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Toaru no Kagaku no Railgun S - Series Review

Decided to finally finish this series up, while I did stop midway I don't ever recall the reason as the part where I left off was just after the first of the two arcs of the series. Nevertheless I did finish up and enjoyed the show thoroughly.

Since the first arc is a retelling of the same story shown in the first season of Index through Misaka's eyes it is inevitable that the second adaptation would try and do better than its predecessor and Railgun S did exactly that in both expanding the story of that arc and updating it visually.

And while shorter, the second arc wasn't wasted at all and I really enjoyed how it connected the previous themes from the first arc into here rather than being its own independent arc. Misaka finally able to
rely on her friends when shit goes down
was a long learning process to be sure (as it was present in the original first season) and is great to see finally done.

Overall an enjoyable series and excellent addition to the Index/Railgun-verse.


Madoka Magica Episode 4

. . . I thought that boy was her mother.


Pin pon, correct! Kanbaru is love, Miyukichi is life etc etc.



Toaru no Kagaku no Railgun S - Series Review

Decided to finally finish this series up, while I did stop midway I don't ever recall the reason as the part where I left off was just after the first of the two arcs of the series. Nevertheless I did finish up and enjoyed the show thoroughly.

Since the first arc is a retelling of the same story shown in the first season of Index through Misaka's eyes it is inevitable that the second adaptation would try and do better than its predecessor and Railgun S did exactly that in both expanding the story of that arc and updating it visually.

And while shorter, the second arc wasn't wasted at all and I really enjoyed how it connected the previous themes from the first arc into here rather than being its own independent arc. Misaka finally able to
rely on her friends when shit goes down
was a long learning process to be sure (as it was present in the original first season) and is great to see finally done.

Overall an enjoyable series and excellent addition to the Index/Railgun-verse.

I'm much more of a fan of Railgun than Index. The magic and empty religious aesthetics in the Index series didn't do much for me, even though I really like Touma, Index, Last Order & co. I like the smaller, more local stories revolving around Misaka since they're easy to follow and more complete. It has sort of a Japanese X-Men kinda feel with the powers and their academy being for superhumans.



Funny story behind that, it was intended to be a play on words of "man" and "Makoto" from School Days. As such it's supposed to be pronounced man-koto. I didn't know what "manko" meant until months later. Go figure.

I am glad that it is what I thought it is. I'd been calling him that for years, lol. Was hopi get that was the case with your name and it was!
I'm much more of a fan of Railgun than Index. The magic and empty religious aesthetics in the Index series didn't do much for me, even though I really like Touma, Index, Last Order & co. I like the smaller, more local stories revolving around Misaka since they're easy to follow and more complete. It has sort of a Japanese X-Men kinda feel with the powers and their academy being for superhumans.

I'm in the same boat, never understanding the argument of Railgun being too moe/slice of life - focused when both shows have their share of in-depth stories to share.

Index is enjoyable for me too but Touma eventually starts to become annoying at times and I was never a fan of Index and the rest of the magical crew. Accelerator and Last Order however I absolutely love.


Zeta Gundam 29

So this dude's title is Mayor, yet he seems to have jurisdiction over all of Side Two, which confuses me a little, because I was lead to believe that the Sides were like nation-states composed of numerous colonies. As such a Governor would make the most sense, not a Mayor. Though I suppose he could well be a Governor and these subs could just be really, really bad.

It's sort of a curiosity that they never really discuss the political structure of the Earth Sphere in any of the shows. I don't blame them for simplifying the politics of the universe down to "The Titans are just like the Zeons!" (line actually uttered in this episode) and AEUG = good, but even who rules the Federation is something of a mystery most of the time.

Link Man

Wagnaria!! 12


Well, never expected that to come out of Popura's mouth. In fact, she's quickly becoming the most perverted character on the show.

Oh god, a date!?

Popura calling for ropes and handcuffs. Which Yamada has on hand. This is getting pretty deviant.

Now I want to poke Yamada. Great.

