I've been following the show via reference-info blog posts. Nyaruko has to be the most ref-porny reference porn in years.
Even more than Lucky Star?I've been following the show via reference-info blog posts. Nyaruko has to be the most ref-porny reference porn in years.
Then again, when you think about the previous arcs, it's not really that much of a surprise either.
The fact that they changed the website made it seem like a bigger deal than it actually was anyway.That's why it was so disappointing. I was hoping that for the finale they'd change up things a bit.
I've been following the show via reference-info blog posts. Nyaruko has to be the most ref-porny reference porn in years.
Even more than Lucky Star?
Fate/Stay Night 15
Not sure which was worse this ep.
or this.
I've been following the show via reference-info blog posts. Nyaruko has to be the most ref-porny reference porn in years.
picked up the non-shitty funi (geneon ce boxset) release~
Fate/Stay Night 15
Not sure which was worse this ep.
or this.
Visual Novel spoiler:In the visual novel, that's actually a sex scene. Shiro doesn't establish a "connection" with her to give her magic energy, he transfers engery in a more... direct manner. Rin helps as well.
Visual Novel spoiler:In the visual novel, that's actually a sex scene. Shiro doesn't establish a "connection" with her to give her magic energy, he transfers engery in a more... direct manner. Rin helps as well.
Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.Unless someone has catalogued all the refs in that show, I'll say no.
Also, do you get anything from just reading the references?
I figured as much. I think that would have been preferable actually.
Then again, when you think about the previous arcs, it's not really that much of a surprise either.
I love the music that plays when she starts thinking perverted things.
Best girl.
I wonder if you get the same feeling reading a Community + Big Bang Theory reference blog.Just a growing conviction that 12/12/12 can't come soon enough.
We have the best porn in the galaxy apparently.I wonder if in the light novels they start having villains with different motivations or if they all want Earth's godly entertainment.
Hey man, guys have needs. And when those needs aren't fulfilled bad things happen.
Speaking of Wolf's Rain, have you guys ever heard the djpretzel version of "Gravity" (titled "This Time Tomorrow")? I first heard it years ago and have been a big fan of the mix. I actually prefer it over the original.
We have the best porn in the galaxy apparently.
Play it Loud!
But that's not Ohno.
Fate/Stay Night 15
Not sure which was worse this ep.
or this.
The replacement of thein the VN with the horrible CG dragon is literally one of the highlights of that anime. A similar replacement occurs in the UBW movie as well with similarly hilarious results.sex scene
Eh, I've had enough experience watching television by now that I'm well aware anything could go wrong at any time. Thus I avoid getting so personally invested that a failure along the line seriously affects me. So even when something like Fujiko happens, well, of course I lament the unfortunate mistakes that were made but it's not hard for me to just shake my head and move on.
I have no interest in going through what I went through with the finale to Lost again.
Aquarion RABU 26
Not a lot of surprises to be found here. Everything wrapped up entirely as expected with a little bow on top. I'd be lying if i said the lack of another-like moment wasn't a tad disappointing but to be fair, that is quite a tough act to top.Happy Birthday
As far as the show itself goes I'm not quite sure what to make of it. Obviously, it was entertaining enough for me to bother with it all the way to the end but then again, I'm pretty sure I dropped it at least a couple of times before eventually picking it back up for some reason or another. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that overall it was not a complete waste of time, maybe?
At least Zessica was always consistently hot.
Has anyone ever mentioned how you're a cruel person who wants to drag everyone down so that they suffer on the same level as you?
Demon King Daimao 4 - 7
Nice, hot bath, hot spring, and beach episode, so much Akuto Sai. They were all alright though clearly based on how the anime has been going pretty baffling in the regard for still just getting all the female characters naked at various points in time and not even for comedy, I mean, I can't recall a moment where Akuto actually enjoyed it.. If they had toned this down then the story and action would actually have made this one of the better short actiony anime, I have little hope that they can changed in the remaining episodes, though at least the action keeps getting bigger and better than ever and all the action scenes meet expectations and their potential (near dragonslaying for one), especially with the introduction ofbrave, or I guess Hiroshi, that was pretty awesome to happen that he is now in power to rival even Akuto Sai.
That sea cucumber scene caught me off guard... :/ seemed to remind of stuff scene in fanarts.
Demon King Daimao 4 - 7
Nice, hot bath, hot spring, and beach episode, so much Akuto Sai. They were all alright though clearly based on how the anime has been going pretty baffling in the regard for still just getting all the female characters naked at various points in time and not even for comedy, I mean, I can't recall a moment where Akuto actually enjoyed it.. If they had toned this down then the story and action would actually have made this one of the better short actiony anime, I have little hope that they can changed in the remaining episodes, though at least the action keeps getting bigger and better than ever and all the action scenes meet expectations and their potential (near dragonslaying for one), especially with the introduction ofbrave, or I guess Hiroshi, that was pretty awesome to happen that he is now in power to rival even Akuto Sai.
That sea cucumber scene caught me off guard... :/ seemed to remind of stuff scene in fanarts.
Same here, my friend. I was just like, "Do sea cucumbers really look like that? It kind of reminds me of....... Oh."
Oh but even Zessica whenshe was violated with Mykage?
Super hawt.Specially so!
Just imagine if the sea cucumber had ejected its own intestines as the species is known to do as a defense mechanism.