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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT| EA: "Let's blow this thing and go home!"


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
A bit off-topic, but I'm curious; how do you guys balance an MMO while also playing all the other great games coming out?

ToR is the first MMO I went into, planning to take it seriously. I've dabbled into a couple others; but with KOTOR being my favorite game of all time, I was hyped as all hell for ToR. Couldn't freaking wait. And as I'm sure some of you remember, I was a bit disappointed with my crappy Jedi Knight and the difficulty; but otherwise was loving the game.

But I kinda just stopped playing about three weeks ago. I'm still sub'd, but just other games grabbed my attention. I picked up Bastion on the cheap, and played that a bit. I decided to delve into SM3D on my 3DS, and also get going on a couple RPGs I got for Christmas. I've also been playing a bit of TF2 here and there with my buddies.

Last night I figured I'd get on again - I'm still only a lvl 39 JK. I saw most the guild is at 50, and everyone else is, too; or doing alts. I still barely understand a lot of the more intricate stuff. And as I was playing, I got about 30 minutes in when I realized... why? Even if I play all night, and put in a couple hours each day for the next several nights, I'm still going to be SO far behind, that I can't talk about anything. Even coming to this thread, I see all this 50+ talk about Illum, and stats I don't even understand, and I haven't even had a chance to roll an alt yet. And if I try to get into it - just a few hours here and there - it means I can't play all the other games in my collection. And then what happens when MGS 3D comes out next week? Or Mass Effect 3 in a couple weeks? I'm gonna want to play those; and that'll take at least a full couple weeks of playtime.

I just don't know how you can balance an MMO in addition to both single player games and playing multilayer with your friends (Halo, CoD, TF2, etc).


TL;DR - I'm getting pretty discouraged playing because I can't put in near the time other people do. And if I do, I'll be missing out on other great games. I want to keep playing ToR... but now I'm so far behind, I know I'll never catch up to everyone else. Not that it *should* matter - but it does. And if I do invest the time, I'll be missing out on all the other great games. :-(


TL;DR - I'm getting pretty discouraged playing because I can't put in near the time other people do. And if I do, I'll be missing out on other great games. I want to keep playing ToR... but now I'm so far behind, I know I'll never catch up to everyone else. Not that it *should* matter - but it does. And if I do invest the time, I'll be missing out on all the other great games. :-(

You are thinking of this game as a job, and it's stressing you out to the point where you aren't enjoying yourself as much as you could be. There will ALWAYS be someone better than you; someone who can put in 14 hours a day every day. That doesn't keep everyone else from playing.

Get to 50 at you're own pace, get purple gear via dailies or pvp and then you can participate in the other end-game activities with the guild. You don't have to put it ridiculous hours. Logging in a few evenings a week will suffice. And if it's been a while, it's not he end of the world. You may miss the initial rush, but there are always going to be more people in your situation. There is a gear cap, so it's not like you will never catch up. But obviously the less time you play, the longer it will take to get there.

As for playing other games, if that's where you'd rather spend your time, that's on you. The typical NeoGAF philosophy is "play a game for two weeks, abandon it forever, and then get a new game." MMOs were designed to be "your game". That's not to say playing other games is off the table (I'm going through Kingdom of Amalur now and enjoying it.) But now, when I see a new game I only "kind of" want, I can tell myself not to get it because I have an MMO subscription that will be just as fun to play as dropping the coin on a new $60 title.


There's no need to rush, it's a silly mindset. Play at your own pace and do your own thing. My new mantra for MMOs is that exactly and to avoid heavy end game and quit when I've consumed all I want to consume rather than waiting for more.
TL;DR - I'm getting pretty discouraged playing because I can't put in near the time other people do. And if I do, I'll be missing out on other great games. I want to keep playing ToR... but now I'm so far behind, I know I'll never catch up to everyone else. Not that it *should* matter - but it does. And if I do invest the time, I'll be missing out on all the other great games. :-(

Believe it or not, there are people who won't even start playing this game for another 2 years. Maybe 4 years. All those level 50s you see in your guild are probably not nearly as hardcore as some people on other guilds somewhere else. The people who, maybe if BioWare ever adds some seriously difficult raid encounters, will be talking about world first kills and things like that.

