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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...


If Star Wars is opening early in Europe, it needs to open early in the U.S. As well.

List of countries spoiling you before the 18th (according to imdb) :

United Arab Emirates, Belgium, Bahrain, Switzerland, (Italian speaking region), Denmark, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Sweden, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Belarus, Switzerland, (German speaking region), Chile, Czech Republic, Germany, Hong Kong, Croatia, Israel, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Mexico, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Thailand, Ukraine



they seriously couldn't get some real talent on these Star Wars prose novels huh


But yeah, the novels haven't been of the highest quality, but I still got a lot of fun out of Tarkin and Lords of the Sith.
Reposting from the Force Friday thread... I originally thought I was posting it here. XD

Quick little article about the old EU and people who refuse to give it up.

Although the overall reviews for the novel are positive, Wendig notes on his blog that there is a storm of one-star reviews appearing on Amazon. Some appear to relate to the gay characters in the novel, but many others seem to coincide with Facebook campaigns to “save the Expanded Universe,” related in exhausting detail on theforce.net here. TL;DR: A lot of people spent 23 years on the Expanded Universe and aren’t ready to give it up, to the point where they’re trolling any new release in The Force Awakens continuity.


I could see where people would have a tough time letting go from the expanded universe. Mainly because to accept the new canon, you also have to accept the prequels, which some just are not willing to do.


Reposting from the Force Friday thread... I originally thought I was posting it here. XD

Quick little article about the old EU and people who refuse to give it up.
People need to get over it. Look, I understand that a lot of people invested a lot of time and money into it, but Disney kind of had to start over. The general audience isn't going to want to wade through dozens of books and keep track of what's canon and what isn't. "Okay so the Thrawn books are canon, but the Jedi Academy ones are only half canon, and The Force Unleashed 1 is canon but 2 isn't..." and so on.

If Disney had picked and choosed what was canon and what wasn't, it just would've caused headaches for them in managing it all, and the audience in figuring it all out.

Both of those are so sad.

I just got up to the gay couple mention and it's so great and not even commented upon.

I didn't read a ton of EU so I don't if it's a new thing, but man it was nice to see.
Oh, there's a gay couple in Aftermath? Moff Mors in Lords of the Sith is gay as well. It's nice to see that they're getting a lot of diversity in the universe and doing it tastefully and tactfully.

they seriously couldn't get some real talent on these Star Wars prose novels huh
Okily-dokily, neighbor.

So I had a weird moment this morning where I woke up and expected to look online, and find out that I dreamt that Episode VII exists. The reason for this is that it only just hit me how insane and bizarre it is that this movie exists now and how much crazier it is that it might be good. Months ago when it was announced I thought for sure it would be bad, but look at it now. It's actually hit me now. I don't know how to handle a new, good Star Wars movie. If this pulls through, I may walk out of the theater suddenly having gone blind and unable to speak for all I know. At that point, anything could happen.
People need to get over it. Look, I understand that a lot of people invested a lot of time and money into it, but Disney kind of had to start over. The general audience isn't going to want to wade through dozens of books and keep track of what's canon and what isn't. "Okay so the Thrawn books are canon, but the Jedi Academy ones are only half canon, and The Force Unleashed 1 is canon but 2 isn't..." and so on.

If Disney had picked and choosed what was canon and what wasn't, it just would've caused headaches for them in managing it all, and the audience in figuring it all out.

Oh, there's a gay couple in Aftermath? Moff Mors in Lords of the Sith is gay as well. It's nice to see that they're getting a lot of diversity in the universe and doing it tastefully and tactfully.

A character's two aunts are mentioned in one sentence, but one of the new characters who plays a big part in the book is gay as well.

As for the Expanded Universe fanatics, they're turning into a hate group. The "#GiveUsLegends" psychos on Twitter are the ones sending death threats to Wendig and helping organize the 1-star reviews on Amazon.


I could see where people would have a tough time letting go from the expanded universe. Mainly because to accept the new canon, you also have to accept the prequels, which some just are not willing to do.

But the prequels were an integral part of the old EU as well...?


