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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...

Hey guys, I'm going to try to be quiet about this and I'll let you get your preorders in before they go down again, but Amiami.com is taking preorders for Kylo Ren/Stormtrooper/Obi Wan Figuarts again. Get on that now and combine it with your monthly order.

Zombeen pls. Posting about it on a public forum isn't keeping anything quiet.
Just realised that the US audible has WAY more Star Wars books than the UK one. Pretty gutted to find that out. They have Dark Disciple on there :(

I read the book but it would have been cool to get it as an audiobook. Pretty confident we won't be getting Aftermath and Lost Stars either, don't get a Kindle version of Lost Stars on Amazon too. It's like they expect me to buy physical products.
They should have recast him...his importance in the old extended universe should have been pushed forward...he's a great character
He isn't a character I would have a problem with being recast.
Just realised that the US audible has WAY more Star Wars books than the UK one. Pretty gutted to find that out. They have Dark Disciple on there :(

I read the book but it would have been cool to get it as an audiobook. Pretty confident we won't be getting Aftermath and Lost Stars either, don't get a Kindle version of Lost Stars on Amazon too. It's like they expect me to buy physical products.
There isn't a way to use a VPN or anything to get the US store? Do they not want your money? I use audible for most of my reading. I thought Dark Disciple was great. I'm pretty sure they got Anakins Voice actor in the book, because it sounded exactly like clobe Wars Anakin. My only problem with Audiobooks is they are way too expensive without an audible subscription.
yup almost done with Aftermath and its by far a much more enjoyable listen then LotS, which being my only non darth bane star wars book was a huge let down coming off the Bane trilogy. It's taken a bit but I do actually really like all the characters in Aftermath especially the aforementioned
Mr. Bones. He is like Johnny 5 was reluctantly placed inside the soul less boring battle droids from the prequels.

so apparently the Target exclusive Kylo Ren has spoilers in its packaging or something, and many of the Halloween costumes contain some slight spoilers. As someone trying very hard to stay away from such things, seeing that licensed products having them is somewhat discouraging.

edit: so the Target Kylo Ren pop isn't a spoiler since its something we found out about in the entertainment weekly info,
apparently this "spoiler" was that the back of his mask is modeled after vader's
I now feel dumb for worrying about that


So, regarding the next season of Rebels. What are the odds on (Clone Wars spoilers)
Barriss being one of the inquisitors?
Filoni has always said he had plans for her if Clone Wars had continued.
In spite of her actions, I never thought she was a lost cause and I think a redemption arc could work for her.
So, regarding the next season of Rebels. What are the odds on (Clone Wars spoilers)
Barriss being one of the inquisitors?
Filoni has always said he had plans for her if Clone Wars had continued.
In spite of her actions, I never thought she was a lost cause and I think a redemption arc could work for her.

i thought that we knew that the
new inquisitors were somewhat gonna be small challenges, instead of the big nemesis/villian that was the first one, something about the first one being the alpha, the best of them, and the others aren't meant to be as big of a challenge as they now have a new main villain in Vader
I thought Aftermath was okay. When the story stayed focused, that is. Story wasn't very focused, though. Every single interlude was more or less a waste. Shoulda all come out, along with the (too numerous) dialog nods to the OT. That's one "tradition" of the EU that can say in the legends designation.

About 2/3rds of the way through, I realized that with the episodic feel the novel had, what I was really reading was more or less "Chuck Wendig's Rebels Season one." A similar collection of archetypes (Man hiding from his past, Bounty Hunter with a conscience, Duty-bound mom, Headstrong Son, Sociopathic Droid) bouncing off of each other and learning to be a real team while thwarting the efforts of a single Imperial.

Wendig's voice still comes through, and I didn't mind that. But considering the man is such a huge advocate of cutting, cutting, and cutting your work until it's as streamlined as possible, there's about 100 pages that could come out of this thing and nobody would miss it.
I actually enjoyed most of the interludes a lot more then the core novel, granted still about 3 chapters to go so can't speak on the conclusion. With this being book 1 of a planned trilogy I kinda went into it expecting it to lay the ground work for the characters to be continued further in the next book.

also after this im probably diving into more legends material, looking for recommendations (already through the bane trilogy and LotS)\

The Revan novel interest me, other people have recommended Kenobi while same say its horrible, and generally haven't heard great things about Tarken. Dark Disciple is on my list already.


i thought that we knew that the
new inquisitors were somewhat gonna be small challenges, instead of the big nemesis/villian that was the first one, something about the first one being the alpha, the best of them, and the others aren't meant to be as big of a challenge as they now have a new main villain in Vader

They could
send her after Ahsoka. I imagine the two of them have some things they want to say to each other.
There are 2 more books coming and the interludes are from the Lucasfilm story group to set up the films.

