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Spring Anime 2015 |OT| The Disappearance of YEAARRT!

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Denki-Gai Volume 2 Bluray+DVD set with Bonus Sensei-chan art.

Yet again, a really really nice release from Ponycan US. Nice goodies, nice full-sized art, very nice video quality.


Me toooooo!

I'm kind of annoyed I don't like Denki-gai more. It seems well made for what it is, it's just I don't think I like what it is all that much.

Except for Sommelier.

I love it personally. It was really cute but the whole anime/manga store thing was a bit different scenario.
it led to plenty hilarious and adorable situations.
the show isnt flawless and some episodes miss the mark but man it was fun!
Cooking Smut 05


I see Erina's yandere masochist yuri stalker who hasn't been introduced yet back there, lol

And now we see the "Food Warz" part of Food Wars! And cooking power levels!
Meat next episode. She looks well done enough to me!

Avengers Age of Ultron

was pretty gud, I liked it. Firehawk's comment about "how can they go back to street level" is now even better!!!


I plan on watching Hidamari Sketch and anything/everything related to Hidamari Sketch soon.

Won't watch Clannad or ~After Story~ for a little bit, after watching Kanon and Full Moon, I cried a lot and was really sad/happy. I believe Clannad is another emotional story, so I'm filling myself up with happiness and fun first!

yeah...that would be wise.

What year this OVA was made? Also, did it release in North America or just in Japan ? Either way, hope you like it and maybe tell us once you're finish watching it.

For me, I am actually extracting my Anime collection into my Hard drive and this time I include the extra as I might post it sometime on youtube for people to watch. I might start from the extra from You're Under Arrest TV show which I own the DVD. I wonder how many people will want to watch it as they're tons to watch.

how is that actually done? Its a legitimate thing but I have no idea how to do it.

probably shouldn't have sent the clumsy solider to protect her from being kidnapped.

She can take care of herself!


Whats the best way to watch Evangelion?
There is the original anime series but there are a lot of side content as well. What movies should I watch/avoid?
The original TV series first and foremost, then End of Evangelion. Death and Rebirth are, more or less, compilation movies.

Then after a few months have passed and you've probably digested and appreciated Eva, start on Rebuild!


GotG is the best. And if not that, Winter Soldier.

yup. GOTG might be the best Marvel movie so far!

I like the X-Men movie the most.


The Idolm@ster 01

The girls start here, alright. So we have the mysterious one, the twins, the animal fanatic, the dreamer, the bubblehead, the model, the tomboy, the quiet one, the klutz, the shy one, and the yakuza starlet.

Unofficial Iwakura.Productions Front Runner


I'm a sucker for a pet lover.

Is it sad that I feel like I'd rather just go play the game?

Though at least P-San has a face now.

Makoto and Takane are the best. The show is pretty good. Some good production values.

Just like Endless Eight.

No wait I still hate that shit.

I sstill gotta watch that.
i have it on dvd and never sat down to watch. Im curious.

No you're not.

Theres no such thing. You cant OD on cute or I would be dead.


I love it personally. It was really cute but the whole anime/manga store thing was a bit different scenario.
it led to plenty hilarious and adorable situations.
the show isnt flawless and some episodes miss the mark but man it was fun!

yeah but you're cajun lol

Encouragement of Climb s2 17

Yeah this new OP isn't better. It's okay though. ED is a bit better maybe?

What You Saying Husbando s2 5

Ryoukans yay


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Hibike! Euphonium 01-03:

It's insane how much this show gets right. Granted, former Trumpet player so I'm naturally biased but goddamn the detail of this show.

Sasuga Kyoani. Bless Kyoani.

Also, so far for me OP of the season.


Good god, that Erina is an evil bitch. It's bad enough that she's destroying that club building for admitted selfish reasons, she has to show live footage of it for everyone to see, for maximum humiliation.


Hyouka continues to be well... amazing. I particularly enjoyed how it temporarily turned into Shokugeki no Soma in that last episode


Best girl doing what she does! Shes a bit nuts but thats why I like her! In a show with pretty boring characters she really stood out.