I could see where people would have a tough time letting go from the expanded universe. Mainly because to accept the new canon, you also have to accept the prequels, which some just are not willing to do.

A lot of the furvor I've seen is really just related to the death of the old EU. I get the pain of losing something you've loved for years but review-bombing Aftermath like that is just plain pathetic. I like Wendig's response to the "weaponized nostalgia" (as he puts it):

I will say, though, if your love of the EU drives you to campaigns like this, or hate-tweeting me or hate-mailing me, you’ve stopped being a fan. That’s not what being a fan is. Loving something is fandom. Hate isn’t, or shouldn’t be, part of it. Fandom is about sharing awesome things with like-minded people. It isn’t about spreading hate and forming spiteful tribes.


But the prequels were an integral part of the old EU as well...?

I wasn't as up to speed on the EU, mostly the Thrawn novels and a few others.

But like a previous poster said, Disney really had no choice but to start over. I think its a great move, seeing what Disney has done w/ Marvel, and now having Star Wars under their banner, I love the idea of getting all new cannon. and the old EU is still there to enjoy as well.


If I was Disney, I'd have cut the old EU as well. That's just way too much baggage for the new media to have to work around.
Timothy Zahn summed it up pretty well.

Bottom line: let’s all sit back and relax and see what new adventures are offered to us, both in new books and new movies. It’ll be Star Wars, and that’s what counts.


Is there a general consensus on the definitive Star Wars podcast?
Like is there one that is really popular/big?

i listen to full of sith (its the only one that i HAVE to catch every episode, ALL of the hosts have great personality and not afraid to voice their opinions about what they like/don't like)

then when i remember
fan girls going rogue which id is part of or hosted rebel force radio network
the force cast
coffee with kenobi

anything else that has star wars related interviews/content, like the nerdist when they interviewed Mark Hamill
People need to get over it. Look, I understand that a lot of people invested a lot of time and money into it, but Disney kind of had to start over. The general audience isn't going to want to wade through dozens of books and keep track of what's canon and what isn't. "Okay so the Thrawn books are canon, but the Jedi Academy ones are only half canon, and The Force Unleashed 1 is canon but 2 isn't..." and so on.

If Disney had picked and choosed what was canon and what wasn't, it just would've caused headaches for them in managing it all, and the audience in figuring it all out.

I can totally understand people having a lot invested in the old EU. I'mma miss Mara and Jaina. But I'm also looking forward to all of the new stories that can now be told because the chronology is no longer tripping all over itself.


i listen to full of sith (its the only one that i HAVE to catch every episode, ALL of the hosts have great personality and not afraid to voice their opinions about what they like/don't like)

then when i remember
fan girls going rogue which id is part of or hosted rebel force radio network
the force cast
coffee with kenobi

anything else that has star wars related interviews/content, like the nerdist when they interviewed Mark Hamill
Two podcasts I would add add:

Now This Is Podcasting (The podcast from the Making Star Wars guys, aka the guys who are the source of the majority of TFA spoilers). Very funny group, the first half of it is non-spoiler. If you are into spoilers it is a must listen.

Rebel Force Radio, which is basically the official Star Wars podcast. The are very tight with Lucasfilm and have big name Lucasfilm types on all the time. I believe they are the only SW podcast to actually interview George Lucas for example.

Now This Is Podcasting, Rebel Force Radio, and Full of Sith are the three must listens for me that I cannot miss each week.


Two podcasts I would add add:

Now This Is Podcasting (The podcast from the Making Star Wars guys, aka the guys who are the source of the majority of TFA spoilers). Very funny group, the first half of it is non-spoiler. If you are into spoilers it is a must listen.

Rebel Force Radio, which is basically the official Star Wars podcast. The are very tight with Lucasfilm and have big name Lucasfilm types on all the time. I believe they are the only SW podcast to actually interview George Lucas for example.

