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Future Card BuddyFight - Episodes 15-16

That's what we call closure - Gao Mikado, Future Card BuddyFight Episode 15

He's really bad at victory speeches isn't he.

In fact let's just say most of the dialogue in this show is pretty corny not to mention the overusage of the word buddy (which has been dropping in recent episodes). Although some of the monster's lines have been pretty cringeworthy recently. There was a monster defending against an attack saying "You shall not pass" which cracked me up.

The biggest problem for me in this show is still the fact that
Gao is still undefeated so far. Somehow he's managed to win every single one of his matches since starting the game 16 episodes ago. They're not going to pull a "he's naturally gifted at the game" card are they?

Also that evil card subplot is now resurfacing. This show is going to completely ham it up soon and it will be glorious! Can't wait!

Buddy Count: 668
So in the search for new anime podcasts I've tried listening to the GME's anime podcast. So far they've only covered Attack on Titan and Kill la Kill, which, probably says enough in itself, but it was sort of an interesting insight into how people will try to wield Kill la Kill as something that supports feminism completely. They go out of their way to justify and talk up the incestuous molestation, but my favorite part was probably this:



So in the search for new anime podcasts I've tried listening to the GME's anime podcast. So far they've only covered Attack on Titan and Kill la Kill, which, probably says enough in itself, but it was sort of an interesting insight into how people will try to wield Kill la Kill as something that supports feminism completely. They go out of their way to justify and talk up the incestuous molestation, but my favorite part was probably this:
I love it when people try to interprete weird things into anime that had clearly no such intention :D
No irony here, its very entertaining.
Silver Spoon S2 08


Hachiken really loves those pigs.

So we learn how to make cheese and also what Mikage was keeping secret. Even these drama parts are quite realistic.


So in the search for new anime podcasts I've tried listening to the GME's anime podcast. So far they've only covered Attack on Titan and Kill la Kill, which, probably says enough in itself, but it was sort of an interesting insight into how people will try to wield Kill la Kill as something that supports feminism completely. They go out of their way to justify and talk up the incestuous molestation, but my favorite part was probably this:

Why can't people just admit what they are watching is a perverted anime and get on with it.


Baby Steps 8 - Liked this episode much more with there a better balance of off/on court scenes. Kind of expected more friction/arguing between ei-chan and his parents.


This beauty present at the Festival de Cannes Marché du Film 2014 would be an excellent addition to the 'Poster Order' service available at GAINAX NET:

Twitter / timetomorrow: Here's some early sales art ...


But anyway... the silence on this matter surrounding the pilot production planned for this year, and now the lack of information and people's interest coming from FanimeCon 2014 about Takami Akai's recent Q&A (where at least last year there were still some remains of interest on those GAiNAXers)... these are sad times for those trying to keep themselves informed on everything related to their long unrealized projects.


This beauty present at the Festival de Cannes Marché du Film 2014 would be an excellent addition to the 'Poster Order' service available at GAINAX NET:

Twitter / timetomorrow: Here's some early sales art ...


But anyway... the silence on this matter surrounding the pilot production planned for this year, and now the lack of information and people's interest coming from FanimeCon 2014 about Takami Akai's recent Q&A (where at least last year there were still some remains of interest on those GAiNAXers)... these are sad times for those trying to keep themselves informed on everything related to their long unrealized projects.
I'll believe it when I see it!


Tragic victim of fan death
So in the search for new anime podcasts I've tried listening to the GME's anime podcast. So far they've only covered Attack on Titan and Kill la Kill, which, probably says enough in itself, but it was sort of an interesting insight into how people will try to wield Kill la Kill as something that supports feminism completely. They go out of their way to justify and talk up the incestuous molestation, but my favorite part was probably this:

Oh wow. That's really reaching. Never heard of this podcast either. Never will probably.


So in the search for new anime podcasts I've tried listening to the GME's anime podcast. So far they've only covered Attack on Titan and Kill la Kill, which, probably says enough in itself, but it was sort of an interesting insight into how people will try to wield Kill la Kill as something that supports feminism completely. They go out of their way to justify and talk up the incestuous molestation, but my favorite part was probably this:

I couldn't get very far into that podcast because, well, the participants appeared to be slightly crazy. They didn't seem to have the ability to process the idea that perhaps Kill la Kill is full of cheap titillation because that's what the director likes and because animators are perverts.
Why is it that Kill la Kill in particular inspires such twisted logic in its defense?

