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Spring Anime 2012 III | AITAKATTA YES!

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Tales of the Abyss 24

I guess that makes her too old for Izayoi.
Since they all have a day to themselves before they go out and take on Eldrant, they decide to go do some shit. Like Anise and Jade go out drinking, and Natalia and Guy talk about the birds and the bees. Then Luke and Tear try to awkwardly tell each other that they love each other. Tear is better at it than Luke. And at the very end they fly to Eldrant. The next 2 episodes should be good!

Love is in the air.

So the Princess sends Twilight 2 tickets for the Grand Galloping Gala! Of course, the rest of the Mahou Ponies all want that second ticket, so they all try to convince Twilight they deserve it. Rainbow Dash wants to show off her flying skills, Rarity wants to meet her true love~, Pinky Pie wants to.. uhh.... do frivolous things, and Fluttershy wants to visit the botanical gardens.

Of course, poor Twilight-tan is torn. How can she possibly decide who to choose? So with the power of FRIENDSHIP, after a wacky chase scene, she visits Wanka and gets 4 more golden tickets! Happy end for everyone!

I tried to watch that episode, but soon realized this show is just not meant for me and stopped.


It seems that ANN is doing another set of feature articles this week, this time about what goes on behind the scenes when a show gets licensed for foreign distribution.
Very interesting piece. Negotiating rights can sometimes be a pain in the ass. I recall a Funimation chat where it was mentioned that the crazy division of rights was responsible for Funi getting the DVD rights to Baccano while Aniplex had the blu-ray rights.


Maturity, bitches.
The Laws of Eternity

Apparently this is propaganda paid for by an organisation called Happy Science. Well I guess they were certainly "happy" when making this. Basically they believe that science and religion go hand in hand and that all religion is equal under God and Buddah and that Buddah made the world despite that having nothing to do with the story of the Buddah itself.

Basically Edison is bored and asks our budding hero to make a phone that speaks to the spirit world. Apparently the reason Edison failed to make it back in his day was because he was missing a gal pal who is into prayer. So using a median he zaps the equations to our heroes head and off he goes to make it. Good thing he apparently has a super memory because he never jotted this down and it would be sometime before he could work on the project. So there are four members our crew, our hero, his gal pal, the snarky one and Roberto. They get the phone working (through prayer as mentioned) and they fly to heaven after a talk with God Eagle. There they meet our resident spiritual Native American who guides them throughout heaven as if it is a tourist attraction. Take note that people who live here don't even get to wonder about and our heroes are not even dead yet so they really are getting the VIP treatment. I'd really feel short changed if I was stuck on giant pumpkin duty (didn't you know, they have giant pumpkins in heaven).

So they go through different layers of heaven learning that people reincarnate because they invent something in heaven and then must be born back on earth to make it. This is despite Edison just telling someone on earth to make something, but I guess he is special because he is on a higher plane. In fact he shares the same plane as Einstein, but apparently Einstein is a magical entity that goes by no name and can look like anything he want. Edison on the other hand is Edison and invented paper to spread religion to hate science in order to progress science. Oh and I forgot to mention the reason he asked them to make the spirit phone was because he was in distress. The reason he was in distress was because science wasn't progressing or something. I guess he doesn't like science going toward videogames. They also name drop people from throughout history and that we should all live to help others without expecting anything in return.

So this sounds all rather non exciting so they needed some sort of plot in there so lets step back a few paces to just before they met Edison. They had to go through an angel test to reach his plane but two of them (Snarky and Roberto) failed because they had thoughts. Not bad thoughts, just thoughts in general. Apparently angels are not allowed to think.

So they are outside waiting for the two who passed mumbling about how it is unfair they failed. Complaining is not allowed in heaven so they are sent to hell where they meet Niches or, as he is actually known in the real world, Nietzsche. Apparently in hell they are not allowed to use your real name (Heaven is fair game). So of course our hero and his gal pal have to set off to rescue the other two in Willy Wonker's great glass elevator (I'm not making that up). They fly around over hell being told about the designated zones for sinners, like those who strive to better themselves or those who use computers, until they decide to stop in the middle of a lake. After getting their feet wet because they didn't think it was a good idea to land on dry land they find a tree where their friends are hanging. Nietzsche Niches reveals he has brainwashed them. Well since they are under his control I have no idea why he needs them to be tied up so I rather doubt his ability. And so does his buddy who comes storming in with a GIANT HELL ELEPHANT! His buddy you ask? Why do other than the famous Hitler Hisler and his crew of Nazi Mummies.

