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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT2| GL HF GG

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Yes, I know about graviton beam and mineral harass/ovie hunting. I was trying to hold onto them to unleash in the battle against his mutas, after that one error of judgement to kill one overlord scouting my expo. But when you go into battle against ~15 roaches and 20 hydras with a handful of lings, and your army is 10 zealots, an immortal, 4 stalkers and 8 phoenixes...well, even the best graviton beams won't help. I really did not expect those hydras and it cost me my entire army.

I understand how to use the unit. I just made a lot of mistakes and didn't scout further after I saw the spire (had an Obs in his base and didn't use it, either to look for more tech or to find out where his army was). So I ran my entire force directly into overwhelming numbers and got stomped. It was a sad sight and a clear example of throwing away a game for no apparent reason based on a hunch (that turned out being completely wrong). The question is did I learn from it and will I scout more in the future, and I'm hoping the answer is yes.

EDIT: Lol 6-pool on Shakuras plateau. Long ass rush distance meant I had one zealot complete and two more being made with about 14 probes when the first wave hit. Sim-citied my main so there was only one choke into the mineral line and watched as my probes ate zerglings for breakfast. Sent the 3 zealots to the ramp and then counterattacked with 5, crushing a force massing in the middle of the map. Once killed, I go into 4-gate and go for the proxy push. Get to his main and...5 workers, no queen. He didn't even try to do anything different after it failed. Laughed at him and called him a scrub in my head.

Then I checked his stats and the guy had like 8 games played and was platinum with 32 points. He played through all 50 practice league matches and now he is playing opponents who don't die to the first attack and know how to build more than a supply depot. I almost feel bad.

Now while writing this I checked his stats again and he's already played 2 games and won them both in less than 10 minutes. He is 6-pooling every game. Guess a lot of people don't know how to defend it.


Alot of people arent so lucky with a long 1v1 map distance. I feel like I have to go 10gate everytime now against zerg after the zealot nerf. Otherwise with a 12gate my zealot always comes out JUST as the lings pass my ramp. It sucks.
Yeah, I got lucky in that I scouted the right base first. Shakura's makes that a bit easier by only making it 2 possible spawns instead of 3 for a 4 spawn map, but still lucky. If I had scouted the wrong base I wouldnt have had the second gateway up and producing zealots in time for the first rush, but 14-15 probes with even 1 zealot should be able to handle 6 lings easy. And I went a standard 12 gate into 13 gate I think, pretty solid response on my part if I do say so myself.

Holding a 6-Pool
I just like putting replays up because it makes me feel like I'm special!
stomped 2 guys in 2 vs. 2 even though my partner quit at the first sign of trouble, waltzed through his base with a modest army of 20 dudes while his shitty excuse for an army floored mine. His partner was very underprepared and I had rinsed his economy with banshees.

(excuse the his it's easier)

But just because I didn't rebuild my base I lost the game, the score board said I was ahead by miles. So unfair.


Pyke Presco said:
Yes, I know about graviton beam and mineral harass/ovie hunting. I was trying to hold onto them to unleash in the battle against his mutas, after that one error of judgement to kill one overlord scouting my expo. But when you go into battle against ~15 roaches and 20 hydras with a handful of lings, and your army is 10 zealots, an immortal, 4 stalkers and 8 phoenixes...well, even the best graviton beams won't help. I really did not expect those hydras and it cost me my entire army.

I understand how to use the unit. I just made a lot of mistakes and didn't scout further after I saw the spire (had an Obs in his base and didn't use it, either to look for more tech or to find out where his army was). So I ran my entire force directly into overwhelming numbers and got stomped. It was a sad sight and a clear example of throwing away a game for no apparent reason based on a hunch (that turned out being completely wrong). The question is did I learn from it and will I scout more in the future, and I'm hoping the answer is yes.

Just reminding you that it is very easy for a zerg player to tech switch from Muta to Hydras/Roaches. Normally a zerg player would go two base with 4 gas so he'll be ready to put that spire down. Meaning he'll have a ton of gas to produce a LOT of grounds units fast. Muta/ling isn't as effective against brotoss though. I rarely go that route unless the rush distance is far.

Did he catch your observer? That would be the only reason why he would tech switch. So definitely scout more often.
Nah, he didnt spot the observer. I gave away my response by using the first two phoenixes to pick off an overlord at my natural, then after revealing I had phoenixes, foolishly decided to build 6 more thinking he would still make mutas.

Also, I didnt scout with the observer after seeing the spire, just assumed he would make mutas and didnt even consider the possibility of making a hydra den. Like I said, a terrible play and bad decision making on my part.


Went on a nice winning streak yesterday. Most games with heavy roach play. Can't wait when they get buffed :eek:

The last game was crazy with me massing dem roaches and opponent rushing to Templars. I was completely surprised by them, but managed to keep my roaches alive by burrow-moving under the blanket-stroming. So awesome. The opponent even commended my play :b

Got stomped by marine hellion rush in one game. That's instawin if you don't get banes...


cant stand goddamn cheese. i play 4v4 with friends and we got like double 6 pooled, cannon rushed, and then void ray rushed after we barely clawed our way back. we scouted just a little too late. finally saw the forge in their base right when the probe was coming up the ramp to lay a photon down.


