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STARFIELD |OT| 2023: A Space Toddity



Imagine seeing something like that in Earth's sky lol.
Strolled outside of the big city, I know it was a concern that the map was tiled and all that but I think it’s pretty cool that the city can be seen far out and you still see spaceships go in and out.



Oh and I finally started building my first base, after 90 hours. Can already see me spending far too much time on this, the No Man’s Sky vibes are kicking in!


Love the setting you chose. It is a beautiful game in its best looking spots, that can get lost on some of the rocky moons.

Just unlocked the "Unearthed" quest. I'm taking a break from the campaign now to trying working on some of the faction quests. Having a blast with it at about 30hrs in. It's too bad that each of the major cities weren't more seamless, that's my only major gripe, but the great parts far outweigh the annoyances for me so far.
Constellation Clown Crew expects you to be a Jedi Master. Any time you try to embrace the Dark Side they flip out on you like you killed their dog.

IKR, "That's murder!" seems to be one of their favorite lines, though they don't like it when I put my klepto skills to use either. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Buggy Loop

Gold Member

I think this game was hastily thrown under the bus for graphics, almost feels like a targeted astroturfing campaign. The more i play the more impressed i am with it.
Yes you can find rough spots, but overall, its a lot more positive than the reviews let out. 53 hours in, barely scratched the surface. I think the game suffered from reviewer marathon. If you beat this in under 40 hours, i can't imagine having fun to rush through it. Probably skipping almost every scenes.

I think in due time, it'll be held in higher regards.

I think this game was hastily thrown under the bus for graphics, almost feels like a targeted astroturfing campaign. The more i play the more impressed i am with it.
Yes you can find rough spots, but overall, its a lot more positive than the reviews let out. 53 hours in, barely scratched the surface. I think the game suffered from reviewer marathon. If you beat this in under 40 hours, i can't imagine having fun to rush through it. Probably skipping almost every scenes.

I think in due time, it'll be held in higher regards.

I agree. It will be one of those games that will be seen as far better than the Meta made out.
I'm about 60 hours in and ma6be have done 20% of it.
I haven't started outpost building, I haven't touched my ship yet, and I haven't even come across alot of the things people talk about.
It's huge, and there are so many different directions you can go.
Anyone who likes RPGs, excellent storyline and action, will enjoy this game.
And as you say, there are some parts of this game which look stunning.


I managed to get a few hours in yesterday, I'm loving it and where the game takes me. I constantly get suprised where I end up. Don't really get the criticism on the exploring aspect.
The reviews say the exploration is non existent and so do the sheep. But exploration in starfield feels like true exploration and it makes for unique moments that only happened to you. Or feel like they have. The procedural parts are my favourite aspect of the game.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
The more I play the less I am impressed with it as an RPG and as an action game. It's a decent exploration game and that is all, which unfortunately leaves it a distracted and thus inferior exploration game to other dedicated exploration games.

1) There is way too little combat. You seriously fight like 10 enemies or 3 ships at a time and every time it takes minimum one hour of yapping about the extreme dangers of the mission ahead of time. It's a total joke. All the more when the quest lines supposedly have you changing the fate of civilizations or something but it's just these absolute tiny little skirmishes that did it for them? I can't buy it. It basically ruins the story when there is so little threat to be overcome. It makes the game boring when you spend an hour talking about what you solve in 5 minutes. This isn't like Elder Scrolls where it is your personal encounters or Fallout where it is small teams of scrappers, it is supposed to be entire civilizations with large standing militaries. There is absolutely nothing to make it actually feel that way.

2) This leads to a second issue where it also completely wastes all the very extensive amount of work it takes to develop your skills. Why did you even develop them? There is a lot of really cool stuff here and you barely get to use it at all. Just one handful of total scrubs at a time makes getting all these abilities completely pointless. Melee also kinda sucks even at high level.