You don't have to be hardcore to plan an MMO. Once you get to 50, things die down quite a bit, at least it did for me. I basically log on now, shout every once in a while for a hard mode flashpoint or see if guild is doing one, and play my console in the background while waiting for a hit.

Look on the bright side. Since there's so many people higher level than you putting in more time than you, all it means is that if you ever need anything, have a question, or anything else, almost certainly someone in the guild will be able to answer your question without you having to put in the effort to figure it out the way they did.


Just alt tabbed after closest game of civil war ever. Republic took centre but we managed to take it and hold for rest of match just in time.


You are thinking of this game as a job, and it's stressing you out to the point where you aren't enjoying yourself as much as you could be. There will ALWAYS be someone better than you; someone who can put in 14 hours a day every day. That doesn't keep everyone else from playing.

Get to 50 at you're own pace, get purple gear via dailies or pvp and then you can participate in the other end-game activities with the guild. You don't have to put it ridiculous hours. Logging in a few evenings a week will suffice. And if it's been a while, it's not he end of the world. You may miss the initial rush, but there are always going to be more people in your situation. There is a gear cap, so it's not like you will never catch up. But obviously the less time you play, the longer it will take to get there.

As for playing other games, if that's where you'd rather spend your time, that's on you. The typical NeoGAF philosophy is "play a game for two weeks, abandon it forever, and then get a new game." MMOs were designed to be "your game". That's not to say playing other games is off the table (I'm going through Kingdom of Amalur now and enjoying it.) But now, when I see a new game I only "kind of" want, I can tell myself not to get it because I have an MMO subscription that will be just as fun to play as dropping the coin on a new $60 title.

Amen to that. I have, at the very most, a few hours to put into a game a day. And that takes away from the time I have available to do the other recreational shit I like, like watching TV Shows, reading books et al. And as such, it CAN be stressful playing an MMO, but only if you go into it with a mindset that you constantly have to play catch-up to the folks with more spare-time on their hands.

I used to do that, luckily I'm over it now. So I play the game at whatever speed suits me. I'm still only lvl 42 and Hoth is the latest planet I've arrived to. Been doing a lot of Warzones, got valor rank 30. Just chipping away here and there, but I kinda think the trick is to just ease in to a mindset of just doing shit at your own pace. Being in a guild that encourages that can help too. Nothing worse than getting your ass punked about not yet being max lvl everytime you log on.

Been doing the whole saving on other games as well. Will by Amalur... some day. When it's on sale. ME3 might be the only game I want on release date, but even then, I can't say for sure I'd dedicate myself to that instead of TOR. Again, you just can't play everything being released, and at the same time, if you feel you need to rush through a game in order to be able to move onto another game, I find it really fucks up my enjoyment of gaming.
A bit off-topic, but I'm curious; how do you guys balance an MMO while also playing all the other great games coming out?

ToR is the first MMO I went into, planning to take it seriously. I've dabbled into a couple others; but with KOTOR being my favorite game of all time, I was hyped as all hell for ToR. Couldn't freaking wait. And as I'm sure some of you remember, I was a bit disappointed with my crappy Jedi Knight and the difficulty; but otherwise was loving the game.

But I kinda just stopped playing about three weeks ago. I'm still sub'd, but just other games grabbed my attention. I picked up Bastion on the cheap, and played that a bit. I decided to delve into SM3D on my 3DS, and also get going on a couple RPGs I got for Christmas. I've also been playing a bit of TF2 here and there with my buddies.

Last night I figured I'd get on again - I'm still only a lvl 39 JK. I saw most the guild is at 50, and everyone else is, too; or doing alts. I still barely understand a lot of the more intricate stuff. And as I was playing, I got about 30 minutes in when I realized... why? Even if I play all night, and put in a couple hours each day for the next several nights, I'm still going to be SO far behind, that I can't talk about anything. Even coming to this thread, I see all this 50+ talk about Illum, and stats I don't even understand, and I haven't even had a chance to roll an alt yet. And if I try to get into it - just a few hours here and there - it means I can't play all the other games in my collection. And then what happens when MGS 3D comes out next week? Or Mass Effect 3 in a couple weeks? I'm gonna want to play those; and that'll take at least a full couple weeks of playtime.