Ashhong said:
cant stand goddamn cheese. i play 4v4 with friends and we got like double 6 pooled, cannon rushed, and then void ray rushed after we barely clawed our way back. we scouted just a little too late. finally saw the forge in their base right when the probe was coming up the ramp to lay a photon down.

Your goddamn fault.
Ashhong said:
cant stand goddamn cheese. i play 4v4 with friends and we got like double 6 pooled, cannon rushed, and then void ray rushed after we barely clawed our way back. we scouted just a little too late. finally saw the forge in their base right when the probe was coming up the ramp to lay a photon down.

<3 4v4s. Even in diamond there's tons of cheese. I play it for the lols.


Unconfirmed Member
Ashhong said:
:/ Well my friends wanted to play but we dont like playing against each other. What else can we do?!

Yeah I don't think 4v4 games ever turn out to be real games, even you end up sharing bases with your teammates. Even 3v3's usually devolve into photon rushes/2 gate pushes. Just start playing round-robin's where you guys do 2v2 against each other in different match-up's. Since your all friends, there shouldn't be much pressure to win, so you can still have fun, but if one of you cheeses, you all shun him to oblivion.
I have 2 friends that are the exact same. These are the same two guys who convinced me to buy the game in the first place because they wanted to play so much. Now they don't play at all, and when they do, they refuse to play 1v1. Will only do 2v2s, 3v3s and 4v4s, and they refuse to use a mic. It drives me up the fucking wall playing team games with them, there is no coordination, and the one guy ALWAYS lifts his base to an island or something and then (very slowly) techs to like 8 banshees before attacking. Pretty much every time. skips any other units and gets banshees, without fail. I mean, banshees are awesome, but...

Played a 2v2 with him yesterday on Kulas Ravine, he lifts behind the rocks above his main and starts his tech. I go for a standard 4 warpgate, and then at the 7 minute mark I get overrun by both enemy players because they don't have a second player to wory about fighting and can focus us down one at a time. He had like 12 workers and a starport just going up, because he wasted time getting up there first and was about a minute behind, plus sloppy play to begin with. He just says "Huh, my plan didn't work." Well no shit moron, they scouted that you had no base and figured out they only had to fight one of us at a time.

Or we play 3v3s and they get cannon rushed one game, so the next 4 games they try to do the same thing and fail miserably, and then we lose badly because they have nothing in their base. Playing team games with them is an exercise in frustration, and I hate it so much. I perform better in random team games than with my "team" because the random players at least try to do something relatively reasonable like attack with roaches or build an MMM ball. Teching to banshees/battlecruisers or going for a nydus push with infestors and hydras...not terribly great strategies in team games when the entire format is loaded with cheese, proxies and game ending rushes.

Team games are not real games, plain and simple. Play it for the lulz or you're just asking for trouble.


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me and CryptiK just had an EPIC game of Shadow Assault.

Planned out the final battle well, we had 3 ghosts and 5 spectres.

He sends in 2 clones top and bottom to scout out the location of the detectors, we then send 5 clones in as decoys and rush in and take out the detectors then back out.

then another rush in, this time to decimate the forces on the lower half of Odins area.

losses were taken. 2 brave spectres down.

we place a ghost on the area left of Odin for nuke dropping, and try a few, useless, odin wont follow the clones long enough, or he kills them too quickly for him to stay in the nuke area. and he seems to like staying RIGHT near the entrance, so its trouble for us.

then we're about to go in again. CryptiK's fucking computer restarts!

so there I am, a proud Gold/Bronze leaguer left with the fate of the world in my hand, I send a Ghost up to the door opening area that is right near where Odin parks. knowing I can get a perfect nuke drop on him.. I rush in guns blazing, Nuke firing.. it lands.. It takes out Odin.. I celebrate, on my own I've conquered the mighty beast. Then It dawns on me.. We didn't even touch the forces on the upper side.. Rushing in to take out the observer right up the top I lose another 4 men.

Down to the ghost whom was on the ledge. and one injured Spectre.

This is It, victory has come. Messages between CryptiK and myself over Steam and Sc2 "FUCK YES. WE FUCKING DID IT" then it dawns on me.

We still have 2 fucking scientists to find.

I start with the ghost in the top half.. I just grab him, slap on cloak.. then click somewhere on the left of the map, think he'll be ok.

Then I take the spectre and start looking.

all of a sudden "your forces are under attack"

A fucking Thor under an observer thing out of FUCKING NO WHERE takes out my ghost.

Go little Spectre go.

Then I find these mighty Scientists, working hard. working dilligently. and BOOM HEADSHOT.

Victory to Syth and CryptiK.

(its 3am.. that game took us 1.5 hours ;_; I'm a little over excited)

Bring on Shadow Assault Next!

