Like worm rape? I feel that counts as, er, unnecessary.
Not unnecessary if you want to summon a quick fix of feeble magic insects!
Like worm rape? I feel that counts as, er, unnecessary.
Yuu's mom is such a bitch in Noein.
Well, beyond a few completely unexplained plot elements one particular thing wasAoi just appearing out of nowhere. I guess they weren't allowed to kill her completely because she's in later material but it just felt like a cop-out.
Fate/Stay Night 1
Oh lord.
Why must you insist on torturing yourself.![]()
Those F/SN images look really, really bad. Any minor curious desire I might have had to check out the TV series again is completely gone now.![]()
Fate/Stay Night 1
Tell me that this is a toy bus on a toy bridge with other toy cars.
I was actually surprised by that, but the way it was shownmakes it feel naturally part of the tragedy-drama theme that the entire episode had going for it. She survived the encounter in ep21, but this is more like a fate worse than death. A further testament to the cruelty of this world.
I was actually surprised by that, but the way it was shownmakes it feel naturally part of the tragedy-drama theme that the entire episode had going for it. She survived the encounter in ep21, but this is more like a fate worse than death. A further testament to the cruelty of this world.
I can't speak for Type-Moon, but âge and 0verflow's stuff are mostly multi-ending, so even for people who only like good endings, the bad endings give meaning to achieving the good ones.I'll never understand peoples fascination with depressing shit in fiction. If I want to feel bad, I watch the news. Luckily, I gave up on Fate/Zero roughly halfway in, once it became obvious that this won't end well. Why do visual novel studios (Type-Moon, âge, 0verflow...) seem to enjoy kicking their audience in the balls? And why does the audience enjoy it? Masochism?
They need to make a couple of OVAs showingdevolving into their FSN versions.Sakura, Rin, Ilya, Shirou, and Saber
Can't believe it's over.
Please do a F/SN remake ufotable, please!
There is certainly a disconnect between what the show sells itself in its marketing and what it becomes. The early episode's seemingly shoe-horned and flat humor don't exactly help either before the tone becomes much more consistent and focused later on.[Dusk Maiden of Amnesia] - 8
I am not really sure why this romance/mystery show disguised itself as a dumb fanservice show. Was it just trying to appeal to a certain demographic?
She's just misunderstood. How many episodes have you gotten through now?
I'm not sure why people want this, since although Ufotable could certainly improve the art direction, they can't really fix the characters or nasu writing without practically making a different series.
I'm not sure why people want this, since although Ufotable could certainly improve the art direction, they can't really fix the characters or nasu writing without practically making a different series.
It's kinda funny that they'd bother to "fix" the ED but not even spend and relatively infinitesimal amount of time touching up the OP which is rather unnerving at times:
Then again, it's not like this series is known for its production values as this gif will clearly show:
Is it a sin for a man to dream?
I think it's quite obvious that ufotable has spoiled us and ruined TV anime for life. lol.
Do these characters have the same expression on at all times? Every shot I've seen of this show, they're always sporting the same smile.
I'm not sure why people want this, since although Ufotable could certainly improve the art direction, they can't really fix the characters or nasu writing without practically making a different series.
Korra no Densetsu -FIN-
I'm really glad I read Fullmetal Alchemist today because otherwise I would be KILLING PEOPLE over that finale.
Jesus Christ, what the hell was that ending.
On another note, I find all the children's cartoon tropes almost charming. The fact that they have to show how every single bad guy manages to survive whenis cute.their planes get blown up
They have their smile face and their "worried about Rick's Bread" face.
But that's it.
It's okay guys at least we still have this to look forward to!
It's okay guys at least we still have this to look forward to!
I'm just starting episode 10. "A Stormy Night"
They explained her back story in the last episode and apparently everything is honky dorey now, but we'll see.
It was BAD. I still can't believe dumb that last episode was. :/Wait... was it bad? I'm watching now.
It was BAD. I still can't believe dumb that last episode was. :/
It was BAD. I still can't believe dumb that last episode was. :/
I didn't actually play the games, I only know 0verflow from the School Days anime, and that... yeah. And what I've read about Muv-Luv made sure I'll stay very far away from Muv-Luv Total Eclipse - action, mecha and cute girls be damned.I can't speak for Type-Moon, but âge and 0verflow's stuff are mostly multi-ending, so even for people who only like good endings, the bad endings give meaning to achieving the good ones.
Isn't that every day?lol
so on this day...
anime: 1
gaijintoon: 0
Fate/Stay Night 2
Terrible action aside, I was surprised to seeShirou get killed off so early even if it was temporary. :lol Saber's already more likeable in this than she was in F/Z too.
I didn't actually play the games, I only know 0verflow from the School Days anime, and that... yeah. And what I've read about Muv-Luv made sure I'll stay very far away from Muv-Luv Total Eclipse - action, mecha and cute girls be damned.
Fate/Stay Night 2
Shinji Matou looks so familiar as if he'd fit right in between Gargantua's different ages from Yami to Bōshi to Hon no Tabibito.
Saber is more likeable in FSN because of the contrast with Shirou, and not necessarily by own merits, though.
Guess who directed Fate/Stay Night.
You mean the unnecessary info dump?But episode 11 is so good. That background story was boss.
Fate Zero has nothing on Family Guy though!lol
so on this day...
anime: 1
gaijintoon: 0
I'm worried where this is headed. Kiritsugu was so dismissive of her in F/Z meanwhile this ep ends with the equivalent of:
Saber is summoned
Shirou: Hot.
Oh boy.
FSN spoilers:Shirou definitely falls in love with her by the end. They even go on a date together. Then the grail war ends and she returns to her own time and... Shirou's left alone while she finishes out the last moments of her life.
I thought the ending was pretty sad, myself.
Don't read this, Narag.
Too late! It was more or less expected though.