I just don't know how you can balance an MMO in addition to both single player games and playing multilayer with your friends (Halo, CoD, TF2, etc).


TL;DR - I'm getting pretty discouraged playing because I can't put in near the time other people do. And if I do, I'll be missing out on other great games. I want to keep playing ToR... but now I'm so far behind, I know I'll never catch up to everyone else. Not that it *should* matter - but it does. And if I do invest the time, I'll be missing out on all the other great games. :-(

As with any MMO I play, taking breaks is always good. Once I hit 50 I started taking more time for other games though I do bounce back in several times a week for a few hours and guild activities. Been playing RE Revelations now so it took alot of priority this weekend and just going out with the GF.

The game is not going anywhere, it will be there when you come back. I have no need to be grinding endlessly at end game, and really a person only is if they are in some kind of hardcore guild. I'll log into my 50 do some dailies or stuff with my guild for a bit and then log into an alt or play another game. If your not planning on playing for a while, you can always cancel and come back when your ready to play again. Your character and everything will be waiting for you.

Depends really if you get enough play into the game in a month to be worth the 15 bucks. Course I paid for nearly 6 months of WoW at one point and hadn't logged in but a few hours the whole time with months of gaps at a time before I decided to quit.... till the urge came back eventually to actually play....

So we should do all the Illum quests before doing the last 2 flashpoints?

Not sure with Republic how important it is, but for Empire the quest chain you start there and ends on that planet basically build and lead up to the final 2 FP's. Assume its same with Republic.
So depressed. My TOR playing days are over for the forseeable future, it seems. I heard a clunk yesterday playing followed by what sounded like a plane taking off, then my computer shutdown. It seems the plastic bracket on the motherboard that holds the CPU fan down snapped off, so the CPU fan fell off and the CPU overheated. So my desktop's outta commission until I get a new mobo. -_-


good list of suggestions: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=297465

1. Instead of decreasing biochem functionality lets improve other professions instead. Some of the top of my head examples could be:

- Armstech: Ammo and power cells // temporarily increase damage from a weapon or lightsaber.
- Armourmech: Ability to repair armour - cheaper than medical droids! CD once/twice daily.
- Synthweaver: Resistant fabrics, temporary elemental / internal buffs.
- Cybertech: Various droids should be crafting for different consumable purposes. (Adrenaline rush, force regain)

Whilst we are at it, fix biochem exotech recipes.

2. Fix my Rhythm Augmentation Droid. This was giving me specifically a lot of pleasure, you broke it.

3. Stop companion windows from disrupting gameplay. They seem to popup and override anything/everything thats going on. This includes combat, boss fights and the GTN.

4. Add a by armour slot filter for the GTN.

5. Fix master looter and the looting system in general. The idea behind normal mode auto-assigned loot is actually pretty awesome, however it should:

- Take into account specialisations / role.
- Allow players to "pass" loot to another player if they don't need it.
- Allow players to bypass the system for another, i.e. ML if they are running guild groups.

The reasoning behind this is simple, we want to gear up our guild as fast as possible - this is impossible with loot randomly distributed to people who do not need it.

6. Increase the number of daily / weekly challenges. I'm trying to limit these points so that I don't end up with loads of "add new content ones" but there really should be more things to do at level 50. There is currently a population "spike" at 12pm gmt as people come online do their dailies and leave. (in before roll an alt and 101 things to do at level 50).

7. Allow friends list to be transferable between characters / show alts. Social is a big part of this game and the friends list should reflect this. You should of course be able to disable this feature if you wish.

8. Allow previewing of weapons please.

9. Increase our graphics options! Some of us are capable of choosing our settings and it would be nice to increase the magic grass radius a little.

10. Increase the chat settings options. I don't need to see a notice every time a guild member logs in and logs out. Especially in a game where alts are lovely to play.

