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I thought Australia was pretty "high strung" when it came to objectionable content or did that only apply to their treatment of videogames?

In terms of ratings it does apply a bit more with games, as evidenced by the slowness of having a adult classification, and even then still gets upset about rewarding drug use. But overally we're harder on violence than lewdness.

The whole SAO on ABC3 thing is interesting. The site says it has a PG rating (which isnt far from a US PG). Now looking at the DVD release it got broken up into 4 sets - 2 for each arc, and set 4 got a M rating which would be like a PG15 if such a thing existed.

So if ABC3 wants to have it all PG rated on TV it will just edit the relevant eps at the end.
Black Bullet 8 (rest of the episode)

"Join my onii-sama's harem team"


Also I must have missed it why does little sister cursed child to the cool guy initiator call Satomi a pervert exactly? I don't recall her appearing in any scenes before this to have seen Satomi be in a situation where they'd call him a pervert

That improv routine. Good lord.
So I guess
there's a yellow Chaika now, but this one is actually a fake as opposed to the other two. Still thinking both Red and White are "real" Chaikas and daughters of the Emperor.

Also blushing Chaika

I need to get back on this.

Black bullet has turned into a harem? Noooooooooo
Majin Bone 8

Eww that animation when the bad guys were fighting though the base, I guess if it ain't CG suits fighting this team doesn't know how to draw.


Getter Robo G 29

There are frequent points when I am watching Macross, Gundam, Mazinger and Getter where I feel fatigued, and I confess that of the four none wears upon me more heavily than Getter Robo. It's a highly, extremely formulaic series with maybe five standard episode plots that loop endlessly, whose mechanical combat lacks Mazinger's comedy to make up for its now extremely aged animation, and whose villains are occasionally the stupidest, most pathetic kind of evil.

But what makes up for the honest chore that trudging through these four franchises can at times be, is that buried beneath the constant returns to status quo and maddening old timey science babble are hidden treasures, episodes of real worth, of value that I dare say outshine episodes of lots of modern mecha anime.

Episode 29 of Getter Robo G is precisely such an episode because it focuses almost entirely on developing one of its main characters. Hayato Jin remains listed as "homicidal psycopath" on wikipedia to this day, and over the last 80 episodes it isn't hard to see why some misguided nerd might mistake him for such. Hayato is rowdy, violent, and much, much colder about his violence than any of the other Getter guys. He's anti-social to a similar degree, and honestly at times one wonders how he came to be one of Earth's protectors. It can be hard to realize, between the masculine physique and the deep voice that Hayato is still a High Schooler--a very needy teenage boy. Over the last 80 episodes Hayato has undergone some softening, to the point where he's like an ill-behaved pet of the Saotome household. Friendly to them and no one else, but this episode really gets at what's going on behind him.


No, seriously, they're all like, 17-18 years old.

The episode begins in the throne room of the Pandemonium Empire, with Emperor Burai being informed that Doc Saotome has built a lab in secret that is doing all of the peacetime applications of the Getter tech, while Doc has apparently been forced into developing just the Getter weapons. Presumably because when you're up against your second evil empire straight you realize peacetime is a tenuous thing. Anyway, Burai mockingly asks General Hitler: "Can you think of any peaceful applications for the Shinespark?"

As it turns out, the man heading the peacetime application laboratory is none other than Doctor Jin, Hayato's father. Hayato, it turns out, hates his guts and won't go anywhere near him. After Michiru hands him a letter from his sister (who, if you recall, fled to France after the demons had modified her brother and Hayato had been forced to put him down) saying she's coming to visit. At this moment Hayato reveals part of what has shaped him into who he is: his father is a work obsessed individual, and Hayato's sister is the one who raised him. What isn't said in this moment is even more important: we had never before been told what the fate of Hayato's mother, whose face is in the cross he always wears, was prior to this. After Hayato's sister comes to visit, they go to their mother's grave, where she confronts him about their father.

Hayato, we learn, has blamed his father's obsession with his work for their mother's death. His sister pleads with him to go and see their father, insisting Hayato is mistaken, but he will hear nothing about it. Not long after, the demons attack their father's lab, with Hayato's sister inside. She sustains heavy injuries and suffers from severe blood loss. Hayato finds himself powerless to help as his blood is of an incompatible type, and rushes off to kill the demons alone while Ryoma's blood is transfused.

The episode comes to a head when Hayato's father sees Hayato in peril (since one Getter Machine has never been much of a match for a Mechasaur or a Demon Mech). He uses the self destruct on his facility to destroy the enemy with him and save Hayato's life.

Afterward, his sister presents him with a pocket watch from their father, containing a picture of their mother. The episode's climax is amidst the ruins of Hayato's father's laboratory, where he finds his father simply staring into the sunset. His father tells him the watch was meant for him. Hayato begins to apologize for the loss of the facility when his father stops him cold: "Doctor Saotome and I can always build another laboratory, but I only have one family."