3:26 AM - CryptiK: oi
3:26 AM - CryptiK: mention I was MVP bitch

also @ MrMister, did you get enough help for 2? I know you needed voice actors? CryptiK's keen (he's currently banned lol)


I hope Day9 goes through more 3v3/4v4 one-unit only games. My friend submitted a game where he massed overseers, and not only was he constantly contaminating, but he would mass changlings at ramps so when the opponent wants to move out of his base, he would have to specifically right-click on each of em.



StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.1.2


* Players will no longer receive achievement toasts while their status is set to "Busy."
* The messaging when attempting to load a saved game or replay from a previous version has been clarified
* Adjusted the amount of points earned and lost by random team participants to properly reflect the strength of a player's teammates.


o Buildings
+ Nexus life and shields increased from 750/750 to 1000/1000.
o Void Ray
+ Damage level 1 increased from 5 to 6 (+4 armored).
+ Damage level 2 decreased from 10 (+15 armored) to 8 (+8 armored).
+ Flux Vanes speed upgrade bonus decreased from 1.125 to 0.703.

o Buildings
+ Barracks requirement changed from Command Center to Supply Depot.
+ Supply Depot life increased from 350 to 400.
o Medivac
+ Acceleration reduced from 2.315 to 2.25.
+ Speed reduced from 2.75 to 2.5.
o Reaper
+ Nitro Packs speed upgrade now has a Factory Requirement.
o Thor
+ Energy bar removed.
+ 250mm Strike Cannons is now cooldown-based on a 50-second cooldown. Ability starts with cooldown available (useable immediately after upgrade is researched).

o Buildings
+ Hatchery life increased from 1250 to 1500.
+ Lair life increased from 1800 to 2000.
+ Spawning Pool life increased from 750 to 1000.
+ Spire life increased from 600 to 850.
+ Ultralisk Cavern life increased from 600 to 850.
o Corruptor
+ Energy bar removed.
+ Corruption is now cooldown-based on a 45-second cooldown. Ability starts with cooldown expired (must wait for full 45-second cycle before usable).
o Infestor
+ Fungal Growth now prevents Blink.
o Roach
+ Range increased from 3 to 4.

Bug Fixes

* Fixed an issue where players could not cast the Feedback spell on Point Defense Drones.
* Fixed an issue where the Phoenix would continue to channel Graviton Beam after the target died.
* Fixed an issue that would cause Larvae to spawn and be hidden behind Zerg eggs.
* Fixed an issue where players were unable to navigate to the Single Player page or watch replays after canceling map downloads from the queue.
* Fixed a desync that could occur on user-created maps with custom mod dependencies.


So I guess they didn't like people feedbacking Corruptors and Thors?

So is that a Void Ray damage buff? Since I guess the level 3 damage is unchanged?

Edit: Nevermind, I guess the Stage 2 of charging doesn't change the damage, so that was actually a nerf to charged VRs.


Is anyone else kind of disapointed with what Funday monday is? When it first started (No Queens) it seemed like he was going to impose restrictions that were interesting, and educational in some way (Who would have thought that this could happen if we were doing this). Instead he seemingly is imposing wacky restrictions for the sake of making something really silly, fair enough, but he's also purposefully choosing to show us replays that are meaningless as far as learning anything from them goes (Like the Terran Funday imparticular where he said "Yeah there were some smart replays I saw that we're doing things, but the point of funday monday is to be inane).

Carrier First and No queens are the only two that have been worth anything, or entertaining, for me.


Yeah, the FFA one isn't very fun either. By the time you get to the second or third person you have a smaller amount of units (since you've been killing AaronAAaronson) and they have 27 carriers or something ridiculous like that.

I hope he gets back to a 1v1 idea for the next monday.


I want a tag give me a tag
Patch might be borked.

Downloaded new patch, logged in, now I can't play multiplayer on SEA (tells me i need to download the new patch!) or cant even log into NA (tells me I have a version that your server doesn't accept yet)
Slower medivacs+stronger buildings=more time to react appropriately to drop play. I like it.

Weaker void rays are an interesting choice, but I almost never use them anyway. Maybe this will push more people to try carriers instead of just relying on the VR for the big damage air unit.

I still don't think the Terran nerfs were necessary, but then I play Protoss and a stalker is usually out on a reaper unless its like a proxy 8-rax, which is such a rare occurrence that I disregard it as unimportant. Maybe this will really help Zerg players in early game, I don't know.

Too bad about energy on corrupters and thors. Thors always had SOOOO much energy to feedback because I never see the cannon used. It was good fun.
Syth_Blade22 said:
Patch might be borked.

Downloaded new patch, logged in, now I can't play multiplayer on SEA (tells me i need to download the new patch!) or cant even log into NA (tells me I have a version that your server doesn't accept yet)
It's still maintenance time probably.


I want a tag give me a tag
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
It's still maintenance time probably.


just testing the new shit against the AI with cheats on to spam them out and check for any initial glitches :) fun fun


Maleficence said:
The indirect nerfing of feedback is annoying, though I never really use it. (probably should)

Feedbacking Medivacs and Banshees is one of the most satisfying things in SC2 you can do. I'd try it out some time.
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