* The Admiral promotion mission will now complete if players choose a fleet escort as their reward. This is not retro-active. If youre an Admiral with a dangling promotion mission because you chose an escort, please submit a ticket to CS.
* Cardassian "Empire Defense" mission maps are now open to Klingon players.
* K7 station has been decloaked and returned to the sector map. Alleged perpetrators are being interrogated.
* The "Abandon Ship" power is now only available while in combat.
* General server optimization to increase performance.
no, not really. There was always fairly clear progression in wow. Not exactly as detailed as it it now, but not much less. the worst that could be said about early wow are things like +power or +spell power, how certain procs applied and stuff like that. but the main stat progression was always pretty obvious and even in those cases you still had obvious numeric comparison in terms of +power etc. The only confusing things about wow would have been comparing like a +spr item to a +mana or +spell power item, or figuring out how one proc compared to another proc on a fast or slow weapon, etc. But IMHO that sort of thing SHOULD be left out of the game to a degree as there is such a thing as too much info. STO's current level isn't adequate enough to qualify for that.TheExodu5 said:The information in early WoW was pitiful as well.
Truant said:New drivers fixed my framerate issues!
MarshMellow96 said:Are all MMOs this troublesome?
Luthair said:I find life rather cruel without my dear STO... Oh server, please grace us access. Anyone with commander class cruisers? How is it? How do you do in PVP?
web01 said:Is it possible to screw up training your crewman?
I notice if you replace a skill you lose the points you have spent on it.
Also having multiple versions of skills makes me not want to even bother putting points into the level 1 versions.
Star Trek Online: The Needs of the Many
by Michael A. Martin (and Jake Sisko)
Prior to the terror-filled times of the Long Warthe seemingly endless struggle against the Undine, a paranoid, shape-shifting race once known only as Species 8472enemy sleeper agents quietly penetrated every echelon of Federation society, as well as other starfaring civilizations throughout the Alpha and Beta quadrants. The ensuing conflict shook humanity to its very core, often placing its highest ideals against a pure survival instinct. All too frequently, the Undine War demanded the harshest of sacrifices and exacted the steepest of personal costs from the countless millions whose lives the great interdimensional clash forever altered.
Drawn from his exhaustive research and interviews, The Needs of the Many delivers a glimpse of Betar Prizewinning author Jake Siskos comprehensive "living history" of this tumultuous era. With collaborator Michael A. Martin, Sisko illuminates an often-poorly-understood time, an age marked indelibly by both fear and couragenot to mention the willingness of multitudes of unsung heroes who became the living embodiment of the ancient Vulcan philosopher Suraks famous axiom, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
Guardian Bob said:The Needs of the Many
* Disabled functionality of certain hidden, unsupported commands (like respecpowertrees) that could irreparably break characters. Note to users Dont run hidden commands that you find in binary searches or on the forums!
* Romulan "Empire Defense" missions and maps are now open to Klingon players.
* Various translation updates.
* Server stability improvements.
Darkflight said:Seems they cancelled the scheduled downtime for later today and posted the patch during the unscheduled downtime:
Divvy said:Awww yeah! Sexy time!
web01 said:Is it possible to screw up training your crewman?
I notice if you replace a skill you lose the points you have spent on it.
Also having multiple versions of skills makes me not want to even bother putting points into the level 1 versions.
Truant said:I think this game is pretty confusing, but I've only been playing for 30 minutes a day since my GPU fan is going crazy every time I play this game. Strange, since it looks like ass, and the fan keeps quiet during pretty much every other game.
Chris_C said:Um, how do I get access to my Steam DDE stuff? I got my TOS uniform, but I have no idea how to get the Chromodynamic armor or the Red Matter thingamajig.
Zzoram said:Click the triangle in the top right corner near your minimap. Go to Visit C-store. Click the 2nd tab and claim your free stuff. The first tab is selling Klingon (240?) and Ferengi (80) races as playable Federation characters for Cryptic points.
Putting the special uniforms on bridge officers is bugged at the moment I believe.The_Technomancer said:Anyone else having trouble putting their BOs in TOS uniforms? It just doesn't seem to take.
Medalion said:I absolutely have to fight with at least one other ship if I am to survive any mission seriously. I am brave/foolish enough to go it alone but I get doomed so easily as I attack squadrons of enemies at once and get surrounded.
Sometimes if I know I am doomed I intentionally take my ship and just continuously mount/collide with the enemy ship so we're hull to hull and when I die, I take the enemy ship with me by my desutrction... very effective at times.
Divvy said:Awww yeah! Sexy time!
DoctorWho said:I don't think I've died once during ship combat. I'm finding it too easy.
Medalion said:I'm doing it wrong I guess. I go right into the thick of battle when I should be attacking from a distance I guess diverting all power to weapons instead of shields maybe.
Medalion said:Though sometimes it can't be helped, even if I attack from a distance there are a group of fighters attacking me from teh same direction, it gets same results.... so I need another person to draw their fire away sometimes :lol