That blue eyed character is stuff of nightmares. Maybe it was the framerate that was out of whack but that body shift 0:11 was kind of freaky.
That blue eyed character is stuff of nightmares. Maybe it was the framerate that was out of whack but that body shift 0:11 was kind of freaky.
Natsuyuki Rendezvous 2nd PV
fujoshi bait
Crunchyroll Adds "The Ambition of Oda Nobuna" Anime
the better Sengoku anime
We can cherry-pick all day. Time to get scientific, with no eras compromised!the golden age:
the glorious 80s. beatiful girls with noses
A lot of neat animation in the episode, and those postcards are a first for the series (this was just a year after Dezaki had begun work on Ashita no Joe, so the influence had begun to spread).Lupin III (1971) 13
So this is the source of that infamous Lupin laughing .gif? Who knew. Also a predicted death day? That seems familiar enough.
Yeah. One of the greatest tell-off GIFs ever generated.
If the show continues like this, I'll be quite pleased. It seems like a healthy medium between the character focused Osumi episodes and the earlier Miyazaki/Takahata "Saturday morning cartoon" fare that 8 and 11 seemed to revel in. Kyousuke Mamou was surprisingly compelling in his how he antagonized Lupin. The other surprise was Lupin slowly breaking down until he came up with a scheme of his own. It also seemed like the time travel premise was just nebulous enough to keep the viewer as confused as Lupin was initially as it's a rather fantastic element to use.
This episode worked quite well with the characterization, though I feel that Lupin's fake desires to get married to Fujiko could have been handled better. I also think that Lupin wouldn't be so clueless if he was able to recognize a looming threat like thatOsumi's Lupin would have been working furiously to concoct a plan, though I don't feel that the direction in this episode was able to decide on a personality for the character. And, unlike in Fujikoike and other scenarios, the confusion element wasn't well-utilized enough for the characterization to work on another level. Nonetheless: this episode and the next two are great episodes, with 14 being the crown jewel. Shame that 16 was quite bad.
I had no idea this was remade into a TV special in 2007 as Lupin III: Elusiveness of the Fog either. Between that and Lupin III: Return of the Magician, this series again proves to be rather influential down the line.
Very. Miyazaki took so many ideas from his 1971 episodes and used them for Cagliostro, and in the process set a precedent for future TV specials to follow.
The P-38 got some more attention than normal.
This sequence with what I'm assuming is pencil shading really stood out.
Wait a minute, the Oda Nobuna anime is comedy? I thought it was action but even on MAL they just list it as comedy, romance, and and historical.
Dezaki storyboarded on the Green Jacket series under a pen name. 13 is one of those episodes. The other three are 3, 7, and 17.A lot of neat animation in the episode, and those postcards are a first for the series (this was just a year after Dezaki had begun work on Ashita no Joe, so the influence had begun to spread).
Natsuyuki Rendezvous 2nd PV
fujoshi bait
Crunchyroll Adds "The Ambition of Oda Nobuna" Anime
the better Sengoku anime
Dezaki storyboarded on the Green Jacket series under a pen name. 13 is one of those episodes. The other two are 7 and 17.
Wait a minute, the Oda Nobuna anime is comedy? I thought it was action but even on MAL they just list it as comedy, romance, and and historical.
斉九洋Huh. I did not know that, what was the pen-name? That would explain the postcards!
I try to avoid ANN if possible, even if it means having to wait for a moon interpreter to be online. Their database has too many screwups. The JP wiki I linked is solid, though.I thought that was the name as well. Seems to be what ANN thinks.
We have all rights to Poppy Hill in North America, not just theatrical
Poppy Hill will be in this year's Oscars race. Disney didnt pass - we just made a good case. We remain very friendly with them.
You'll see a DVD/BD release from us, after the theatrical release. Setting plans now
Wait a minute, the Oda Nobuna anime is comedy? I thought it was action but even on MAL they just list it as comedy, romance, and and historical.
Natsuyuki Rendezvous 2nd PV
fujoshi bait
Crunchyroll Adds "The Ambition of Oda Nobuna" Anime
the better Sengoku anime
To borrow GAF's own Gintama topic title: Just do it!
