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Somebody write a program that makes a little penguin wave at you when you type squee.

A little late to the party but I think I can give this a shot. It's a little Java program to make a penguin wave at you (It's not a literal penguin but it's close enough).

import java.util.Scanner;

public class penguinwave {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int penguin;

        Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.println("Please enter a string. Type squee to make the penguin wave: ");
        String txtinput = s.nextLine();
        System.out.println("You typed: " + txtinput);

        if (txtinput.equals("squee")) {
            penguin = wave(0);
            System.out.println("The penguin waved at you " + penguin + " time(s)!"); //See if you can get it to wave 10 times!
        } else {
            System.out.println("The penguin didn't wave at you."); //If you don't type squee this message is displayed.

    //Method wave - Determines how many times the penguin will wave at you.
    public static int wave(int m) {
        int move = m;
        return move += (1 + (int)(Math.random() * ((10 - 1) + 1))); //The penguin will wave 1-10 times.


The rituals and why they were connected in any way to their "psychic" powers.

A later episode where a
blue female spirit left the body of a powerful dead mage
. Yet this type of thing doesn't happen with anyone else.

The pacing with the explanations about Karmic demons. Should've done it the episode before
Shun's death
or the episode after. Not 5 episodes later. And just general pacing problems.

The anti-climatic ending. Etc, etc.

The only redeeming factor of the show was the sense of dread and uneasy atmosphere of the show. Of course this is just my opinion and I have found it mostly unpopular here. My long review was especially frowned upon by fans of the show. I didn't absolutely hate it but I found it aggressively mediocre.

the rituals
are just a form of conditioning. they dont actually do anything except convince the children that their powers can be sealed away and controlled by elders

Wolf Children

I can't even make words happen right now. I even teared up, too.

Just beautiful. Stunningly gorgeous in every single way.

I know! Its a gorgeous film and she is a supermom. Or THE supermom.

Jupiter >>>>>>>>>>>>> *

See above, I haven't even gotten that far yet. Though she looks like a pretty good contender, so handsome unf unf.

I am not at all surprised you would like her hehee.

My basic points were:

-Relationships are done stupidly in this show
-Fantastic concepts that really go nowhere
-A strong second half that is much better then the first half
-Great atmosphere
-Great sense of dread
-Episodes 17-21 are strongest episodes
-Anti-climatic ending

Relationships between the kids
are strongly related to the bonobo syndrome. Theirs is a society of love and free love at that

Dunno what concepts you mean.

I felt the first half was incredibly strong and got the story flowing and explained everything pretty well.

The ending
just shows that the way things are is how things really have to be. No matter what the rats do, the society this show is based on must use strong methods of control to keep PK in check or it will literally tear itself apart.

Cajun has no respect for his fellow man and typed bounces and squees like 20 times. Alcohol poisoning ftw. And yeah I didn't realize that this power of making a drinking game out of the obvious would get out of hand. Whenever I do feel like being an alcoholic I'll keep it with social settings. Then it's socially acceptable.

Sorries I forgot you were doing that!

Heyo, I'm the guy that made this thread just recently. It seems that you guys are lively bunch and I hope to document and share my rediscovering of Anime with you all.
This isn't just a bunch of formalities, though. I come bearing my impressions of two of my starting animes: Attack on Titan (Subbed) and Tranzor Z (Dubbed).

Attack on Titan. Episodes 1-2: Many folks seem to dislike the series, or say it's overrated in a bunch of aspects. Honestly though, I loved what I saw so far. You see Eren as a sort of a "Hey, I'm going to take on the world and YOU CAN'T STOP ME, BITCHES" at first, even willing to just throw away his life because of the fact that a really tall Japanese businessman ate his mum. In most things that I've seen, this would be the cue for him to just rush through, saying some bad-ass lines and try to slice one of them, causing a flock of hair to be cut off. But the fact is, his whole personality got bitch-slapped by a convincing argument from his childhood friend. Judging from the credits animation as well, Mikasa seems to grow a fondness for him, after enlisting just to help him survive. I hope that any possible romance isn't forced in; The tone is super, and I don't want it to be ruined because they stop to try and force a romance during Armageddon. It seems that this trio (I've already forgotten the blond-haired kid. I hope he gets great character development too.) are going to blossom into well-developed teenagers and I can't wait to see that happen. Love the stylistic choices made as well, with subdued colors and background design. My only complaint thus far is that the Titans act threatening, but a lot of the mook ones just look like guys coming out of a bathouse. That's easily rectified, though due to the fact that the main ones (the silver sprinter and Slim Goodbody if he were a Kaiju) look awesome. I've heard there's a lot of filler coming up, though. Hopefully it's enjoyable.

