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[muromi-san picture]
Still love that reference.
That ED, holy shit. Definitely did not see that coming despite how obvious it was.
Definitely one of the more memetic scenes from part 3. Can't wait for more of them as the series goes on.

Weak week for PABLO POWER.
I'd just like to take a moment again to remind everyone what kind of show selector infected WIXOSS truly is.

It's that kind of show. You have one guess as to who Mari Okada's favorite character is:


Can you guess yet?
Are you really hatewatching this just for backgrounds? Either way it looks like I made a good choice to not bother with it after episode 1. I might marathon it somewhere way down the line just to see how the plot turns out though if I get curious enough.
Also lolol at at the quintuple bold tags.
It actually did pretty well.
Like 8-9k average.
Slightly better, even: the average across the five DVDs was 10,050; it was the seventh-best selling show from 2005... barely above the first season of Aria, actually. The first volume even sold over 12,000 copies!


And, caught up again. Hm, not much to quote this time (sorry to anything interesting I might have missed).


I'm pretty sure she's the one you're supposed to be rooting for.

Sure, but at least she gets some actual trouble for it, as opposed to other shows where they think people will be upset but they're actually totally cool with it for some reason, or where it's not even viewed as strange at all. Baby steps.


So which Anime this season do you think has a terrible opening, personally I think Seikoku no Dragonar has a terrible op.
I like the OPs for all the shows I'm watching right now though. If I had to say something, I guess I like Chaika's the least most, and while the song for Ping Pong is okay, I'm sort of disappointed there's no real OP animation and they just use variations on clips from the current episode.


Kyaputan Amerika: Wintaa Sorujaa

That was a pretty good anime. It even had an Itano Circus and some :dtl. The best part was probably the car chase though.


Oh, speaking of OPs, I'm sure you'll all be thrilled to know that after performing the second OP for the first season and the ending theme song for the special, Eir Aoi will be back for the OP of Sword Art Online II.


Between her and LiSA I think Aniplex has their artists set for their show OPs for, oh, another couple years or so until the next big star comes along.


Eyebrow Princess Chaika 1

This really is Scrapped Princess with everyone de-aged, isn't it? I should finish that show.

Seems like it has the potential to be a fun show, I'm always up for some fantasy. Although I could see Chaika getting pretty grating if she talks like that for the whole series.

My main concern is that I feel like this episode had some worrying "LN-isms". Stuff like Chaika getting covered in white stuff, the MC essentially being a medieval NEET, and the sister taking some time to randomly ego-stroke her brother. Not necessarily a huge complaint by itself (well, the first one is kind of gross), I just hope it doesn't compound.


Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 3

I am loving this so much. I could list the things I loved about this episode, but that would basically require writing out pretty much all the things that happened in the episode, so...yeah.

The ED worked a lot better than I thought it would when I heard what it was going to be. (I had a vague image of what that song sounded like in my head, but it was pretty far off the mark...) It's not on the same level as Roundabout, but it's definitely an ending I can listen to with pleasure each week to tie up a fabulous new episode.
Oh, speaking of OPs, I'm sure you'll all be thrilled to know that after performing the second OP for the first season and the ending theme song for the special, Eir Aoi will be back for the OP of Sword Art Online II.


Between her and LiSA I think Aniplex has their artists set for their show OPs for, oh, another couple years or so until the next big star comes along.

I really did love the opening for Sword Art Online, and considering it was LiSA since most the opening songs she does are great like Mahouka and Fate/Zero.
Oh, speaking of OPs, I'm sure you'll all be thrilled to know that after performing the second OP for the first season and the ending theme song for the special, Eir Aoi will be back for the OP of Sword Art Online II.


Between her and LiSA I think Aniplex has their artists set for their show OPs for, oh, another couple years or so until the next big star comes along.

No mention to ELISA either?


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Soul Eater NOT! 1


Well, this is starting out painful.

Okay, this is insulting. "Commaries"?

It felt like there was no energy in this episode, like it lacked any sort of soul. It seems like it just serves the purpose of yuri pandering, without any humor or character to supplement it.

The humor was there, not sure how you missed it. And LOL at getting offended at "commaries".
Does madp even realize that screencaping the highlights of each episode and posting a rant about it will only get more people to watch it?

Or does he do so for that exact purpose?
Eyebrow Princess Chaika 1

This really is Scrapped Princess with everyone de-aged, isn't it? I should finish that show.

Seems like it has the potential to be a fun show, I'm always up for some fantasy. Although I could see Chaika getting pretty grating if she talks like that for the whole series.

My main concern is that I feel like this episode had some worrying "LN-isms". Stuff like Chaika getting covered in white stuff, the MC essentially being a medieval NEET, and the sister taking some time to randomly ego-stroke her brother. Not necessarily a huge complaint by itself (well, the first one is kind of gross), I just hope it doesn't compound.

If it helps the second episode is what gave me hope for the show. It takes away the NEETnessof the male lead and made Chaika less annoying. But still annoying. As to the sister, seeing how far I am with Scrapped Princess, I have faith that the guy won't make them into LN incest seeing how great the siblings are in Scrapped Princess.

Andrew J.

Stardust Crusaders 03

Holly's living the weeaboo dream, isn't she? Lives in Japan, Japanese spouse, even has a Japanese name now! Also,






Hyped for next week, looks like the first ep that's gonna cover substantial material that was never adapted by the OVAs.
Bag of Deep-Fried Donkey Dicks Matsutarou 02

Matsutarou is still a pugnacious waste of oxygen, but I'm still looking at the redemption plot long-term. The
at the end of the episode should allay the fears of anyone who was concerned that he's not going to pay penance and be hammered down before he can become a new man. Y'all are gonna be sorry when this is this year's Bakumatsu Gijinden Roman.