11. Dungeon finder system. If you want content to be more accessible, allow people to access it with a click of a button.

12. Stop the UI from locking up. This is obviously a bug but its getting really frustrating after 2 months of playing and really should be fixed soon.

13. Dual specialisations. People should be able to choose between a multiple builds without paying a fortune to swap. (Note: Multiple advanced classes should not be implemented)

14. Respec costs. Fix the GUI so we can see how much we are paying for a respec.

15. Allow me to select a character and start the game with "enter". Once on the character selection screen my main character is normally selected, why can't I just hit enter to login?

16. Show classes and level of friends who are offline. Its just nice to see if someone has progressed when we are logging in at different times.

17. More holocrons and challenges. These are a really fun addition to the game, bring on the secret areas!

18. Target of target hotkey.

19. Combat log. I want to see what hit me for over 9000.

20. Operations do not drop any grey items / credits. This would be nice to offset the repair bill just slightly.

21. Companion helm toggle. Why do we pay credits for customisations that we cannot even see?

22. Companion customisations for all of our companions.

23. I know its easier for you to do all downtime in a single burst; however localised downtime (European / American) would be the best present I could think of right now.

24. More guildies information, last login times?

25. Allow hoods to be toggleable.

26. Mounting up bug, the cast bar and server are not quite synced?

27. Allow multiple character windows to be displayed and comparable tooltips between players. I.e. if i'm looking at another players gear I want to be able to compare it too my gear and see my gear as well as theirs at the same time.

28. Fix player alignment on the character sheet, you can't see other peoples.

29. Add nightmare modes to some flashpoints. It reuses instances and provides an extra challenge to those of us at high levels. They don't even have to drop more gear - just the odd title or rare mini companion would be enough incentive.

30. Allow queuing for specific warzones. I understand the implications of this are slightly higher wait times but I think your planning on implementing some kind of battlegroups? That should balance out. Sometimes I just don't feel like huttball.

31. Allow zooming to areas of the map without actually being in that area. If I click an area of the world map I'd like to be able to preview what the smaller zone looks like.

32. Fix Ilum capture quests not being removed when you leave the area.

33. Buff/Debuff icons. Some classes rely on these and it would be nice to make them bigger / smaller and move them around. I guess this comes under a GUI revamp which I know is coming.

34. Armoury, pretty standard, its probably being developed.

35. Companions 'modes' wear off and have to be reset quite frequently. Would be nice to get a fix for this similar to the sprint change that was implemented recently.

36. Chat bubbles, toggleable.

37. Pvp space combat, this is just a wish but JTL was amazing and should be re-invented.

38. Holiday based events.

39. Fix the Ilum daily quest, its still bugged.

40. Ability to unbind open ticket key.

41. Some world creatures evade and reset, they cannot be killed.

42. More UI options, colouration, movable (I think this is coming soon)

43. Dye to chest feature (I think this is coming soon) Would have been really nice for this to have been included in launch.

44. Rested xp is still gained at 50 and then lost, its annoying.

45. Threat meter. Even if its just a red tint behind a mobs portrait that increases as you gain threat.

46. More social rewards, cool armour.

47. Some more post creation character customisation options, tattoo change, hair styles.

48. Paid character renaming, sever transfers.

49. Same gender romances.

50. Mail box in space ships, would be really handy.

51. Ship pickup / collection (Similar to fleet pass) on a slightly lower CD. This would also alleviate 52.

52. It takes way to long to get anywhere, from planet to planet its stupid; especially with loading times that some people have.

53. Improve target markers, would be nice to see some simple 1, 2, 3's and other symbols.

54. Legacy name changing, this wasn't made clear in the start and should also everyone to change it once - if they choose.

55. Automatic sorting for the inventory. (Possibly item locking - cannot sell / move)

56. More hotbars for our many buttons.

57. Linking of players, specs and abilities in chat.

58. Really fix the map / text size bug. Its still the most annoying thing for me.

59. Allow multiple map selection filters, i.e. vendors AND trainers.

60. Better ./who - maybe allow /who #searchterm

61. Fix unabandonable missions.

62. Allow players to make map notes, link map notes.

63. Allow changes to flytext numbers, hide/show and scale.

64. ./Roll - I mean really...