Tranzor Z Episode 1? (My copy is a compilation video, so i don't know what is what.): The brainchild of one of the geniuses of Mecha anime has a mediocre dub (Commonplace for when it was made, the 80's.) I found this shit at a Liquidation World years ago, and decided to put it on for the lulz. Devline (This character could not fly today. A blandly evil hermaphrodite/Transvestite may be one thing, but when you have each half of the face be a different gender? That's just begging for twitter campaigns.) and the generically evil Dr. Demon decide to try take over the world NARF using advance looking robots. While this is happening, another Dr discovers a new element, then retires to create the title character, made up of said element. Robot shenanigans occur as Tommy pilots the mech after misplaced footage from a earlier incarnation of the series (Nonono, don't show us over the course of the series how badass the robot is, just shove it in our faces all at once.) is shown. The villains lose, and the VHS skips to a later episode in the series. (which I'll get to eventually) This pilot episode seems good for 70's era anime, but the lackluster voice actors, the jumpy footage and the general Americanization (I read that Dr.Demon is supposed to be Dr.Satan or some such. Plus, you have a character that's named Toad. Yes, I'm serious.) just damper it down. Best to find the uncut version which I think has been released already.)
Favourite cheesy dub line: "TRANZOOOOOORRRRRR ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" from the opening theme.

Heya hi!

Now that Im back home and can think a little bit:

Tsuritama, Humanity Has Declined, From The New world, Madoka Magica, Fate Zero, Mushishi S2, Gargantia, Kill La Kill

Fact: Vaginas are slightly acidic.

Don't forget Saturn. Never forget Saturn.


Mako != Makoto. Inferior Makomakorin

Ah yes cutie Saturn.
Knights of Sidonia 06

Well i did not expect they show this so early,but i guess that's because not enough time for the episode to do the entire battle,and that still shocking


And this scene is beautiful


Knights of Sidonia is very good

I can't believe they went through all that just to kill off Hoshijuro this week
I'm shocked and saddened :(
Don't worry,she won't be end like that(spoiler pictures)

Still dead though,it just how Gauna works


Subete no aware
I really don't know if anyone is still watching Daimidaler, but I can't believe they literally flipped the script at the end of episode 5 and are now in basically a
second phase of their show
. This always seemed like a dumb raunchy comedy, so I had no idea that was even coming. Making the
girl be the summoner pervert is almost inspired, since instead of perversion, now it's powered by love. There's more kissing in episode 7 than there is in every single other anime in the last several years combined

All hail the Penguin Empire, I guess. I need to start watching this show again. lol
#gamechangers be game changing.
I really don't know if anyone is still watching Daimidaler, but I can't believe they literally flipped the script at the end of episode 5 and are now in basically a
second phase of their show
. This always seemed like a dumb raunchy comedy, so I had no idea that was even coming. Making the
girl be the summoner pervert is almost inspired, since instead of perversion, now it's powered by love. There's more kissing in episode 7 than there is in every single other anime in the last several years combined

All hail the Penguin Empire, I guess. I need to start watching this show again. lol
#gamechangers be game changing.

What? I need to start watching this again just to see this. I think I watched the first 4 episodes before I saw no point continuing.


Subete no aware
What? I need to start watching this again just to see this,
It's amazing. They literally pull a
Madoka Magica/Nadesico and just wipe out the main character. Whether it's "real" or "permanent" is a whole other thing, but starting in episode 6, it's a whole new protagonist and everything.

Amazeballs, as you kids would put it.
Daimidaler 6-7

Firehawk wasn't lying, this is pretty good parody. It gets points just for its brazenness. And the humor hits much much better than before the change.


So I went to the WUG movie screening and concert at ACEN yesterday. True to proper WUG form, there were technical issues with the music track and Yamakan had to come out and apologize for having messed around with things backstage before the performance.

