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Link Man

The Eccentric Family 5

A nice, laid back episode discussing the merits of boiling and then eating sentient beings.

This show is really dripping with atmosphere and character, I quite love it. But I wouldn't want to eat it.


I'm sure the writers of an MTV romcom don't watch crappy anime, but with all the incest shows this season, I couldn't help but laugh at the jokey incest couple in this week's episode:

Dat twincest.

The last time I remember an incest joke on an American show was Friends, but I have to imagine that it's come up since then. lol

There was that brother/sister team in Young Justice, but that was all implication


Huge Nickleback Fan
It's just something fun for the fans of the show while waiting for season two.

If it makes any of you feel at all better, I should tell you that Klein is still in the running for best male character, his outfit for best costume, and his "You have to stay alive until the end" speech from episode 3 for best dialogue.

Yes! Can we get Klein spin off?

Am I a bad person for thinking that Captain Earth is a bit boring, like visuals aside nothings been interesting. Action scenes have been a bit standard, the only saving grace so far is Hana but that isn't enough. I mean since this show is done by the creators of Star Driver you would think it'd be a lot more entertaining. Hope next weeks episode is entertaining though.

You're not the only one on this.

Am I bad a person if I want to slowly murder both of the lead ladies in Captain Planet because they annoy me? I mean I essentially would approve of DTL.

Salty Dog!

So, uh... is anybody else liking Captain Earth so far as a whole instead of just select elements of it?

Not me. It introduce me to Minato Fumi work. the mecha look nice, and the boomerang joke is kinda funny. Other than that, no, it's kinda boring.


Gundam Unicorn-4
I fucking can't. This piece of shit of a lead. When a side character has to take your gun from you because you're too much of a pussy to take the needed shot, you've failed as a human being. That was one of the most emasculating scenes I've ever seen in a mecha anime. I can't even appreciate the topnotch animation or music because I hate the lead too much. There was some gorgeous water mecha animation and Earth sequences. The assault on Torrington is straight sakuga for a good number of minutes. The music in general in this episode also was really good, in that nothing felt grossly out of place like in Episode 3. Sawano is good with non-vocal compositions, it's just when you add the unnecessary vocals in, where things get ruined. Oh yea, there was some good character animation as well.

My reaction as well.
This black hole of a lead is sucking up the rest of the show and turning into one big drama fest and ruining everything around him. This motherfucker needs the Bright Slap. Banagher's stuff in the desert is beyond infuriating because he doesn't take responsibility for a good chunk of it, by claiming that it was an accident, and he goes into such histrionics that it feels over the top. He does shit without being emotionally prepared and then vents on everybody else when he realizes what he's done. So then in the episode you think maybe this shitheel has gotten some balls by standing up to the Captain and is going to try and prevent more casualties. While he's trying to talk Loni down, civilians are clearly dying. Loni is straight up massascring civilians and he keeps trying to talk her down while she is mid-rampage. When it's clear to everybody, even characters in the show, that she won't stop, Banagher's balls go straight back up and he can't pull the trigger. He clearly knows she's going to continue killing civilians but just can't kill her because he's too emotionally attached from a quick greeting and some bullshit Newtype conversations. The blonde hair fedora chump has to grab Banagher's gun and put the work in.
It's infuriating because the rest of the show is really good, especially the quieter moments. When Audrey is in the cafe talking to the owner, it really helped as a reflection of the war and the lack of progress humans have made. We're still killing each other when we should be communicating and striving for me.
I also enjoyed the Captain reflecting back, in the desert, to the end of the war and the war-crimes that the Federation committed. The whole thing is just sad in that nobody can let go of the past and so everybody is trapped in this cycle of hatred that they all don't want to be in. The Captain not blaming Banagher should have been a good lead into a conversation forgiveness and the meaning of death in war but Banagher is too busy being self-absorbed.

Fuck Banagher.


Looks like we are going to get Kill La Kill release details very soon

They have to do a bluray release right?