65. Warzone votekick or automatic kick if you take no action for x seconds.

66. Autoskip cutscenes toggle, perhaps a vote at the start of the instance also.

67. Helm/hood hide during cutscenes toggle.

68. Search in the GTN without selecting a category.

69. Allow players to 'watch' huttball matches. Preview area / windows around that we can walk around and watch.

70. Fix battle rez kicking players our of flashpoints and operations.

71. Guild calendar.

72. Record WZ leavers, the higher leave % the lower priority in the queue they should come.

73. Allow camera unlocking, it always relocks on release at the moment.

74. Allow level 50s in the lower warzone brackets, they are debuffed with all armour and damage reduced. They also gain far far less valor but are once again able to play with friends and alts. Its a choice.

75. Warzone is biased towards damage dealers. More medals for them, healers are gimped slightly.

76. Space missions are very repetitive, increase challenges, add random factors and allow us to exit if we complete all the objectives (or make more bonus objectives that are much harder). - HC modes?

77. Speeder races / racing in general would be a nice addition. Thats a long shot.


A bit off-topic, but I'm curious; how do you guys balance an MMO while also playing all the other great games coming out?

ToR is the first MMO I went into, planning to take it seriously. I've dabbled into a couple others; but with KOTOR being my favorite game of all time, I was hyped as all hell for ToR. Couldn't freaking wait. And as I'm sure some of you remember, I was a bit disappointed with my crappy Jedi Knight and the difficulty; but otherwise was loving the game.

But I kinda just stopped playing about three weeks ago. I'm still sub'd, but just other games grabbed my attention. I picked up Bastion on the cheap, and played that a bit. I decided to delve into SM3D on my 3DS, and also get going on a couple RPGs I got for Christmas. I've also been playing a bit of TF2 here and there with my buddies.

Last night I figured I'd get on again - I'm still only a lvl 39 JK. I saw most the guild is at 50, and everyone else is, too; or doing alts. I still barely understand a lot of the more intricate stuff. And as I was playing, I got about 30 minutes in when I realized... why? Even if I play all night, and put in a couple hours each day for the next several nights, I'm still going to be SO far behind, that I can't talk about anything. Even coming to this thread, I see all this 50+ talk about Illum, and stats I don't even understand, and I haven't even had a chance to roll an alt yet. And if I try to get into it - just a few hours here and there - it means I can't play all the other games in my collection. And then what happens when MGS 3D comes out next week? Or Mass Effect 3 in a couple weeks? I'm gonna want to play those; and that'll take at least a full couple weeks of playtime.

I just don't know how you can balance an MMO in addition to both single player games and playing multilayer with your friends (Halo, CoD, TF2, etc).


TL;DR - I'm getting pretty discouraged playing because I can't put in near the time other people do. And if I do, I'll be missing out on other great games. I want to keep playing ToR... but now I'm so far behind, I know I'll never catch up to everyone else. Not that it *should* matter - but it does. And if I do invest the time, I'll be missing out on all the other great games. :-(
Don't worry, friend! I haven't hit 50 yet either and I'm taking my sweet time. I'll do some endgame stuff with you when we get there. =D


I agree with everything in that list except the switching between ACs. I can deal with all those other issue you listed as long as they have AC switching.



TL;DR - I'm getting pretty discouraged playing because I can't put in near the time other people do. And if I do, I'll be missing out on other great games. I want to keep playing ToR... but now I'm so far behind, I know I'll never catch up to everyone else. Not that it *should* matter - but it does. And if I do invest the time, I'll be missing out on all the other great games. :-(

Why play Mass Effect 3 on launch? You can play it later when the dlc comes out, and when the game is cheaper.

One of the benefit of MMO's, is that you really don't have to play other games at launch, aka buying games later and cheaper.

Once you get to 50 you'll probably be gimp etc, but some people quit at 50, or roll alts instead. You really don't have to play end game, and you don't have to play it afterwards.