I need more sacrifices! That's why Hito's presence is low and why you stand out.
Akuma no riddle - 02
STill alright but this show can become quite boring very quickly

Unless very high plot armor i cannot see this ending very well.


If it helps the second episode is what gave me hope for the show. It takes away the NEETnessof the male lead and made Chaika less annoying. But still annoying. As to the sister, seeing how far I am with Scrapped Princess, I have faith that the guy won't make them into LN incest seeing how great the siblings are in Scrapped Princess.

That's good to hear. I'll watch the 2nd in a bit. As far as the sister, it was less incest tones and more that sort of LN ego-stroking that gets on my nerves. A minor thing in this context, I just don't want it to become a trend.


The Light of El Cantare
Does madp even realize that screencaping the highlights of each episode and posting a rant about it will only get more people to watch it?

Or does he do so for that exact purpose?

I simply present facts. Then I watch what other people decide to do with those facts.

I need more sacrifices! That's why Hito's presence is low and why you stand out.

I'm not sure what you mean by this, but I'm slightly concerned!
Skewed facts are skewed.

Did you know that more children die by drowning than by guns? Therefore children should be given guns and not allowed to go to pools :p



Soul Eater NOT! 1


Well, this is starting out painful.

Okay, this is insulting. "Commaries"?

It felt like there was no energy in this episode, like it lacked any sort of soul. It seems like it just serves the purpose of yuri pandering, without any humor or character to supplement it.
Commaries is the result of bad subs. Shomin=Common/er and Oppai=:Chet, so together it makes Shopai=lacking (referring to Tsugumi's(?) lack of :Chet)


I don't think I understand any of y'all's motives for posting about shows you clearly think are bad or subpar but without a clear anti-recommendation tone.

Link Man

Commaries is the result of bad subs. Shomin=Common/er and Oppai=:Chet, so together it makes Shopai=lacking (referring to Tsugumi's(?) lack of :Chet)

I see, thank you. I still find the show insulting to fans of the original, however. But this is the first episode.


Date A Live II 2

Liking the twins. Kaguya is so much better than Yuzuru it isn't even funny, so if there can only be one, Yuzuru needs to shut up and be overwritten. lol @ the two of them
randomly deciding to seduce Shidou of their own accord before he even gets the chance to think about doing the same to them
. Shidou's Protagonist Power levels must be off the charts at this point XD


I see, thank you. I still find the show insulting to fans of the original, however. But this is the first episode.
I don't think it'll live up to its predecessor, but if you think of it as a new series, it's actually pretty decent (at least for me.)
I'm more upset about "Heaven's Lost Property" being an anime classic.

That's just a marketing tool. Generally, if a series does well for FUNimation in sales a Anime Classics re-release may come. If the series does poorly in sales that series will probably go to the S.A.V.E. pile.


Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Stardust Crusaders 3

Well thankfully it seems that the early episode recap was a one episode thing or something. I gotta say this episode had a whole lot of hilarious/awkward LOL WUT moments from Avdol's description of Dio, Kakyoin being won over by Holly's "Moe", Holly in "weeabo mode", Joesph's antics, Joesph taking care of Holly, etc. I was disappointed that Holly ended up a "damsel in distress". I mean sure I don't expect her to actual go out and fight someone but I never felt she was a "weak" person to the point that a Stand would be an issue. I felt, as weird as she was, she expressed "strength" of character in other ways. From my limited understanding of the JoJo franchise its not like all Stands are really made for combat right? I guess you gotta have a reason to motivate the protagonists though.

Regarding Stands I'm still unclear about their appearance. Dio has clearly been alive since the events of Phantom Blood. Why are Joestars only getting Stands now? Why is Dio's take over of Jonathan's body causing Stands to appear in the Joestars? Why are Stands appearing in the world at all now? Like obviously Avdol and Kakoyin have Stands (from birth for both right?) independent of any Joestar business. The Ripple was a techinque known for thousands of years, why are Stands only appearing after World War II/Cold War and not any time previously in human history?

I guess I found out my answer as to how Jotaro's and Avdol's (and I guess by extension Joesph's) Stands got named but that doesn't apply to Kakoyin or other Stand users we will meet so it still seems a bit weird. Also Jotaro's Stand seems kind of OP and fuck off at
Dio being able to use Joesph's Stand powers and better than him.
I guess this is foreshadowing to how the
final fight of the arc plays out though
- it seemed kind of ass-pullish when I say that part of the OVA but now that I have some wider context I guess it isn't an asspull afterall?

Nice choice of the ED though I wasn't expecting it :)
selector infected WIXOSS - 01
Alright start , but somehow i don't think this anime will be as happy as it should have been normally.

Main character is alright , the other one kinda decent ..

Overall the first episode was just decent and i haven't seen much intresting..i hope this will change ... WHAT ARE THE RULES OF THIS DAMN GAME ?
That's good to hear. I'll watch the 2nd in a bit. As far as the sister, it was less incest tones and more that sort of LN ego-stroking that gets on my nerves. A minor thing in this context, I just don't want it to become a trend.

Ah ok, well respect for a brother who kicked ass in war is at least warranted.

As to Scrapped Princess, I'm actually starting to think that Pacifica does have feelings for Shannon deep down, but she never really acts on them.

Link Man

JoJo (2012) 6

Are they just making stuff up as they go along?

Anyway, this was enjoyable, in a brainless action show kind of way.
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