Nisekoi: 04

Chitoge's ending/character song is pretty good. Not as catchy as her one from the first season, but still a song I can see myself listening to again. The catharsis and reunion with her mother was also pulled off pretty well. Her tsun part of her personality wasn't preventing her from being human, it was part of what makes her human - and as it tends to go in stories, she got a lot of those qualities from her mom. Putting up a front for her insecurities. Happens to the best of us. Then there's the matter of that ending shot.
Kosaki - seriously, we're about to get two Onoderas in the show soon, best to start using the first name - has the picture book that Chitoge's locket and ribbon came from? I know that the resolution certainly won't happen, but providing a few more hints is appreciated.

two Onoderas? Mother of squees

Dungeon - 5

Casual clothes Hestia

casual clothes are better than sexy clothes. Hopefully it improves Hestia.

A friend of mine just watched the last two episodes of Evangelion for the first time and like most is having a "WTF did I just watch" reaction. Is there a good source I can link him to talking about why/how the ending happened the way it did and what many took away from it?

And yes I've already told him about EoE and the Rebuild movies but I want to have a discussion with him on the TV ending right now and some background info would be helpful for him.

His brain is about to explode. Be sure to monitor him carefully. He might require assistance.


Space Battleship Yamato 2199 6-8
After destroying the base and preparing to leave the solar system I'm glad they contacted their families on Earth one last time like I hoped they would. Gave some insight into their characters and it had some cheesy baggage attached like harmonica playing, and old men busting out the sake together. The way the Yamato crew then dealt with being cornered into the solar flare was very cool, this is what I like to see. Gamilas planet has a neat aesthetic.
Shokugeki no Soma 5

Every time I see Erina my blood boils heavily. She literally has no good qualities. I can't wait for the day she's gets totally rekted in the manga. The only reason I can stand her is because she brings in more Hisako goodness whom is best girl, but otherwise Erina's shit.

Anyways Meat is finally introduced, while her design is great too bad she's irrelevant, just leftover meat. Also for got to mention Ishiki is the best.


Shokugeki no Soma 5

Every time I see Erina my blood boils heavily. She literally has no good qualities. I can't wait for the day she's gets totally rekted in the manga. The only reason I can stand her is because she brings in more Hisako goodness whom is best girl, but otherwise Erina's shit.

Anyways Meat is finally introduced, while her design is great too bad she's irrelevant, just leftover meat. Also for got to mention Ishiki is the best.

Cease existing


Subete no aware
I have heard the differences in colonial treatment between Korea and Taiwan generally rose from the differences in the context of the wars they fought to obtain them. The sino-Japanese war was an overwhelming Japanese victory with minimal losses. Japan was also able to extract large war reparations allowing them to become debtless and expend resources on industrializing Taiwan. The victory was also represented a validation of Japanese industrialization attempts and collapse the of Tianxia, instilling a large sense of national pride that would be the a core foundation of Japanese identity for the next half-century.

However, the annexation of Korea was completely different. The preceding Russo-Japanese war, despite the outcome, was economically disastrous for Japan. Japan did not have the resources to continue supplying its troops, and had the war gone on longer they would have lost had it not been for an attempted revolution in Russia. In the end, Japan did not receive a war indemnity and was only able to secure poor and underdeveloped lands. Feeling betrayed and embarrassed by its western allies for siding with Russia during the negotiations, Japan did not view the war as a victory and Korea was treated as a constant reminder of that. Subsequently, due to carrying a massive war debt, Japan decided to instead to treat Korea primarily as a place to extract resources, emulating western colonialism, and have Japanese assimilation as a later secondary objective.
The fact that there are different contexts for how both were colonized is interesting. I suppose it's similar to what Germany tried to do with France and the rest of Europe, although obviously without 50 years of indoctrination and assimilation.

In the film anyway, I found it interesting that the Japanese are portrayed as people who at most, look down on the Taiwanese as non-Japanese, but come to respect their efforts. I also wonder how long it took to basically "re-educate" the Taiwanese. Perhaps one of the reasons for the ambivalence toward Japanese rule is that Taiwan went through decades of martial law under Chang Kai Shek, which I've read were some terrible years for a lot of people at the time.