Increase the chat settings options. I don't need to see a notice every time a guild member logs in and logs out. Especially in a game where alts are lovely to play.
right click on the tab, select what you want to show up and what you don't

and I never ever want to see AC switching in this game
would make the AC completely pointless if you could just switch at will


I agree with everything in that list except the switching between ACs. I can deal with all those other issue you listed as long as they have AC switching.

That would make no sense, In other games after you choose your class you can't decided to be something else without rerolling. Dual spec is fine but AC swapping would be awful!
That would make no sense, In other games after you choose your class you can't decided to be something else without rerolling. Dual spec is fine but AC swapping would be awful!

I dunno. I really wouldn't want to replay the whole class storyline just so I could be a healer instead of a tank.


Then make a healer using one of the other AC's with a completely new storyline attached
A new storyline that covers the same exact content anyways.

I dunno. I really wouldn't want to replay the whole class storyline just so I could be a healer instead of a tank.
This. It's the same fucking thing. Playing a sage is like playing a holy paladin with the tanking tree arbitrarily ripped out. It's frustrating.

or play the mirror class
Yep because I'm going to stop playing with my friends. Awesome idea.

That would make no sense, In other games after you choose your class you can't decided to be something else without rerolling. Dual spec is fine but AC swapping would be awful!
Unfortunately the specs are not what defines the class.

There are four main classes (much like rift for example) and each class can do a multitude of roles. You can have a mage be either a hunter or a dps or a healer for example. Instead of having to roll a whole new fucking character and go through exactly the same content, (which Rift is about as linear as TOR or even Guild Wars in this regard) just to play the same class which behaves a bit differently.

They are fundamentally the same class (and quite literally as well) and if you've ever played WoW then look at the paladin, druid, or shaman classes even.


Maybe, but I'd rather just change AC's. I don't see what the big deal is over changing AC's anyway.

Well it wouldn't be a problem until you get someone who has leveled to 50 as a Shadow but swapped to Sage and can't heal worth a crap because at 50 he decided it would be easier to get groups as a healer. Also it would create a large job prejudice, more so than we already see kinda of like how not many people want a Guardian DPS. Its just going to cause more problems than solutions.
Well it wouldn't be a problem until you get someone who has leveled to 50 as a Shadow but swapped to Sage and can't heal worth a crap because at 50 he decided it would be easier to get groups as a healer. Also it would create a large job prejudice, more so than we already see kinda of like how not many people want a Guardian DPS. Its just going to cause more problems than solutions.

Bad players will be bad players regardless of whether they switch AC's or not. If they are a shitty sage, they probably were a shitty shadow. And while there may be prejudice, at least they can do something about it. Don't want Guardian DPS? No problem, he can switch to sentinel.


Oh please, every class has a unique storyline. It's no different from running an alt in the countless other MMOs, at least here you do get unique content with each character you make.

Yeah, 1 hour worth of unique content per planet, in a leveling path that is exactly the same. Awesome.

If it wasn't for the space missions and pvp warzones being able to be leveled through, I'd never play an alt.
And there we have it, no I should have to swap to sent/regear just because someone thinks they will get a better DPS%. I am a tank so it doesn't apply to me I am just playing devils advocate.

People are going to prejudice against you regardless of whether you can switch ACs or not. At least this gives you an option to not get left out of groups.
Yeah, 1 hour worth of unique content per planet, in a leveling path that is exactly the same. Awesome.

If it wasn't for the space missions and pvp warzones being able to be leveled through, I'd never play an alt.

Heck why not let us completely change our class at will? If your not willing to roll an alt, accept what you rolled. If you weren't happy with it, why the hell did you spend all the time to level it up to 50?

It's sad when even dual specs is not enough to satisfy people.

Dual specs already introduce a ton of problems and further ruin the pub grouping aspect of the game, allowing people to swtich ACs... dear god it will be a cesspool of players to deal with outside of playing with guildies.


Heck why not let us completely change our class at will? If your not willing to roll an alt, accept what you rolled. If you weren't happy with it, why the hell did you spend all the time to level it up to 50?

