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Subete no aware
this is some next level watchbetting from firehawk.
These retroactive add-ons are unexpected. :p
What turned into an Utena watchbet suddenly snowballed... but I'm with Utena, I'm also getting Theonik to actually watch Aria, so there's a little more of a fair trade there. lol

So what you're saying is, this is a cash crab, like some sort of AAA dev doing a kickstarter because they don't feel like footing the bill.

52 episodes.

And I'm not going to watch 52 episodes of LOGH. Now if new four people combine to say 52 eps of LOGH, then I might consider it. :p

You know, despite rumours to the contrary, firehawk12 has always been in control of the shows he watches and when he watches them. He doesn't need to kickstart his way to good anime, he could have chosen to embrace it at any time!
As someone who chases the new, cutting myself off from watching new anime is terrifying!


I found that alteration a misstep because of the sexual tension and distrust that implies, some of the themes that were later explored in a more appropriate manner as a interference and matter of discussion in the LN/graphical novel during the later
'Remerio incident & the shepherd' arc
. Better timed at that stage as a showcase of the ever-evolving closer interaction between Holo and Lawrence.

In fact, Lawrence's image as a mentor for Yarei is better adjusted due to the fact that Chloe's disposition toys with the notion of seduction and veiled interest as tools many times closely related to deception
(as it is later confirmed)
. In the case of Yarei, seeing Lawrence as an elevated role model fits in bigger measure due to the less attachment but greater respect he proceeds for him, in bonds more similar to those of long-lasting comrades than of frail or manipulating love interests.

Now, you could say that on the other hand Yarei
could be seen in a more stereotypically antagonizing villain act just breaking that trust to impose later the traitorous plans
, but overall I think his character was truly more faithfully incorporated into the story (obvious for being a part of it since the beginning of the LN), and him sinking to that depth fighting only against respect alone seemed more believable.
It's been a long while since I both read and watched the arc in question (back when it first aired in fact!) but I like both interpretations of the same event.
As you say, Yarei is the more atypical merchant betrayal against merchant which works out well but Chloe's tie in with the initial village and ultimately her callous rejection of Holo equally strikes a nerve. (I think the same point of her rejection is handled in the novel/manga but I can't remember how).

Additionally, in terms of Chloe's approach being one of sexuality, it works out better in this initial phase since Holo and Lawrence are both still relative strangers to each other at this point. The choice between the two with one being far more cut-throat is a quite enjoyable not to mention that if her character appeared later in the story when their relationship is more developed, it would perhaps be a source of wearisome drama.

It's a shame there won't be a Season 3 but after reading the novel after the Season 2 anime ending, I can see why they're perhaps hesitant since the story begins to have a more solid focal point for the plot which isn't as easily stopped and started as the vague journey that the series begins with.
Here's a bet: Finish Utena or get permed.

I'm sure icarus would be on board for this!

That reminds me, one of these days I have to watch it. I got "stuck" before in the first Arc, the repetitiveness killed me. If I would endured two or three eps more, I think I would have reached the second Arc.
Hrm, I seem to remember a tragedy porn Key-ish anime involving some kind of tree as its center-piece. This was back when I had no idea what I was doing and started randomly watching stuff in 2009 though, so it's only a vague memory now. Oh well. lol

Hm... There is a tree that's a part of the story in Kanon, but no twins though :p


M3: Sono Kuroki Hagane 6

something something
one of the better characters is dead
something something everyone being emotional wrecks something something more hopeless fighting against enemies we can't hope to understand.

I'm not entirely sure why I'm watching this when I could be playing Unlimited Blade Works instead.


Oh hey there Okada I almost didn't see you in there through all the bleh.