I'll give them as much money as they want. All of it, no joke.

And yes, BDs. AoA isn't stupid, especially knowing that there are people like me out there like me that would would dish $500+ for them.


So does that mean we get episode 25/OVA?

Depends on the release date I suppose.

If they do a full collection it probably won't be till after November when the last vol. hits in JP.

If they break it up by halves, it seems a lot more likely that it would be included in a second half.


Subete no aware
FeMC looks so hnnng. I know absolutely nothing about her but shes got that amazing Akiho haircut goinv on.
She's the best Persona character ever!

I figure I would just put this out there. If you guys recall, Mockingbird put together a group commission for Kiki/Paprika a while ago:

Anyway, I'm thinking of doing something similar for Aria, but I'm just wondering if there are enough people here to make it happen. Are there any Aria fans here interested in doing a poster with me? I'd let Mockingbird handle the logistics, but presumably we need quite a few people to make it it worth doing.

I'm mostly lurking the thread right now, but reply and PM me if you are interested so I can get an idea if there's any actual interest in this!


Maturity, bitches.
In theory I should like Yuyu seeing as it combines girls, puns and the internet but honestly I only found it alright.


Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket 3

This is the first time I felt like the tone consistently worked. Without the grim reminders of war's reality in the forefront, Al's naivete and desire to play soldier make sense. From what we've seen so far, it's understandable why he'd want to get involved with this spy-type mission. Fortunately, he's been surprisingly resourceful so far.


Though who knows how he found a child-sized space suit lying around.

I wonder how long this uneasy peace can be maintained. Bernard's reluctance is its own sort of innocence. A part of him wants to do more so he can be accepted in his team, but he's unenthusiastic about the mission, and he seems to enjoy killing time with Al more than actually accomplishing things. Perhaps he believes that during this time, he can forget what he's going to have to do.

I kind of wish they wouldn't keep dropping these obvious cliffhangers at the end of each episode. I'd be looking forward to more regardless. I definitely want to learn more about Christina.


She's handy with a baseball bat too. A ride or die chick.
One Week friends
Very adorable episode. I always seem to get an impending sense of doom for the next episode whenever I finish an episode. Maybe I'm just not used to a show about relationships with almost no conflict
Am I a bad person for thinking that Captain Earth is a bit boring, like visuals aside nothings been interesting. Action scenes have been a bit standard, the only saving grace so far is Hana but that isn't enough. I mean since this show is done by the creators of Star Driver you would think it'd be a lot more entertaining. Hope next weeks episode is entertaining though.

I think Captain Earth is just largely uninteresting for really doing nothing special for the mecha arena. If we compare it to the last string of mechs since Star Driver its really dont nothing to advance the field, no shock value like Valvrave, no innate coupling mechanics like the definitive Buddycom, no comedy like MJPR, no actually smart sci fi plot like Gargantia. CE will probably be forgotten end of the year because the gundam killer Aldnoah.Zero already seems to be a better mech, and things like G-reco and xebecs mecha entry seem a bit more interesting.

Amazon.uk said:

Unfortunately, the release date for the item(s) listed below was changed by the supplier, and we need to provide you with a new estimated delivery date based on the new release date:

"Fate/Zero: Part 2 [Blu-ray]"
Estimated arrival date: July 02 2014 - July 07 2014

One of our aims is to provide a convenient and efficient service but in this case, we've fallen short. Please accept our sincere apologies.


Please be released soon my blu-rays !!
This sucks BIG TIME
I didnt know Faylan was doing the OP to Tokyo ESP, now Ill definitely check out the anime

Faylan (飛蘭) will provide the opening theme for upcoming anime Tokyo ESP (東京ESP) with her 18th single Zero Hearts. The single is planned for one CD-only edition with title song written by Noriyasu Agematsu (Elements Garden). Single Zero Hearts is scheduled for release on July 30th 2014
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