Please never speak of that unspeakable travesty ever again.
Remember why the guy was dressed up so that he looked like Eureka??

Yeah, I thought that was the best part of AO too. Heck, all the good parts were compressed at the beginning 2 or 3 episodes. The rest was just forgettable.
Yeah, really interesting first two episodes and then... poop. lol

I will make it my mission to watch E7AO this year.
Good luck. :p
can anyone recommend me an anime very similar to fate zero/stay night? something that has actually a good storyline, characters, and not of those stupid shit like underage girls hentai.

i need something that i can invest my time into. crunchyroll and netflix both have not-so-great catalogue. almost all the popular series i have already watched.


can anyone recommend me an anime very similar to fate zero/stay night? something that has actually a good storyline, characters, and not of those stupid shit like underage girls hentai.

i need something that i can invest my time into. crunchyroll and netflix both have not-so-great catalogue. almost all the popular series i have already watched.

Durarara? It has a little fanservice, but it kind of makes fun of it

Madoka Magica is also great, but it's a slow burn.
can anyone recommend me an anime very similar to fate zero/stay night? something that has actually a good storyline, characters, and not of those stupid shit like underage girls hentai.

i need something that i can invest my time into. crunchyroll and netflix both have not-so-great catalogue. almost all the popular series i have already watched.

Try Noragami it has a good story, the characters are great except maybe one, and the animation is above average. Plus it's getting a second season.


I am... mixed on this. I literally just finished the manga, and wanted to see how the movie turned out. It wasn't bad, but it cut a lot. Around half the story, in fact. It got the major bits in there, but I did not like
the fact that Kei's importance to the story was drastically reduced
, and that lady Miyako (a major character, particularly int he second half)
was reduced to a bit character, given two lines tops and killed off unceremoniously.
Also, the decision to have Akira
being dead already was... weird. I sort of understand why they did it (it has to do with half the story being cut), and I am glad he showed up at the end, with the climax mostly preserved, but it really caught me off guard.

The animation was great, and I felt that Tetsuo's motivations were much clearer. The first hour was great - even though it was shortening things, it stayed pretty faithful. Really, it should have been two movies.

Ultimately though, I suppose I should judge the movie on its own, separate from the manga. But thats pretty tough. I kind of wish I watched the movie first. Its a good movie. But I was distracted by all the things that got cut.

I'm sure you already know but Akira is really, really long. Trying to fit all of it into 2 hours is just not feasible. The movie was also made before it was finished (1988, the manga ran from 1982-1990) so that's why things are all over. It also takes some cool liberties like this scene, which is one of my favorites in the whole movie.

I think Akira is more appreciated as an animation spectacle and a piece of animation history then a faithful adaptation anyway. Hell, when it got huge in the West I doubt a lot of people even knew there was a manga. People still don't know that now.

I read the manga after seeing the movie, and the movie is mostly the first 2 volumes with some stuff taken out of later ones and the big event at the end of the movie moved earlier.
DanMachi 5

I'm sorry but while Hestia is alright, when you have Syr and Demeter she's like the bottom of the barrel. Man Syr's playing cute and innocent made this episode for me. Plus Demeter's playful attitude is great.

Also man the upgrades for Bell just keep on coming. He kept on spamming firebolt multiple times. Anyways Lili seems to get treated unfairly, I hope Bell does something about it. I really do like Lili.


DanMachi 5

I'm sorry but while Hestia is alright, when you have Syr and Demeter she's like the bottom of the barrel. Man Syr's playing cute and innocent made this episode for me. Plus Demeter's playful attitude is great.

Also man the upgrades for Bell just keep on coming. He kept on spamming firebolt multiple times. Anyways Lili seems to get treated unfairly, I hope Bell does something about it. I really do like Lili.

I like you.



The Yuki-chan character songs are displaying more nods to the first anime's character songs. The A-side to Yuki's single is "窓辺の予感" (Madobe no Yokan;Premonition of the Windowsill), a reference to "雪、無音、窓辺にて" (Yuki, Muon, Madobe nite;Snow, Silence, By the Window).