3) Your companions are awful. They just are. Their perspectives are ridiculously narrow and your character completely sucks at saying anything that might broaden their perspectives. One example from end of UC Vanguard line:
None of them like you keeping the plant in existence. Your character can't come up with the notion that if the plant can cause this process, shouldn't we study it to understand how that process happens to prevent other such things from happening? And don't we want to understand the mind attacks to defend ourselves from that?
But no, you just leave them to think only in incredibly small and immediate terms, which just doesn't fit the attitude that people pushing the boundaries of human understanding should have. It might have been somewhat tolerable if they were different from each other, but they almost always agree with each other and want to take the same approach. They also do dumb shit like stand behind you and throw a grenade at your feet instead of the enemy 30 yards away, walk right in front of you while you are blasting high explosives, go into full-on blasting mode when enemies go into caution (but don't know your position) after you successfully stealth kill one.

4) Somehow everyone at Constellation magically knows everything you know, even completely top secret classified shit that only you were given access to know. I think if you marry one of them it can make sense you shared with your spouse, but there is no reason for them all to know that shit when they've been sitting around at the lodge and your character was sworn to secrecy over information that could strongly impact all humanity.

5) The economy/commerce completely sucks and it makes any sort of buying/selling/transport/smuggling a massive waste of time. You sell for 10% of the buying price? For everything? Always? Really? And even if you're like yes, I want to go through all that trouble for no reason, you meet a second layer of trouble in the fact vendors only even have a small amount of pocket change to buy from you, so you have to sleep spam or travel all around the galaxy to offload since apparently the biggest trading empire of the entire galaxy is fucking broke. Getting ships is also pointless since they have a "registration fee" that is like 85% of the value. Maxing security and simply finding money is no exaggeration minimum 100x faster than trying to make it any other way. This makes entire career paths they crafted for the game meaningless. It's like they were so concerned over controlling the economy of this SINGLE PLAYER GAME that they had to slap up massive "no fun allowed" barriers everywhere. Truly mind boggling.

6) The last annoying thing about this is it is playing out the way it does with Ubisoft games, where it totally seemed like it was going to gain steam and start popping off when you developed things a bit more, but then it doesn't really start hitting you till you're 100 hours in that no, the slog will actually not ever speed up or lead anywhere and this is just how they made the game to be. It leaves you feeling deceived and robbed of your time. Had I known how completely meaningless 80% of this stuff I was bothering with would prove to be in the end, I would have just torn through missions for the story at least.

Yet even if I had the foreknowledge to do that, the lacking execution of the story is the very thing that makes the rest meaningless, so it would simply disappoint me faster than doing it the full-development way. It's one of the most deceptive games I've ever played. I can't really call it empty, but it ultimately isn't fulfilling. It is a casual game to be appreciated for its more entertaining casual moments, which all happen on faction quests when your idiot companions aren't talking. That is all.
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Gold Member
It's an ongoing quest that is in tandem with that quest line - you can trigger it several different times along the way through that quest line. It should disappear once you resolve the final quest in the quest line it's connected to, though.

I even looked at a few youtube videos on the quest and it seems to appear after "breaking the bank"

My questline log looks like this:
The more I play the less I am impressed with it as an RPG and as an action game. It's a decent exploration game and that is all, which unfortunately leaves it a distracted and thus inferior exploration game to other dedicated exploration games.

1) There is way too little combat. You seriously fight like 10 enemies or 3 ships at a time and every time it takes minimum one hour of yapping about the extreme dangers of the mission ahead of time. It's a total joke. All the more when the quest lines supposedly have to changing the fate of civilizations or something but it's just these absolute tiny little skirmishes that did it for them? I can't buy it. It basically ruins the story when there is so little threat to be overcome. It makes the game boring when you spend an hour talking about what you solve in 5 minutes. This isn't like Elder Scrolls where it is your personal encounters or Fallout where it is small teams of scrappers, it is supposed to be entire civilizations with large standing militaries. There is absolutely nothing to make it actually feel that way.

