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Anyone and everyone, don't buy Drakengard 3. I just finished it and feel like I've been trolled. Fuck this mess of a game that doesn't even have good writing to make up for how terrible it plays.

People were expecting anything good from the Drakengard series?

Miura has been on the edge for some years, but finally the God Sea part did it for me. After all these years and delays for Gatsu to mount in the freaking ship, when he finally does it... what happens? reach the island? Nooo Fight a random monster that doesn't have anything to do with the plot!

But mermaid breasts


Baby Steps 8

Well, that was a quick year to say the least. Not that I particularly mind, since the pacing still feels pretty natural and satisfying regardless, but I do have to wonder - was it this fast in the manga, or is the adaptation playing it super fast and loose with the material?

Nice to see some development between Ei-chan and Takasaki-san Nacchan, too, even if it is still just baby steps (lol). It makes me happy that
they're in the same class now
, since more Nacchan can only be a good thing - both for Ei-chan and for the show =D
After looking up story stuff from F/SN after finishing Fate/Zero it just seems.... kinda bad. I also really don't want any
Saber romance
lol. I don't know if ufotable can make it good.
Anyone and everyone, don't buy Drakengard 3. I just finished it and feel like I've been trolled. Fuck this mess of a game that doesn't even have good writing to make up for how terrible it plays.

Bwahahahahaha did the game mess your mind.....have you played Nier?

Though I would say Drakengard is way more crazy


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Baby Steps - 8

I understand Nat-chan is the female MC and is supposed to be cute and all but every time I see her, she reminds me of a Gray [alien] with blonde hair :(


People hoped for a good story or at least delightfully fucked up one, but I guess it falters there too.

The original Drakengard failed in that too. The story was an awful mess of dropped plot points and characters with basically no development.

Honestly, I'm not even sure how Yoko Taro managed to write Nier. It's like if the writer of SAO suddenly wrote Utena. WTF!


Because it would be cool and intresting ?
But let's face it , aside from fire emblem and metroid , there aren't that many series that would need a anime from the pool of nintendo franchises.
Well excuuuuuuuse me princess.

...I still need to watch Strike Witches season 2. Really liked Season 1.

Shame about my lack of money to buy it, though. Gotta wait, sadly...
I propose we form the Strike Witches community trust for poor fans of witches in order to fund their witch love!


Tonari no Seki-kun 21 + Final Thoughts (For Real This Time)

That's a good way to end the series. Seki's been teetering on the edge of being discovered for the whole show, so to have him get super close to it - and to bring back Poptimus Prime and the rest of the Robot Family for one last time - is about as high stakes as one could get for this show. Overall, it was very enjoyable, easy to take in, and a showcase for a slightly more manic side of Kana Hanazawa. Her performance determined a lot of if this series would sink or swim, since Seki was based on the animation, and by and large it succeeded. One of the more interesting short anime out there, and the way it expresses a genuine love for imagination is also worthwhile. It feels like it can go on forever, but all series must end eventually. I can see it making a return in the future if sales are good.

The world isn't ready yet for a cute-boy-in-a-skirt-getting-teased-by-a-bunch-of-girls series with normal episodes.
We already have Otoboku for that.


Gokukoku no Brynhildr 8

Holy shit, Kazumi. Just...holy shit.

It worries me greatly to think what the villains may be planning that involves
sending this new memory-manipulating witch out to use her powers in public
. Only terrible things can come of this >.>


Hey, maybe if they decided to animate all those arcs after Golden Age and Eclipse then there'd be more goodwill instead of retelling Golden Age again

Seems more likely it would just make more people realize that Berserk isn't that great outside of the art and the classical tragedy prologue, and that it just becomes a weird grimdark rapey D&D fantasy.


Baby Steps Episode 8:

This show needs better montage music. Also, kind of interesting on how much this show focuses on the off court antics of everybody. Certainly gives this show a range and depth that Ace No Diamond often lacks. On the other hand, the slice of life high school stuff isn't particularity compelling either. All and all a rather bland and forgettable epsiode.


No , just No .everything about THIS garbage and the 3 CDI games should be buried in the nevada desert.

Zelda wouldn't make a good anime.Even if they would nail the characters properly , they would still have to choose a proper way to get the feelign of what a zelda adventure is and that is exploration... and it's the hardest thing to do in an anime.
Good exploration/adventure anime is a rarity these days!
(I was joking of course)
Seems more likely it would just make more people realize that Berserk isn't that great outside of the art and the classical tragedy prologue, and that it just becomes a weird grimdark rapey D&D fantasy.