I don't deny that I was in tears at that point. Hayato certainly was, as he clasped his father's hands in a reunion the two had awaited for who knows how long. In one episode we learn of the immense grief and rage that have driven Hayato's character for 80 episodes, and we see it resolved in a moment of profound, emotional healing. Hayato's basic, operative character, which has been operative for nearly 100 episodes is fully explained, all the little clues that have been scattered over the course of the show are brought together and the final product is truly wonderful. The image of Hayato and his father, clasping hands amidst the ruins in the setting sun, calling to one another with fondness is perhaps one of the best depictions of what Getter Robo and the entire genre is really about. It isn't just about crazy science or beating the shit out of monsters with ridiculously cool giant robots. It's really about using those as a vehicle to tell stories of very real people with very real pain, and how no matter what the circumstances, people will survive, and will remain the strong, beautiful human race they are underneath it all.

Episodes like this are what this genre should strive for. It isn't enough to shout about libidos in your overdesigned CGI robot as you vampire bit someone to unleash your psychic final form. Not if you have forgotten that inside these steal titans there needs to be a character who is truly human, regardless of what species they are.
Majin Bone 9

So what'll happen first, blonde brat kid betrays the team or evil human bones go face and join the party? Gonna bet the former will happen in the next 5 episodes and they'll all team up in 10 episodes after that.


Soul Eater Not! 8

I'm not saying Tsugumi should choose Anya, but she should totally choose Anya.

Stein is trolltastic, summer is summery, tradition is ineffective at countering heat.


Wagnaria!! 11

Well, Popura just got a bit weird.

Oh god, Yamada invading Inami's introspection.

Oh hey, Inami's getting closer to Takanashi!

And she just broke his "arm".

Wait, she's grasping his real arm? :O

Yamada is amazing.


Today's episode of NGNL got me thinking. Are there any other altered EDs with story relevance outside of this and the penultimate episode of Kill la Kill?

Gargantia played with the ED imagery every episode

Dog Days 01

I am already kinda divided on this show. On one hand it started quite well, then it pulled the super-schoolboy pulled into strange realm card which I'm not really fond of.
They did salvage it later though by introducing more silliness though. I have no idea how this will work however. I guess I'll wait and see.
That Ami Koshizumi though. One of the main reasons I could tolerate KLK.
Also I should praise this because for what it's worth a lot of effort went into the mofu here.

Why are you only just now watching this? Im honestly shocked here.


Not that I care about IntSaimoe, of course.

I've lost count of how many times I've watched that video. Her VA's delivery is superb and I can't imagine anyone else having the role now. As for ToX, she sounds like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKdge5zhDt4

Yeah, her theme is one of my favourites from the DAL OST. Probably my 3rd favourite of the non-vocal tracks behind Mission of AST and the orchestral version of the OP theme. Her VA's song (16bit Girl) is also my favourite of the individual songs.

Fuck Saimoe. What do they know?
Yoshino is a cutie though. Its not her fault.


No Game No Life 8

I'm...not sure what just happened, but I'm pretty sure shit just got real.

What the heck is Sora up to this time?!


Mentions of loli fanservice had me running for the hills but near every post about No Game No Life when a new episode comes out is essentially "SOGOOD.gif" repeated ad nauseum. Is AnimeGaf just filled with perverts or is that show really that good? What is it even about?


Btw is there a legal reason as to why anime always try to avoid showing kids drinking alcohol? The only one I can think of where they actually did it was KLK.


Hitsugi no Chaika 8

Fake or no fake,
Yellow Chaika is a step up from Red Chaika. She's cute. I like her. Nobody can match up to the angel that is White Chaika, though.

An overall inconsequential episode, but nevertheless a lot of fun. This show is always a pleasure to watch.
Btw is there a legal reason as to why anime always try to avoid showing kids drinking alcohol? The only one I can think of where they actually did it was KLK.

Probably some stupid law that you can't show underages drinking or smoking without ramping up the rating. In newest JoJo season they are censoring cigarettes when JoJo smokes because he is underage....


Probably some stupid law that you can't show underages drinking or smoking without ramping up the rating. In newest JoJo season they are censoring cigarettes when JoJo smokes because he is underage....
He does, however shotgun a beer. Or did they decide that by removing the Heineken name it could be some 7up or Sprite knock off for all anyone knew?


Mentions of loli fanservice had me running for the hills but near every post about No Game No Life when a new episode comes out is essentially "SOGOOD.gif" repeated ad nauseum. Is AnimeGaf just filled with perverts or is that show really that good? What is it even about?

We all love lolis!

Btw is there a legal reason as to why anime always try to avoid showing kids drinking alcohol? The only one I can think of where they actually did it was KLK.

"grape juice"


Mentions of loli fanservice had me running for the hills but near every post about No Game No Life when a new episode comes out is essentially "SOGOOD.gif" repeated ad nauseum. Is AnimeGaf just filled with perverts or is that show really that good? What is it even about?