Why can't people just admit what they are watching is a perverted anime and get on with it.
Oh, that's not hard to explain at all. It's just a classic case of cognitive dissonance e.g. the viewers of the series are trying to hold onto two contradictory beliefs at once.

On one hand, a number of people hold views about the representation of women on media, usually in relation to how women are treated as objects of desire through e.g. male gaze and how this undermines and demeans them. The participants in that GME podcast certainly have views on this subject.

On the other hand they really enjoy the series because it really appeals to their taste in some particular area.

So how do they reconcile their ideal that women shouldn't be treated solely as objects for titillation with their enjoyment of the series? They decide that, despite all evidence to the contrary, the show is actually pro-women and entirely about empowering them. That way they don't have to feel uncomfortable because they enjoy a show that also features degrading depictions of women.

Now this isn't to say that this happens in every case and there are plenty of shows that appear to be portraying women purely as fanservice but that's also subverting that idea at the same time. Kill la Kill, however, isn't that kind of complicated, nuanced series.

I believe that there are certain things in Kill la Kill that you can defend but also plenty you can't e.g. creepy incest fanservice.
To be fair, there's a lot more to KLK than fanservice, it's just too incoherent and poorly executed to be taken that seriously. :(


Baby Steps ep.8

You know, some of the music here reminds me of some of the tracks from Kid Icarus Uprising. Maybe it's just the guitars.


This beauty present at the Festival de Cannes Marché du Film 2014 would be an excellent addition to the 'Poster Order' service available at GAINAX NET:

Twitter / timetomorrow: Here's some early sales art ...


But anyway... the silence on this matter surrounding the pilot production planned for this year, and now the lack of information and people's interest coming from FanimeCon 2014 about Takami Akai's recent Q&A (where at least last year there were still some remains of interest on those GAiNAXers)... these are sad times for those trying to keep themselves informed on everything related to their long unrealized projects.
I want to believe.
Oh wow. That's really reaching. Never heard of this podcast either. Never will probably.

Their Attack on Titan podcast was fine. Not exemplary or anything, just fine.


Jexhius: KLK did a decent job at including guys in its titillation.

Right and you never hear anyone complaining about or trying to defend men being sexualised!

I really don't have major problems with the way women (in particular) are portrayed in Kill la Kill because it's an extremely silly and goofy series that wears it's style and vulgarity on it's sleeve. I just can't abide by those who defend the series where it does step over the line because "well this really graphic molestation scene is secretly empowering because of the clever writing". They read more into the material then is actually present to justify scenes that can't really be justified.

In other words, they already have a conclusion about the work and they attempt to read the material in a way that supports their conclusion as opposed to taking the material on it's face and then drawing a conclusion based off their reading of the text.

It didn't help that, on this particular episode, they had no guest with an alternate reading to call them out on their arguments and force them to defend their views against actual scrutiny. That's always the worst part about ANN podcast discussions.


One Week Friends 08

Cute little episode. Stirrings of romance, but as the title of the show has made clear, this has always been a show more about friendship. Saki remains my favorite character, and I don't know who this new black-haired guy is, but he has the kind of eyes that signify someone who's bound to stir things up, and not in a good way. Not the first time I've seen a beach episode be derailed by the weather, but it is the first time I've seen a sand frog that elaborate.
Anyone and everyone, don't buy Drakengard 3. I just finished it and feel like I've been trolled. Fuck this mess of a game that doesn't even have good writing to make up for how terrible it plays.


...I still need to watch Strike Witches season 2. Really liked Season 1.

Shame about my lack of money to buy it, though. Gotta wait, sadly...


...I still need to watch Strike Witches season 2. Really liked Season 1.

Shame about my lack of money to buy it, though. Gotta wait, sadly...
Well, Season 2 literally kills the plot of Season 1 within the first minute, not necessarily a bad thing, though. But if you like some essence, you're good with waiting.
If only we would get a new show. The movie was bad, I want a new show. Maybe one of the spin-offs. Give me the darn africa korps.
Movie was good, you're crazy! And unless Takamura is lying to me that new TV series is coming this year along with the already dated 501st OVAs. Also 502nd BELIEVE, the only other squadron I'd be somewhat equally excited to see is the 504th.


