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Chaika 07

If that fog materializes someone's true desires, than Toru may be a little more okay with peace than he thinks he is, especially if it's with Chaika's. It's the fog's fault that the fantasy took that direction, but Chaika, especially the aloof Chaika at the end of the episode, is adorable still. And Frederica - I keep wanting to call her Francesca - got to do more than she usually does. Nice little one-off.


Nanana 6

Let Nanana have the most original take of a Hotspring episode hahaha




Dai Shogun 07

So we have a playboy ninja, Kiriko's brother killing himself because of forbidden love, and a swordplay-based mode for Susanoo unlocked. The presence of the Shinsengumi does add a solid idea of who the antagonists are for the show, and the whole thing is certainly a mess, but I'm not bored by it.
Chaika Episode 7


Cool episode. Torus illusions were hilarious, especially
Gilette waving the dead arm around
, and I love the little punch combo Ms. psycho killer cat loli dragoon got in on him.

I wonder if
the sad lives of the heroes are due to some magical influence by the remains or just shit going south after the war.

White chaika still the cutest. Vivi is cool too, I wanna see her battle more.
Gundam SEED - 3

So Kira is one of these things known as a "Coordinator", which is a genetically engineered human.

All I'm gonna say is, this crap better not turn out like it did in 00 with all that Innovator nonsense.

Welp, that colony's screwed. Now everyone's gonna HAVE to live on Earth. And from the reasoning of Kira and his chums early in this episode, I got a bad feeling that Earth isn't exactly the brightest place to live in this show.


If Her Flag Breaks 07

While the entire concept was a riff on visual novels to begin with, the way this episode got into parallel worlds and alternate destinies reminded me of the midway/just-before-the-true-route part of so many visual novels I've played. Time loops are an extremely common plot twist. And while that's not quite the case here, seeing all the bad ends is the kind of thing that can keep my attention. Shadows of things that may be, but won't be, the power of choice.

Mei's "route" was finished remarkably quickly, and I'm glad that Mimori got a bit of screentime for herself, even if it was over just as quickly. The ideas being expressed here are on a meta level, which makes it interesting. There's this complicated overplot going on between these moments of character comedy, and it's striking the balance between the two fairly well.


Happiness Charge Precure 16

Megumi you are so fucking dumb. The woman's trying to figure out your identities as Precure and so you decide to show her that you're Cure Lovely out of pity. Was funny when Seiji walked in just after she did it and was all like "Oh Goddammit!"

And how did the reporter get permission from the school to harass the students? And why did she just walk in Megumi's front door?

Hime was the best in this episode. Again. Her mental image of the media hounding them and asking her if she really cried and ran away when a dog barked at her was great, as was her trying to prove she wasn't shy.
Chaika 7

Lol this episode made me straight up lol at the illusions and things of the sort. Toru having
his Chaika fantasies which probably hint that he'll end up with her or she's the main romantic interest in the harem
was pretty funny, such mooshy fantasies hahaha. Akari and Red Chaika are still best girls though. Akari was hilarious this episode though with her anti-Chaika lines and this bit at the end made me spit out my metaphorical drink.

Stalker Akari ftw. But I guess the jokes are ok since
they're not blood related, just more childhood friends who grew up together who are like family. No different than Eren and Mikasa


Trigun 15-20

Good stuff. Vash origins explained and plenty of other insights into the past.

This Legato guy is a mystery. Seems like he is Knives's henchman but his powers and attitude to humans imply he's more like his master and Vash and not an ordinary human.

Vash and the priest guy are a great duo. Hope they stick together.

Bracing for complaints that the
Gung-ho Guns
are "monster of the week".

They're not sending them one by one so I can't complain. :p

Hunter x Hunter 130

As much as I welcomed the departure from cheerful Gon I can't say I found it believable. Kite had too small a presence (in anime at least) to warrant such a reaction. As a result Gon's emotional troubles leave me completely cold.


Hunter x Hunter 130

As much as I welcomed the departure from cheerful Gon I can't say I found it believable. Kite had too small a presence (in anime at least) to warrant such a reaction. As a result Gon's emotional troubles leave me completely cold.

Kite has been the closest link to his father he has found in his life (you know, the thing for what he became a Hunter and it´s main driving force all that time). I fully understand why he would get so pissed. He also probably blames himself for what happened in some way, which adds to the rage.
I'm enjoying No Game No life, but I've been wondering, how come no one has called out that scene where the siblings kissed. You could say it was for plot reasons but still wasn't it a bit lewd.
Hunter x Hunter 130

As much as I welcomed the departure from cheerful Gon I can't say I found it believable. Kite had too small a presence (in anime at least) to warrant such a reaction. As a result Gon's emotional troubles leave me completely cold.

I agree with the criticism, it's one of the weak points of the otherwise excellent Arc. It also never made a lot of sense to me Gon's reaction, I always half argued that Gon is very empathic and a little bit crazy and that explains it.

He met him when he was a little kid and told him about his father yeah, but he was with him for one day, that isn't enough to produce a strong emotional link, I think.
edit: I counted them, he appears in a flashback with a duration of 8 pages in the first chapter.
No Game No Life 7

This show straight up has no right to be this good. This could easily be the Log Horizon of this season, fanservice shit that brings it down aside. I think Wednesdays are my favorite anime day of the week because I get both this and Chaika.

As to the episode itself, the Evangelion reference is a common one but nevertheless hilarious. Sora continues to be the best character over-all in the show though, he's like Ledouche only actually likable. Which is great since he's the protagonist.


I'm enjoying No Game No Life, but I've been wondering, how come no one has called out that scene where the siblings kissed. You could say it was for plot reasons but still wasn't it a bit lewd.

