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Spring Anime 2012 III | AITAKATTA YES!

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That was probably my favorite character and moment of the entire season and probably anime...well other than Anderson, but still.
and all those other ayumu's
Oh yeah, Anderson was definitely a cool character, too bad he didn't a lot of screentime.

The show really screamed disparate manga chapters strung together by a common setting and set of characters. I suppose one could describe the episodes as "filler" if one wanted to.

Of course, I still don't understand the whole 10 episode thing and whether or not that had anything to do with what they ended up doing with the show.

Well, when you try to cover 4 light novels in 10 episodes, that's what happens.
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia 12
I was hopeful/glad that they were going to go through with the bittersweet ending instead of some fluffy happy ending, but of course they had to have Yuuko reappear at the end. Despite that, this episode was well done and this show has handled these emotional moments effectively.
The show as a whole certainly surpassed whatever expectations I had coming in, it ended up being something more than just a some silly harem/fanservice ghost moe show.


Hyouka 10

I really loved this episode.
Irisu is really an interesting character and I enjoyed her commanding presence when she was talking to Houtarou earlier on in the episode.

As for the mystery itself,
I loved the reveal. I honestly didn't expect the 7th character theory proposed by the crazy girl to have some truth to it. It's like the perfect plot twist to be written by an amateur mystery writer like Hongou.

As the episode was nearing its end, I kept thinking to myself, is that it? What about the whole Hongou isn't real theory that kept popping up online? And then bam, Mayaka just brings up the whole rope thing and the episode ends on such a high note.

I really feel like Irisu knew that the cameraman theory was wrong, but she just played along with Houtarou's theory to help her real motive for asking him for help. Chitanda's reaction in the end of the episode was very curious and I suspect that she knew Houtarou was wrong, but she didn't want to tell him about it.


Hyouka 10


You tell 'em, sister.

Oreki's New motto:
"Durr hurr, I'm special!"

Anyways, this episode supposedly finishes this new mystery arc
(or does it?)
The film
ends up being finished by Oreki, but after the viewing there's a "twist" as he didn't include the rope that was reportedly requested from Hongou.

The screening audience seemed to like it enough
, so no big deal, right?

I guess it comes down to integrity? There's no weight behind this reasoning, however. I, as the viewer, just see this as an unnecessary clip-on to what seems like a largely fulfilled situation. For all I know, it'll only take up five minutes of the next episode.

Thus far, I wouldn't put them above using up twenty plus minutes next time to answer
"Duuuuur, what was the rope for?"

You know what? Scrap all this adaption tomfoolery. *crumbles remaining Hyouka scripts* Better idea:

You know, if Satoshi
murders Chitanda or Ibara
and then attempts to
Oreki out of extreme
which leads to a heart-pumping city wide chase and intellectual competition balancing on the definition of survival and death over several episodes. That would be greeeeat. Thaaaaanks.

Okay, maybe no one would like that, but hell if I care. It'd finally give me some species of "kick" out of this thing.



Let's take out all of the characters that make the anime interesting and stick the least likable character alone in a room with the female to make an awkward situation! I'm only about 12 minutes into the episode, but this has been dragging on way too long already.
Madarame and Saki are the best characters in the series, though the anime may not make this entirely clear.

Episode 9 is one of the few times I think the anime version of Genshiken is actually superior to the manga. It is twenty-four minutes of pure awkward, and it's basically unwatchable. You just wanna get the fuck out of there. It's brilliant.


Madarame and Saki are the best characters in the series, though the anime may not make this entirely clear.

Episode 9 is one of the few times I think the anime version of Genshiken is actually superior to the manga. It is twenty-four minutes of pure awkward, and it's basically unwatchable. You just wanna get the fuck out of there. It's brilliant.

I like them in a group, but not individually like that. I found the first half of that episode to be pretty boring to be honest. It just wasn't going anywhere and it's like you said - 24 minutes of them just sitting around being awkward. I get what they were going for, but it just didn't work for me.

Granted, by the end of the episode it did improve. I felt bad for Madarame after Saki socked him.
I'm about to start watching Angel Beats. I have no idea if this is a good idea or not.
Ignore those other people, it's a good idea. A very good idea, in fact.

Maybe the picture dramas aren't canon and someone just liked the design and used it!
One other thing is that even if they somehow did go to the same school, though it seems unlikely given the distance between the two places, Saki wasn't playing mahjong again yet anyway... that didn't happen until she met Nodoka, of course.

As for the picture dramas though, I think that they're supposed to be canon... some of the stuff in them does only happen in the picture dramas, that is true, but other things come from the manga.

Also, if the picture dramas weren't canon, then we'd be minus one pretty entertaining tsundere moment from Nodoka admitting her feelings for Saki...