Movie was good, you're crazy! And unless Takamura is lying to me that new TV series is coming this year along with the already dated 501st OVAs. Also 502nd BELIEVE, the only other squadron I'd be somewhat equally excited to see is the 504th.
Sounds awesome!
But yeah, I thought that movie had too much characters that all needed screentime and a long, very slow beginning. Although there was good development for Perinne. I never liked her until the movie.


Haikyuu! ep.8

If you had told me before April that this would eventually end up in my top three shows for the season so far, I would have laughed you out of my sight. Yet here we are. It's just that fun to watch for me.


Setec Astronomer
I really don't have major problems with the way women (in particular) are portrayed in Kill la Kill because it's an extremely silly and goofy series that wears it's style and vulgarity on it's sleeve. I just can't abide by those who defend the series where it does step over the line because "well this really graphic molestation scene is secretly empowering because of the clever writing". They read more into the material then is actually present to justify scenes that can't really be justified.
Eh, my argument at the time was that it produced a deep vulnerability, which, in the hands of better authors, could have been used to good effect and would underpin many of Satsuki's motivations. But, again, we come back to execution, as while the elements were there they didn't really amount to much.


Why is it that Kill la Kill in particular inspires such twisted logic in its defense?
I don't think it is something particular to that series, more like it is a posture very prevalent because of the repercussion the series has versus the need to accommodate its guidelines to the own vision and values many followers feel the need of trying to search in, hoping on encountering something of their own ways of thinking in it to appreciate the work fully.

The thing is, with a staff like that you never know best; the madness of these creators' self-referential, crazy, cleverly devised and sometimes unaware preference and homage for certain things in the search of what is 'cool' can cloud the judgement of any outsider. This kind of projects are long-spanning works of love and coexistence between a homogeneous group of people, something like taking from their series any "true meaning, intention or significance" for certain things spawned in that chaotic creating process, unless clearly stated by them, is I think being devious with oneself.

All in all, I think BGBW describes the situation aptly:

Kill La Kill simply follows the wise words of "fun things are fun" and the Trigger were having fun.

And talking of references, a shame when I saw a stop to the continuing efforts of 'tripfriend' from /a/ KLKCataloger in the task of archiving part of all that 'SPECULAH', did a damn nice job for a time:


Jexhius: KLK did a decent job at including guys in its titillation.
KILL la KILL Starter Book (http://www.st-trigger.co.jp/news/20130803.html) was a good initial taste of what was to come in terms of "manservice"!

I should make some decent scans of it, someday...

I'll believe it when I see it!
I want to believe.
Come on, guys, we need more blind faith in Mr. Yamaga! >:)


Eh, my argument at the time was that it produced a deep vulnerability, which, in the hands of better authors, could have been used to good effect and would underpin many of Satsuki's motivations. But, again, we come back to execution, as while the elements were there they didn't really amount to much.

Well I think it's fair to say the series has problems in both the writing and the execution departments.


And talking of references, a shame when I saw a stop to the continuing efforts of 'tripfriend' from /a/ KLKCataloger in the task of archiving part of all that 'SPECULAH', did a damn nice job for a time:


While that's a very useful resource it also appears to be the work of an insane mind. It seems to be straight out of one of those police shows where they go into the serial killers room and every wall and surface is covered with insane writing and scribbles all devoted to the same topic.


While that's a very useful resource it also appears to be the work of an insane mind. It seems to be straight out of one of those police shows where they go into the serial killers room and every wall and surface is covered with insane writing and scribbles all devoted to the same topic.
This is just the cream of the crop of it all, man... those speculation threads at the beginning were something else (parodies upon parodies too)! Good times.
*buying new Square Enix games in the Questionable Era*

WELL, can't say I'm surprised about D3 sucking. Nevermind something in that game triggering PTSD from the first game (and done a hell of a lot worse to boot)
To be fair if you genuinely wanted to play the game there are probably better ways to know if this was a singular opinion or an aggregate one. Go to Metacritic, go to the OT, etc...
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