2) This leads to a second issue where it also completely wastes all the very extensive amount of work it takes to develop your skills. Why did you even develop them? There is a lot of really cool stuff here and you barely get to use it at all. Just one handful of total scrubs at a time makes getting all these abilities completely pointless. Melee also kinda sucks even at high level.

3) Your companions are awful. They just are. Their perspectives are ridiculously narrow and your character completely sucks at saying anything that might broaden their perspectives. One example from end of UC Vanguard line:
None of them like you keeping the plant in existence. Your character can't come up with the notion that if the plant can cause this process, shouldn't we study it to understand how that process happens to prevent other such things from happening? And don't we want to understand the mind attacks to defend ourselves from that?
But no, you just leave them to think only in incredibly small and immediate terms, which just doesn't fit the attitude that people pushing the boundaries of human understanding should have. It might have been somewhat tolerable if they were different from each other, but they almost always agree with each other and want to take the same approach. They also do dumb shit like stand behind you and throw a grenade at your feet instead of the enemy 30 yards away, walk right in front of you while you are blasting high explosives, go into full-on blasting mode when enemies go into caution (but don't know your position) after you successfully stealth kill one.

4) Somehow everyone at Constellation magically knows everything you know, even completely top secret classified shit that only you were given access to know. I think if you marry one of them it can make sense you shared with your spouse, but there is no reason for them all to know that shit when they've been sitting around at the lodge and your character was sworn to secrecy over information that could strongly impact all humanity.

5) The economy/commerce completely sucks and it makes any sort of buying/selling/transport/smuggling a massive waste of time. You sell for 10% of the buying price? For everything? Always? Really? And even if you're like yes, I want to go through all that trouble for no reason, you meet a second layer of trouble in the fact vendors only even have a small amount of pocket change to buy from you, so you have to sleep spam or travel all around the galaxy to offload since apparently the biggest trading empire of the entire galaxy is fucking broke. Getting ships is also pointless since they have a "registration fee" that is like 85% of the value. Maxing security and simply finding money is no exaggeration minimum 100x faster than trying to make it any other way. This makes entire career paths they crafted for the game meaningless. It's like they were so concerned over controlling the economy of this SINGLE PLAYER GAME that they had to slap up massive "no fun allowed" barriers everywhere. Truly mind boggling.

6) The last annoying thing about this is it is playing out the way it does with Ubisoft games, where it totally seemed like it was going to gain steam and start popping off when you developed things a bit more, but then it doesn't really start hitting you till you're 100 hours in that no, the slog will actually not ever speed up or lead anywhere and this is just how they made the game to be. It leaves you feeling deceived and robbed of your time. Had I known how completely meaningless 80% of this stuff I was bothering with would prove to be in the end, I would have just torn through missions for the story at least.

Yet even if I had the foreknowledge to do that, the lacking execution of the story is the very thing that makes the rest meaningless, so it would simply disappoint me faster than doing it the full-development way. It's one of the most deceptive games I've ever played. I can't really call it empty, but it ultimately isn't fulfilling. It is a casual game to be appreciated for its more entertaining casual moments, which all happen on faction quests when your idiot companions aren't talking. That is all.

I think Starfield is a bit like lego, make your own fun, or not.

I'm hoping some big action set pieces for space battles around moons/planets and docking/infiltrating so ship/fps interplay has more to do and a larger impact. Hopefully there is more cohesion and friction amongst the universe for me to dive into.

I'd also kill for this universe to be shared via coop or 3-5 fireman team etc. Honestly feels like Starfield could have gone the Destiny public/shared spaces route in cities and battles you choose to be part of or not. The 3 squads in public areas or raids/dungeons type gameplay would have upgraded Starfield to something else indeed. Solo as much as you want, wander into "safe spaces", risk "non-safe public spaces", without joining a faction engage in battles or power struggles as you come across them etc.