I know there's two more books coming. That doesn't make the interludes any better, no more than any of the hooks in Iron Man 2 or Age of Ultron made those movies (or the movies they set up) better, for comparison's sake. They're unnecessary distractions that neither help the story they're shoehorned into, or the stories they might spin off.

It laid the groundwork for Chuck Wendig's Rebels Season Two perfectly fine-as is. And I'm curious to read it. But this is not a well-edited book. And all the extra bullshit drags down the quality of what Wendig's trying to do.
I don't think we'll agree on this one. I thought the interlude beats were properly spaced and interesting. The pacing felt great as well. I like Wendig's style quite a bit, though so I wouldn't have a problem in that sense at all.
. I like Wendig's style quite a bit, though so I wouldn't have a problem in that sense at all.

I like his style too. It's why the constant interruptions of it are a detriment to the book's quality.

There is a pretty good 250 page book in here.

from the EW interview with the guy:

One of the original ideas for Aftermath was to write it almost like World War Z — the novel, not the film — which was a scattering of interstitials. You’re watching the world from various places on the globe. So the core idea for Aftermath was to do something like that, to tell this sort of piecemeal: What is the state of the galaxy after Return of the Jedi?

Unfortunately, that original idea doesn't fit at all with the idea they eventually settled on. So keeping that original idea around is a bad decision, because obviously, the book is nothing like World War Z, and removed from their original context, they just dont' work. They're basically deleted scenes from a previous cut that were just left in there.

In fact, one of the book's biggest failings is establishing a credible tone for the galaxy post Endor. It always feels like he's just kinda SAYING what it's like out there. But it feels like lip service. This doesn't feel galaxy-spanning. It feels small. And that's fine - if you're not stopping every couple of chapters to skip away from the story and check in on some bullshit happening somewhere else that doesn't really mean anything. It's poorly executed artifice.


Do all the new canon Star Wars books have audio versions?
What exactly is an audio version? Does it come on a CD or something?
Where is the best place to buy/import them from?
Do all the new canon Star Wars books have audio versions?
What exactly is an audio version? Does it come on a CD or something?
Where is the best place to buy/import them from?
In the US most see audiobooks, and most people get them from amazon's audible service i would assume, which is a digital copy, but you can typically buy cd copies if you want to go that way (tends to be much pricier)

Audiobooks are available digital on pretty much every platform as well as through amazons aforementioned audible service. Unlike most of the audiobooks I have listened to the Star Wars books have music and sound effects which is a nice change in my opinion. No matter how great a narrator is (will Wheaton being probably my favorite) the music and effects add a lot of ambience
Do all the new canon Star Wars books have audio versions?
What exactly is an audio version? Does it come on a CD or something?
Where is the best place to buy/import them from?
All the books except the junior novels are on Audio book. And like the guy above said most people buy them in digital from Audible. At least in the US they have them all. Most of the new canon books end up being around 12 hours long. You can probably get a free trial of Audible that will let you get one book.
I was thinking how the spin-off movies have the "A Star Wars Story" subtitle attached to them and how I don't like that. It sounds like a little kids storybook. Why don't they take the "Tales From/Of" title that the EU has been using. "Tales of Star Wars: Rogue One" sounds better to me. Or they could make a series, "Star Wars: Tales of the Rebellion: Rogue One" (long-winded sure, but most people are going to refer to it as Rogue One or Star Wars: Rogue One). Each series could be targeted at the timeline in takes place in or on the faction it focuses on.
I was thinking how the spin-off movies have the "A Star Wars Story" subtitle attached to them and how I don't like that. It sounds like a little kids storybook. Why don't they take the "Tales From/Of" title that the EU has been using. "Tales of Star Wars: Rogue One" sounds better to me. Or they could make a series, "Star Wars: Tales of the Rebellion: Rogue One" (long-winded sure, but most people are going to refer to it as Rogue One or Star Wars: Rogue One). Each series could be targeted at the timeline in takes place in or on the faction it focuses on.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Anthology

Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One

pretty much anything other then "a star wars story"


I thought Aftermath was okay. When the story stayed focused, that is. Story wasn't very focused, though. Every single interlude was more or less a waste. Shoulda all come out, along with the (too numerous) dialog nods to the OT. That's one "tradition" of the EU that can say in the legends designation.