It's sad when even dual specs is not enough to satisfy people
No, classes should not be able to be changed. It doesn't matter if you're a sage or shadow, you're still a councilor. You should not be able to change from councilor to knight.

Dual specs already introduce a ton of problems and further ruin the pub grouping aspect of the game, allowing people to swtich ACs... dear god it will be a cesspool of players to deal with outside of playing with guildies.

So...stop playing with pubbies? I never group with pubbies because they're all bad in every game.
No, classes should not be able to be changed. It doesn't matter if you're a sage or shadow, you're still a councilor. You should not be able to change from councilor to knight..

AC's are basically completely different classes despite what you may think. Some more than others, and the gearing alone would be a nightmare, so hell no.

So...stop playing with pubbies? I never group with pubbies because they're all bad in every game.

People already complain about the game not being social enough, adding more elements that further ruin what little people do... yea no. Pubs work fine, people act like everyone is terrible, get over yourselves.


The only reason there are ACs is so they'd only have to write 8 class stories instead of 16. When you chose your AC, it said it was final, and it should stay that way.


AC's are basically completely different classes despite what you may think. Some more than others, and the gearing alone would be a nightmare, so hell no.

Not really, it's easy enough to get geared up in this game. This is seen by tons of people having their companion be geared up in either pvp gear so they can switch between pvp and pve sets (another issue I have with this game).

If you're only moderately lucky you can still get rakata geared in like 3-4 weeks tops. Bam, you're at the top of the ladder, now what?

Would be nice if we could rotate in new people or I could start over or get run through ops/fps and re-gear up and fill a different role than just "healer or dps, but not tanking even though councilor's can tank and you're a councilor."

If you're not going to make ACs switchable, then put them in place from level 1, and open up the skill trees at level 10, not the AC class/tree choices at 10


The only reason there are ACs is so they'd only have to write 8 class stories instead of 16. When you chose your AC, it said it was final, and it should stay that way.

Agree completely. The problem is they called them "Advanced" classes. In MMO's people accept the idea of not being able to change your class, but are used to being able to change everything above that level. But since they called them advanced classes, people feel they should be able to change them like talent specs.

They should have called the starting class "archetype' and your AC should be your 'class'. But i guess its to late now. We have to get people used to the new terminology.

Though it also doesn't help that choosing your AC doesn't seem like a huge deal. They could have built it up a bit more, let you think about it for a few levels. Instead its just like " Oh, and decide your AC too while your on fleet."
A new storyline that covers the same exact content anyways.

When you level up alts in most games, you rip through the content as fast as possible just to reach level cap. People keep talking about the "story". Are you seriously going to level up another class just for the story? Or are you going to do it so you can have alts with different characteristics / different play style?

Most of the stories are bad anyway.


When you level up alts in most games, you rip through the content as fast as possible just to reach level cap. People keep talking about the "story". Are you seriously going to level up another class just for the story? Or are you going to do it so you can have alts with different characteristics / different play style?

Most of the stories are bad anyway.
The latter. I don't really like the sidequests and the main story is just typical bioware dribble anyways.
The latter. I don't really like the sidequests and the main story is just typical bioware dribble anyways.

What do you like about the game then that you are even bothering with it or care? Seems like alot bugs you about it, but even then for people that didn't like much of the game, played it mainly for story purposes. Just trying to fill in the MMO void till the next comes along?


Probably. I like rift a lot but I like the things that swtor does too. I like wow and everyone plays that and it's by far the most polished and refined but I'm sick of that game and I only played it for most of wrath and part of cata.
The latter. I don't really like the sidequests and the main story is just typical bioware dribble anyways.

Yea, that's exactly my point. I don't buy the whole "I don't want to play through the same story again" line, because if you're like me, you're just spacebaring past all the garbage anyway just to get your guy to 50.


All my alts that I've created have been for story reasons. Not that they're the best stories, but they provide me a reason for continuing.

Of course, for my Republic alts, I've been spacebar-ing the sidequests, but for the class story, I'm still letting it run through.
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