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Spring Anime 2012 III | AITAKATTA YES!

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The Light of El Cantare
Mihawk vs Saber, who wins?


Can Archer hit Kizaru?

Archer can materialize and dematerialize at will, so if he can materialize behind Kizaru without Kizaru noticing and attack him with projectiles from the Gate of Babylon at point blank range, Kizaru might not have swift-enough reaction time to turn into light particles. If Kizaru possess any kind of haki and can detect Gil in advance, Gil is probably fucked, though.

Okay, guys:

Rider's Ionioi Hetairoi vs. Capone Bege

Kiritsugu vs. Van Augur

Caster vs. Gekko Moria


The Light of El Cantare
I was under the impression that they don't have to think about doing it
he got shot with bullets and didn't react for a while

Could be. Oda certainly hasn't shown any interest in explaining the in-universe science of Logias.

Revised Archer vs. Kizaru argument: it all comes down to whether or not Archer has any kairouseki-tipped weapons in his arsenal.


Okay, guys:

Rider's Ionioi Hetairoi vs. Capone Bege

Kiritsugu vs. Van Augur

Caster vs. Gekko Moria

Rider wins.

Environmental life-sized army, with high mana cost wins over puny internal fortress, even though it expends little energy.

Van Augur wins.

He can snipe from an island away...an island away while Kiritsugu is busy wiping his guns clean on a boat, in a chair, while eating a pear!

Hmm, this last one seems tougher for me

They both have giant monster modes that kind of dance around the place. They can both summon monsters and both seem invincible. The book that Caster holds means that he doesn't need an external source of mana, which makes for good stamina, which Gekko Moriah definitely has.

I will say Caster wins on an educated guess because of
Gekko being vulnerable to fatigue by holding many shadows, which he'd need to fight full strength against Caster.
For the greater part of this matchup however, I could see going either way.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.


The Light of El Cantare

Kind of a close toss-up between Lancer and Berserker.

Could Assassin defeat anyone in the One Piece universe? Even people who went down in one hit like Bellamy?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.

...Wait a sec, are you mocking me?
Of course not, this is a completely legitimate and meaningful discussion.

I think Eneru would be Rider and his Ark would be his Noble Phantasm.
Tales of the Abyss 15

*insert witty comment here
Mostly just talking in this episode, but it's all in preparation for what's to come in the next episode. But there was a well animated fight between two old guys, much to the embarrassment of Noelle. They finally resolve the war between the two countries and sign a peace treaty, and Guy kills everyone in the room and Guy learns what really happened to Hod. The next episode is when things really start to heat up, pun intended.

And they lived happily ever after, the end.


A fool and his money are soon parted.
And there's no fool like a fool in love.

Although that guy is obviously mainly an erogamer so probably doesn't have much impact on anime.
We'd need a photo of something like a massive Strike Witches collection to truly horrify monacleGAF.
Could be. Oda certainly hasn't shown any interest in explaining the in-universe science of Logias.

Revised Archer vs. Kizaru argument: it all comes down to whether or not Archer has any kairouseki-tipped weapons in his arsenal.

The explanation is many logia users can reflexively turn into their element. This means the only way to kill Kizaru would be to nullify it somehow (via seastone, sea water or other means).


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Medaka Box 10
Even after the genre shift this show is still really dumb, and possibly even more boring with the incredibly dry hot air speeches that seem to last for an eternity. This show is slow, dull, and meaningless in every respect.
Um, I know it's been a while. This should catch me somewhat up; I've fallen behind on a lot of stuff, but am caught up on Bodacious Space Pirates, Upotte, and (almost) AKB0048, if not much else. (On that note, a review of Upotte ep. 9 will have to wait for my next review post, but I have watched it. Also next time: reviews of eps 7 and 8 of Saki Achiga-hen.)

Bodacious Space Pirates 18-22 -Ep. 18 - This episode ends the last arc. Happy ending! :) Jenny goes off to Space University, free of her evil uncle, and said evil uncle
gets caught in his own lies and lawbreaking, revealed by the actions of our heroine schoolgirls, and arrested. Justice is served! :)
Marika gets some key help from the real crew, of course, but still, the schoolgirls do a great job of figuring out what to do, and executing it well and without too much trouble. Good job, and a great episode!

Ep. 19 - Marika's cleaning the Odette II and the Bentenmaru, and accidentally leaves her signet ring/key behind. This is something of a slower episode, and not one of the series' best, but it was alright.
Princess to the rescue!
Also, the main crew's finally out of isolation. That's great.