Ping Pong 7
  • Peco on the road to not being a shit lord. Nice! :)
  • I get bad vibes from Kazama's teammate :/ The whole masturbation scene from the previous episode didn't help
  • Much Engrish, Such Words. Wow.
  • So what happened with the coach seemed so forced. He could have easily just forfeited the game straight up and explained to his friend why. Or even if he subconsciously threw the game what exactly was stopping him from playing again in majors? I don't get it :/
  • Panel effect continues to be abused :p
One of the best shows of the season continues being good, water is wet, etc. :p

I imagine it may be more to do with the fact that the rights for these properties are considerably cheaper and have fewer interests attached to them.

Well can't argue with you there

Nanana's Buried Treasure Episode 7


This is Bass' stchik



Subete no aware
That reminds me, one of these days I have to watch it. I got "stuck" before in the first Arc, the repetitiveness killed me. If I would endured two or three eps more, I think I would have reached the second Arc.
That was a small part of why I stopped. I mean, I tried again when the BDs came out, but just got back into the groove of watching new stuff instead.

Hm... There is a tree that's a part of the story in Kanon, but no twins though :p
I don't even know then. Maybe I'm mashing up like five different Key shows. lol

Here's a bet: Finish Utena or get permed.

I'm sure icarus would be on board for this!
How about watch Treme or get banned! She'd be behind that too. :p


That reminds me, one of these days I have to watch it. I got "stuck" before in the first Arc, the repetitiveness killed me. If I would endured two or three eps more, I think I would have reached the second Arc.
Well, if you get hung up on the second arc it's kind of filler really. There's some important moments in it, and I still enjoyed it especially as that was a major step to it getting weirder and more surreal, but ultimately
it basically doesn't matter and gets promptly forgotten by everyone anyway.
Still, I enjoyed it and there's only one episode that I think you can absolutely skip at 0 loss period, and that was a bad recap episode.


[Hunter x Hunter] - 131

A fantastic stand out episode in an otherwise rather tiresome arc. While this arc has arguably yielded some of the best episodes and most memorable moments in the entire series it's still never going to feel satisfying because of how bloated and meandering it is.

Which isn't to undermine this particular episode at all because it was handled superbly.
Sailor Moon - Episode 3

Looks like Usagi has now started to have dreams about getting together with Tuxedo Mask. I have the feeling that if they were together their dates would be incredibly short. He'd only say one thing (probably about justice or something) to her, then leave.

Jadeite's plan to take over the radio station to get the energy wasn't that bad. The thing is
he could've at least changed the radio schedule so that nobody would realise that his program didn't really exist. Luna notices this and it's all downhill from there.
[Hunter x Hunter] - 131

A fantastic stand out episode in an otherwise rather tiresome arc. While this arc has arguably yielded some of the best episodes and most memorable moments in the entire series it's still never going to feel satisfying because of how bloated and meandering it is.

Which isn't to undermine this particular episode at all because it was handled superbly.

That's what Chimaera Ant Arc is, I feel. Far better highs then Yorknew, but Yorknew is a more solid package.
Vividred Operation - 6

the button, i don't even, the button, it's just what in the, why would any, just i, the button just, like a tent, it's afajowijojiaoweijft they climb insidei t aoijfoaief.

the button.
We just need another person to sacrifice themselves to get that in too.
This is quickly becoming the 'make firehawk actually watch anime' starter.
I would but:
a) I joined in before watchbetting occured (because I actually think it'd be really cool!!)
b) I think firehawk already watched Strike Witches anyway
aaaaaaaaaaand I dropped M3. I just can't give a flying fuck about this 2edgy4me grimdark wannabe plot or its characters. I'm done.


I'm fucking done. I'm done. I don't need to deal with shitty anime. I could be using that time to watch better western shows.

So now my anime days grow one day shorter.


As you say, Yarei is the more atypical merchant betrayal against merchant which works out well but Chloe's tie in with the initial village and ultimately her callous rejection of Holo equally strikes a nerve. (I think the same point of her rejection is handled in the novel/manga but I can't remember how).
It plays more or less the same, although with an added emphasis on sociocultural evolution; I mean, being Chloe a possible lover probably undermines what was Yarei's powerful (or arrogant) message of self-sufficiency (a false sense of it, clearly) and overall modern progress for his Pasloe village (attained as means of deprecating and not-acknowledging the old deities and believes that sustained them before) making it seem like revenge or jealously also could have played a part of it all, and kind of cheapening the effect (even if it probably wasn't a intended subtext either).