Also they performed Hare Hare Yukai, because Yamakan. Good stuff.

(Not normally the kind of thing I say, but man, WUG are super-adorable)


Maturity, bitches.
By complete coincidence I just finished WUG earlier.

Wake Up, Girls! End

Well the depraved aspects of the industry kind of disappeared after a while so the show's bite was rather lost and it just became another predictable show of a group winning against an initial struggle.

Well there was still the repeats of the same scenes with Megaphone Bloke from AKB48 L-1. Dance dance dance, here's todays losers goodbye and lets shout that idols are not people. Fun the first time, after about the third time we got the message and after the five or six times they cut to this it was getting a bit old. Well it was still kind of funny seeing the CG background models looking worse and worse each time until they were basically an army of shop window dummies. Problem was in the end he was just a grumpy guts. He just talks in a monotone the same boring things and yet we're meant to believe he has a passion for idols that is beyond belief. They could argue that his vision of perfection has resulted in his solum soul and loopy logic but honestly he just sounds bored with the whole thing. Just some sort of emotion is all he needed because honestly it makes one wonder how he managed to get started in the first place. I think a one second flashback near the end was meant to signify something towards him having some fort of emotion but he's so glum it was lost on me.

It is nice to see an idol show where their songs don't just appear out of thin air. For as great as iDOLM@STER is, the fact they have oodles or dance and song routines is rather glossed over. But that's really all I can say for it. The characters are kind of boring so the show can certainly not be considered character driven. I mean the group of fans and the president seemed to be more fleshed out than the WUG. Actually, thank goodness for the president because the producer is literally just there. iDOLM@STER took the invisible "you" character from the games and turned it into into a likeable character, Puchimas takes this even further. Producer here is just a male wave in a female sea. You can basically forget he exists after episode one. Back to the WUG, problem is they all literally had one attribute and that was it, the ex idol, the non quite made it idol, the one that likes to eat, the maid cafe idol, the one who thinks they are great at everything, the one who thinks they are bad at everything and the older one. Sure I'm not expecting multi dimensional characters from an anime, but we can do a bit better than that. As a resulted I never really found myself rooting for them mostly because firstly I could see how the story was going to go and secondly I didn't really find myself liking any of them. I was just indifferent to them.

I made a brief mention of CG models earlier. I believe the L-1 training lessons were the only time they used them in the show (may have been another time with L-1 but I can't remember despite only watching it a few hours ago which goes to show how memorable I found this show) but this isn't necessarily praise. While one can give the show credit for traditionally animating most of the dance scenes, this doesn't mean much when they looked stilted and quite frankly bad. They really lacked any energy. I mean just compare First Rate Smile from WUG with REST@RT from iM@S (yes, I keep mentioning this show, but it really is the best of the bunch and hey WUG was all about comparing themselves with the best). Static angles, static poses and dodgy faces and of course nothing that can compare with the Yukiho wink, but then again I don't expect anything to ever beat that. I mean did you see that bit at around 10 seconds in the WUG videos, the heck was that?


Well at least it provided a spot of Union Jack watch. Which is always a good thing!



So yeah, I'd say watch it if you are on idol watch but otherwise just watch some of the better ones (iM@S, Love Live, Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai! etc). It may have the distinction of being the most grounded in reality but the problem is reality can be rather boring sometimes.


By complete coincidence I just finished WUG earlier.

Wake Up, Girls! End

Well the depraved aspects of the industry kind of disappeared after a while so the show's bite was rather lost and it just became another predictable show of a group winning against an initial struggle.

Well there was still the repeats of the same scenes with Megaphone Bloke from AKB48 L-1. Dance dance dance, here's todays losers goodbye and lets shout that idols are not people. Fun the first time, after about the third time we got the message and after the five or six times they cut to this it was getting a bit old. Well it was still kind of funny seeing the CG background models looking worse and worse each time until they were basically an army of shop window dummies. Problem was in the end he was just a grumpy guts. He just talks in a monotone the same boring things and yet we're meant to believe he has a passion for idols that is beyond belief. They could argue that his vision of perfection has resulted in his solum soul and loopy logic but honestly he just sounds bored with the whole thing. Just some sort of emotion is all he needed because honestly it makes one wonder how he managed to get started in the first place. I think a one second flashback near the end was meant to signify something towards him having some fort of emotion but he's so glum it was lost on me.