Ep. 20 - This episode begins a short arc about Hakuouh Academy wanting to get into the space race circuit. In this episode, Kane teaches the girls a bit about piloting dinghies, the ships they use in the highschool space races. They're apparently small, single-person ships that you pilot in an atmosphere and that have a sail on them as well as engines. So yeah, not a lot like a real dinghy. They make solid raceships, though, apparently. Kane doesn't just train them in those, though; instead, he makes the final contest, to decide which three people will be the contestants in the race, since only three can enter, a windsurfing contest. The girls are confused, but go anyway. Kane makes things difficult for them, but they persevere. Ai, the one with the most experience at these things, takes one of the slots, along with Grunhilde and one other girl. Yeah, Marika doesn't make it. I'm sure she'll be busy anyway, though...

Ep. 21 - This episode finishes the short space race arc. In this episode, the race itself takes place. It's an eventful, exciting race, with a bandit attack, a tough course, and a lot of hostile people because of a certain incident six years ago which got the Hakuouh Academy (Marika et al's school) team banned from competition for five years
thanks to hacking done by the current president Lynn back when she was younger, we learn in this episode, much to the team's surprise, and the audience's amusement
. The race itself is only partially shown, but this dinghy race was good. This is another great episode of Bodacious Space Pirates firing on all cylinders and being fantastic. Ai was awesome, too.
Navigating by the stars after her ship loses all power after getting hit when she helped out Marika and the Bentenmaru at a key moment, because she'd spent time memorizing this planet's constellation charts upon arrival? That's really impressive!
Also, she should take that hat off more often, she looks cooler with it off!

Oh, apparently that was a girls' teams only championship, or something? Because all of the contestants are girls. It's never stated why, but that has to be it...
As for the results, Chiaki, racing on another team, took first. Grunhilde finished second, however. Good job for her! Too bad Ai didn't win a medal, she deserved it for doing the thing with star navigation.

Ep. 22 - This begins a new (final? Maybe, we'll see) arc. In this episode, we learn of a "Pirate Hunter" ship that's been destroying pirate ships. It's huge and dangerous -- indeed, the destroyed ships here (and resulting deaths) is something far more serious than anything in the series before up to this point -- but I guess they wanted something more serious as a final-ish challenge for Marika to overcome, or something like that.

I wonder who those pirate-hunters are... we'll have to see next time, though, this one doesn't really say. Of course. Overall, I don't know if the more serious tone here was good or bad -- we'd never seen deaths like this before, in this show -- but it does make me wonder who these villains are... we'll have to see next time.

AKB0048 1-5 - This is a crazy series, but quite good! Seriously, this anime is a whole lot better than it has any right to be. AKB0048 is both comical and serious, dark and depressing while also being reasonably silly and light enough much of the rest of the time, and more. There is a strong dark side that the series only partially acknowledges, but it's quite good even so.

Anyway, this series starts off on the planet Lancastar, which is a bleak, funless world of grey and factories. Yeah, pleasant place. The story begins with the main characters as children attending an illegal idol concert. You'd think that some entertainment would be allowed by the government, in order to get the peoples' minds off of how hard they are being overworked, but apparently not.

And on that note, I do have to comment on the one serious downside of this series. Unfortunately, it's a central one -- the enemies are just stupid. That is, the enemies are a group who want to keep entertainment -- and this seems to mostly mean idol concerts, it's unclear if it refers to anything else -- banned. Why are they banned? It's never explained. Why would they be banned? No actual reason is given; it's just presented as a story of the good people trying to spread happiness to the oppressed peoples of the galaxy. But why in the world would entertainment (or is it just idols?), of all things, have been banned? It makes absolutely no sense, except for "it's a story so it has to be this way in order for the plot to work". And that is a real weakness about the series. Apart from that, though, AKB0048 is a great series, it really is.

So, yeah. Three of the four main heroines are from Lancastar, and they meet the other shortly after leaving, as well. You see, having grown up (they're now young teenagers), they've all left home to go become idols, just like those girls they saw give that rogue concert years ago. The main character is the daughter of an entertainment-enforcement agency official. Yeah, he doesn't take kindly to her like of idols.
She has to run away from home in order to get away, though her mother ultimately lets her go.
One other one works in a factory; she's too poor to go to school, so despite her age she has to work. The third one, I forget her background, but she has a boyfriend on this planet,
though she has to break up with him when she leaves. He seems to do sports, so is that not banned too? Why just idols?
. The fourth girl is rich and from another place, though she'd been here once before, for that concert some time back.

There are a bunch more characters too who get added to the cast over time. The main group consist of a bunch of characters trying to become idols, so they're the would-be trainees. The actual idols appear infrequently, so far, mostly just in concerts. A few of the trainees have been there for a while, so they're starting to worry that they'll never make it. Maybe they will now that the series is underway.