There's a lot of room in this game to drive things in so many ways. It also leaves lots of room for incomplete elements or missteps for the gamer's experience. It's simultaneously Starfield's strength and weakness all in one.
I even looked at a few youtube videos on the quest and it seems to appear after "breaking the bank"

My questline log looks like this:
Pretty sure for me it appeared as soon as I started the whole quest line - since both of those NPCs are in the same spot (UC Vigilance). As you go through the quests that they want you to do, you acquire certain things that you can give to the woman to move that quest along, there are 3 or 4 items/informations I think total.

Yeah, that looks fine. There are still more things to do, so that quest won't disappear until you're completely done.


I’ve finished this after 26 hours of playtime. I couldn’t wait for it to end. Although saying that, it didn’t really ‘end’ but I don’t want to spoil the story for you people who are still enjoying this.

When I was a young man, I loved Bethesda games. But I’ve realised that they just aren’t for me anymore. They feel and look like a game from a bygone era. The clunky menus, extreme amount of fast travelling and bland, copy and paste planets made me crave a game which isn’t overlooked by Todd Howard.

There were bits I liked. But a very underwhelming experience in general. The voice acting is pretty bad, main quest story extremely predictable and I couldn’t care less about ANY of the companions.

Really excited for Cyberpunk next week so glad I’ve got this out of the way. Plus Game Pass are smashing it with these big releases so it didn’t cost me $80 to play it.
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Oh and forgot to add - the dialogue and NPC behaviour patterns are laughably bad at times and completely break any immersion this game has to offer,

I killed someone I shouldn’t have. Sam Coe didn’t like it. Literally a second later “I really need to talk to you”. So I indulge him. “Here, have this Potato Cube”.

The game is dumb as hell. The amount of times I’ve talked to the BACKS OF PEOPLE’S HEADS is just lol.

It basically has killed any excitement I had for ES6 because it’s gonna be more of the same.
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So, a quick snippet on this. I’d been playing on PC and this week was given a brand new Xbox X. Nice.

I loaded Starfield and noticed two differences between the PC and Xbox.

1 - when going into warp, the PC shifts into third person and you see the ship enter the rift. The Xbox version stays in first oerson

2 - the biggest one for me; loading. Loading on the Xbox is substantially slower than on the PC. And I mean, waaayyyy slower. I have a two year old PC and not the fastest of SSD’s but things just old that much quicker on the PC.

Anyway, just a quick two cents.


So I ask now the game has been out a week or so and many have had time to plough in, those of you who actually like the game (not myself) think it will have the lasting legacy that Skyrim had for you?
I don’t think so. The main story isn’t very good. They could’ve made an entire game about the UC faction quest and it would’ve been way better imo. While I haven’t completed the story I believe I’m close to the end and honestly have no desire to push through. Taking a break and returning to do the crimson fleet quest. After that I think I’ve had my fill.

Fallout 3 is my favorite Bethesda game.


Gold Member
I do agree with a few posts above where the guy is disappointed with the economy. Could have had a more robust trading game especially with the outposts. But otherwise I'm really enjoying the game. I think it will indeed have legs because Bethesda can't afford for it not to. They've alreayd said they'll be supporting and growing the game for many years. THey don't exactly do yearly game releases so this is pretty critical for them.

Trying to recall the initial response to Skyrim ... can't remember if it was a similar of trajectory of a slow start.
If you have the time I want you to explain to me like I'm a 6 year old why this is your favorite thing.
I've only "explored" 4 planets so far and it's been very underwhelming.

Yes I'm scanning stuff knowing it serves a purpose but don't really care.
I want your feedback because once I'm done with most of the quests I need an incentive to build Outposts and explore planets 😊

Thank you!
It's probably not for everyone, but I enjoy it also. Something is nice about cruising these different biomes, seeing what generates and walking around them, peacefully scanning plants and animals. I can't really describe in too much detail and I wouldn't play a game JUST about that, but it's a nice break of pace and almost a relaxing sort of activity. See the sights, get some XP, that sort of thing. Outposts are a totally different thing and I actively enjoy making the little resource farms, though to what end I'm not sure (build bigger and better outposts, maybe?), but it's also a fun break of pace but in a different direction than surveying the planets.