It is nice to see an idol show where their songs don't just appear out of thin air. For as great as iDOLM@STER is, the fact they have oodles or dance and song routines is rather glossed over. But that's really all I can say for it. The characters are kind of boring so the show can certainly not be considered character driven. I mean the group of fans and the president seemed to be more fleshed out than the WUG. Actually, thank goodness for the president because the producer is literally just there. iDOLM@STER took the invisible "you" character from the games and turned it into into a likeable character, Puchimas takes this even further. Producer here is just a male wave in a female sea. You can basically forget he exists after episode one. Back to the WUG, problem is they all literally had one attribute and that was it, the ex idol, the non quite made it idol, the one that likes to eat, the maid cafe idol, the one who thinks they are great at everything, the one who thinks they are bad at everything and the older one. Sure I'm not expecting multi dimensional characters from an anime, but we can do a bit better than that. As a resulted I never really found myself rooting for them mostly because firstly I could see how the story was going to go and secondly I didn't really find myself liking any of them. I was just indifferent to them.

I made a brief mention of CG models earlier. I believe the L-1 training lessons were the only time they used them in the show (may have been another time with L-1 but I can't remember despite only watching it a few hours ago which goes to show how memorable I found this show) but this isn't necessarily praise. While one can give the show credit for traditionally animating most of the dance scenes, this doesn't mean much when they looked stilted and quite frankly bad. They really lacked any energy. I mean just compare First Rate Smile from WUG with REST@RT from iM@S (yes, I keep mentioning this show, but it really is the best of the bunch and hey WUG was all about comparing themselves with the best). Static angles, static poses and dodgy faces and of course nothing that can compare with the Yukiho wink, but then again I don't expect anything to ever beat that. I mean did you see that bit at around 10 seconds in the WUG videos, the heck was that?


Well at least it provided a spot of Union Jack watch. Which is always a good thing!



So yeah, I'd say watch it if you are on idol watch but otherwise just watch some of the better ones (iM@S, Love Live, Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai! etc). It may have the distinction of being the most grounded in reality but the problem is reality can be rather boring sometimes.

The art in this is...really unfortunate.


Wake Up, Girls! End
Well there was still the repeats of the same scenes with Megaphone Bloke from AKB48 L-1.

I'm kind of wondering if you are making a joke I'm missing here (which you do quite frequently!), or if you've just miss-spelt I-1 Club repeated!

I'm not going to say I disagree with a huge amount of what you're saying here, even if I do enjoy it more than it seems you did. It's a bit unfortunate, because Yamakan can legit compose a good dance sequence, but WUG looks to have been inflicted with all sorts of scheduling and lack-of-animator issues. Also, most of the dance routines are designed to be the exact same ones they perform when on stage IRL whilst singing, which isn't really the case for iM@S, so they've got a little less room to be interesting.

I'd have actually kind of liked to ask Yamakan about that, but some bright spark decided to schedule the QA session with Yamakan and WUGs real-life producer opposite the WUG signing. Whilst they didn't do too much to the movie (Minami's magic third hand got a big laugh in the screening), I'm told that the BDs for the TV episodes are a least somewhat better in the art, if not necessarily the animation, quality.

Also, the I-1 Club president is totally based on Yamakan - apparently the first draft of the character design was a spitting image, but that was a little too blunt for them.


Knights of Sidonia 06

Well i did not expect they show this so early,but i guess that's because not enough time for the episode to do the entire battle,and that still shocking

Don't worry,she won't be end like that(spoiler pictures)

Still dead though,it just how Gauna works

I think that makes it worse. Definiety bummed about the loss of Hoshi. I'm gradually liking this more and more. At first I felt the coldness of the show but a barrier between me and show, but I've gradually been won over.


Maturity, bitches.
I'm kind of wondering if you are making a joke I'm missing here (which you do quite frequently!), or if you've just miss-spelt I-1 Club repeated!
That's right it was a joke ahahahaha....

Or I like misremembered the capital I as a lowercase l. But I'll go with the first reason.