Huh. Maybe if this goes well they will handle non-Miyazaki Ghibli films in the future.Interesting -- some further details from GKids regarding From Up on Poppy Hill:
Hanasaku Iroha 6
Now I remember why it was such a pain in the ass to drop this show: it's really a gorgeous show. Some of the shots are rife with depth. The lighting is methodical. The animation is very solid. The soundtrack is appropriately utilized and mixed. There's a familiar beauty to the world of Hanasaku Iroha when the sun rises over Kissuiso. My only issue is that the players have only captured a tiny bit of my interest. It doesn't leave me wanting more but I am curious as what happens next. This would have been the ideal show to watch on a weekly basis had I caught it when it was airing. Despite that, I have no intention to drop it again so far.
I want to know their aspirations as well. Their participation, by the hand of Kōji Takeuchi, on the two shorts for their contributions to both respective JAniCA's initiatives, PROJECT A & animemirai (アニメミライYeah, but I don't see too much good animation flowing throughout the series, overall. Regardless: TelecomAni's been playing support for much too long now, if you ask me.
Yep, I peruse that one or アニメ@wiki usually. Anime Information Survey Office ( too, as it is well organized for those not familiar enough with the language and has additional interesting information. Many of ANN's good contributors seem to use D2_STATION ( anyway, so people can check that one directly as well to compare some of the screw-ups present on their 'Encyclopedia'.I try to avoid ANN if possible, even if it means having to wait for a moon interpreter to be online. Their database has too many screwups. The JP wiki I linked is solid, though.
well, at-least crunchyroll has the breast armour jiggle market covered
To borrow GAF's own Gintama topic title: Just do it!
Natsuyuki Rendezvous 2nd PV
fujoshi bait
Crunchyroll Adds "The Ambition of Oda Nobuna" Anime
the better Sengoku anime
pc port or bustBooted up the game of the year Dragon's Dogma today and was greeted by this start screen:
Clearly now nobody in AnimeGAF has an excuse to not play the game of the forever in Dragon's Dogma. Rent out your favorite seiyuu as yourwaifuspawns.
Oh you are such a glorious troll, Matsunaga Hisahide. Why don't you just troll Masumune already.
The Anime Expo anime convention in Los Angeles announced on Thursday that three individuals on the creative team for the anime adaptation of Yuki Suetsugu's Chihayafuru manga, director Morio Asaka, animation director Kunihiko Hamada, and animation producer Takuya Tsunoki, will be appearing at this year's event as guests of honor. Hamada and Tsunoki have also teamed in the past on titles such as NANA and Card Captor Sakura. Tsunoki made his debut as an animation producer on Chihayafuru after having been involved in the production of titles such as Casshern Sins, NANA, and Kaiji.
Malice@Doll a.k.a a sentient real-doll living in a post apocalyptic hellscape
Take the cover, add a little bit of "gore" and animate it at 5 frames per second and you've got the aesthetic of this movie pretty much nailed down. It's little wonder why it's listed as a horror film given how gruesome it looks. Theanddoll tentacle rape scenereally stand testament as to just how fucked up this is. Fortunately, the English dub also helped in adding an extra layer of weird to the already bizarre and nonsensical plot.the monstrous flesh-doll hybrids
I'd really only recommend this if you're looking for something so creepy and completely and utterly out there that you're willing to watch one of the most visually horrible things you'll probably ever see. Oh, and apparently this was originally a 3 part OVA that was edited into one single 90 Movie and was also later released on Blu-Ray! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and bleach my eyes.
When I saw that, my mind immediately said,
Anime Expo 2012 is not just Fate/ZeroCon, it's also ChihayafuruCon:
KyoAni just have too much money.Nichijou 14
The bad:
-The OP change. I find it to be a case of "don't fix what ain't broke."
Nichijou 14
The bad:
-The OP change. I find it to be a case of "don't fix what ain't broke."
I love Nichijou. I don't care what anyone says.
PS - it's far more fun when watching with somebody, preferably a girl, as they tend to d'awww a lot.