About 2/3rds of the way through, I realized that with the episodic feel the novel had, what I was really reading was more or less "Chuck Wendig's Rebels Season one." A similar collection of archetypes (Man hiding from his past, Bounty Hunter with a conscience, Duty-bound mom, Headstrong Son, Sociopathic Droid) bouncing off of each other and learning to be a real team while thwarting the efforts of a single Imperial.

Wendig's voice still comes through, and I didn't mind that. But considering the man is such a huge advocate of cutting, cutting, and cutting your work until it's as streamlined as possible, there's about 100 pages that could come out of this thing and nobody would miss it.

My sentiment exactly. When it came back around to the core story I was all about it, but those interludes that you mentioned really threw me through a loop. I felt as if they would really cut into the momentum of the Wedge story and I felt like I had missed something, but it turns out it's just how it's written. I still think people should read it for the good bits, but it is slightly confusing. It's a series of books though, right? Hopefully the others will correct that course.


French press is reporting an early release for The Force Awakens in France, it started with this tweet : https://twitter.com/StarWarsFR/status/640842497552457728


People did the math and the result is 16/12... not 18/12.
And @StarWarsFR confirmed... it makes sense because movies open on wednesday in France.

So... it seems that we'll have the movie 2 days before US.


French press is reporting an early release for The Force Awakens in France, it started with this tweet : https://twitter.com/StarWarsFR/status/640842497552457728


People did the math and the result is 16/12... not 18/12.
And @StarWarsFR confirmed... it makes sense because movies open on wednesday in France.

So... it seems that we'll have the movie 2 days before US.

Same in Belgium. Disney Belgium anounced the new earlier date a few weeks ago.


Honestly the long wait that we have in the U.S. For movies is awful. Sometimes you guys get shit we made a month early. If Star Wars is opening early in Europe, it needs to open early in the U.S. As well.


Honestly the long wait that we have in the U.S. For movies is awful. Sometimes you guys get shit we made a month early. If Star Wars is opening early in Europe, it needs to open early in the U.S. As well.
Yeah, it's really annoying and I don't really get why they do it.
Honestly the long wait that we have in the U.S. For movies is awful. Sometimes you guys get shit we made a month early. If Star Wars is opening early in Europe, it needs to open early in the U.S. As well.

They also get their game and BD/DVD releases on Fridays instead of Tuesdays. WAT?


But that's arguably better since you have the weekend right there to take your time and enjoy. We just get to break the shrink-wrap and take a whiff inside the case and then back to work!

nah it's not, one of the reasons I went digital for pc games was VPN unlock on tuesday ;)


"Anthology" wouldn't actually make any sense though unless Rogue One were a collection of stories.
I think the idea was that the side movies would form an anthology once they were all released. So Rogue One would be one entry into an overall anthology.
I've read the first few issues of the main Star Wars comics and I've watched the first season of Rebels plus that special which came out after season 1.

My question is, is there anything super important to know going into Episode 7 so far? Is there a good round up of all of the new EU content? I wish I could read everything, but I just don't have the time (or at least-- I'd rather use that time to play MGS5 and eventually Fallout 4 :) ).


17th for the UK too?!
Wonder when we'll be able to start booking tickets? I need to see this at the London IMAX at Waterloo as soon as I possibly can.


I've read the first few issues of the main Star Wars comics and I've watched the first season of Rebels plus that special which came out after season 1.

My question is, is there anything super important to know going into Episode 7 so far? Is there a good round up of all of the new EU content? I wish I could read everything, but I just don't have the time (or at least-- I'd rather use that time to play MGS5 and eventually Fallout 4 :) ).

Almost none of the new canon so far has any impact on TFA since it's 30 years in the future. If you want to know a general outline of what happens immediately after Endor (which, remember, is still 30 years before TFA), this is a good summary:

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