The second episode is about their trip on the space liner to go meet the AKB ship and become idol prospects. The three girls, their other friend, and several other characters all work together here as they relax.
However, the anti-idol agency attacks during the voyage, and they end up involved in the battle. They're saved with the timely arrival of the AKB0048 team, but it looked bad for a moment before that... fortunately, they showed up right in time. :)
So, in AKB0048, instead of being unique people, each would-be trainee will become a successor of one of the current idols. That is, there are only 48 names used in the group, of the current idols. New people leave behind their old names in favor of being Whoever the 78th, or what have you. Yeah, so they have minimal unique identities now. Then when they ... retire ..., they get replaced with a new person with the same name, but the next number up.

But anyway, as the battles in the first two episodes suggested, once they reach Akibastar, the planet where AKB0048 live and train, the girls learn that it's not so easy -- they don't need to just learn how to dance, they also need to learn how to fight. The third episode details their experience in a combat simulation that they thought was real. None were killed that time, of course, but it served to hit home that what they were wanting to do was quite dangerous. They'll certainly be well trained before going into real combat, but I find it impossible to imagine that no AKB members have ever died in battles during their concerts... and yes, that's one of the dark directions that the series hasn't gone in, yet at least. I don't know if I WANT that to happen -- I don't like depressing stuff like that -- but... they're fighting battles against well-armored foes who sure seem to be trying to kill them. Bad things of some kind are likely to happen sometime, unfortunately. (Repeat "why is entertainment banned anyway?" question above here.)

Episodes four and five are lighter, though. They're mostly training for dancing now, not fighting. Also, many planets do allow at least some concerts now, so it's not quite as illegal as it used to be. Still, I'm sure there'll be more fighting at some point. Also, these episodes, though mostly focused on showing the girls getting used to their new home and having some time off, have their own dark elements. Most notably, there's a story about how the past centers -- AKB members who led the group -- all disappeared from the group under mysterious circumstances, and another bit where we see the results of an incredibly creepy, centuries-long bout of genetic manipulation. There's this one family who breeds girls (apparently not through test-tube babies, though I'm skeptical, how could you get them THAT similar naturally?) who look exactly like one of the idols. They succeed every generation, and all look the same. As I said, it's fishy. Also, idols are only idols during their teenage years, maybe to their early 20s at the latest, right? So how many children would they need, evenly spaced out a few years apart, and all identical girls? It's crazy to believe that they could actually pull that off without cloning or something... silly, when you see them all acting the same, but crazy. :)

So yeah, overall, this is a good series. It's somewhat insane, quite over the top a lot of the time, and I imagine people who hate CG would really hate this because of how obvious stuff like the CG dancers during the concerts are, but I'm impressed by AKB0048. I didn't have any expectations for this show, but it's essentially the Idolmaster Xenoglossia of AKB, except with dancing, flying idols with microphone/sword weapons, instead of giant robots. The dark side is also much more apparent in this one, instead of being sprung on you halfway through; it remains to be seen if it'll get as dark as that series got, though. This isn't Sunrise, so perhaps not. I liked Xenoglossia a lot more before its dark turn, so it'd be good if this didn't go too far... though given how obvious the hinting at possible dark stuff is in this series, I don't know if it actually needs to or not, for those issues to be an issue of debate... they already are. :)

I mean, seriously, how else are you supposed to see things like how they have to fight real battles during concerts, with how they use the same batch of 48 names at all times so they don't really have independent identities beyond their number, with the creepy "they all look the same" thing in that one family, etc... it's somewhat ridiculous stuff, just betting for tragic-depressing treatment. I like these characters so I don't really want that to happen, but... the series is just so over the top with this stuff, from the insane "entertainment is banned in a lot of the galaxy!" plot, to the battles at concerts between the entertainment police and the performers, to the depressing, bleak landscape of the opening planet Lancastar... yeah, that stuff's here already. It's definitely an interesting direction to take an anime series based on a real idol-singer group... and as I said, it's way more serious and complex than I would have expected. This is a good series, very much recommended to anyone who likes sci-fi anime. Oh, and yes, the songs are good too, as you'd hope.

Aim for the Ace! 12- 21 - Over the middle part of the show, I think the show continues to improve some. This show started off okay-ish, but it has gotten somewhat better now. Oka's still got troubles to overcome, of course, as Ojoufujin rises to become her primary rival while evil girl
turns good after we learn that she's actually sick and is losing the use of her arm, so she'll only be able to play tennis for not that much longer
. It's kind of odd seeing her as a not-evil character, but at least they replaced her with someone. Ojoufujin's not nearly as petty, but she is determined to beat Oka, and maintain her dominance.

... Seriously though,
that speech where Coach cheered up evil girl (sorry, I forget her name, it's O-something) and turned her to the side of good through a few words was kind of stupid. It was particularly weird because he was saying it in a speech to the whole tennis team, not just her... and yet it was clearly just for her. Somehow they all liked it anyway despite not knowing what it was for, but... yeah. Kind of odd.

