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STARFIELD |OT| 2023: A Space Toddity


Gold Member

Bitch watched too many Seinfeld.



Gold Member
So I'm like below 20h still and game became easy as fuck, with health upgraded to max, mantis armor and powerful rifle I found on some pirate enemies just die after 2 shots max.

I usually play on normal but this is even below that lol
Very hard is the only way to play this game to have a small resemblance of challenge once every couple of hours when you are surrounded by 4 spaceships and you haven't put a single point in spaceship perks :lollipop_squinting:

Some mmm...abilities you get during the campaign are also extremely op, thank god i'm a stupid fuck and i forget to have them half the time :lollipop_squinting:

I have to install that IA mod someone posted.

I love doing the devs job:messenger_sunglasses:
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but New Atlantis is where the shit really hits the fan. Even on lowest settings, VRS On, DRS On, Motion Blur and Depth of Field Off, and FSR2 set to 50% the majority of the time the Deck can only run it 18-22fps. In Neon you can get away with 27-30fps most of the time in heavily crowded areas. More remote portions of the game play at 50-60fps. It's the cities that really nuke it. Bummer.
I found this mod that improves performance without ruining quality: https://steamdeckhq.com/news/stable-30-fps-in-starfield-on-steam-deck-mod/

I installed Cryo Utilities and let it set the recommended settings and set the UMA frame buffer window to 4 GB and then installed the UI mod and the custom settings ini mod choosing the version with shadows (they also include a version that disables shadows completely), deleted all the pre compiled shaders in the shader cache, and then loaded the game, switched preset to Medium then back to Low and customised from there. I did NOT install the texture mod that recompresses and resizes a lot of textures (it is still experimental and might degrade the texture quality too much… I will let the modder and Bethesda take a bit more time with updates and fixes and experiments before going down this route).

Switching to Proton experimental (same mods setup as I mentioned) and tweaking some params (as you can see in the other screenshots) I get 30 to 60 FPS indoors (capped at 30 FPS for consistency) and 19-25 FPS (even 27-29 FPS when looking at some structures and the resource intensive part of the city) when outside in a big city like New Atlantis… I would say that 22-24 FPS is the bit more common range there. I ended up re-enabling motion blur (LOW) because it smooths out motion splendidly (thanks id) and set shadows to Medium because at Low they had way too many artifacts (light bleeding in shadow areas, shadows being clipped by geometry, only appearing in slices sometimes when you would walk close to walls or turn the camera in certain ways, super distracting).

So, these are some screenshots and my settings (note: the screenshots were taken with Motion Blu set to LOW actually aside from that the settings menu is exactly what I show in the screenshots here… so Motion Blur on/Low, Depth of Field On, and other effects set to Medium, internal resolution to to 84%)


Settings (note: I changed Motion Blur to Low after taking the settings screenshot but before taking the city screenshots above)


It is not ideal in cities and in some heavy firefights (if the framerate is below 40 FPS motion blurs just saves the day, so I turned it on), but it is better than with the default settings.

It looks decent to good and it is kind of playable, but I hope that it gets a lot more optimisation. Some CPU bottlenecks are very very painful (a lot related to I/O it seems as they disappear after a few seconds) as it is and even when you can take a lot of the rendering features off to lighten the GPU load it feels like you are stripping off what makes it good looking to begin with… higher solid framerate at that cost is not really acceptable… I feel even the Deck can be pushed a lot more (at 84% of 1280x800 and with DRS and VRS on top).
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
Oh man. I bought a shithole in the well for 30k lol. Time to complete this quest line today.

I too felt it fell on ita arse here. Do you know if its OK to get the the point of saying you will marry her then go after someone else? that's harsh from my role playing front of my character but life is life :/ I've not even met Andreja yet, so I could play it as I just fell for someone else. 😅
Well, you would not be lying…



Been playing for roughly three hours. Really like the progress they made on the animations and overall visuals compared to F4/76. The role-playing part is kind of... meh. The Outer Worlds is hundred times better at this. Also, Starfield suffers from the same issue as TOW, like planets feel like instanced worlds with little connections to the "outside". I'd say it is a very streamlined ARPG with focus on exploration and building and crafting and looting instead of actual role play, like in Disco Elysium or, more recent one, BG3.

But so far I like for what it is doing. I'm okay with an RPG-lite from time to time where I'm not constantly torn between choices and their implications.


Gold Member
So how does it work here? i want the dress of the french chick who owns the bar in neon for Vasco, can i just follow her to her home and kill her why she sleeps and steal her robe?

If my memory doesn't trick me i swear you could do that in skyrym and maybe even fallout.