So to cut things shorts, they summon a Giant Mech and beat up the elephant and in typical anime fashion the baddies get eradicated in a flash of light. So I guess that's all over then. Well hold on buddy, there's still loads more! They get back into heaven and the glass elevator appears to them revealing they can go to the forbidden top floor. The two sinner wisely sit out but our hero is curious of why Buddah made the world (don't ask) so he and his gal pal pop in and we get to see all the planes of Heaven again over a terrible musical number. So they see the faces of the heads of religion like Christ and Newton (he started the religion of gravity I guess) and then they reach the very top where they meet the big chief El Cantare (which is what Happy Scientists believe in) who is the reincarnation of some of the most important people in history. And this is where it all falls apart. This includes a top scientist from Atlantis. Hang on a second, what did he even do? BUGGER ALL seeing as the place he live in is a legend MEANING NOTHING HE ALLEGEDLY MADE HAS CONTRIBUTED TO SOCIETY AT LARGE. So we're "treated" to another musical number where our hero is shown to be an old Atlantan using non-existent technology like Final Fantasy airships. So they wake up and stuff and they live happily ever after in the knowledge they they will improve science!

Except Roberto who is forever cursed to wear a headband no matter how many times he is reincarnated.


I quite like how they did that. I didn't notice the clock, but the scene stood out enough that I immediately went back to there after the end.

They were quite smart of throwing the watchers off. I thought he was confirming the bus driver is really bald.
Midori Days 13
Love is Choco-Banana Swirl and a can of some drink.
You know what, good episode and good conclusion. This show was definitely about Midori's gain in courage and pretty much telling Seiji that she loves him. Sure, that was eased by the two months spent as his right hand but even then, it was still nice for them to get the happy ending.

The series is cute for sure, with Midori providing most of the adorableness. But, it has a nice romance where the goal is usually the first step of the romance and not the last. The show was nicely animated, I liked the nice touches such as the side story of the fat cat that pretty much appears every episode and the rails on top train that I can't stop admiring.

Too bad Studio Pierrot has been reduced to doing Kingdom now. :[


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Midori Days 13

Love is Choco-Banana Swirl and a can of some drink.
You know what, good episode and good conclusion. This show was definitely about Midori's gain in courage and pretty much telling Seiji that she loves him. Sure, that was eased by the two months spent as his right hand but even then, it was still nice for them to get the happy ending.

The series is cute for sure, with Midori providing most of the adorableness. But, it has a nice romance where the goal is usually the first step of the romance and not the last. The show was nicely animated, I liked the nice touches such as the side story of the fat cat that pretty much appears every episode and the rails on top train that I can't stop admiring.

Too bad Studio Pierrot has been reduced to doing Kingdom now. :[

I was really taken by surprise with Midori's Days. It's hardly the greatest anime ever made, but there's just a certain genuine sweetness to it that makes me want to believe in their budding romance. :D I like how Midori as the right hand has a much more open and forthcoming personality than the real Midori, as it's basically what she keeps bottled up inside her in her real life. Like that's her personality without any of the inhibitions that come from having a body of her own to manage.

Seiji is a mostly likable protagonist as well who slowly grows into someone who can honestly care for another and, more importantly, softens up a bit. Plus, his older sister is fucking awesome! XD


HeartCatch PreCure 02
In this episode we finally see some real action as Tsubomi gets her Mahou Shoujo powers, but wait she sucks. She can't even control her jump! Whatever will she do? Her hair's going to turn into a scorpion's stinger isn't it? Yes, yes it is. Wait did that fairy thing just poop a bottlecap in my face?
Whoever could this Bushido Mask be.
HeartCatch PreCure 03
New precure get! So far she seems to be meeting my hopes and expectations of her being the best character in the show. I would like again to draw the Doremi parallel here and say she kinda reminds me of Aiko, sans the cute overalls and Kansai-ben. She's still pretty good though, this episode was kinda like the previous one in structure, and I can start to see the emergence of a pattern here.
HeartCatch PreCure 04

Ermm... Wrong show!