But Lost Children and Tower of Conviction were just as good as Golden Age.
The arcs in between Tower of Conviction and the boat like Qliphoth and the Trolls are pretty good, although some have varying mileage.
I'd say it's certainly started to falter during the Sea God Arc and not just because of hiatus boat fatigue
Good exploration/adventure anime is a rarity these days!
(I was joking of course)

Now i think i wouldn't mind a zelda anime if they focus on another character aside from link.
Give me midna , impa for example and i would be intrested of seeing the zelda universe through their eyes.
Heck i would also take the Zelda point of view.

As long as they don't use the tingle POW.

Or maybe a comedy anime based on the gorons ? ( that would be cool too )


I am the boner of my sword.

The two new trailers of Fate/Stay Night are gorgeous.

I hope they go through all 3 arcs separately this time, rather than fusing them into some unholy monstrosity.


Hopefully they'll one day animated the Retribution arc of Berserk so I can get some hot Farnese action.

Now i think i wouldn't mind a zelda anime if they focus on another character aside from link.
Give me midna , impa for example and i would be intrested of seeing the zelda universe through their eyes.
Heck i would also take the Zelda point of view.

They should do it through ting...

As long as they don't use the tingle POW.



I disagree.

I like Guts & Friends part of Berserk the most.

The atmosphere really captures what I like about fantasy in general (that is, beautiful landscapes, adventures into the unknown, occasional dark happenings, etc...).

I don't know if I could handle 300+ chapters of Demon's Souls Berserk (I know Berserk influenced DeS, but you get what I mean :p).
Captain Earth 08

So I guess Team Rocket's numbers are expanding now, and yet they will remain just as useless and resort to attacking people on foot with guns and kidnapping people with chloroform despite having giant robots


Attack on Titan Episodes 1-25

I’ve been watching this the past week and finally finished it today. I enjoyed it but would have preferred it if
none of the humans could turn into Titans. If it had just been regular humans with their jetpack thingies overcoming the Titans I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more. Although seeing the final battle between Eren and the female Titan inside the city was really fucking cool.
Will probably start reading the manga now.
Captain Earth 08

So I guess Team Rocket's numbers are expanding now, and yet they will remain just as useless and resort to attacking people on foot with guns and kidnapping people with chloroform despite having giant robots

But how else will the government control the children?

Attack on Titan Episodes 1-25

I’ve been watching this the past week and finally finished it today. I enjoyed it but would have preferred it if
none of the humans could turn into Titans. If it had just been regular humans with their jetpack thingies overcoming the Titans I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more. Although seeing the final battle between Eren and the female Titan inside the city was really fucking cool.
Will probably start reading the manga now.

You simply witnessed what shonen does to anime. They couldn't have it be a real struggle without "FOOL THIS ISN'T EVEN MY FINAL FORM". It would have been a much better show without post episode 5 imho.


Tonari no Seki-kun Episode 21:

One day Rumi will become a master criminal dedicated to destroying Seki.

Tonari no Seki-kun Series Review:

This was a neat little series, fairly amusing stuff though the basic repetition wore on me as the series went onwards.
Attack on Titan Episodes 1-25

I’ve been watching this the past week and finally finished it today. I enjoyed it but would have preferred it if
none of the humans could turn into Titans. If it had just been regular humans with their jetpack thingies overcoming the Titans I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more. Although seeing the final battle between Eren and the female Titan inside the city was really fucking cool.
Will probably start reading the manga now.

I'm glad people can still come to this conclusion after the huge anime popularity boom. I swear it seems most people watched like the first 6 episodes, stopped then decided they liked it and never continued.
And the anime left off on a pretty good spot to be picking the manga up on. However the current arc is rather dull.

I disagree.

That's fine. I think there's a lot of people who only like the Golden Age arc, mainly because it's the only part to be animated (twice).
However I've always felt that the real Berserk started after the Eclipse, even with things like Zodd and Wyald.
I'm glad people can still come to this conclusion after the huge anime popularity boom. I swear it seems most people watched like the first 6 episodes, stopped then decided they liked it and never continued.
And the anime left off on a pretty good spot to be picking the manga up on. However the current arc is rather dull.

"Hey guys there's giant titans and worlds unexplored out there. There might be like snow titans. Or volcano titans? Shouldn't we be going out there to explore?"

"We could. But this sofa is so comfy. I'm sure something will happen if we stay here long enough"


I'm glad people can still come to this conclusion after the huge anime popularity boom. I swear it seems most people watched like the first 6 episodes, stopped then decided they liked it and never continued.
And the anime left off on a pretty good spot to be picking the manga up on. However the current arc is rather dull.