But in here i tried to kill secondary quest givers just to test the system and they don't seem to die.
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*Refreshes biennially


There’s so much to discover in this game, it’s quite overwhelming. I just hope the scanning and travelling over the surface of whatever planet becomes faster


Damn, I never really could play much with any of the previous Bethesda games before getting bored AF.. well too bad for Oblivion as it just didn't run on my PC well enought back then, was kinda hyped for that one though
Anyway I am surprised how much I could and I would enjoy this game, unless the whole navigation throughout the menu wasn't utter trash OMG .. no proper map system either wtf?? some annoying stuff is greatly holding this game back from it's full potential, stuff that should be base line for a top tier game in 2023... this is like a pretty good game that was made decades ago.. such a big miss
Not to mention PC performance.. why? I just showed my GF yesterday a quick comparison between this game, RDR2 and Cyberpunk and it was clear without question, game looks nice in some case but absolutely no match for the top tier games for half the performance in a city.. it's just sad, the game took the arrow to the knee... anyway it's just very sad to see how this well crafted game is being held back by such mistakes from it's true potential
Yep mods.. no I don't really care, a true good game is great already before mods, that's just a privilege to have anything on top of that, and some of the stuff even mods won't help..


Loved the quest started with Trevor in Cydonia (Mars).

You can actually get to blackmail the governor, who is a jerk by the way and wanted to get rid of his wife/mistress.

I studied a little bit the possibilities by reloading my game, and you can get quite a bit of money from him, lying to him to tell that you did get rid of the ship with his mistress, by lying you get to be friendly with pirates, and in the end, I brought the proofs that he had a affair and wanted to get rid of the women to the police.

I also stole from him his apartment keys and manage to explore it, there were some emails on his computer and even some personal stuff, such as him wanting to write a book and throwing his pretentious ideas on a note.



Gold Member
So I’ve genuinely gone into this game with an open mind. I initially thought it was only the constant loading and dreadful menus letting it down, but having played a few more hours, I was wrong.

The perk system makes no sense to me. Why can’t the game keep track of what I am doing throughout the game, so that I can choose the perks that I know will benefit my style, rather than have me choose what perks may or may not benefit me? Now I need to complete certain challenges to level up. How can they go from Skyrim to this, where it was more of a natural levelling system?

The main story is dreadful. I’ve basically gone from a miner to a pilot on a killing spree looking for artefacts within an hour. I’ve fast travelled to several planets to kill generic Crimson dudes, pressed x to dock with a ship to kill more Crimson dudes, had to kill some dudes in a lab to get money to pay a bartender to tell me to basically fast travel to another planet to kill some more dudes.

It isn’t even like the combat has been enjoyable - it’s serviceable. The AI is laughable - I had a main guy in a lab get stuck on a pipe doing the Irish jig while I pelted him from afar.

I’ve read that some of the side quests are great, but surely some of them could have been saved for the main quest?

Visually, the game can be really nice (shadows and lighting in particular), then a bit naff the next. New Atlantis looks pretty bad in my opinion - really basic. In any case, I haven’t seen anything that should excuse the game for not running at 60fps on Series X.


Man, the game (and role playing) is such an double-edged sword. I had a quest where I was to find out if some guys wanted to plan a robbery. I overheard them how they wanted to do it and the only option was to report back to the restaurant proprietor who sent me on that quest.
I could not a) kill those thugs and deal it on my own, b) report them to the security center around the corner, c) join them or d) make any kind of deal with them.

However, I still did try to kill them but it is only possible to knock them unconscious. My companion though was REALLY pissed and wanted nothing to do with me any more. After talking to her, she told me her point of view and from there on her text and tone was distant. So this is the good stuff. But everything else about this quest just sucks from an RPG point of view. I'm seriously on the edge not considering it an RPG at all, but a space exploration and action adventure with dialogues and a skill system.
The perk system makes no sense to me. Why can’t the game keep track of what I am doing throughout the game, so that I can choose the perks that I know will benefit my style, rather than have me choose what perks may or may not benefit me?
It'd be cool if it indeed did keep track. I mean, when I shoot my pistol I gain experience with that type of weapon... why do I have to activate that skill before gaining experience? It feels so gamey and they had a good or let's say immersive way with their Elder Scrolls games. I could accept that you still have to gain some kind of perk, like someone actually teaching you how to use weapons more efficiently, or to gain special perks you cannot aquire on your own. But a "basic" skill path without the need to level up would be nice.

But seeing how they handled level ups in F76 showed they have no clue about good level up mechanics. The designers from Skyrim and before probably left and took all their wisdom with them.
Some really creative ship designs in here. Apparently they through the kitchen sink into the ship customization.

I haven't tried it yet, I've just been doing some little quests around New Atlantis and selling everything that wasn't nailed down at the lodge. :messenger_beaming:

Any outfit or just fixed ones ?

wtf I had no idea ..
It's the same as in previous bethesda games though.