I mean, I enjoyed it enough to watch the thing the whole way through but I was honestly hoping for more of the bad reality stuff shown at the beginning which is why I ended up being a bit harsh on it. Also it's much easier to write about negative than positives. I should note my consumption of idol stuff is literally all anime. I don't follow any real life idol groups with the closest I got to that was venturing into a few AKB48 stores with my friend (who is a fan of them) so aspects like if one could perform the dance is real life didn't really cross my mind.

Well on a positive note it has inspired me to buy a megaphone and start a new business...


That's right it was a joke ahahahaha....

Or I like misremembered the capital I as a lowercase l. But I'll go with the first reason.

I mean, I enjoyed it enough to watch the thing the whole way through but I was honestly hoping for more of the bad reality stuff shown at the beginning which is why I ended up being a bit harsh on it.

Yeah, they totally end up softballing it in the end - the most interesting stuff rather peaks around two or three episodes in, and the more Sendai specific stuff, which was supposedly half the point in making the show in the first place, doesn't really factor into the show in any real major way. Yamakan does try, bless him, but it's kind of difficult to promote an actual idol group if you spend the entire series, rather than just a few episodes, telling the fanbase for this type of material that they're the scum of the earth. Fractale kind of had a lot of the same issues, too.

Honestly, I don't really follow IRL idols myself to any real degree. I gather there's a lot of really super-specific AKB references thrown into the show - particularly into the movie and the first few episodes - which make it at least somewhat more interesting to those who follow the scene closely, but again, that's all kind of clumped at the beginning of the series.

Apparently the real-life performance of 7 Girls War is super-cool - the choreography is actually way better than it comes across in the anime - but it also requires a pretty big stage and hands-free microphones, so we didn't get it yesterday. A shame, but Hare Hare Yukai was a pretty great alternative.

Not sure if you are aware, but the songs in WUG were produced by the iM@S veterans from MONACA - Tachiagare was produced by Satoru Kosaki, who has the most insane anime theme song production list in recent memory. He did stuff like GO MY WAY and Ready and Someone Else (from Working) and Renai Circulation (from Bakemonogatari). I hope you liked the songs in the show, at least!

(Though the best song is Little Challenger from the DVD of when Mayushi was still in I-1 Club from the movie, continuing the idol cartoon trend of the rival groups having the best songs)


Brynhildr 07

The tone was overall pretty consistent in this one. A few moments of tragedy - like the pills taking super long to make, keeping the tension of survival going for longer - but overall, things were pretty lighthearted, and Kasumi focused. Mao Ichimichi's really nailing the Ueda-esque voice, and the part of the episode set in Akiba was cute. Up until the
kill the witches


Brynhildr 07

The tone was overall pretty consistent in this one. A few moments of tragedy - like the pills taking super long to make, keeping the tension of survival going for longer - but overall, things were pretty lighthearted, and Kasumi focused. Mao Ichimichi's really nailing the Ueda-esque voice, and the part of the episode set in Akiba was cute. Up until the
kill the witches

Fuck this show sucks so much. Should have expected it with the dub step intro
Gurren Lagann 2

Yoko is super duper fanservicey but I cannot deny that she is awesome and is a really good character with a nice personally. I like her a lot. Ron is just creepy. Nice guy but just really creepy. This episode was mostly about Kamina which is fine because he is probably one of the strongest characters in the show so far. I am guessing Simon will grow out of this pansy stage at some point... hopefully.

Good episode.

Aw man, what I would do to watch this show for the first time all over again. I remember feeling
super bad for Kamina at this episode. The dude finally makes it up to the surface he's waited his entire childhood to go to. Only to find that his dad that he respected and loved greatly had died like, a kilometre away from his home, and never made it anywhere.

By the way, are you watching it dubbed or subbed?

I will indeed continue the show.... tomorrow.

That's a good schedule for the first few episodes of TTGL. One episode a day is how I handled it before I got so attached to this show some episodes down the line that I couldn't watch anything else for a while.


[Fargo]: 1 - 4

I find it pretty funny that the main bad guy in this series is basically Johan from Monster, except that he's actually far less interesting then Johan. Of course, the same complaints that can be levelled against Johan have been levelled against this character!


Haikyuu ep.7

I'd post in the OT too but that thread unfortunately seems dead now.