Oh my goodness, Inami's fantasy of being held in Takanashi's arms.

lol, Popura Theater.


The Light of El Cantare
oh god I didn't expect kirb to actually post it. I sneak drawings into his packages but they're 12-year-old-on-deviantart-level shit not meant for public exhibition. hazukashii


oh god I didn't expect kirb to actually post it. I sneak drawings into his packages but they're 12-year-old-on-deviantart-level shit not meant for public exhibition. hazukashii

Aww but its cute! the important thing is you tried hehee.
Remind me to include a sketch if I mail you anything.


huh, KLK dub trailer isn't that bad. Nonon spot on.

oh god I didn't expect kirb to actually post it. I sneak drawings into his packages but they're 12-year-old-on-deviantart-level shit not meant for public exhibition. hazukashii

practice makes perfect
oh god I didn't expect kirb to actually post it. I sneak drawings into his packages but they're 12-year-old-on-deviantart-level shit not meant for public exhibition. hazukashii

RIP Blossom

I almost feel more compelled to order more things through you, but I must wait for more things


RIP Blossom

I almost feel more compelled to order more things through you, but I must wait for more things
See? This is called good business!

That dog is way too cool to be Woofington. I bet this one's favorite monster girl is Polt.
Rin Tin Tin cares not fer such trifles.

oh god I didn't expect kirb to actually post it. I sneak drawings into his packages but they're 12-year-old-on-deviantart-level shit not meant for public exhibition. hazukashii

I wouldn't be able to reach this level if I worked for 12 years!

Link Man

Wagnaria!! 13

Haha, Takanashi's heroic resolve.

Is this a date or a versus match?

Yamada and Soma tag team? That's downright broken.

Ha, Sato going toe-to-toe with Soma.

Oh, gotta love Sato's teasing.

So, who's cooking if Sato and Soma are both off?

Can't argue with Yamada's logic!

Well, this is a fun take on a clip show.

Aaaaand we have an orgasm metaphor.



Edit: Huh, the timing of that was purely coincidental.


It's just CG. Everyone knows deep down that it's the eventual fate of all animation, but I think anime fans just don't want to admit it!

Fuck. If the future of anime is to look like Sidona I would actually consider stepping away from it. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO MY LIFE THEN


It's just CG. Everyone knows deep down that it's the eventual fate of all animation, but I think anime fans just don't want to admit it!

I certaintly don't! CG animation just doesn't have the same kind of charm that traditional animation does. It's part of the reason I like anime in the first place, really. I honestly hope that 2D animation always has its place in the industry.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
No Game No Life 08
Ishizuka is a very talented director. One day I hope she gets better material to work with, but for now this is at least enjoyable to watch. The constant break down of every detail became a little tiresome in this episode though, even with the eccentric dressings applied to these explanations.


I certaintly don't! CG animation just doesn't have the same kind of charm that traditional animation does. It's part of the reason I like anime in the first place, really. I honestly hope that 2D animation always has its place in the industry.

Im pretty sure 2D will never fully disappear. It may become more niche but there will always be support for it.


Well, in most of the world it already literally died!
Yeah I know, but I meant more in the sense that the animators themselves are retiring/dying and there is no real interest in youth to replace them!
It will be interesting if Japan tries to keep their obsession with 2D after that and if the change in supply will affect the willingness of young animators to go 2D.

IF they can make it to this standard or better a move to 3D would be acceptable
No that looks appalling.


IF they can make it to this standard or better a move to 3D would be acceptable

Noooooooooooooooaaaaaaauuugghhhhhhoooo. I still can't hate it because the song is too fucking good.

The only way I'd accept CG anime is if they skip the skip the cel shading and traditional jerky animation style altogether and just go full Advent Children quality and above. But then everyone would go out of business. AND MAYBE THAT'S NOT A BAD THING IF IT GOT TO THAT POINT.
Speaking of "the future", I saw that the upcoming Nobunaga Concerto anime is going to be done by Fuji TV's CG division (?) utilizing mo-cap from live actors (??). Should be an interesting experiment. (???)
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