Additionally, in terms of Chloe's approach being one of sexuality, it works out better in this initial phase since Holo and Lawrence are both still relative strangers to each other at this point. The choice between the two with one being far more cut-throat is a quite enjoyable not to mention that if her character appeared later in the story when their relationship is more developed, it would perhaps be a source of wearisome drama.
Yeah, I agree it is interesting to see such conflict more times than not, but I also think this possible early "confrontation" of love interests interferes with what I think is a preciously represented initial progression of the Lawrence-Holo relationship as seen on the light novels. Their duality seems so well balanced in it that by the time they meet someone like Norah, Holo's worries and her testing of Lawrence's true commitment to their adventure brings a more mature back-and-forth than the habitual just playful banter, that I think makes more sense in that said progression than any forced conflict or drama even at the beginning and which wouldn't be so much justified between the still strangers that they were early on.

I think that, ultimately, it is a question of what my own preferences are after all, of course... or maybe to what I accustomed myself to at the beginning through the graphical novel before the animated series commenced, as I'm not disregarding one or the other approaches as more valid or not.
aaaaaaaaaaand I dropped M3. I just can't give a flying fuck about this 2edgy4me grimdark wannabe plot or its characters. I'm done.


I'm fucking done. I'm done. I don't need to deal with shitty anime. I could be using that time to watch better western shows.

So now my anime days grow one day shorter.

Be content you lasted one episode longer then me.
Yugioh Arc V Episode 7

Such a great duelist in action. Really enjoyed the duel even if short. Was pleased that some really gen 1 cards showed up (Mystical Space Typhoon, Mobius the Frost Monarch, etc).

But wow at the twist, I hadnt even been able to tell that he seemed to look like Yuuya from some alternate reality, maybe it has something to do with the Academia group, and Reiji?
Finally, you've freed up enough time to watch The Voice.

Right after a whole new episode of The Big Bang Theory. Sponsored by Doritos and Mountain Dew. You haven't enjoyed The Big Bang Theory and Sheldon until you see him scream at tv screens while quenching his thirst with new Doritos flavored Dew.

Hey Sheldon. Dew or Dew not there is no try

*audience laughter*

Strike the Blood starts out ok. But do me a favor Dresden everytime the main girl:

1. Gets mad at senpai
2. Calls senpai a pervert for doing something to her or another girl purely by mistake or by her misunderstanding
3. Says "No senpai, this is our fight"

Take a shot.


Strike the Blood starts out ok. But do me a favor Dresden everytime the main girl:

1. Gets mad at senpai
2. Calls senpai a pervert for doing something to her or another girl purely by mistake or by her misunderstanding
3. Says "No senpai, this is our fight"

Take a shot.

Doesn't that happens all the episodes?
M3 Episode 6

Heito gets to me a lot.
teared up at his breakdown scene in the classroom and with the other one in the tunnel and through Emiru's death scene. He was so attached and just looked so terribly anguished in it :(. Im glad he had someone with him that understands him. I think he will improve in the future from here


So, One Week Friends...

By this point I'm hoping Hase doesn't get the girl because he's a pathetic loser and this puppy love crap is driving me crazy. I get it. It's innocent cute love. But making it the whole point of the show is really, really getting old.


Why is that a bad thing?
Mostly because the brightness levels on their simulcasts are always messed up.
I first saw this post on mobile, where I have images turned off, and yet I [I]still[/I] knew it was going to be a picture of Kurumi from context alone.
[quote="Dresden, post: 113679325"]m'hands


dunno why i'm watching strike the blood. it was just... there.[/QUOTE]
At the very least, his left and right hands are on the correct sides of his body.
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