Gold Member
Pretty sure for me it appeared as soon as I started the whole quest line - since both of those NPCs are in the same spot (UC Vigilance). As you go through the quests that they want you to do, you acquire certain things that you can give to the woman to move that quest along, there are 3 or 4 items/informations I think total.

Yeah, that looks fine. There are still more things to do, so that quest won't disappear until you're completely done.

I gave her a bunch of stuff already but I must've missed an esential bit of evidinace somewhere.. I'll go back. Thanks for the help!


Have a strong love hate relationship with the game after loving the first 20 to 30 hours. The story has plateaued half way through and the fetch quest design is becoming more and more apparent. Going to wait for some of the PC related patches to hit before I dive back in.



I think this game was hastily thrown under the bus for graphics, almost feels like a targeted astroturfing campaign. The more i play the more impressed i am with it.
Yes you can find rough spots, but overall, its a lot more positive than the reviews let out. 53 hours in, barely scratched the surface. I think the game suffered from reviewer marathon. If you beat this in under 40 hours, i can't imagine having fun to rush through it. Probably skipping almost every scenes.

I think in due time, it'll be held in higher regards.


Can’t un see the face now 😂
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So I was surveying around random planets I hadn't been to and came across this nice little island while I was checking for water creatures (damn them!) and decided this would be the perfect place to build a little beach house (aside from the fact that the ocean is toxic and half the time the weather is toxic rain of some kind).

I love how you can build some of the modules partially over water and the ones that are completely clear glass are awesome for this, great views.


So far I've only managed to decorate the bedroom, but the rest are coming along slowly as I get materials.


Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
So I was surveying around random planets I hadn't been to and came across this nice little island while I was checking for water creatures (damn them!) and decided this would be the perfect place to build a little beach house (aside from the fact that the ocean is toxic and half the time the weather is toxic rain of some kind).

I love how you can build some of the modules partially over water and the ones that are completely clear glass are awesome for this, great views.


So far I've only managed to decorate the bedroom, but the rest are coming along slowly as I get materials.

Dang that is a great idea.


Do you get more XP for surveying higher level areas?
The XP you get from discovering traits scales with system level, and so does the XP you get from killing local fauna. 100 XP a pop for killing harmless slugs is really good, just be careful with ammo since they don’t drop any.

As far as I can tell the XP you get from fully scanning a creature doesn’t for some reason.
If you have the time I want you to explain to me like I'm a 6 year old why this is your favorite thing.
I've only "explored" 4 planets so far and it's been very underwhelming.

Yes I'm scanning stuff knowing it serves a purpose but don't really care.
I want your feedback because once I'm done with most of the quests I need an incentive to build Outposts and explore planets 😊

Thank you!
What I like about exploring planets:

- so far they all feel different from each other in some way, different creatures, biomes. They put some thought in the world generation, planets with high O2 have larger creatures and more wildlife for example. Planets with extreme conditions will have very sparse life, sometimes only around points of interest. (Moons are a different story but they take 2 mins to fully survey once you have upgraded skills);
- once you move to further systems, fast travel doesn’t cut it anymore, you actually need to think about how to get there (jump distance limitations, space routes between systems, etc) and how to come back. High level systems will also have more space encounters.
- Science skills make you feel some progression as you become more efficient at doing the survey loop. Survey skills automatically detect some traits for you, scanning immediately shows you where to find each resource, zoology makes you scan wildlife faster and another skill allows you to gravdrive further for less fuel. Scanning also reveals hostile fleets in the entire system so you can fight or avoid them if you want to.

In the end, none of this matters if you don’t like the gameplay loop of just exploring and filling check marks to complete a planet while listening to the ambient music (which is incredible) - so it’s not something everyone will enjoy.


Moderated wildly
So I ask now the game has been out a week or so and many have had time to plough in, those of you who actually like the game (not myself) think it will have the lasting legacy that Skyrim had for you?