Anyway, that entire final point sequence was awesome.
Hinata's fixed glare and Oikawa's "oh shit" reaction were priceless
. Nice cooldown for the rest of the episode as well, some hinting towards future developments, and now we've got another new character coming onboard.

Also, the second eyecatch was hilarious.


Amazeballs ep 7 KEIKAKU EDITION


Seriously, who is this person at crunchyroll translating this? A former somebody from TV-Nihon subs? Or is my lingo vocab rusty?


One Week Friends 07

Two short stories, closely related but distinct in their own halves. Saki remains probably my favorite of the cast for her ability to short-circuit Kiryu and doing some of the most important work in expanding Kaori's circle of friends. This is the first episode where I really noticed Hase being insecure, but that's something to grow out of, and he's not the only person in the show with problems. Kaori herself has made huge improvements since episode 1. It leaves you feeling good.
Here's the CM07 for Mahouka


Seems like MadHouse is doing a great job on the animation because it does look nice. And we also get to see Mikihiko. Oh yeah we also get a bit of soccer too.

Did you miss Mikihiko in the Enrollment arc? Anyway kind of wish they showed some other part for this CM, my favorite moments will probably be in parts 5 and beyond.

Visual on the mainsite was updated. I hope for the arc afterwards it has both Crimson Prince and Cardinal George, best canon Mahouka pairing LN
confirmed canonical otp v13ch1

Link Man

One Week Friends 7


Hase's jealousy is really starting to make him annoying.

Saki's long jump is the stuff legends are made of.

Oh god, feels. So many feels.
Did you miss Mikihiko in the Enrollment arc? Anyway kind of wish they showed some other part for this CM, my favorite moments will probably be in parts 5 and beyond.

Visual on the mainsite was updated. I hope for the arc afterwards it has both Crimson Prince and Cardinal George, best canon Mahouka pairing LN
confirmed canonical otp v13ch1

My bad I meant that we got to see Mikihiko again. And I hope MadHouse animates this arc splendidly, but after seeing that preview it seems visually it's gonna look great.

Hey you must of liked that fanservice at the end of Ep 7, since it seems that you like the Crimson Prince.


Diamond no Ace Episode 32:

This series seems to be developing a penchant for
hitting ace pitchers in the face with a baseball
and I am not sure I like it.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Did you miss Mikihiko in the Enrollment arc? Anyway kind of wish they showed some other part for this CM, my favorite moments will probably be in parts 5 and beyond.

Visual on the mainsite was updated. I hope for the arc afterwards it has both Crimson Prince and Cardinal George, best canon Mahouka pairing LN
confirmed canonical otp v13ch1

DiTaL, are they holding hands in that picture? It would go a long way to explaining why he won't go full-Hamburger on his sister's virginity... because if anime has thought me anything, its that incest is not only ineffective as a deterrent but functions as a great catalyst for sibling romance.
One Week Friends 7


Hase's jealousy is really starting to make him annoying.

Saki's long jump is the stuff legends are made of.

Oh god, feels. So many feels.

Well to be fair if you had been the first person to notice somebody and you genuinely care about them and all of a sudden everybody starts talking to her once they realize how cool she is, you'd be jealous too.

This is a situation that happens very often when a guy befriends a guy/girl when they aren't popular and they are the bestest of friends, and then the other person breaks out of their shell and everybody starts liking them. Hase is simply jelly because irl she would probably stop talking to him all together if she really felt like making more friends as she's so nice and smart she could easily be one of the most popular girls in the class.

Well if this wasn't going to obviously transform into romance I mean. Then he doesn't have to be jealous anymore about FriendTR
Aw man, what I would do to watch this show for the first time all over again. I remember feeling
super bad for Kamina at this episode. The dude finally makes it up to the surface he's waited his entire childhood to go to. Only to find that his dad that he respected and loved greatly had died like, a kilometre away from his home, and never made it anywhere.

By the way, are you watching it dubbed or subbed?

That's a good schedule for the first few episodes of TTGL. One episode a day is how I handled it before I got so attached to this show some episodes down the line that I couldn't watch anything else for a while.

I am watching it subbed on CR.

Yeah I felt bad for him too. He really got shafted this episode.
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