Good to hear about being able to pick up where the anime left off. I do have a question if you've read the manga from the beginning. Is there anything the anime left out or is it pretty much one-to-one with the manga?

"Hey guys there's giant titans and worlds unexplored out there. There might be like snow titans. Or volcano titans? Shouldn't we be going out there to explore?"

"We could. But this sofa is so comfy. I'm sure something will happen if we stay here long enough"

I actually would have liked have liked it if
Eren stayed dead when he got eaten. It would have given both Mikasa and Armin a reason for wanting to continue to fight and explore the outside world.


Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara 8

Probably the most fun episode this show has had yet. We have flying robots and gratuitous hot springs and Akane being wonderful and Nanami being adorably neglected and nobody commenting on the fact that Akane apparently has a Souta-kun dakimakura and fun outings to royal kingdoms and adorable chibi modes and princesses and robot assassins and...was there anything this episode didn't have, really?

The new princess character is a lot of fun (and I love how there seems to be an RPG class theme to the princesses' middle names - Knight and now Berserker?!). The assassin scene also had some surprisingly cool action, as well as of course the usual entertaining hijinks.

Good times.
Good to hear about being able to pick up where the anime left off. I do have a question if you've read the manga from the beginning. Is there anything the anime left out or is it pretty much one-to-one with the manga?

You would probably be fine picking it up right from the anime ending. As is all adaptations, they skip minor things. If that bothers you just reread it. One thing of note is that the anime covers all the flashbacks together in the first 3 episodes while in the manga they are spread out among the first 20 chapters.
I can't think of anything huge that they left out of the anime, though.


Started watching Nisekoi (after catching up with the manga).

At first I was pretty confused as to why Matterhorn was suddendly in the flashbacks.
Then my reaction was more or less this:

Otherwise, it feels like a very straight foward adaptation so far, still getting used to Onodera voice, but enjoying it otherwise, think I'll keep up with it.

is great. The only good addition after Marika was introduced.
Onoderas sister and Rakus OTHER Childhoodfriend are meh. I just want Onodera to be happy, Nisekoi drags the key thing out way too long and the amount of keys is insane.
Child-Raku sure was a player.

At this point
the key/pendant is only there to tease the expectations of the audience, that particular plot point hasn't mattered since Raku realized that he likes Onodera, and I think the series is pretty self-aware of that.

I doubt there will be any kind of resolution until the very of the series (if even then), so until them the best to do is just enjoy the journey.


Isshuukan Friends 8

As usual, an episode full of happiness (despite the
unfortunately-timed rain
) and Saki being amazing. This time there were also more hints than usual of actual romance, which was sweet.

And now it seems we have another new character entering the picture. I wonder what kind of developments he will bring.


No , just No .everything about THIS garbage and the 3 CDI games should be buried in the nevada desert.

Zelda wouldn't make a good anime.Even if they would nail the characters properly , they would still have to choose a proper way to get the feelign of what a zelda adventure is and that is exploration... and it's the hardest thing to do in an anime.

I really loved that Zelda cartoon when I was a kid. Shit was the best Nintendo cartoon on.

On that note, dream teams for Nintendo toons!

For example, Zelda Ghibli or Metroid by Tartakovsky.


Brynhildr holy crap hahahahhahahaha

Kazumi was uh yeah

This show is seriously so weird, but I can't help but watch just to see what the heck is going to happen.


Lives became more empty today

Think about that Metroid by Tartakovsky, man. No dialogue necessary, just 20 minutes of thick outlined Samus in jagged armor dodge rolling the fuck out of all kinds of horrible demons underground. The Ridley episode could even have her flashback to him killing her parents, but all wordlessly before she adopts dat Tartakovsky frown face and proceeds to blow his fucking head off.

This is the cartoon gaming needs.
Attack on Titan Episodes 1-25

I’ve been watching this the past week and finally finished it today. I enjoyed it but would have preferred it if
none of the humans could turn into Titans. If it had just been regular humans with their jetpack thingies overcoming the Titans I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more. Although seeing the final battle between Eren and the female Titan inside the city was really fucking cool.
Will probably start reading the manga now.

I would consider the final anime episode a reasonably large deviation as what actually happens (the manga is far less dramatic), so I would at least reread that part. Also there's a side chapter (I think it's a side chapter) that results in a cool realization later on but it's insignificant as to what actually happens.
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