Now This Is Podcasting, Rebel Force Radio, and Full of Sith are the three must listens for me that I cannot miss each week.

thanks i'm going to start listening to more rebel force radio and not just the girls and i'm adding now this is podcasting too to my subscriptions also


I've given up hating on 3D. If I want to see a big movie relatively close to release I have to do 3D in my town otherwise I have to go to the sketchy downtown budget theater and that's worse than 3D.
Looking at the different merchandise and promo art, Captain Phasma cuts a far more striking look to me than Kylo Ren. I just don't think Ren has nearly that iconic look that even touches Maul, let alone Vader. But I really like Phasma's look.
Looking at the different merchandise and promo art, Captain Phasma cuts a far more striking look to me than Kylo Ren. I just don't think Ren has nearly that iconic look that even touches Maul, let alone Vader. But I really like Phasma's look.

Same. Phasma looks amazing. Can't wait until someone releases a good statue of her.


Looking at the different merchandise and promo art, Captain Phasma cuts a far more striking look to me than Kylo Ren. I just don't think Ren has nearly that iconic look that even touches Maul, let alone Vader. But I really like Phasma's look.

Everyone is focused on Kylo but I'm hoping that Phasma ends up being the awesome breakout villain.


I've only seen films in 3D in the past because the screenings are usually at better, more convenient times at my locals. Not a fan though.

3D gets a big push at my local cinema in Scotland but luckily the 2D versions are always midday which suits me fine. I'd really like to head to the city and see Force Awakens in Imax though I'm contemplating just trying to see the first morning showing so the cinema isn't absolutely packed as kids here won't be finished school yet for Christmas.

I still remember when I was 9 and my Dad took me to see Phantom Menace and the queue was outside the cinema and down a street which is unheard of for this tiny town. Wish he was still around so we could have seen Episode VII together he was a big fan and my whole reason of loving Star Wars.


Man, you guys shouldn't have recommended the Full of Sith podcast. There goes hours of my time.
Looking at the different merchandise and promo art, Captain Phasma cuts a far more striking look to me than Kylo Ren. I just don't think Ren has nearly that iconic look that even touches Maul, let alone Vader. But I really like Phasma's look.
Shiny and chrome and badass.


So much merch. I was just a little kid when the prequels came out, so I got a few toys and knick-knacks back then, but going out and buying all these cool things is making me hype af beyond belief. How are the three (four?) new books? I see one of them didn't get the best.. I kinda stayed away from them since they seem to be more young adult but?
Reposting from the Force Friday thread... I originally thought I was posting it here. XD

Quick little article about the old EU and people who refuse to give it up.

Do we have any idea what Lucas' episode VII treatment was about?

I'm curious if it's based off (or fits in with) the old EU. The prequel era was held back from most authors in order to leave room for the PT, but it doesn't seem like any gaps were left untouched for the sequel trilogy, despite murmurings about it going back all the way to the original film.


Little question. I don't usually go into Star Wars Books territory, but I have a few audible credits left over and see Afternath promoted. Is the book good? Is the audiobook good?
Do we have any idea what Lucas' episode VII treatment was about?

I'm curious if it's based off (or fits in with) the old EU. The prequel era was held back from most authors in order to leave room for the PT, but it doesn't seem like any gaps were left untouched for the sequel trilogy, despite murmurings about it going back all the way to the original film.
Well, apparently:

"[Abrams] said Lucas’s treatment had centered on very young characters—teenagers, Lucasfilm told me—which might have struck Disney executives as veering too close for comfort to The Phantom Menace and its 9-year-old Anakin Skywalker and 13-year-old Queen Amidala. “We’ve made some departures” from Lucas’s ideas, Kennedy conceded, but only in “exactly the way you would in any development process.”

Coming from Vanity Fair, via Slashfilm.


I honestly think the episode 3 teasers and trailers are the best thing about the whole prequels, they were really well done.

and yeah, I was super excited for episode3, I even got really lucky and could watch it at the swiss premiere, where Ian McDiarmid was present (by far my favourite actor of the prequels)

It was better than the other prequels, but in the end, I can't say I like it more than any OT movie, though.

can't believe it's been 10 years, though, damn


Anyone read Shattered Empire out today? I thought it was pretty good.

We get to see the end events of RotJ through the eyes of Poe Dameron's parents. It seems his mother was an ace pilot and his father was a member of Solo's special forces unit for Endor.

Looking forward to issue #2.
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