Or everyone is indoctrinated.
Indoctrinated? How so? :)

The pacing of this final match is pretty weird anyway. What's doubly weird is that they're doing the "exploring the losers" thing that is Saki tradition, but they're not going to have time to bother with the other girls if they're going to speed through the rest of the match.
The pacing of the whole show is pretty crazy of course... but yeah, it does leave very little time to give much characterization for the other girls of the other teams. We do learn some about the other Senriyama girls in Toki's flashbacks, though, so there is that little bit at least.

Either way, there needs to be a big announcement at the end of this whole thing. Saki live action drama pls!
I think I'd like to see a Biyori anime. Sure, it wouldn't continue the plot, but it'd be quite entertaining.

Dusk Maiden 3

I gave this show 3 episodes, but it failed to deliver anything meaningful.
I hope you've reconsidered your disapproval, but that the show is indeed pretty good should be fairly well suggested from all the praise it's gotten here...

AKB0048 8

AITAKATTA AITAKATTA AITAKATTA. Not even broken frames can possibly stop the sheer raw power of the idols!!!
It's a shame that the DES failed yet again in bringing down the increasingly sick, sad and depraved idol culture. :(

to be next stage
Rooting for the DES? How could you... :)

Akb double oh fourty eight ep 8

were finally getting back to ep3 levels of kawamori, this is a good thing. first part of the ep we see the end of the stand in concert with a bit of aitakatta YES!! most of the ep is sappy melodrama with the current takamina getting butthurt that kanata is going to be her sucessor according to those va.. i mean kirara things despite kanata idolizing takamina. then for the last half the kawamori kicks in, and we get a mecha battle complete with an enemy ace pilot! next ep we should get our first taste of a real gurella concert. I swear there must be some black-water level stuff going on in the background of 0048.
It's a crazy show, but crazy awesome for sure.
It was great to see when the current Takamina finally was convinced that she should try, because her dreams matter too... she'd forgotten that, in her depression. I really liked the part where her friend showed her how she was wrong. And yeah, the battle was cool too.


Setec Astronomer
Episode 9 is one of the few times I think the anime version of Genshiken is actually superior to the manga. It is twenty-four minutes of pure awkward, and it's basically unwatchable. You just wanna get the fuck out of there. It's brilliant.
A certain tag is based on the part where Madarame imagines them talking about lighting.


Hyouka 10

Pretty awesome episode.
I particularly liked the scene where we get a shot of Satoshi's face clouded over during the end of his discussion with Hotaro. Pretty impressive delivery of emotion in a split second scene, we get to see that little bit of jealousy in Satoshi, or maybe it was disappointment in himself. The bit with Mayaka showing the others how the direction of the movie could be improved was pretty meta. I'm inclined to think that Hotaro is at least partially correct with his deduction, particularly if Hongou was indeed searching for a 7th actor. I'm also still not convinced that Hongou is even a real person though. The show continues to ask us "Why didn't she ask EBA", presumably referring to why Irisu went to Hotaru instead of Hongou's supposed "closest friend" Eba. Maybe Eba wrote the script but was unhappy with how production went and refused to tell the production crew the rest of the story?

Hyouka 10
I really feel like Irisu knew that the cameraman theory was wrong, but she just played along with Houtarou's theory to help her real motive for asking him for help. Chitanda's reaction in the end of the episode was very curious and I suspect that she knew Houtarou was wrong, but she didn't want to tell him about it.

It seemed like she did, but who knows. Perhaps she went with Hotaru's conclusion because it seemed close enough, and she was under a deadline to finish the film. With regards to Chitanda, given that she is a friend of Irisu, maybe she found something out about Hongou or the production of the film. I doubt her reaction was simply to Hotaru's conclusion, because it seemed like all 3 of the other Classics Club members may have known he was wrong.


Dusk Maiden END


That ending felt a bit tacked on. :/ After all that emotional build up, that ending seemed to really downplay everything in retrospect. I mean I guess it's understandable if they're planning a second season but I dunno.


How is that gonna work when he graduates? Maybe my judgement has become so warped that I instantly expect a bittersweet ending nowadays.

Ah whatever.

All and all, it was an enjoyable show. Ghost waifu was an entertaining character, I dug the SHAFT visuals, and the story itself was pretty good. Still one of my favorite shows this season.
Kids on the Slope 9:
The early part of the episode had some weird scenes, but then everything came together really well.
The scene with Ritsuko and Sen was great, and I thought that the way it was shot and the dialogue really complimented each other well. You could really feel what Ritsuko was thinking in that moment
. I liked the majority of the scenes with Jun, and the last few minutes in particular felt like a very strong 'Act Break' moment.
Yeah, he's a terrible character, haha. I have no idea why he actually exists.
The only way I can think of to explain it is to think that apparently Japan likes characters like that more than we do, which is unfortunate... nobody should like a characters like that. :(

But I thought the ending was a cute way to imply that
the story doesn't actually end there.
So they're in jr. high forever? That doesn't make sense either... they've talked about getting purchased and things, so they can graduate. How does it work, though? There is, of course, no attempt to explain.