If my memory doesn't trick me i swear you could do that in skyrym and maybe even fallout.
Unlike previous bethesda games, people aren't necessarily wearing "clothes" that you can see they have equipped, so killing an npc for their outfit may not work

At some point I’ll build my own ship. But in the meantime I’m enjoying my modded Mantis.
That's cool, but I would never mod the mantis ship's look, since the background text on one of the terminals mentioned that it's the "hull that matters".

How can they go from Skyrim to this, where it was more of a natural levelling system?
Are you just gonna ignore Fallout exists? It was their last game, not Skyrim. All three franchises have different ways of improving your character; in the Elder Scrolls you gain XP by leveling skills, then as you level up you get points to distribute to improve your health etc.

In Fallout you get XP for a variety of different actions, and you get points to distribute to either train your stats or to put them in skills, cept these perks are often tied to a level of a certain stat, so starting out you'll have to specialise a bit.

In Starfield you also get XP for a variety of different actions, but leveling up only gives you points for skills, there are no stats to improve so when you say:
so that I can choose the perks that I know will benefit my style, rather than have me choose what perks may or may not benefit me?
It sounds like you are looking for the game to almost basically pigeonhole you into following a certain "upgrade path", because "I already did it".
So this system is a bit of a mix between ES and Fallout, because you are essentially leveling up already by just finding better gear and then you're free to engage with skills individually for extra abilities; I feel this way you are actually training the thing to get better, like you don't get to drive in F1 just because you drove in karts a 10000 times, you still need to get the points in other categories first.


I hope some of the targeted backlash isn't affecting the future of what the team has planned for this game, generally am hoping the morality is high for making DLC and ES6.
It’s mostly the standard platform warrior bottom of the barrel noise, I don’t think the dev team care and I think Bethesda knows perfectly well by now that there are tons of people who love it.

For me it’s literally up there fighting for the GOTY. It’s not a 10 but I didn’t even play TOTK this much in this short time period and that says something. Stayed up til 03:00 last night following some new rabbit hole. Contentwise it is insane. I’m at 65+ hours now, just did a big faction quest a second time because I wanted to see how a different approach would change the story. Aaaand I still haven’t done any base building, been planning to try it for several days now but I always end up doing something else.

Current built spaceship btw:



I got rid of Sarah as soon as I could after finishing the mission required to dismiss her. Was getting real tired of being constantly nagged by this person I hardly know. What gives her the right?

So I picked Sam Coe because it's Adam Jensen. But I swear to God, these companions...

I'm in a huge space battle between the
Crimson Fleet and the UC
, dying for the tenth time because of a difficulty spike, and Cora pipes in over the lasers, missiles, and lock-on sound effects with "Dad, where book? Teehee". Sam: "Cora, if I find one more of your books left out on the ship, so help me...teehee". I finally finish the space battle, ready to reach the climax of this hours-long quest, so I board the enemy ship and Sam goes, "Hey, you got a minute?" and wants to have a heart-to-heart about whether he's a good father. :messenger_expressionless:

Really, really enjoying this game all-in-all, but is there a companion who's not annoying?
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Gold Member
The ammont of time it takes to explore planets makes me think they just removed vehicles so it would stretch out playtime.
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World’s Biggest Weeb
I got rid of Sarah as soon as I could after finishing the mission required to dismiss her. Was getting real tired of being constantly nagged by this person I hardly know. What gives her the right?

So I picked Sam Coe because it's Adam Jensen. But I swear to God, these companions...

I'm in a huge space battle between the
Crimson Fleet and the UC
, dying for the tenth time because of a difficulty spike, and Cora pipes in over the lasers, missiles, and lock-on sound effects with "Dad, where book? Teehee". Sam: "Cora, if I find one more of your books left out on the ship, so help me...teehee". I finally finish the space battle, ready to reach the climax of this hours-long quest, so I board the enemy ship and Sam goes, "Hey, you got a minute?" and wants to have a heart-to-heart about whether he's a good father. :messenger_expressionless:

Really, really enjoying this game all-in-all, but is there a companion who's not annoying?
If you find one let me know, I’m getting tired of companions having a hissy fit whenever I don’t choose the most boring goody two shoes option.

Next run I’m picking the introvert trait + that one perk that gives you bonuses for going solo.
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I got rid of Sarah as soon as I could after finishing the mission required to dismiss her. Was getting real tired of being constantly nagged by this person I hardly know. What gives her the right?

So I picked Sam Coe because it's Adam Jensen. But I swear to God, these companions...

