "Hey, I'm going to take on the world and YOU CAN'T STOP ME, BITCHES" at first, even willing to just throw away his life because of the fact that a really tall Japanese businessman ate his mum. In most things that I've seen, this would be the cue for him to just rush through, saying some bad-ass lines and try to slice one of them, causing a flock of hair to be cut off. But the fact is, his whole personality got bitch-slapped by a convincing argument from his childhood friend. Judging from the credits animation as well, Mikasa seems to grow a fondness for him, after enlisting just to help him survive. I hope that any possible romance isn't forced in; The tone is super, and I don't want it to be ruined because they stop to try and force a romance during Armageddon. It seems that this trio (I've already forgotten the blond-haired kid. I hope he gets great character development too.) are going to blossom into well-developed teenagers and I can't wait to see that happen. Love the stylistic choices made as well, with subdued colors and background design. My only complaint thus far is that the Titans act threatening, but a lot of the mook ones just look like guys coming out of a bathouse. That's easily rectified, though due to the fact that the main ones (the silver sprinter and Slim Goodbody if he were a Kaiju) look awesome. I've heard there's a lot of filler coming up, though. Hopefully it's enjoyable.
To explain, most of the complaints that are levied against the show didn't really turn up till a few episodes in, so you haven't hit the material that most people find irksome.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Mahouka - 07
This show tries so hard to be subdued but make no mistake... this is one shounen-ass shounen show. It's like a C-average student middle school student who looks slightly older than his age dressing in a suit and trying to sneak into the local community college.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still digging the show. I'm looking forward to see more of alpha-milf; I just love wicked women :3


Yep, love Lorne, an Anton Chigurh like character but with good humour. Freeman's character is also great as well.
I liked lester at first but he's slowly become more repugnant and unlikeable as the shows gone on. Dude's just real dumb and keeps on digging his own hole but it's just not moe at all. :(

Yes! I wonder what the chances are of them ditching the cg next season.
negative infinity
No. See, the problem here is that you were expecting a different story because you're conditioned by the medium to expect those kinds of stories and when a show overturns your expectations, you find fault with the show rather than recognizing that it was doing something different and judging it based on what they were trying to do.

More projecting your expectations onto the show. Death feedback was clearly foreshadowed from very early on in the series and it shouldn't be a surprise that's how they would resolve it. The alternative is a super powered esper showdown DBZ style with people charging they psychic powers and launching fireballs at each other. Or some other hairbrained tweest/scheme to circumvent the rules established in the story.

Shin Sekai Yori is not that kind of show. What little POWER LEVELS action scenes we got were concessions to the visual nature of anime, and how viewers expect and demand some action in their shows. It was never the focus.

You are projecting what you perceive how I felt about certain things. I didn't dislike it because it's different. Your misdirecting what I have said. I didn't like it because it wasn't told effectively. Just because it's done differently doesn't mean it's done well. As I have stated there are episodes where it gets into some real good stuff about how politics work in this society (ep 17-18) and the fallout of these decisions (19-21).

I perceived the Death of Shame as more of a reason why people in general couldn't fight back against Ogres. That was interesting. I judge the show for what it is. It wasn't done well. I didn't go into the show expecting some Shonen/slice of life/supernatural anime. I expected it to be different. I was ready for different. It was just told in the most convoluted way the show could do it. It had pacing problems. It had storytelling problems. Just because it was done differently doesn't automatically make it a good show.

Like I said before I don't outright hate the show. I just find it mediocre. I don't know why some people have such a hard time accepting that.
To explain, most of the complaints that are levied against the show didn't really turn up till a few episodes in, so you haven't hit the material that most people find irksome.
The awkwardly ill suited direction that turns the show into a comedic affair is right there from the beginning.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Soo, how did that Avengers Disc thing turn out? As stupid as it sounded?
Haikyuu!! Episode 7 - Versus The Great King

Perfect match for introducing us to my Oikawa. They even kept Oikawa silly face with his tongue when he hit Imaizumi in the eyecatch, I laughed long and hard. Grand King versus Great King is incredibly relationship going on and rivalry. It was good.