While Ryoko's single has the B-side of "LOVE EDITION", a reference to the rather catchy "COOL EDITION" (the song where she bemoans not being the ending credits, among other things).

I don't know how similar the songs will be musically, but much like the OP attempts to invoke "Hare Hare Yukai", it makes me wonder how successful this will be. Harkening back to the early days of the fandom may backfire, may not, but at the very least, I appreciate the gesture.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Lupin III vs. Detective Conan the Movie:

This movie is amazing. Stupidly amazing. Like, I don't care how dumb half of the setup is, I just can't get enough of the crossover goodness. It just... works, somehow.

*insert billions more stupid fanboy comments here*

The whole movie just oozes a cool vibe for me. XD



Code Geass R2 4-6
Show continues to be insane.
Rolo is on Lelouch's side now? That was easy. Suzaku back in school. Those in-air upgrades in episode 5 were nuts.


I know it's probably uncool to say such, but Akira is truly one of my favorite animated films of all time. Not read the manga, although I plan to once I purchase all of the volumes, and I'm sure the film cuts a lot out, but that's fine to me. The best way to describe Akira is, the first time I watched it...I felt like a kid again, like this cliched image of a little kid, shrunken in his seat, mouth agape as my eyes widened and this whole world unfolded before my very eyes. I felt so little, I've never felt like that before, humbled is the right word to use. The soundtrack honestly paralyses me in state of awe and wonder. Its not the greatest film of all time, but everything goes out of the window when that film comes on for me, nothing matters, because Neo-Tokyo is about to explode.


Anyhow, thought it might be fun to toy with the idea of New Year’s resolution nonsense (past the universal one we all share of watching less anime) and having folk picking some backlog stuff to finally get to this year rather than putting off for one reason or another. More than likely it’s something popular that might engender some discussion rather than people talking past one another and, frankly, deadline pressure doesn’t hurt. I wouldn’t get too involved though given how life can throw one a curveball nor would I expect everyone to post about every episode watched but hey, there’s still good stuff for most of us to watch yet.

To get us started, I took an informal poll of some people to help serve as an example. Something, say, like one long series, a couple short series, a handful of movies, or some sort of combination would be ideal. It’s not meant to be a burden but rather that extra push to chisel away at the lingering part of the ol’ backlog.

Deputy Dangle
  • Hyouka
  • Wolf's Rain
  • Hunter x Hunter (2011)
  • Armored Trooper VOTOMS
  • The Last Red Shoulder
  • Mellowlink
  • last 13 eps of Utena
  • The rest of Urusei Yatsura
  • Hidasketch
  • Hyouka
  • Wolf's Rain
  • Irresponsible Captain Tylor
  • The rest of Urusei Yatsura
  • Hunter x Hunter (2011)
    [*]Turn A Gundam
    [*]Digimon S1
  • Gintama
Mr. Jeff
  • Gundam Build Fighters
  • Rest of the Ghibli films not seen yet
  • ZZ Gundam
  • Last half of Hyouka
  • Mazinger Z
  • Space Adventure Cobra TV
  • Gundam 00
  • Turn A Gundam
  • Armored Trooper VOTOMS
  • the rest of Mushishi
  • Kare Kano
  • Kimi no Todoke
  • Cowboy Bebop
  • Sailor Moon S

Anyhow, I’ll leave this open until the end of the month and finalize it then if there’s enough interest. We can all have a good laugh at MPR when everyone but him has finished at the end of the year.

Figured I should throw an update out. Dresden finished VOTOMS, Mature finished Hyouka, and since firehawk's poster is finally coming to fruition, I suggest his backers pressure him into Utena!!
Figured I should throw an update out. Dresden finished VOTOMS, Mature finished Hyouka, and since firehawk's poster is finally coming to fruition, I suggest his backers pressure him into Utena!!
will watch this Bebop the Cowboy since I took the trouble to buy the BD.

After finals.

Maybe later.
Figured I should throw an update out. Dresden finished VOTOMS, Mature finished Hyouka, and since firehawk's poster is finally coming to fruition, I suggest his backers pressure him into Utena!!

If I finish Gintama before people finish some of the stuff on this list I swear

Also Sabre finished 00
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