I'm in a huge space battle between the
Crimson Fleet and the UC
, dying for the tenth time because of a difficulty spike, and Cora pipes in over the lasers, missiles, and lock-on sound effects with "Dad, where book? Teehee". Sam: "Cora, if I find one more of your books left out on the ship, so help me...teehee". I finally finish the space battle, ready to reach the climax of this hours-long quest, so I board the enemy ship and Sam goes, "Hey, you got a minute?" and wants to have a heart-to-heart about whether he's a good father. :messenger_expressionless:

Really, really enjoying this game all-in-all, but is there a companion who's not annoying?
I'm about ready to bring back my wife in (Sarah) after bringing along Andreja for a bit. She's so ...depressing. Anyway, Sam Coe isn't bad but yeah, his daughter..... she gotta go. I'm one annoying dialogue away from sending both of them to some barren outpost moon.


World’s Biggest Weeb
Is there somewhere I can find the adoring fan? I encountered him once and told him I wasn’t recruiting him then he just went and sat down on a bench, haven’t seen him since.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Oh man. I bought a shithole in the well for 30k lol. Time to complete this quest line today.

I too felt it fell on ita arse here. Do you know if its OK to get the the point of saying you will marry her then go after someone else? that's harsh from my role playing front of my character but life is life :/ I've not even met Andreja yet, so I could play it as I just fell for someone else. 😅
If you commit or marry you need to break up/divorce I think, otherwise you’re good to go.


I got rid of Sarah as soon as I could after finishing the mission required to dismiss her. Was getting real tired of being constantly nagged by this person I hardly know. What gives her the right?

So I picked Sam Coe because it's Adam Jensen. But I swear to God, these companions...

I'm in a huge space battle between the
Crimson Fleet and the UC
, dying for the tenth time because of a difficulty spike, and Cora pipes in over the lasers, missiles, and lock-on sound effects with "Dad, where book? Teehee". Sam: "Cora, if I find one more of your books left out on the ship, so help me...teehee". I finally finish the space battle, ready to reach the climax of this hours-long quest, so I board the enemy ship and Sam goes, "Hey, you got a minute?" and wants to have a heart-to-heart about whether he's a good father. :messenger_expressionless:

Really, really enjoying this game all-in-all, but is there a companion who's not annoying?
Yeah Sarah’s personality is just plain offputting, I dumped her too. Andreja is fine I think, and Vasco of course.
All main faction quests done. The ryujin one is the biggest flop. It’s very try hard corpo stuff and giga cliche. Clearly the B team cooked this one up.

I enjoyed the other ones immensely though.

Going to wrap up the main story tonight/tomorrow and call it good for playthrough one. Got other games to get back to lol.
I haven’t done that ryujin one but why are there such varying opinions on it? A bunch of people seem to either think it’s incredible or not great


Finished the Freestar Rangers missions off and the rewards were so worth it imo, barely touched the main quest so gonna do a bit more of that next, the last Ryujin quest is really tough and I wanna stealth it, so leaving that for much later with better stun weapons I think


I haven’t done that ryujin one but why are there such varying opinions on it? A bunch of people seem to either think it’s incredible or not great
It boils down to "Do you like Deus Ex and Cyberpunk?" If so you'll lover this lite version of it, if not then you wont


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
After a lot of deliberation, I think I've finally found my main ship. Shield is a bit lower but I'm compensating by stuffing it up the wazoo with particle weaponry. No need to worry about hull or shields separately. Particle weapons tear through them both equally.





I haven't tried it, but there's now a "supercruise" mod that let's you fly between planets. It's janky as all hell but at least we know it's possible.
Is this really useful in this game though. Unless they add all kinds of sim flight gameplay mechanics like Elite Dangerous, that make it challenging and fun, it seems like it's just lengthening the flight time between planets with a dumbed down mechanic.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I haven’t done that ryujin one but why are there such varying opinions on it? A bunch of people seem to either think it’s incredible or not great
I think when compared to the other main factions ones it has the least amount of interesting combat available, the characters are very trope, the outcomes are very much who gives a shit, and stealth in this game is whack anyway and this tries to funnel you into that a couple times.

It also pulls back the curtain by very obviously making you go from A to B just to talk to someone with nothing interesting between. It does it rapid fire back to back too.

It just felt like the B team made it or they needed another main faction quest and extended one that wasn’t ever supposed to be.


will developers ever be able to come up with enemies better than "huge bugs" come on this shit is so old now

"OK, brainstorming session. I've got it, we'll create this huge disgusting BUG lair with lots of HUGE disgusting bugs and use all kind of gross noises that sound like gross bugs. Brilliant!"
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Quite enjoying the Ryujin quests at the moment. I haven't gotten that far into them, maybe just like 4 missions or so. They're pretty quick but still pretty enjoyable. Between starting that and finishing the Freestar questline, I got to explore Neon a bit more. It's like a mix of Night City and Omega from Mass Effect. Super cool looking.


What I find pretty cool is that most people you meet along the way are Americans, Russians, Indians, Chinese, etc - people from countries that have a space program in our time. I would imagine that if you had to evacuate Earth, they would get the first dibs. Obviously their accents would change and evolve, but that would be asking too much from a game.
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