Life and death with no air makes a pretty good excuse.
I forgot at what point they kissed, after the oxygen got taken out or after the atmosphere


sealed with a kiss
I'm enjoying No Game No life, but I've been wondering, how come no one has called out that scene where the siblings kissed. You could say it was for plot reasons but still wasn't it a bit lewd.

It's because only the lewdest most depraved animegaffers are watching it so they just think it's normal~
It's because only the lewdest most depraved animegaffers are watching it so they just think it's normal~

Bitch whaaaaaaaaa


Chaika 07

lol at Toru getting NTR'd in his own delusions
Still need more of the Dragoon

People keep saying this is the season of incest. Which is true. But I feel it is also the season of NTR. We have this, excessive FriendTR in One Week Friends, and M3.
Gundam SEED - 4

It's pretty awesome seeing the protagonist's friends help out with the ship instead of sitting on the sidelines waiting for him to solve everything.

Kira isn't too bad of a protagonist this far in. With the situation he's been put in, he could have easily fallen into the trap of making your character a whiny little unlikable kid. Sure, Kira complains about the job that he's been forced into, but he realizes the situation quickly and doesn't sit around whimpering until people have lost their lives fighting a losing battle until he finally gets off his ass and joins the fray.

It probably helps that this Flaga guy isn't yelling at him to get in the effing robot but rather calmly encouraging him.


Doesnt like Rin and doesnt like Persona 3, I bet you dont like Ken either?! Terrible post to read on this morning. P3 is up there with Resonance of Fate and Star Ocean The Last Hope Intl for best rpgs of the recent gens.

I like Persona 3, I just don't think it's a great JRPG, at least with FES. And I love Ken, the reactions people have to him are the best.


Fairy Musketeers 31-33

A reunion, a farewell and a goodbye. The full explanation of Val's backstory was nicely done.
So he's the son of the former king of the Lycans and a human.
I wonder if he will return to his human form before the series is over. There's some kind of psychological barrier that's preventing him from doing so, but once the evil in the land is cleared, that may be enough to break it. The show's averse to killing people, but has no problem with Jed falling over a cliff once he's blasted by Princess Mode.

The Bremen episode, for a group that was kind of annoying but played a part in the musical episode, became kinda heartwarming there. Some real bonds of friendship, willing to both turn themselves into a monster and for Randagio to be okay with them losing their memories. Even the cat has a cross to bear in this series.

The last episode was my favorite of the group. Gretel's turn to good is complete. Seeing her and Red use their swords together was an awesome moment for this show - they even made a dent in Trude. Not entirely sure who the person inside Trude is, but I have some ideas. And a nice incorporation of her fairy tale elements (the trail of stones), too. Lots of important things accomplished for the characters in these episodes - the endgame draws nearer.


Black Bullet-7
The writing in this is so terribad that it's proving a satisfying hatewatch. He literally just smashed through four floors of concrete yet somehow two random humans can hold him down. Oh and the bodyguard being this stupid villain is just so ridiculously overblown that I couldn't help but laugh throughout the entire sequence.
The whole system for rankings and political society is so stupid in this show that I wouldn't be surprised if Ayn Rand came back from the dead to write this show.


Kite has been the closest link to his father he has found in his life (you know, the thing for what he became a Hunter and it´s main driving force all that time). I fully understand why he would get so pissed. He also probably blames himself for what happened in some way, which adds to the rage.

But he has only known him for a few weeks at most. Not long enough to make this sort of attachment believable. And i think the various people from Greed Island were as close to Ging as was Kite.

Incidentally, Gon's apparent affection towards his deadbeat father always puzzled me as well. Still hope he will smack him in the face when they meet.


I'm really enjoying Chaika/NGNL so far. Both are brilliant.

Wixoss is giving me a very nice Puella Magi Madoka vibe; Sour Eater Not! is quite entertaining and I think expands on the Soul Eater universe in a good way, from a different POV. This season is great!
I'm enjoying No Game No life, but I've been wondering, how come no one has called out that scene where the siblings kissed. You could say it was for plot reasons but still wasn't it a bit lewd.

I think many did. The incesty shit is the one thing I really dislike about the show.
But he has only known him for a few weeks at most. Not long enough to make this sort of attachment believable. And i think the various people from Greed Island were as close to Ging as was Kite.

Incidentally, Gon's apparent affection towards his deadbeat father always puzzled me as well. Still hope he will smack him in the face when they meet.

Apparently in the manga their relationship is supposed to be much more meaningful with Kite being a father figure for Gon in his early childhood before he left the island, and not just a guy he met one time when he was a kid.

As to his affection towards his father, the dad is more of his plot device, just a driving force. I don't think Gon would love his father as much as he does whats-her-face in the island who actually raised him. It's more of a "you're my blood relative and you're a powerful hunter I want to be like you"
Character designs are definitely not that series forte.
In fact I don't even know what AgK's forte is

Weapon designs and creative uses is a big one I'd say. Makes the battles pretty fun.

I'm enjoying No Game No life, but I've been wondering, how come no one has called out that scene where the siblings kissed. You could say it was for plot reasons but still wasn't it a bit lewd.

People were too busy calling out the loli fanservice.

Another great episode, def thinking Jibril is now best girl (sorry Steph) and I guess Sora and Shiro
are not blood related.
Shoulda seen that coming. Really hoping for a Civ type game next
No Game No Life - 07


Magnificent ...

All those feels for steph at the end.. Glorious.
I wish they would have stick to the books for the king chamber scene and explained
how they solved the riddle instead of showing kurami & Fi ..They even gave them Some of jibril lines just to mess with some of the flow of events.
I get why they did that , i just wish they didn't.
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