While the fanservice exists, the show is entertaining enough that it manages to overpower any feeling against. At least, that's my opinion.
Black Bullet 8 (rest of the episode)

"Join my onii-sama's harem team"


Also I must have missed it why does little sister cursed child to the cool guy initiator call Satomi a pervert exactly? I don't recall her appearing in any scenes before this to have seen Satomi be in a situation where they'd call him a pervert
It's implied that they knew each other since a long time.
Given how enju is telling everyone that she wants to marry the MC and various , stupid misunderstandings ( just look at this episode ) , it's not a strtech to imagine people calling the MC a pervert.
Btw is there a legal reason as to why anime always try to avoid showing kids drinking alcohol? The only one I can think of where they actually did it was KLK.

The difference between grape juice and wine is only a couple of years.


No Game No Life 8

Ehhh, that was the weakest episode since the first. Lot of unnecessary talking that wasn't very interesting. They didn't need the whole episode to say that
the Warbeast game is a video game and they can't actually read minds.
The plot developments I don't really care about. The draw of this show for me is the just the entertaining writing/games, fun gags and references. I don't care at all about the world and the politics of it, so when it gets semi-serious about that stuff I think it suffers because of it.
Mentions of loli fanservice had me running for the hills but near every post about No Game No Life when a new episode comes out is essentially "SOGOOD.gif" repeated ad nauseum. Is AnimeGaf just filled with perverts or is that show really that good? What is it even about?

it's very good.

It's about 2 neet in a world where games are the law.
It's about justice
It's also about references but that's not that important .references are just the spice on your meal.

Overall it's good fun.
Soul Eater Not 8
Stein was a great scene. I feel the choosing the partner thing is kind of being over-dramatized, sort of like its a metaphor for marriage or something


it's very good.

It's about 2 neet in a world where games are the law.
It's about justice
It's also about references but that's not that important .references are just the spice on your meal.

Overall it's good fun.

its about cuties and mofukichi and a really weird retro color palette.



Oh boy. Things aren't sounding good for Mushishi's production. This week's episode has been delayed to next week. Instead they're airing that "special" again. Yes, the same one they aired just two weeks ago. Lol. I knew it looked bad when they updated the site last week and episode 8 didn't even have a unit director credited. It does now. So looks like they found someone to make it! :p
Well, that's mildly concerning. Hopefully the split-cour format will give them a chance to iron out any difficulties.

NGNL ep.8

Okay, fine, you've got my attention again. Also I could listen to Matsuoka monologue about logic and reasoning all day.

Chaika ep.8

So this was one of the two anime-original episodes, right?

On a side note, it took me a minute to realize why that old commander at the start sounded familiar then I realized his VA is the same guy voicing Namakelder over in Precure.
6 books are out in japan.
2 books are fully fan translated in english Third is almost done( missing a few pages ) This covers the entire season of no game no life that will be adapted in anime.

That leaves 3 more books that are mostly as long as the previous ones , meaning that we have already material in japan for a second season ( yeaaah ) .. i know you want more of NGNL

Here it is.

If you want to know the full method of how sora and shiro solved the king chamber puzzle , or if you want the full story on how the elves tried to guess the wartbeast game. Or the full version of the shiritori game with jibril , you have no choice but to read the LN.

Seven Seas has licensed the manga, so getting the LN licensed probably won't happen unless Yen Press decides to do so. Really hope the Yen On imprint for their LN series will be a success. Would enjoy owning the Monogatari LNs, among numerous other series.


Mentions of loli fanservice had me running for the hills but near every post about No Game No Life when a new episode comes out is essentially "SOGOOD.gif" repeated ad nauseum. Is AnimeGaf just filled with perverts or is that show really that good? What is it even about?

NGNL has enough funny shit going on to balance out the embarrassing stuff.
I just facepalm my way through the embarrassing stuff.


We all love lolis!

"grape juice"

I refuse to believe that a
several hundred year old woman trapped in the technologically enhanced body of a
little girl named Lumiere would drink anything but fine, unfermented grape juice. Kiddy Grade, with its
constant shots up Eclaire's skirt
soul crunching commentary on the downside of immortality
would never depict a child partaking of wine!


I refuse to believe that a
several hundred year old woman trapped in the technologically enhanced body of a
little girl named Lumiere would drink anything but fine, unfermented grape juice. Kiddy Grade, with its
constant shots up Eclaire's skirt
soul crunching commentary on the downside of immortality
would never depict a child partaking of wine!

Thats so Raven!
No Game No Life


Holy shit. What just happened :OOOOOOOOO

I'll also never get tired of Jibrils doofy laugh when shes excited to learn something new.

But damn. What just happened :OOOOO

Mentions of loli fanservice had me running for the hills but near every post about No Game No Life when a new episode comes out is essentially "SOGOOD.gif" repeated ad nauseum. Is AnimeGaf just filled with perverts or is that show really that good? What is it even about?

Its a fun show. The art is great, the games are pretty great, and its got some great humor. The fan service gets very excessive sometimes however and you just gotta roll your eyes and keep watching.
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