And Nishinoya!!!! is so cool.


Why is the star gentle uterus burning his face? IS IT ACID? IS IT ACID?!?!?
Fact: Vaginas are slightly acidic.

Jupiter >>>>>>>>>>>>> *
See above, I haven't even gotten that far yet. Though she looks like a pretty good contender, so handsome unf unf.
Don't forget Saturn. Never forget Saturn.


Mako != Makoto. Inferior Makomakorin


The awkwardly ill suited direction that turns the show into a comedic affair is right there from the beginning.
Yeah, the end of the first ep was utterly hilarious.
His directorial style sits differently with different people. I know people found it unintentionally funny, but plenty of other people didn't not.

I'm personally not a fan of his style myself, but I can recognize that I'm clearly in the minority.

The shows real problems are to do with the lacklustre production quality, the writing of the source material and the pacing.


Like I said before I don't outright hate the show. I just find it mediocre. I don't know why some people have such a hard time accepting that.
I think it's due to the way you present your arguments and the fact you seem to judge the show for what you want it to be rather than what it is.

I laughed harder than I probably should have.

I think it's due to the way you present your arguments and the fact you seem to judge the show for what you want it to be rather than what it is.

I apologize if that's how it's coming across. That's not my intention. I am simply suggesting the areas where the show fell short. Just stating the reasons why I didn't find it amazing. Otherwise I would be questioned as to why I didn't absolutely love it because I gave no reasoning.
Well I wanted to watch one more episode of Fate/Zero or Gurren Lagann but it's wayyyy too late for that now. And I am feeling groggy. So if I simply stop posting it's probably likely I fell asleep. I may post a few more times because the thread is getting interesting. But expect my grammar and spelling to start dropping soon.

So a premature goodnight to you AnimeGAF. You guys rock. Also I promise to finish one anime by the end of next week.

Also Endless Eight is starting to hit me hard. Don't think I can keep going. Only 4 episodes into it. I can finish the rest right?


Yeah, the end of the first ep was utterly hilarious.
I'd say it began with the "I'm sorry, your son has lost a lot of weight" scene.

His directorial style sits differently with different people. I know people found it unintentionally funny, but plenty of other people didn't not.
I thought it was a decent fit for Death Note (although I could have done without those three terrible fan service scenes ("one for L, one for Misa, one for Light, all bases are covered!")). Here though...
I thought it was a decent fit for Death Note (although I could have done without those three terrible fan service scenes ("one for L, one for Misa, one for Light, all bases are covered!")). Here though...

I agree. His style just fit for Death Note. I love how he was able to make writing names in a notebook feel epic. Sometimes that overextended a bit too much with food eating sequences. (Potato chip scene)


Ace of Diamond - 32

Wow Tanba's BFF actually lost, they way he out due injury kinda lame though.

Guess the hypejob still continue for next week.


Toshihiro Kawamoto of BONES is coming to Sydney for SMASH! if ya'll be caring. Worked on Bebop, Dandy, FMA, Wolf's Rain and I think Sword of the Stranger?

Kawamoto is best known as the character designer for Cowboy Bebop and Wolf's Rain. He's also an animator who worked on a ton of other stuff, but I don't think that's what most people really know him for. He's also one of the co-founders of BONES, and a company director there.


Boo, Crunchyroll PS3 app is STILL down.

Getting kind of ridiculous here. To watch on 360 you need to get by the paywall still, don;t you?
Until June yes.

Kawamoto is best known as the character designer for Cowboy Bebop and Wolf's Rain. He's also an animator who worked on a ton of other stuff, but I don't think that's what most people really know him for. He's also one of the co-founders of BONES, and a company director there.
So are you going?

Joe Molotov

Fresh Pretty Cure! 20 - 21

Jesus. Worry all your friends and family by not eating or sleeping right and working to the point of total exhaustion. What's the solution? We'll just try harder! Dat Japanese work ethic. I hope this show doesn't end with a Precure suicide.
Ace of the Diamond 32
Well that wasn't what I was expecting. But it makes for a more exciting next match, which the 2nd half of the episode did a good job of getting me hyped for.
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