1000% for me anyway.

The games only just started it's life. They've already said they are working on city maps and dlss is coming.

My character hasn't even gone through one new game plus yet....I'm over 100 hours in and the crimson fleet missions have got me in, can't wait to finish work and get back on it yet.

The 1000 planets will allow them to drop content in whenever they want and there's dlc coming.

This game will be around for years and I'm here for it.


Playing on box and I've reached around 60 hours worth of playtime on my main save

The game is starting to become unplayable, it crashes to dashboard when entering the menus after about an hour's worth of playtime


Gold Member
I reached a point where i need a more powerful gravengine to go into a place for a campaign mission, do you know any ship that i can buy and pilot without perks invested with a 21ly gravengine? (I already have the freestar faction ship)

I'm never gonna bother with the ship building so if that is the only way, i'm just gonna put down the game for good.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I reached a point where i need a more powerful gravengine to go into a place for a campaign mission, do you know any ship that i can buy and pilot without perks invested with a 21ly gravengine? (I already have the freestar faction ship)

I'm never gonna bother with the ship building so if that is the only way, i'm just gonna put down the game for good.
There's a skill that improves your grav drive. You could put points into that skill or hire someone for your crew at a bar with the skill--a gravdrive specialist or something along those lines. Or a Constellation member might have it, don't know off hand.


I reached a point where i need a more powerful gravengine to go into a place for a campaign mission, do you know any ship that i can buy and pilot without perks invested with a 21ly gravengine? (I already have the freestar faction ship)

I'm never gonna bother with the ship building so if that is the only way, i'm just gonna put down the game for good.
Just upgrade the grav drive on the freestar faction ship to a better one


Gold Member
Just upgrade the grav drive on the freestar faction ship to a better one
I can't, i tried.

If i go into the ship service dudes in every planet and chose improve ship i can only improve weapons and engine, i can't even select the gravengine or i just don't understand how this dumb ui work at all...

Does any spaceport has gravengines to sell? I was in new atlantis when i tried.
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John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
I can't, i tried.

If i go into the ship service dudes in every planet and chose improve ship i can only improve weapons and engine, i can't even select the gravengine or i just don't understand how this dumb ui work at all...

Does any spaceport has gravengines to sell? I was in new atlantis when I tried.
Maybe go into shipbuilder mode and replace it with a new more powerful one?

I find you hit a wall if you only choose "upgrade".


I can't, i tried.

If i go into the ship service dudes in every planet and chose improve ship i can only improve weapons and engine, i can't even select the gravengine or i just don't understand how this dumb ui work at all...

Does any spaceport has gravengines to sell? I was in new atlantis when i tried.
Just remove the old grav drive and add a new one in ship builder mode? it literally takes like 10 seconds to do
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Gold Member
Also, are you sure you can't make an intermediary jump to a system that is on the way, GymWolf GymWolf
I tried, even when i get close it just say that i need a better gravengine, it is a specific objective for this mission, you can't skip the upgrade i think, i don't wanna spoiler anything else.



its very cool. i often want to go alt tab while loading screens so great addition

itsw also annoyign game goes into menu everytime I alttab. fixes that too!
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The last...holy shit...18 days are a blur. Haven't been sucked into a game like this in a LONG time. Most fun I've had in a BGS title since Oblivion and Fallout 3. I've put in close to 60 hours, and I feel like I've barely made a dent in this bastard. It's crazy. Once people start modding in entire planets and systems, this game will probably have cool stuff to do in it until 2203.

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Am I the only one who hates the look of the Mantis armor? I keep using it though (for now) cuz of that amazing +40 carry weight. I REALLY wish they had a Halo-like armor color customization type system. It'd make the armor a bit better to look at.
Yeah it’s bad, the helmet look weird and the suit looks like it’s for a female character. Jetpack is fine.
There is a black version mod if it’s just the color you don’t like.
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