You aren't going to let me live that down, are you >_>
And we shouldn't! :)

A-Channel surely can't be that bad.
Much, much worse. A-Channel was an awful show...

I regret not keeping track of what I've watched. Even if I went back at this point and tried to create a list I probably wouldn't be able to remember everything I've seen to make it accurate.
And this is why keeping lists of things like this is a good idea.

I count 268 animes completed total, on my list, combining TV series, movies, and OVAs. There are a bunch more incomplete, of course.

While I agree that buying only the bad series leads to making more of it, I dont think any form of support to an industry is a bad thing because it helps the overall well-being of the industry. Not to mention some of that "bad" stuff is in fact entertaining as hell. Everyone on this forum knows that to be true. We get treasures like Arjuna and Garzeys Wing and Yami.
I think there's a difference between shows like those three, which I could see someone buying for the sheer entertainment value, and the kinds of bad shows I'm sure you own some of but no way were worth it...

FSN is honestly entertaining in the same sort of way that FZ is but with much worse production values. Also Shirou is a fucking idiot. Aside from him though the characters are still fun and interesting, and Illya is adorable. I like the series a lot despite its faults. I have no problem with it.
Shirou is the worst. Whatever chances the show had of being decent, he ruins.

I will say this about Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA, as an alternate universe story and the only one where the Holy Grail War never occurred, it is the only timeline where Ilya THIS IS A HUGE FUCKING SPOILER FOR F/SN I FUCKING WARNED YOU MOTHERFUCKER
is not destined to die once the mana inside of her is spent.
. That alone justifies the existence of this manga and upcoming anime, because it's the only universe where Ilya
has a happy ending.
There are some interesting twists in the sequel series, 2wei, when Kuro is introduced, but yeah, Iliya's mana regenerates in Fate/Kaleid, which is great and goes a long way to justifying the series. As far as Iliya goes, the other major change (other than her not being insane this time, of course) is that she's actually the age she looks in Fate/Kaleid, unlike F/SN, where she's actually Shirou's age despite looking much younger. In this she is the age she looks.

It's certainly a chore at times. I think the show clicks when it's more about the Grail stuff. I like the characters but some of the scenarios they end up in are just awful. Dinner scenes or Shirou telling Saber she shouldn't do anything because y'know she's a girl? Ugh.
Yeah, that stuff's intolerable. Shirou's attitude is the absolute worst, and all the kitchen and dinner stuff is awful too.

I guess the Grail stuff's better, but Shirou's still in a bunch of that stuff too...

Fate/Stay Night 8

You don't say.

I'm pretty sure she's checking out his ass :3
Yeah, she clearly is. If only it was for someone even remotely deserving...

Fuck, enough of this for today.
And forever, if you were sane. Just finish it on Wikipedia... but I guess you feel like you must finish it. Ah well, I kind of understand.

Infinite Stratos Encore

Expected the worst going into this but the first half is this hilarious bit of self-parody whereas the second is half is only notable for Houki fan service and no one wants to see that.

Cecillia's shoddy cooking taken to new heights.
Cecilla's the worst girl for a lot of reasons, but as for her cooking, I don't know... is it her fault that she's British? :p


MGX 12


oka x urabe otp

Damn, that was a pretty nice and sweet episode. Oka's still the best but a flustered Urabe's one of the cutest things ever. I can't wait for the final episode
and the BD's!


Hyôka 10

Hôtarô, dude...
The actors making eye-contact with the cameraman couldn't quite be considered a hint. For one thing, they're amateurs so that could simply be a mistake on their part. And if it wasn't, that would mean the actors knew the cameraman was a 7th character, and why would you have to deduce that for them, then? It's bad enough that Hongô knows what's up and it seems nobody thinks of simply asking her, if the entire cast knows as well...
And yes, the rope wasn't used, sure, but there would also be the severed arm. Think they'd bother with that if it didn't have some kind of significance?
Another EP1

Just finished watching the first episode and I was quite pleased.

I loved the creepy vibe and the somewhat depressing mood you get from the visuals. The premise seems to be a bit generic (much like the character design) but at the same time I feel it's hard to screw the story up.

I hope it gets better or at least not worse.

This is one of those shows with a 3 episode rule.

Just started to watch the second season of Kore wa Zombie Desu ka. Any chance for a 3rd?

Possibly. I think it does well, but I'm not positive. Could be thinking of something else.


Madarame and Saki are the best characters in the series, though the anime may not make this entirely clear.

Episode 9 is one of the few times I think the anime version of Genshiken is actually superior to the manga. It is twenty-four minutes of pure awkward, and it's basically unwatchable. You just wanna get the fuck out of there. It's brilliant.

