I agree with everything you said, but Hydra has had a decent amount of anti ans (for some reason) because he's so aggressive, I would have liked to see him make it to Code S as he's very good (obviously).
I hope so that Dayshi makes it. Lol San not going for storm.
Surprised this is Dayshi's first round of 16. He's been pretty solid for a while.
Stream: WCS America
HyuN already made it through.
TheStC vs Revival about to start.
I just realized Bomber vs Jaedong is tomorrow and I'm gonna be in class when it goes live.... fuck everything. ;_;
Thats why we have VODs bro. Have faith! Bomber has it since he manhandled Jim like he was a nobody and his TvZ is still great.
I missed the beginning of that game but holy shit, weirdest ZvZ ever. Revival lost his whole main AND his whole natural and still won because of the ridiculous amount of Spores in his only base.
stuchiu said:That was like watching Revival cross the street and then a car is about to hit him. Then BAM, the car explodes, but the debris are flying everywhere, but Revival fucking dodges only to hit his head into a fire hydrant. He then gets up and is mugged by guys with guns and is about to get shot but then one of the thugs backstabs his friends and Revival gets the fuck out of there, but is then chased by a pack of ravenous dogs. He crashes through a butcher shop, throws the meat at the ravenous dogs to only have the butcher try to stab him, only to have the previous thugs start shooting up the butcher and the police coming in to shoot the thugs. After surviving all of that Revival, walks home to only have a piano fall out of the sky and almost land on top of him until mutas swoop in from nowhere and die for him.
Life so good against blink all-ins. Helps that YoungHwa sucks at blinking but still.
Younghwa showed incredible blink micro in those games. It was everywhere else he struggled (namely doing those builds in the first place).
that revival vs byul was a thing of a beauty
i was laughing too hard towards the end