That's more like it!
Oooh, new bad guy this time around and we get to see more of the black moon kingdomthe desert messengers and their hierarchy or sorts, this episode kinda follows the same pattern as the previous episodes in how it plays out regardless. The phenomenon has been described by some of my colleagues as FreudCatch. I am informed that this only carries on for the first few introductory episodes and I don't really mind it so far so I'll press on.
Also, Yuri goggle episode
HeartCatch PreCure 05

Yet another new villain presents himself, episode plays in pretty much the same way as before so I won't go much in depth with that. Today we fight what seems
to be a conflicted ramen monster
There was this in the beginning of the episode that was somewhat disturbing out of context when looking over my shots:

coupled with this
There's 2 more things I'd like to talk about today, one of them is that for reasons I am currently unable to point out I really like this shot from the transformation sequences. And the other is how the CG in the ED is probably amongst the worst/best things I've seen. It tries to be cute and to an extent achieves this but at the same time it looks creepy as fuck.


Hyouka 8

An independent film by high school kids and one the main characters is named Kaito. Ano Natsu in here. That was pretty convincing school project film though, all the shaky cam, bad acting, bad writing, etc.

Houtaro seems to be getting set up for something here, but I'm not quite sure what. I highly doubt the actual mystery is the film itself anyway.


I finished Toradora today and... wow. That was fucking awesome. Just wish these shows would continue. Sucks that it's over. Now I started Ano Natsu. First episode was pretty good.


Inazuma Eleven 5

If you want to keep stuff you have written down secret, just have really shitty handwriting.



Haha physical pain.

The training for the special move in this seemed a little... dramatic. Oh right, probably because the special move is really fucking dumb and having someone jump on your outstretched arms is going to be painful.


Accurate representation of PE teachers


madoka characters are so confusing age wise
its like infantile heads on curvy bodies
kind of adds to the surreal nature of the show :|
Ginga e Kickoff 10

Interesting game. Reika-chan gets me so frustrated so much,
they could have easily avoided two goals if she wasn't so scared there. Though by making her miraculously appear in front to stop the goal, it made it seem as if she is even better than Shou which is impossible. Ugh.

Though I liked the emotional tension and the way the Furuya's attempted and managed to reinvigorate Shou. Amazed that Kota has those type of feelings for Shou which was great, and even Ouzou too. I loved when they all acknowledge him as captain during the cool play.


Yeah it would have shipped out Friday but apparently they had my old credit card info and delayed shipment to today.
I have thr first volume already and yes it is really really lovely.

The Japanese Yen is particularly strong right now, so for once it was actually cheaper to buy a figurine in my own country


Legal Bullshittery

This is my best understanding, does not represent actual legal opinion, etc.

Funimation is suing ADV [and defendants, but for the sake of simplicity we'll just say ADV] for failure to pay debts.

ADV doesn't owe Funimation the money directly, as such, but instead it owed ARM (its Japanese venture-capital back-up) the money. ARM and ADV had a messy divorce in 2008 when it emerged that ADV wasn't bringing in enough money to pay back ARM, and so ARM took control of all the properties ADV had licenced, and a certain extent of ADV, as well. In any case, the gist of the matter is that Funimation negotiated distribution rights to those titles with ARM, and also negotatiated 'rights to enforce' the debt against ADV. In essence, the debt ADV owed ARM is now owned by Funimation.

Still with me? Funimation alleged that ADV, when it split, transferred the assets it could use to repay its debt to itself/its smaller companies with intent to defraud Funimation out of those assets. They want the transfer declared null and void so as to return it to ADV and consequentially have them sent to Funimation.

Okay, that's all just background information to the current situation.

Here We Go

Basically what ADV is alleging is that Funimation is attempting to create a monopoly on the Japanese anime market by forcing ADV and its subsidiaries to transfer their anime assets to Funimation, giving them near-complete control of the Western anime market. I don't do US Law, but this is clearly illegal under the Sherman AntiTrust Act which limits cartels and monopolies [because they are anti-consumer and allow single entities to control the market prices of goods and services]. ADV is saying that Funimation 'willfully and intentionally' interefered with the agreement between ADV and ARM in order to defraud ADV out of its assets.

What this actually means is unclear and no evidence appears to have been presented as of yet (this being a counterclaim). ADV originally counterclaimed that there was no existance of a contract between the ADV companies and Funimation, that the companies to which ADV moved the assets did not exist when Funimation acquired the right to enforce the ADV/ARM debt, and that Funimation's lawsuit was filed after a two-year statute of limitations regarding the ADV/ARM contract and, given they were not directly involved with the ADV/ARM contract initially, cannot claim direct damages. All of that is still upheld so far.

Hmmm... from here what I've written looks like a blobby mess. Do you want me to simplify further?
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