Absolutely glorious.

Genshiken is an amazing series. The anime has surprisingly good music, too.


SAO is going to be so trashy. Not even Angel Beats will match its trashiness.

it'll look much better than Beats, at least.

Still you can't go wrong with lines like

"I could feel my hot sperm gushing deep into Asuna as she trembled in yet another climax. Two years worth of semen made a glopping noise as it flowed endlessly into Asuna. Every time my penis twitched, fireworks would go off in my head."


Good studios do good adaptations of good source material. Their track record is quite stellar and I would much rather see a show by White Fox than one done by Deen or Gainax (among others)

Katanagatari barely has any animation, besides the last episode and some moments in episodes prior to it.
The designs and the visual style of the show are great, sure, but White Fox have nothing to do with it, the source material already did the work for them.

Right. The direction in Katanagatari was extremely boring and flat at times but the strength of the original source material shone through. This was true for Stein;Gate as well, except when they tried to get 'creative', which is something that went very badly (see episode 1).


Still you can't go wrong with lines like

"I could feel my hot sperm gushing deep into Asuna as she trembled in yet another climax. Two years worth of semen made a glopping noise as it flowed endlessly into Asuna. Every time my penis twitched, fireworks would go off in my head."

lmao, what the hell
is this a hentai?


it'll look much better than Beats, at least.

Still you can't go wrong with lines like

"I could feel my hot sperm gushing deep into Asuna as she trembled in yet another climax. Two years worth of semen made a glopping noise as it flowed endlessly into Asuna. Every time my penis twitched, fireworks would go off in my head."

This can't be a real line from the novel
Hyouka 10
Possibly the second best episode yet, Chitanda had just about the perfect amount of screentime.

More Satoshi Houtarou conversations would be good, this one was probably my favorite, compliments flying around, Satoshi's seemingly self esteem issue and Houtarou's doubt yet both characters acknowledment of one another was actually great development and nice. Satoshi's other scene was hilarious, poor guy, lol.

I thought Houtarou had actually solved it. He had all the details worked out and seemed so confident but I guess it seemed to show that there is no "i" in teamwork in which he needed to have at least considered more of Satoshi's notes or had Ibara there as well to make sure it was sound. How shocking that it was Ibara to notice the rope, I had not even remembered about it at all. Though I guess, like the people previewing they didn't notice it either. I wonder how he will be able to make amends with this error? The way they did the scene was actually shocking as well, the flash and this his expression and those green eyes, impressive
it'll look much better than Beats, at least.

Still you can't go wrong with lines like

"I could feel my hot sperm gushing deep into Asuna as she trembled in yet another climax. Two years worth of semen made a glopping noise as it flowed endlessly into Asuna. Every time my penis twitched, fireworks would go off in my head."

Is that really a line from the LN? Hahaha.


it'll look much better than Beats, at least.

Still you can't go wrong with lines like

"I could feel my hot sperm gushing deep into Asuna as she trembled in yet another climax. Two years worth of semen made a glopping noise as it flowed endlessly into Asuna. Every time my penis twitched, fireworks would go off in my head."
it's a real shame such an amazing line will never be animated


Mysterious Girlfriend X 11

Tsubaki did nothing to earn the
double "BD-spray paint" team
sexy treatment.

Also Oka on that "bros" status. Real girlfriends
attempt to stop temporary girlfriends from drool feeding their girlfriend's boyfriend.

ex-crush conflict
was resolved in a way I can appreciate and I was entertained throughout.

I liked the episode.


it'll look much better than Beats, at least.

Still you can't go wrong with lines like

"I could feel my hot sperm gushing deep into Asuna as she trembled in yet another climax. Two years worth of semen made a glopping noise as it flowed endlessly into Asuna. Every time my penis twitched, fireworks would go off in my head."



"I could feel my hot sperm gushing deep into Asuna as she trembled in yet another climax. Two years worth of semen made a glopping noise as it flowed endlessly into Asuna. Every time my penis twitched, fireworks would go off in my head."

If this line/event doesn't make it to the anime, the show gets an instant 3/10.


Was discussing a joke Live Action of One Piece
The casting is as follows thus far

Mr2- Jim Carrey
Sanji- Di Caprio
Ace- Johnny Depp
brooke- Russel Brand
chopper - Peter Dinklage (or just cg)
Blackbeard - Jonah Hill
Franky - seth rogen
Nami - Scarlet Johanssen
Ivankov- Mike myers

pity I dont know many foreign actors or it would be easier

I had to stop at "Live Action of One Piece".

A Seth Rogen Franky?

Eternal Buddha help us.


[PGSM] - 10

Usagi's stick is really over powered. It better get nerfed because it's ruining the balance in this whole show.
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