Also, apparently tennis and love do not mix -- Coach, ever the jealous guy, forces Oka to break up with her would-be boyfriend, because you can't do both tennis and love, you have to choose one or the other. More sexism, I assume; I doubt he'd say the same with a boy... though there is an alternate theory, of course, that it's a symptom of his crazy obsession about Oka. It could be that. Either way, poor them.

Aim for the Ace! 22-26 - It's not the most solid of endings, but overall this show was alright. The OP and ED were great, of course, but the series itself was good most of the time. Seriously though, those other girls are complete jerks, and Coach is an idiot and crazy-obsessed about Oka.

Anyway, the final confrontation is a match between Oka and Ojoufujin, and it's a tough match indeed. Ojoufujin of course has never lost, but Oka has to win if she wants to make the national team... it's win or go home, here, after Coach got her the tryout of sorts through his obsession with her.
Oka wins in the end, naturally, but it's a very tough match.

Oh, and overall, this show did get better (and better looking, the art improved) as it went along, I think. Decent series, worth considering.

Aim for the Ace! Movie - Ugh... that was bad. Really bad, I think. The first half or so basically was a not as good version of the first season, with a lot less of the "girls are jerks to eachother" drama (but somehow with just as strong a reaction from the heroine Oka, something that doesn't entirely make sense with the lessened cruelty from the others), but the direction it goes after that, from the second (Shin Ace wo Nerae) season... GAH! No, that's awful, and just wrong! What the heck were you thinking... :(
Poor Coach...
So yeah, this basically ruined a lot of what was good about the original season.

Mad Pierrot said:
I don't pretend to understand how otaku think, but they seem to be trapped between the two contradictory demands of purity and hyper-sexualization for their waifus. Having women fall all over the main character in harem series while the main character actively refuses their advances seems like it might be an extension of this, where otaku can have their cake and eat it too. Sexually-assertive women without any sex is kind of a middle ground between the two extremes.
Yeah, it's strange, but that's definitely how it is.


Why is it that the people with the worst taste are always the ones who buy the most stuff?

I really don't think this is true.

Mayoi Neko Overrun is on there too. dat nozomi

Where is Nozomi in that picture? I don't see her and I have nekomimi radar.

I don't know, but it is very saddening.


For fuck's sake, if you are going to have your room covered in anime girls, at least make sure they look like adults. :|

This isn't very sensical either. I have wallscrolls of shows like School Rumble, Tsubasa, Last Exile, Haibane Renmei, and Fruits Basket where the characters are definitely not adults but the wallscrolls are at least decent. Most animu shows have characters that aren't adults.

I just question why he wants to live in a room with so much ugly.

This is a legitimate question.

And there's no fool like a fool in love.

Although that guy is obviously mainly an erogamer so probably doesn't have much impact on anime.
We'd need a photo of something like a massive Strike Witches collection to truly horrify monacleGAF.

I don't think my own room horrified animeGAF so it probably takes a lot to horrify you guys. I don't know how many here actually saw the pictures though.


Gosick 01

Gothic Lolita + European stylings + Sherlock Holmes (and a hint of Haruhi). Relatively cool animation style. Mysteries! I like it. Good dialogue. Interesting characters.


I thought the initial episodes of Lupin had bad editing, except for the prison break one.
My man! What struck me about the episode was that maybe the nature of its narrative was what made necessary a editing like that for it to work, a effect of the special care it was put to make the spectator clearly aware of the passage of time through those cyclic scenes and such.

So, if that was the focus for this episode as an important aspect to highlight, this consequently made the editing look very deliberate on the other episodes because of that. Seems intended then, in my opinion, like scenes roughly patched together on a messy 'exploitation film'.

What is driving me mad is Pycal reminds me of someone I can't remember.
Also the magician guy reminds me of that one guy from Gundam.
I've always thought of him as a character straightly lifted from a work of Mr. Tezuka, like a tribute.


Damn it I hate when I have to renew a credit card and it fucks up recent purchases because the expiration date doesn''t match anymore. Now I have to go fix all my figurine and animu orders.
Medaka Box 10

Medaka is such a terrible lead while my characters are, I bet, fated to be weak and lose significance and attention (Zenkichi, and Akune) :( I hate when terrible leads get all the attention and cool moments while everyone else is left in the dust even the antagonist. Unzen is pretty cool. Hope he stays around even after the
next episode.

The flower illustration was so random.


Cat Planet Cuties 01

This tripe is oddly enjoyable. It's like Full Metal Panic with even more (well, any) stupid harem bullshit. Plus catgirls.
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